Filters: Tags: {"type":"Place"} (X) > Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service (X) > Extensions: ArcGIS REST Service (X)
176 results (79ms)
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This shapefile contains landscape factors representing human disturbances summarized to local and network catchments of river reaches for the state of South Dakota. This dataset is the result of clipping the feature class 'NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data for the Conterminous United States linked to NHDPLUSV1.gdb' to the state boundary of South Dakota. Landscape factors include land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, and point-source pollution sites. The source datasets that were compiled and attributed to catchments were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) representative of...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Anthropogenic factors,
Aquatic habitats,
Atlantic Coast FHP,
Catchment areas,
This shapefile contains landscape factors representing human disturbances summarized to local and network catchments of river reaches for the state of Georgia. This dataset is the result of clipping the feature class 'NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data for the Conterminous United States linked to NHDPLUSV1.gdb' to the state boundary of Georgia. Landscape factors include land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, and point-source pollution sites. The source datasets that were compiled and attributed to catchments were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) representative of conditions...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Anthropogenic factors,
Aquatic habitats,
Atlantic Coast FHP,
Catchment areas,
This shapefile contains landscape factors representing human disturbances summarized to local and network catchments of river reaches for the state of Louisiana. This dataset is the result of clipping the feature class 'NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data for the Conterminous United States linked to NHDPLUSV1.gdb' to the state boundary of Louisiana. Landscape factors include land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, and point-source pollution sites. The source datasets that were compiled and attributed to catchments were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) representative of conditions...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Anthropogenic factors,
Aquatic habitats,
Atlantic Coast FHP,
Catchment areas,
GAP distribution models represent the areas where species are predicted to occur based on habitat associations. GAP distribution models are the spatial arrangement of environments suitable for occupation by a species. In other words, a species distribution is created using a deductive model to predict areas suitable for occupation within a species range. To represent these suitable environments, GAP compiled existing GAP data, where available, and compiled additional data where needed. Existing data sources were the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP) and the Southeast Gap Analysis Project (SEGAP) as well as a data compiled by Sanborn Solutions and Mason, Bruce and Girard. Habitat associations were...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Biodiversity,
Gap Analysis,
Species Distribution,
This shapefile contains landscape factors representing human disturbances summarized to local and network catchments of river reaches for the Desert Fish Habitat Partnership. This dataset is the result of clipping the feature class 'NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data for the Conterminous United States linked to NHDPLUSV1.gdb' to the boundary of the Desert Fish Habitat Partnership. Landscape factors include land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, and point-source pollution sites. The source datasets that were compiled and attributed to catchments were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled;...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Anthropogenic factors,
Aquatic habitats,
Atlantic Coast FHP,
Catchment areas,
This shapefile contains sub-indices comprised of various anthropogenic land use/covers respresentative of the risk of potential habitat degradation to streams within the state of Hawaii. This file is an updated version of 'nfhap_hci_hawaii.shp' and incorporates the suggestion from the Hawaii Fish Habitat Partnership of removing trails and paths from the road network to help better represent amounts of disturbance in remote areas such as the Na Pali coast. Subindices are summarized for local and network catchments specific to perennial stream reaches throughout the state. The local and network catchments were developed using a modified version of the 1:24,000 scale National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) as a baselayer....
The Species Richness Maps included here are based on the Gap Analysis Project (GAP) habitat maps, which are predictions of the spatial distribution of suitable environmental and land cover conditions within the United States for individual species. Individual species habitat distribution models were summed to create the total richness for each vertebrate taxa. The summing process was coded in Python 2.7 and employed the arcpy module for geoprocessing steps. The code is documented in the log file which is included in the Sciencebase item along with the richness data for each taxa (See processing steps for file names and sciencebase urls). Mapped habitat distribution areas represent places where the environment is...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: United States,
gap analysis,
This map shows the location of herd management areas (HMAs).
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
horse management areas
This map shows Class I Federal PSD Areas using features selected from the CBI Protected Areas Database. Non-attainment areas are not mapped.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Class I PSD areas,
Colorado Plateau,
non-attainment areas
This map shows the potential current distribution of Golden Eagle, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Golden Eagle
This map shows the potential current distribution of white-tailed prairie dog, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
White-Tailed Prairie Dog
This map shows areas of high current, near-term, and long-term potential landscape development, based on factors such as urban areas, agriculture, roads, and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
change agents,
climate change,
rapid ecoregional assessment
This map shows the major terrestrial ecosystems from LANDFIRE EVT (v1.1) and NatureServe National Landcover (v2.7).
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
terrestrial ecosystems
This map shows the current distribution of major invasive vegetation species (primarily cheatgrass and tamarisk), and predicted near-term future distribution of these species. Current distribution was derived from LANDFIRE EVT v1.1, NatureServe National Landcover v2.7, Early Season Invasives (USGS), Predicted Tamarisk Probability (USGS), and mapped areas of tamarisk. Predicted future distribution included these areas in addition to the invasive vegetation class from the LANDFIRE Succession Class v1.0 dataset.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
invasive species,
potential future encroachment
This map shows conservation element summaries within areas of potential near-term and long-term energy development. These summaries help highlight areas of potential conflict between conservation elements and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
potential conflicts,
potential development,
renewable energy,
transmission corridors
This map shows potential areas with high terrestrial biodiversity from TNC Ecoregional Portfolio Core dataset.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Terrestrial Biodiversity
This map shows the location of major aquatic invasive species, compiled primarily from the USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Invasives database.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
aquatic invasives
This map shows areas of high-use recreation, including recreation sites compiled from USFS and BLM, recreation areas (including OHV areas), water-based recreation areas (selected from NHD waterbodies), water-based recreation travel corridors (selected from NHD flowlines), and land-based recreation travel corridors (selected from BLM GTLF within federal / state lands and national trails).
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
intensive recreation ,
recreation sites,
This map shows the location of HMAs, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Herd Management Areas,
conservation elements,
rapid ecoregional assessment,
terrestrial ecosystems
The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) from The National Map (TNM) defines the perimeter of drainage areas formed by the terrain and other landscape characteristics. The drainage areas are nested within each other so that a large drainage area, such as the Upper Mississippi River, will be composed of multiple smaller drainage areas, such as the Wisconsin River. Each of these smaller areas can further be subdivided into smaller and smaller drainage areas. The WBD uses six different levels in this hierarchy, with the smallest averaging about 30,000 acres. The WBD is made up of polygons nested into six levels of data respectively defined by Regions, Subregions, Basins, Subbasins, Watersheds, and Subwatersheds. For additional...