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This data release contains tabular digital data describing calculated hourly back trajectory position coordinates for air masses contributing to five selected precipitation-mercury deposition episodes at National Atmospheric Deposition Program monitoring site IN21 (National Atmospheric Deposition Program, 2017) in southeastern Indiana during 2009‒2015. The air pollution transport and dispersion modeling system HYSPLIT (Stein et. al, 2015) was used to calculate the back trajectory position coordinates during 48 hours preceding the start of each episode. The 40-km gridded input data to HYSPLIT were from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2017). Continuous, digital precipitation depth data were recorded...
These data are bathymetry (river bottom elevation) in XYZ format, generated from the March 29-30, 2017 and April 13, 2017, bathymetric survey of the East Fork White River at Columbus, Indiana. The bathymetry was collected from approximately the confluence of Driftwood and Flatrock rivers, downstream to the confluence of Haw Creek. Hydrographic data were collected using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) with integrated Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). Data were collected as the surveying vessel traversed the river, approximately perpendicular to the velocity vectors at 55 cross sections which were spaced 200 feet apart along the river. Additional cross sections were collected upstream and...
Sediment samples and samples for water-toxicity testing were collected during 2014 from several streams in San Antonio, Texas known locally as the Westside creeks (Alazán, Apache, Martínez, and San Pedro Creeks) and from the San Antonio River. Samples were collected once during base-flow and again after periods of storm-water runoff (post-storm conditions) to determine baseline sediment- and water-quality conditions. Streambed-sediment samples were analyzed for selected constituents, including trace elements and organic contaminants such as pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), brominated flame retardants, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
This data set includes WRTDS nutrient flux trend results and the values of daily streamflow trend results displayed in the Quantile-Kendall plots. For 1995-2015 nutrient trends, the method of generalized flow normalization (FNG) was used which explicitly addresses non-stationary streamflow conditions. For 2005-2015 nutrient trends, the WRTDS trend analyses used the method of stationary flow normalization (FNS) because streamflow nonstationarity is difficult to assess over this shorter duration time frame. The 1995-2015 annual nutrient trends were determined for all five nutrient parameters (TP, SRP, TN, NO23, TKN), and monthly trends were evaluated only for SRP. The 2005-2015 annual nutrient trends were determined...
We report the site number and locations of 5798 streamflow gages displaying zero flow for at least one day in their daily records. 4891 of these gages are from the GRDC network, and 906 are USGS gages in the contiguous US. Additionally, provisional data for two USGS gages 1) Rio Puerco near Bernardo, NM (USGS site: 08353000) and 2) Agua Fria River Near Mayer, AZ (USGS site: 09512500) are provided to illustrate zero flow record behaviors.
This data set includes results for hormone and pharmaceutical compounds analyzed in environmental and quality-control samples collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project during 2013 through 2015 for a study of groundwater resources used for drinking-water supply across the United States. Hormone and pharmaceutical results are provided for environmental samples collected at 1,120 wells or springs; selected ancillary data, such as principal aquifer, well depth, and land-use information also are provided for the sampled sites. The types of quality-control samples included in this data set are blanks, matrix spikes, and replicates collected at field sites or field offices. Included in this data...
Lake Poinsett is a 260-hectare (640 acres) lake located on Crowley’s Ridge in northeastern Arkansas, approximately 6 km southeast of Harrisburg, Arkansas within Poinsett County. The lake was built for recreation by the Arkansas Highway Department in 1960 by constructing a roughly 800-meter dam across the southern boundary of the Distress Creek watershed. The dam is currently operated by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC). AGFC and Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) plan to drain the lake to allow access for a series of bank stabilization and dam safety improvements. Because none of the original blueprints exist, AGFC asked the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to conduct a series of differential...
These data are high-resolution bathymetry (lake bottom elevation) in a gridded XYZ format, generated from hydrographic surveys of Morse Reservoir in May 2016. Hydrographic data were collected using a multibeam echo-sounder (MBES) with integrated inertial navigation solution (INS) mounted on a marine survey vessel. Data were collected as the vessel traversed the lake along survey lines distributed throughout the area. Data collection software integrated and stored the depth data from the multibeam sonar and the horizontal and vertical position and attitude data of the vessel from the INS in real time. In the shallow areas, additional data were collected with an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and a real-time...
This dataset includes discrete water quality data and sensor data from 2009-2017 for Beaver Creek above Victoria Creek and West Twin Creek in Alaska.
Digital flood-inundation maps for an approximate 2.5-mile (mi) reach of the Clear Fork Mohican River that extends approximately from State Route 97 to the downstream corporate boundary for Bellville, Ohio, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District. The flood-inundation maps show estimates of the areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected water levels (stages) at the USGS streamgage on the Clear Fork Mohican River at Bellville (station number 03131982). The maps can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science Web site at Near-real-time stages at this streamgage...
The depth grids show the depth of flooding on the Clear Fork Mohican River near Bellville, Ohio on local map backgrounds, based on stages of 9.0 ft to 17.0 ft at the USGS streamgage, Clear Fork Mohican River at Bellville, Ohio, 03131982.
This data release contains time series and plots summarizing mean monthly temperature and total monthly precipitation, and runoff from the U.S. Geological Survey Monthly Water Balance Model at 115 National Wildlife Refuges within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mountain-Prairie Region (CO, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD, UT, and WY). The three variables are derived from two sets of statistically-downscaled general circulation models from 1951 through 2099. The three variables were summarized for comparison across four 19-year periods: historic (1951-1969), baseline (1981-1999), 2050 (2041-2059), and 2080 (2071-2089). For each refuge, mean monthly plots, seasonal box plots, and annual envelope plots were produced for each...
Daily evaporation rates were calculated at the open-water LZ40-platform in the interior of Lake Okeechobee, Florida, from December 1, 2012 through December 31, 2016 using five methods (Shoemaker et al., 2024); specifically, the Penman, Priestly-Taylor, Mass-Transfer, Simple, and Turc equations. Bowen-ratio energy-budget derived daily evaporation rates calculated from micro-meteorological data at the LZ40 site (Wacker, 2020) are considered a standard by which to evaluate the five alternative evaporation methods. Parameterization of each of method and comparison of evaporation using each of the five methods to the Bowen ratio estimates are published by Shoemaker and others (2024).
This data release provides a comprehensive dataset of sampling-site characteristics and baseline groundwater-quality data collected from a network of multilevel sampling wells installed in a densely developed coastal neighborhood undergoing a conversion from onsite septic systems to municipal sewering. Groundwater samples were collected during multiple events from a total of 227 well screens at 15 locations using a peristaltic pump between June 2016 and March 2024. Samples were collected and preserved following methods documented in the U.S. Geological Survey National Field Manual (variously dated) and Savoie and others (2012). This dataset provides well construction information, groundwater levels, water-quality...
Water velocities and water-quality constituents were measured along planned survey lines, which were generally perpendicular to the shoreline and spaced 100 meters apart, over an approximately 2.3-mile section of nearshore Lake Erie on June 10-12, 2019 (survey 1), and August 19-21, 2019 (survey 2), using a 1200 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), a YSI 6920 V2 multiparameter sonde, and a YSI EcoMapper autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Water-quality data collected in this area included near-surface and three-dimensional measurements of water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll, and phycocyanin (blue-green algae). The data were geo-referenced with an integrated...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is providing a polygon feature class delineating the extent of Glacial Lake Great Bend within the Binghamton East 1:24,000 quadrangle of south-central Broome County, New York, 2020. The shapefile was created and intended for use with geographic information system (GIS) software. A companion report, USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2021-5026 (Van Hoesen and others, 2021; further describes data collection and map preparation.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is providing a polygon feature class containing the approximate locations and confining units of the unconfined and confined aquifers within the Binghamton East 1:24,000 quadrangle of south-central Broome County, New York, 2020. The shapefile was created and intended for use with geographic information system (GIS) software. A companion report, USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2021-5026 (Van Hoesen and others, 2021; further describes data collection and map preparation.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineering Center conducted short-term aquifer tests at 11 wells to estimate hydraulic properties in the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer, in El Paso County, Colorado. Data were collected in July 2019 over three days. Single-hole pumping and recovery tests were completed at five wells, and multiple single-hole displacement (solid slug) tests were conducted at all 11 wells. This data release contains water-level data collected at various time intervals (0.25 seconds, 0.5 seconds, and variable during a manual test with a stopwatch) and well-discharge rates for the aquifer tests in comma separated value (CSV) files for the 34 tests analyzed....
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides spatial water-quality data collected from Milford Lake, Kansas, on May 26, June 9, July 14, July 21, and September 15, 2016. All data are reported as raw measured values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures. Continuous water-quality monitors were used to measure water temperature, specific conductance, turbidity, pH, chlorophyll, phycocyanin, dissolved oxygen, and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (fDOM) at thirty-second intervals at depths of 0.5- and 1.5-meters throughout the lake.
This data release contains a comma-delimited ascii file of two same-day, discrete discharge measurements made at sites along selected reaches of Waipāhoehoe Stream, Hawai'i on July 16, 2019. These discrete discharge measurements form what is commonly referred to as a “seepage run.” The intent of the seepage run is to quantify the spatial distribution of streamflow along the reach during fair-weather, low-flow conditions, generally characterized by negligible direct runoff within the reach. The measurements can be used to characterize the net seepage of water into (water gain) or out of (water loss) the stream channel between measurement sites provided that the measurements were made during stable, nonchanging flow...

map background search result map search result map Sediment-quality and water-toxicity data from 10 sites on the Westside Creeks and San Antonio River, San Antonio, Texas, 2014 Milford Lake, Kansas spatial water-quality data, May 26, June 9, July 14, July 21, and September 15, 2016 Bathymetry on the East Fork White River at Columbus, Indiana, March 29-30 and April 13, 2017 Calculated back trajectory coordinates for air masses contributing to five selected precipitation-mercury deposition episodes at a National Atmospheric Deposition Program monitoring site in southeastern Indiana during 2009 to 2015 Water quality data for Beaver Creek above Victoria Creek and West Twin Creek, Alaska, 2009-2017 Environmental and Quality-Control Data Collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water Across the United States, 2013-15 Geophysical Surveys at Lake Poinsett Dam, Poinsett County, Arkansas Baseline Groundwater-Quality Data from a Densely Developed Coastal Neighborhood, Falmouth, Massachusetts (June 2016 - March 2024)(ver. 5.0, July 2024) Lake Erie Tributaries: Nutrient and streamflow trend results Depth grids for flood-inundation maps in and near Bellville, Ohio Floodplain boundaries for flood-inundation maps in and near Bellville, Ohio Bathymetry of Morse Reservoir near Noblesville, Indiana, 2016 Water-level and well-discharge data related to aquifer testing in Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer, El Paso County, Colorado, 2019 Glacial Lake Great Bend within the Susquehanna River Valley in South-Central Broome County, Towns of Conklin and Kirkwood, New York Daily evaporation rates computed using five methods at the LZ40 platform in Lake Okeechobee, Florida, December 2012 to December 2016 Aquifer Boundaries within the Susquehanna River Valley in South-Central Broome County, Towns of Conklin and Kirkwood Velocity surveys and three-dimensional point measurements of basic water-quality constituents in nearshore Lake Erie in the vicinity of Villa Angela Beach and Euclid Creek, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10–12, 2019, and August 19–21, 2019 Seepage-run discharge measurements, July 16, 2019, Waipāhoehoe Stream, Hawai'i Hydroclimate Projections for Select U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Properties - Mountain-Prairie Region, 1951-2099 Geophysical Surveys at Lake Poinsett Dam, Poinsett County, Arkansas Baseline Groundwater-Quality Data from a Densely Developed Coastal Neighborhood, Falmouth, Massachusetts (June 2016 - March 2024)(ver. 5.0, July 2024) Bathymetry on the East Fork White River at Columbus, Indiana, March 29-30 and April 13, 2017 Floodplain boundaries for flood-inundation maps in and near Bellville, Ohio Depth grids for flood-inundation maps in and near Bellville, Ohio Velocity surveys and three-dimensional point measurements of basic water-quality constituents in nearshore Lake Erie in the vicinity of Villa Angela Beach and Euclid Creek, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10–12, 2019, and August 19–21, 2019 Sediment-quality and water-toxicity data from 10 sites on the Westside Creeks and San Antonio River, San Antonio, Texas, 2014 Bathymetry of Morse Reservoir near Noblesville, Indiana, 2016 Water-level and well-discharge data related to aquifer testing in Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer, El Paso County, Colorado, 2019 Glacial Lake Great Bend within the Susquehanna River Valley in South-Central Broome County, Towns of Conklin and Kirkwood, New York Aquifer Boundaries within the Susquehanna River Valley in South-Central Broome County, Towns of Conklin and Kirkwood Milford Lake, Kansas spatial water-quality data, May 26, June 9, July 14, July 21, and September 15, 2016 Water quality data for Beaver Creek above Victoria Creek and West Twin Creek, Alaska, 2009-2017 Seepage-run discharge measurements, July 16, 2019, Waipāhoehoe Stream, Hawai'i Lake Erie Tributaries: Nutrient and streamflow trend results Hydroclimate Projections for Select U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Properties - Mountain-Prairie Region, 1951-2099 Calculated back trajectory coordinates for air masses contributing to five selected precipitation-mercury deposition episodes at a National Atmospheric Deposition Program monitoring site in southeastern Indiana during 2009 to 2015 Environmental and Quality-Control Data Collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water Across the United States, 2013-15