Filters: Tags: {"type":"Harvest Set"} (X) > Categories: Data (X) > partyWithName: Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center (X)
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Daily evaporation rates were calculated at the open-water LZ40-platform in the interior of Lake Okeechobee, Florida, from December 1, 2012 through December 31, 2016 using five methods (Shoemaker et al., 2024); specifically, the Penman, Priestly-Taylor, Mass-Transfer, Simple, and Turc equations. Bowen-ratio energy-budget derived daily evaporation rates calculated from micro-meteorological data at the LZ40 site (Wacker, 2020) are considered a standard by which to evaluate the five alternative evaporation methods. Parameterization of each of method and comparison of evaporation using each of the five methods to the Bowen ratio estimates are published by Shoemaker and others (2024).
Categories: Data;
Tags: Hydrology,
Lake Okeechobee,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release consists of a point shapefile with the location of the sites used in a sampling program to assess the water quality at selected wells throughout Puerto Rico. The sampling was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board (PREQB) during December 2015 to November 2016.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release consists of daily evapotranspiration (ET) measurements/estimates for the time period January 29, 2009 to September 27, 2012. These data are derived from measurements of actual ET conducted at a height of 73 meters on the University of Central Florida WUCF 89.9 radio tower. The station is located at a nearly flat site (28 degrees 35 minutes 27 seconds North / 081 degrees 12 minutes 17 seconds West) within Orange County, Florida. The surrounding landscape is composed (2009 Land cover and land use, St. Johns River Water Management District – of urban (61 percent), non-urban (34 percent) and water (5 percent) within an 8 kilometer radius of the radio tower....
Categories: Data;
Tags: Florida,
Orange County,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
University of Central Florida,
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release consists of 20-minute evapotranspiration (ET) measurements/estimates for the time period September 15, 1993 to August 27, 1994. These data are derived from measurements of actual ET conducted at a site within the Lake Wales Ridge, Florida characterized by sandy, rapidly-drained soils, and hilly topography. The station is located at a site (28 degrees 29 minutes 12 seconds North / 081 degrees 38 minutes 19 seconds West) within Orange County, Florida. The surrounding landscape is vegetated by natal grass, dog fennel, dwarf horseweed, and ragweed. The water table is generally more than a meter below land surface. Actual ET measurements were derived using the eddy-covariance...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Florida,
Lake Wales Ridge,
Orange County,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Water Resources,
Data pertaining to mapping the approximate inland extent of saltwater at the base of the Biscayne Aquifer in the Model Land Area of Miami-Dade County, Florida in 2016. The inland extent of saltwater at the base of the Biscayne aquifer in the Model Land area of Miami-Dade County, Florida, was last mapped in 2011. Since that time, the saltwater interface has continued to move inland. The interface is near several active well fields; therefore, an updated approximation of the inland extent of saltwater and an improved understanding of the rate of movement of the saltwater interface are necessary. A geographic information system was used to create a map using the data collected by the organizations that monitor water...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Biscayne aquifer,
Miami-Dade County,
Model Land area,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
![]() These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This map layer shows areal and linear water features of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama. The original file was produced by joining the individual State hydrography layers from the 1:2,000,000- scale...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Alabama,
Floridan aquifer system,
A detailed inventory of the current irrigated crop acreage is now available to accurately estimate agricultural water use and future water demands in Polk County, Florida. A detailed digital map and summary of irrigated acreage was developed in an effort to improve the accuracy of crop acreage, type, and location for the 2016 growing season. The irrigated areas were delineated using land-use data provided by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) and information obtained from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Southwest Florida Water Management Districts (SWFWMD) consumptive water-use permits. Each field that showed the presence of an irrigated crop or the potential...
Categories: Data;
Tags: USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)
Time series electromagnetic induction-log (TSEMIL) datasets are collected from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cased or uncased monitoring wells to evaluate changes in water conductivity over time. TSEMIL datasets consist of a series of individual electromagnetic induction logs collected at a frequency of months or years that have been compiled into a dataset by eliminating small uniform offsets in bulk conductivity between logs likely caused by minor variations in calibration. At depths where water conductivity is not changing through time, each log is typically within about ±15 mS/m of the median of the dataset at any given depth, which is within the stated repeatability specifications of the probe (Mount Sopris Instrument...
Periphyton is a complex community of detritus, bacteria, fungi, and algae that grows attached to submerged substrates. Assemblage structure data for algae and cyanobacteria from periphyton samples were collected on a monthly basis from 2017 to 2021. Compiled data were reported as absolute abundance (cells) and biovolume per volume as well as absolute abundance (cells) and biovolume per area at four locations increasing in distance east of the L-67 canal in Water Conservation Area 3 (WCA 3) of the Florida Everglades immediately north of Everglades National Park. The periphyton assemblages were analyzed for five sample types including periphyton plates (Plates), invertebrate inclusion and exclusion plates (Inverts),...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Everglades National Park,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Annual actual evapotranspiration (ETa) rates in 55 basins in Florida and parts of Alabama and Georgia were evaluated for 2000–17 using the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model at about a one-square kilometer resolution (Sepúlveda, 2021). SSEBop ETa rates were bias corrected on the basis of ETa rates computed from weather observations at 24 micrometeorological evapotranspiration flux (MEF) stations, stratified by land-use type and referred to as mETa rates. Uncorrected and bias-corrected SSEBop ETa rates were evaluated by comparison with independent estimates based on a crop-coefficient method for generalized land-use types (luETa) and a water-balance method for each basin (wbETa). Average...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Climatology,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides water-quality data collected from the Caloosahatchee River and 12 fiberglass tanks located within the Caloosahatchee River. The tanks were open to the atmosphere, and were closed to the river. Tanks were filled with native water within 1-2 hours prior to the first profile collected on May 6, July 8, and September 16. Nutrients were added at approximately 12:00 p.m. on May 6, 11:45 a.m. on July 8, and 11:00 a.m. on September 16. Sodium nitrate was added for the nitrate treatments, sodium phosphate was added for the phosphate treatments, and ammonium hydroxide was added for the ammonium treatments. Nutrient samples were collected and processed by Nova Southeastern...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Caloosahatchee River,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Water Quality,
dissolved oxygen,
The dataset includes a table in comma delimited format of daily evapotranspiration (ET) from 6/14/2018 to 12/31/2020 from an ET station within the Blue Cypress Marsh Conservation Area, within Indian River County, Florida. Evapotranspiration was estimated using eddy-covariance methods and missing records were gap-filled with a version of the Turc equation (Trajkovic and Kolakovic, 2009) that was regressed against observed values of eddy-covariance ET. The Turc equation performed exceptionally well (r-squared value of 0.94) for reproducing observed daily ET rates. Daily ET values estimated with the Turc equation are identified by a column with a "T" value indicator. Data processing methods were similar to methods...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Blue Cypress Marsh Conservation Area,
Eddy-covariance method,
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides spatial water-quality data collected from the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Rivers in October 2017, Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee River in July 2018 and the Caloosahatchee River, St. Lucie River and Lake Okeechobee in August of 2018, south Florida. Geo-referenced measurements of near surface water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, chlorophyll fluorescence, phycocyanin fluorescence, and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter were recorded at 5 second intervals and nitrate+nitrite was recorded at 1 minute intervals during water-quality surveys in order to create high resolution water-quality maps of the study area.
The dataset consists of a table in Excel format of daily evapotranspiration (ET) from 12/1/2015 to 6/13/2018 at ET station within the Blue Cypress Marsh Conservation Area near Vero Beach, Florida. Evapotranspiration was estimated using eddy-covariance methods. Data processing followed methods outlined by Shoemaker and others (2011). Ancillary data includes net radiation, latent heat, sensible heat, relative humidity, air temperature, water depth above land surface or depth to water below land surface (-), and Bowen's ratio. The site location is 27°41'46", -80°42'43". Released data include mean daily latent heat (LE, in watts per square meter), available energy (Ae, in watts per square meter), and sensible heat (H,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Blue Cypress Marsh Conservation Area,
This data release provides data for filter-passing total mercury, filter-passing methylmercury, particulate total mercury, particulate methylmercury, and dissolved organic carbon concentrations calculated for USGS station 254543080405401: Tamiami Canal at S-12D Near Miami, FL. Five site-specific regression models were developed using continuously measured temperature, turbidity, specific conductance and or fluorescence of chromophoric dissolved organic matter and concomitant discretely collected dissolved organic carbon samples to calculate continuous concentrations of mercury and carbon.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Everglades,
Tamiami Trail,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Water Quality,
The data set consists of marine seismic-reflection data that includes 34 SEGY data files, navigation data and a CSV format file with a list of files. The archived SEGY files, navigation files, and detailed metadata for these seismic reflections can also be downloaded from the National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS). Marine seismic-reflection data were acquired in canals in eastern Broward County at two different times: February 2010 and April-June 2013, resulting in 34 SEGY data files.
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Broward County,
Miami-Dade County,
Groundwater withdrawals are published by county and use type every 5 years by the U.S. Geological Survey ( and published values often do not specify the aquifer(s) from which the withdrawals are derived. The items included in this dataset represent estimates of water use by aquifer in the southeastern United States in order to provide better insight into the 3-dimensional distribution of groundwater withdrawals in time and space.
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alabama,
Floridan aquifer system,
Daily measurements of evaporation using the Bowen ratio method were made at USGS station name LZ40 (USGS site number 265405080472100), a platform-based station constructed by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) at the approximate center of Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Data collection began on November 15, 2012. Meteorological and environmental variables were measured every 30 seconds and averaged at 30-minute resolution until February 7, 2013 and 15-minute resolution thereafter to December 31, 2019, including: precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, incoming/outgoing solar radiation, and water temperature at various depths.
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release consists of daily evapotranspiration (ET) measurements/estimates for the time period January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1999. These data are derived from measurements of actual ET conducted at a height of 36.5 meters on a communications-type tower in Tiger Bay State Forest. The station is located at a nearly flat site (29 degrees 8 minutes 15 seconds North / 081 degrees 11 minutes 18 seconds West) within Volusia County, Florida. The surrounding landscape is composed of a mixture of slash pine and pond cypress. A forest fire burned parts of the landscape on June 25, 1998. Logging of fire-damaged trees occurred in November-December 1998. Actual ET measurements were derived...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Florida,
Tiger Bay State Forest,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Volusia County,
Water Resources,
A four-component (incoming and outgoing shortwave and longwave radiation) radiometer (model CNR1) was installed on a monitoring station (LZ40) constructed by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) in the approximate center of Lake Okeechobee in Florida, located at 26 degrees 54 minutes 06.254 seconds North, 080 degrees 47 minutes 21.301 seconds West. Specific time-series collected for this data release include the following parameters with units of watts per square meter: (1) incoming shortwave radiation, (2) outgoing shortwave radiation, (3) incoming longwave radiation, and (4) outgoing longwave radiation. Instantaneous readings of each parameter were measured every 5 seconds and averaged over 15-minute...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Lake Okeechobee, Florida,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
long-wave radiation,
net radiation,
short-wave radiation,
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