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Final Report - Executive Summary: This final project report is prepared to summarize the research project titled “Assessing evapotranspiration rate changes for proposed restoration of the forested uplands of the Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCC)” for the Desert LCC of the Bureau of Reclamation as a requirement for closing out the project. This report includes the scope of work, summary of research project, results, and conclusions.Among all of the components of the terrestrial water cycle, evapotranspiration (ET) consumes the largest amount of water. Accurate estimation of ET is very important to understand the influence of ET to the hydrologic response of recharge and runoff processes in the water...
Categories: Data, Publication; Types: Citation, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, All tags...
A Vision for the Chihuahuan Desert The Chihuahuan Desert, shared by two nations, is one of the most biologically rich desert ecoregions in the world, alive with large mammals, birds, reptiles and an unmatched diversity of cactus species. The desert’s rivers, streams and springs are considered to be of global significance, home to fish species found nowhere else on earth. Our vision is a Chihuahuan Desert where governments, local communities, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, landowners, and other stakeholders are working together to ensure that the richness and diversity of wildlife, habitats, natural communities, and ecological processes of the Chihuahuan Desert are conserved and, where necessary,...
The National Forest Management Act (NFMA) of 1976 requires every national forest or grassland managed by the U.S. Forest Service to develop and maintain a Land and Resource Management Plan (often referred to as a forest plan). The forest plan is the principle long-range guidance document for each forest or grassland, providing direction for project and activity decision making. Forest plans articulate goals and objectives, the kinds of uses that are suitable for areas of a national forest, management standards and guidelines that apply to different kinds of activities, and the designation of special areas like Research Natural Areas. Forest plans are strategic in nature and do not compel any action or authorize...
A battery of questions was developed and applied to different stakeholders immersed in knowledge of the condition and the use of grazing of grasslands. One hundred people were surveyed amongst livestock producers (both from private ranches and from communal ejidos), and students and researchers at regional institutions involved in agricultural sciences in different states of Mexico: Coahuila, Durango, San Luis Potosí, and Jalisco. The objective of the survey was to determine aspects of stakeholders’ interpretation of the condition of grasslands in their region under conditions of extensive grazing, such as soil condition, harvest efficiency, vegetation condition, openness to community organizing of grazing, capacity...
La deforestación, sobreexplotación del agua superficial y subterránea, así como de los recursos naturales en general, la contaminación, la introducción de especies invasoras y el cambio climático son causales directas de pérdida de biodiversidad que responden a factores indirectos como los demográficos, las políticas públicas inadecuadas y los desarrollos tecnológicos. El presente Plan de Acción responde a la necesidad de contar con un marco de referencia para el manejo adecuado de las especies prioritarias presentes en el estado de Chihuahua, que permita la toma de decisiones, así como el desarrollo y ejecución de políticas públicas adecuadas, para proteger, conservar y aprovechar la biodiversidad estatal de manera...
This Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) is for Fort Bliss and the United States Department of the Army (U.S. Army) in accordance with the Sikes Act Improvement Act, Department of Defense (DoD) Instruction and Manual 4715.03 Natural Resources Conservation Program, U.S. Army Regulation 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement, U.S. Army Strategy for the Environment: Sustain the Mission-Secure the Future. INRMP direction is by a recent series of Department of Defense and Department of the Army guidance memoranda on the Sikes Act and INRMPs. The purpose of this INRMP is to provide guidance for the implementation and management of natural resources on Fort Bliss during the 5-year period from...
Esta sección le ofrece seis sistemas de consulta geográfica y un módulo de solicitud de imágenes satelitales: Mosaico nacional de imágenes Muestra un continuo nacional de imágenes de satélite, formado por alrededor de 811 imágenes de 60 por 60 kilómetros, con resolución espacial de 2.5 metros. Mapas dinámicos Le permite explotar la base de datos agropecuaria y pesquera SIACON para generar sus propios mapas tematizados, seleccionando áreas específicas y manipulando capas de datos para ellas. Zonas áridas Sistema que ofrece información sobre las zonas climáticas en México, poniendo énfasis en los productos no maderables característicos de las zonas áridas. Infraestructura del sector agroalimentario Le presenta información...
Selected GIS datasets for the Southwestern Region are available for download from this page. Use of most of these files requires GIS software such as ArcGIS, ArcView, ArcInfo or ArcExplorer. Most of these datasets are provided in ArcView shapefile (shp) format. ArcExplorer, a free, basic GIS software package available from ESRI will read the data in shapefile format (ESRI and the ESRI Logo are licensed trademarks of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.). Some datasets will also have related tables that can be used with the geographic data. Tabular data will be in Microsoft Excel format. All files have been compressed with zip and can be uncompressed with programs such as WinZip. Be aware that some of the...
At the direction of the ACC, the 99th Civil Engineering Squadron, Natural and Cultural Resources Flight (99 CES/CEVN) has prepared an Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan (INRMP) to serve as a practical management guideline for the day-to-day operations and management of the natural resources on NAFB and NTTR. The INRMP incorporates natural resource management policies, available regulatory guidance documents, and current natural resource data for NAFB and NTTR to produce a practical guidance document that recognizes and respects the goals and objectives of the Nellis mission while conserving and sustaining the natural resources of both areas. To meet that end, the INRMP provides simple natural resource management...
Southern Nevada Water Authority will add new modeling and analytical capabilities to tools developed as part of a previous WaterSMART Climate Analysis Tools Grant that assessed impacts of climate change on water quality and sediment transport in Lake Mead. Project results are intended to increase an understanding of how water quality characteristics and nutrient levels in Lake Mead may be affected by climate change.
Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay shallows, tidal creek, or marsh/mudflat/upper tidal creek). Users are advised to check metadata and instrument information carefully for applicable time periods of specific data, as individual instrument deployment times vary. Marsh sediment transport experiment at China Camp - deployment of December 2014...
In 2005, the New Mexico Bureau of Land Management (BLM) launched the Restore New Mexico initiative with the goal of restoring disturbed lands on a landscape scale through an ambitious partnership approach. What began as a concept has become a widely-successful restoration and reclamation program involving numerous agencies, organizations, ranchers and industry groups. Landscape restoration in New Mexico has focused on controlling invasive brush species, improving riparian habitat, reducing woodland encroachment, and reclaiming abandoned oil and gas well pads. In many areas, historic overuse of the land has transformed fragile desert grasslands and open woodlands into virtual wastelands of creosote and mesquite,...
The Pacific Southwest Region has geospatial datasets available for download from this website. These datasets are zipped personal or file geodatabases* created using ESRI ArcGis 10.0 software. Additional descriptive information as well as data steward contact information, for each geodatabase, can be found under the metadata link. These metadata files meet the Federal Geospatial Data Committee standards for structure and content.
The comprehensive conservation plan for Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge will serve as a management tool to be used by the refuge staff and partners in the preservation and restoration of the ecosystem’s natural resources. In that regard, the plan will guide management decisions over the next 15 years and set forth strategies for achieving refuge goals and objectives within that time frame. The management actions in this document reflect a need to achieve many objectives.
Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is essential for assessments of water balance and hydrologic responses to forest restoration treatments in uplands adjacent to the Desert LCC. As part of the Four Forests Restoration Initiative, a new paired watershed study is being planned to assess the hydrologic effects of mechanically thinning and restoring a more frequent fire regime to the ponderosa pine forests of Arizona. Water and energy balances will be measured and modeled in these paired watersheds to help inform and better plan for the hydrologic responses of future forest restoration actions. Researchers at Northern Arizona University have collected six years of eddy covariance measurements of ET in the...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, All tags...
The purpose of the plowprint is to track annual grassland conversion to cropland across the Mississippi River Basin and Great Plains region, and to provide a way to measure the loss of this important habitat type, against which annual changes can be compared. This report tracks changes at the sub-regional scale, as well as in the context of the broader geography, and highlights key elements of change each year. The focus of this report is on changes in grassland conversion from 2014-2015, based on data from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Cropland Data Layer and the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Annual Crop Inventory. For this analysis, cropland is defined as any annually planted agricultural...
El estado de Chihuahua es el más extenso de la República Mexicana, representa el 12.6% del territorio del país (INEGI, 2001) y posee una amplia gama de recursos naturales de los que se desprenden diversas actividades económicas (INEGI, 2003), por lo anterior resulta indispensable la disponibilidad de información eficiente de los recursos naturales que permita el manejo adecuado de los mismos. La ley forestal de nuestro país, señala que la evaluación de los recursos naturales debe integrar “información estadística y cartográfica”, que permita conocer la dinámica del cambio de vegetación forestal, para poder evaluar las tasas de deforestación y sus principales causas (CONAFOR, 2010). Actualmente la cartografía...
Texas is home to tens of thousands of native animal and plant species. These species form the fabric of over 800 habitat types, from bottomland hardwood forests, big tooth maple canyons, to black grama grasslands. Hundreds of these species occur only in Texas and nowhere else in the world. The Wildlife Diversity Program works to conserve this fabric for the benefit of current and future generations. Our team includes experts in botany, ornithology, herpetology and invertebrate biology that provide leadership on the conservation of rare species and areas with high conservation value across the state. Regional diversity biologists provide a local resource for landowners as well as leadership within local research,...
Planning in the National Park Service guides informed and insightful decisions that provide relevant and timely direction to park management, and informs future decision-making for each national park system unit in accord with its stated mission. Planning also provides methods and tools for resolving issues in ways that minimize conflicts and promotes mutually beneficial solutions - solutions that articulate how public enjoyment of the parks can be part of a strategy for ensuring that resources are protected unimpaired for future generations. The National Park Service prepares a variety of planning and environmental documents to help guide management of park resources and visitor use and activity. The Park Planning...

map background search result map search result map Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC A Study of Climate Change Impacts on Water Quality and Internal Nutrient Recycling in Lake Mead, Arizona-Nevada Papel hidrológico-ambiental de pastizales nativos e introducidos en la cuenca alta del río Chuvíscar, Chihuahua, México Información Geoespacial Ecoregion-Based Conservation in the Chihuahuan Desert Restore New Mexico USDA Forest Service Southwestern Region GIS Datasets USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Geospatial Data National Park Service Planning, Environment & Public Comment (PEPC) United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Southwestern Region Plan Revision Cartografía de Uso de Suelo y Vegetación del Estado de Chihuahua Plan de Acción para la Conservación y Recuperación de Especies de Fauna Silvestre Prioritaria en el Estado de Chihuahua Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan Fort Bliss Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan Nellis Air Force Base Plan 126-4 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Diversity Program Perceptions of the condition of semiarid grasslands under grazing regimes in Mexico/ Percepción de la condición del pastizal  bajo pastoreo, en México semiárido The Great Plains PlowPrint Report and Publications: Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Papel hidrológico-ambiental de pastizales nativos e introducidos en la cuenca alta del río Chuvíscar, Chihuahua, México Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan Fort Bliss Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan Nellis Air Force Base Plan 126-4 Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Report and Publications: Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Restore New Mexico Plan de Acción para la Conservación y Recuperación de Especies de Fauna Silvestre Prioritaria en el Estado de Chihuahua Cartografía de Uso de Suelo y Vegetación del Estado de Chihuahua USDA Forest Service Southwestern Region GIS Datasets United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Southwestern Region Plan Revision USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Geospatial Data Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Diversity Program Ecoregion-Based Conservation in the Chihuahuan Desert Perceptions of the condition of semiarid grasslands under grazing regimes in Mexico/ Percepción de la condición del pastizal  bajo pastoreo, en México semiárido Información Geoespacial The Great Plains PlowPrint National Park Service Planning, Environment & Public Comment (PEPC)