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Winter climate change has the potential to have a large impact on coastal wetlands in the southeastern U.S. Warmer winter temperatures and reductions in the intensity of freeze events would likely lead to mangrove forest range expansion and salt marsh displacement in parts of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast. The objective of this research was to better understand some of the ecological implications of mangrove forest migration and salt marsh displacement. The potential ecological effects of mangrove migration are diverse ranging from important biotic impacts (e.g., coastal fisheries, land bird migration; colonial nesting wading birds) to ecosystem stability (e.g., response to sea level rise and drought;...
Winter climate change has the potential to have a large impact on coastal wetlands in the southeastern U.S. Warmer winter temperatures and reductions in the intensity of freeze events would likely lead to mangrove forest range expansion and salt marsh displacement in parts of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast. The objective of this research was to better understand some of the ecological implications of mangrove forest migration and salt marsh displacement. The potential ecological effects of mangrove migration are diverse ranging from important biotic impacts (e.g., coastal fisheries, land bird migration; colonial nesting wading birds) to ecosystem stability (e.g., response to sea level rise and drought;...
This report summarizes the data collected by the Illinois State Water Survey from the Ohio River to determine the physical impacts of navigation. The Louisville District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers initiated the field project on the Ohio River in which various physical, chemical, and biological data were collected in connection with the movement of tows with barges. The Illinois State Water Survey participated in the collection of physical data with respect to barge traffic. Barges with tows of varying horsepower were rented by the Corps of Engineers and navigated up and down the Ohio River at predetermined frequencies at the test site. This experimental river traffic was controlled as to speed, direction,...
In March 1988 the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program requested that scopes of work be developed for three problems: sedimentation, navigation effects, and water level fluctuations. After consultations with two prominent plant ecologists, Dr. John Barko, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Laboratory, and Dr. John Titus, Southern University of New York, a scope of work was prepared outlining a study to determine concentrations of suspended solids limiting aquatic plant growth on the Upper Mississippi River. All work tasks were then prioritized by the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program's Problem Solving Work Group. This scope of work was recommended for funding, however, the timeframe for initiation of...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Publication
This dataset is an inventory of orphaned mineral mine sites as well as closeout permitted mineral mine sites. Orphaned mineral mine sites are those that were never permitted in the state of Virginia. In 1978, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) required operatrors to obtain a permit to operate a mineral mine site in Virginia. Mineral mines are considered any mine that is non-coal. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), through its Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Reclamation Program, addresses the hazards and environmental degradation posed by these legacy coal mine sites.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Abandoned Mines,
Orphan Mine,
Album caption and index card: Mono Craters, Mono Valley. Mono County, California. n.d. (Panorama). Index card: CALIFORNIA - MONO COUNTY. Russell, I.C. 58, 60 (Panorama).
Winter climate change has the potential to have a large impact on coastal wetlands in the southeastern U.S. Warmer winter temperatures and reductions in the intensity of freeze events would likely lead to mangrove forest range expansion and salt marsh displacement in parts of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast. The objective of this research was to better understand some of the ecological implications of mangrove forest migration and salt marsh displacement. The potential ecological effects of mangrove migration are diverse ranging from important biotic impacts (e.g., coastal fisheries, land bird migration; colonial nesting wading birds) to ecosystem stability (e.g., response to sea level rise and drought;...
The first Annual Report of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program for the Upper Mississippi River System covers the period from September, 1986 through January 1989. The report includes: program activities information concerning cooperation between member states and agencies; a summary of the past year's data collection effort for water quality; deviations from the Operating Plan; critical paths and funding requirements through 1999; plans for the coming year, and; management of the Environmental Management Technical Center. Technical Center Staff are divided between Ecology and the Computerized River Information Center. Ecology is responsible for the analysis of significant resource problems and for long term...
Sea level rise projections produced by the University of Florida Geoplan Center. These projections measure sea level rise in meter increments up until 6 meters, the predicted sea level rise measure if both Greenland and the West Antarctic ice sheet melt.
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Data,
Physical attributes of 97 streams in the Midwestern US characterizing sediment supply, sediment transport capacity, and stream bed material. Attributes include basin characteristics compiled with geographic information system and statistical summaries of field measurements of channel form, bed material, and suspended sediment. Data were used by Konrad and Gellis, 'Factors influencing fine sediment on stream bed in the Midwestern US' (manuscript in review) to develop regression models of fine sediment in Midwestern streams.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Midwestern United States,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
fine sediment,
fluvial geomorphology,
stream quality
Album caption: MSH-Branch of Exhibits no. 22cp: Mount St. Helens. Near view of truck and horse trailer plastered with volcanic ash near Ryan Lake. Skamania County, Washington. May 27, 1980. (Photo by D. Dzurisin) (Same as MSH-BE-BOLC-0036ct (msh_boe_volc0036_ct)). Slide description and index card: Desolate vehicles in the blast zone created by the May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens. B, An ash-covered truck and horse trailer near Ryan Lake, more than 12 miles northeast of Mount St. Helens. The vehicles were parked at the edge of the area in which trees were blown down by the lateral blast. Two men, one of the owner of these vehicles, were camped at the lake nearby and were asphyxiated by the hot volcanic ash, which...
Winter climate change has the potential to have a large impact on coastal wetlands in the southeastern U.S. Warmer winter temperatures and reductions in the intensity of freeze events would likely lead to mangrove forest range expansion and salt marsh displacement in parts of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast. The objective of this research was to better understand some of the ecological implications of mangrove forest migration and salt marsh displacement. The potential ecological effects of mangrove migration are diverse ranging from important biotic impacts (e.g., coastal fisheries, land bird migration; colonial nesting wading birds) to ecosystem stability (e.g., response to sea level rise and drought;...
Abstract: (From: Most regions of the United States are projected to experience a higher frequency of severe droughts and longer dry periods as a result of a warming climate. Even if current drought regimes remain unchanged, higher temperatures will interact with drought to exacerbate moisture limitation and water stress. Observations of regional-scale drought impacts and expectations of more frequent and severe droughts prompted a recent state-of-science synthesis (Vose et al. 2016). The current volume builds on that synthesis and provides region-specific management options for increasing resilience to drought for Alaska and Pacific Northwest, California, Hawai‘i and U.S.-Affiliated...
Geoscientific collections managed by Mississippi Office of Geology are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections. See 'Child Items' below for details about these collections. The Office of Geology is the component of the Department of Environmental Quality. Geology is the basis of the environment. Information collected by Office of Geology research into Mississippi’s geology is vital to nearly every area of air, land, and water and benefits the people and economy of the state.
During the fall of 1989, a pilot study was conducted to evaluate the potential of a submersible water quality monitoring system for use in backwater areas of the Upper Mississippi River. Between September 8 and October 27, 1989 continuous monitoring units developed by W. G. Crumpton and associates at Iowa State University were deployed at a single Long Term Resource Monitoring Program water and sediment monitoring site on Pool 8, of the Upper Mississippi River. The units were used to monitor dissolved oxygen and temperature at a single depth and light at the surface and two subsurface depths throughout this period. Dissolved oxygen and temperature measurements were taken twice weekly at this site by Long Term Resource...
OpenET uses best available science to provide easily accessible satellite-based estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) for improved water management across the western United States. Using the Data Explorer, users can explore ET data at the field scale for millions of individual fields or at the original quarter-acre resolution of the satellite data. The SSEBop ET data is part of the ensemble dataset and can be viewed at the website.
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Application,
Water use,
These datasets consist of transcripts from two focus groups with science users (1st group) and science producers (2nd group) who were partners of the regional Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC). The participants in the focus groups were science users and science producers identified by the regional CASC and recruited in collaboration with Cornell's Center for Conservation Social Sciences. The purpose of the focus groups was to understand the range of perspectives and experiences of CASC partners in relation to their work with the CASC. We attempted to include participants that represented a diversity of organizations and regions working with the CASC. Participants in the science users groups included representatives...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Data,
National CASC,
Science Tools for Managers,
Winter climate change has the potential to have a large impact on coastal wetlands in the southeastern U.S. Warmer winter temperatures and reductions in the intensity of freeze events would likely lead to mangrove forest range expansion and salt marsh displacement in parts of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast. The objective of this research was to better understand some of the ecological implications of mangrove forest migration and salt marsh displacement. The potential ecological effects of mangrove migration are diverse ranging from important biotic impacts (e.g., coastal fisheries, land bird migration; colonial nesting wading birds) to ecosystem stability (e.g., response to sea level rise and drought;...
Winter climate change has the potential to have a large impact on coastal wetlands in the southeastern U.S. Warmer winter temperatures and reductions in the intensity of freeze events would likely lead to mangrove forest range expansion and salt marsh displacement in parts of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast. The objective of this research was to better understand some of the ecological implications of mangrove forest migration and salt marsh displacement. The potential ecological effects of mangrove migration are diverse ranging from important biotic impacts (e.g., coastal fisheries, land bird migration; colonial nesting wading birds) to ecosystem stability (e.g., response to sea level rise and drought;...
Album caption: Photomicrograph of a common type of granite porphyry just east of Browns Rock. Phenocrysts are quartz (Q), orthoclase (or), and plagioclase (pl); the groundmass, which consists of these minerals plus a small amount of biotite, is fine to medium grained. Narrow rims of granophyric intergrowth of quartz and orthoclase are common around the quartz phenocrysts. Clearwater county, Idaho. circa 1957. Published as figure 15A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 344-D. 1963.