Filters: Tags: {"type":"Subject","name":"greater sage-grouse"} (X) > Tags: {"type":"Subject","name":"current range"} (X) > Extensions: ArcGIS REST Service (X)
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This data set represents Greater Sage-Grouse Current Range to be used in work for the USFWS 2015 Status Review for the Greater Sage-Grouse. Current Range is defined as areas believed to be currently occupied. Therefore this data set represents occupied habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse. Current range for this data set was created by compiling the following data and information Schroeder et al. 2004 current range Priority Areas for Conservation (PACs) identified in the Conservation Objectives Team (COT) Report, 2013. One small polygon from the Schroeder et al. 2004 current range was removed as it was determined that it no longer represents current range. Determination made from information from Oregon Department...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Current Range,
GRSG 2015 US FWS Status Review,
Greater sage-grouse,