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The New York Water Science Center of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Troy, N.Y., operates a state-of-the-science laboratory for the chemical analysis of soil and water. For over 20 years, the laboratory has specialized in analyses used in acid rain research and other environmental studies such as soil effects on forest health and logging effects on water quality. Laboratory Information: Contact the Lab for customized schedules and fees. phone: (518) 285-5681 Water Soils Ammonium ...
Summary The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) will conduct simulations using existing aquifer data, including geologic logs from vertical profile borings (VPBs) and well installations, water levels, and pump test data available from the water districts for these production wells. Subsequently USGS will incorporate data from a groundwater pump test and additional data from new VPBs and monitoring wells. Using particle tracking maps, USGS will illustrate the spatial configuration of the capture zone and percentage of capture of the shallow and deep plumes in each production well. The model area will be limited to achieve these objectives and make maximum use of available sampling locations in the region. USGS will...
Introduction Detailed mapping of the glacial aquifer within the buried Fairport-Lyons bedrock channel in southern Wayne County, N.Y. is the latest study in the cooperative Detailed Aquifer Mapping Program between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The aim of the program is to map the extent of glacial aquifers in New York State at a scale of 1:24,000. This information is used by NYSDEC Division of Water and others for delineation of groundwater contributing areas, assessing potential threats to aquifers from both point and non-point sources of pollution, responding to contamination from spills or leaks from underground storage facilities,...
Background and Problem Prattsville has experienced severe flooding along the Schoharie Creek, most notably during August 2011 following Hurricane Irene, which severely damaged or destroyed large areas of the town, and caused several million dollars in damages (Figure 1). Before and during a flood, forewarning and emergency response are critical. The rescue efforts of emergency responders are often hampered by lack of an understanding of where flooding is occurring at any given moment, but also where flooding is likely to occur in the near future. Emergency responders would benefit from a library of flood-inundation maps that are referenced to the stages recorded at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgage in...
Introduction Detailed mapping of the valley-fill aquifer within the Susquehanna River valley and adjacent tributary valleys in south-central Broome County (Towns of Conklin and Kirkwood) is the latest study in the cooperative Detailed Aquifer Mapping Program between the US Geological Survey (USGS) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The aim of the program is to map sand and gravel aquifers in New York State at a scale of 1:24,000. This information is used by NYSDEC Division of Water and others to delineate groundwater contributing areas, assess potential threats to aquifers from both point and non-point sources, respond to contamination from spills or leaks from underground...
Problem The Tully Valley, located in southern Onondaga County has been the source of sediment and brackish water discharge to Onondaga Creek, a tributary to the Seneca and Oswego Rivers and eventually Lake Ontario. Information on the origin of the Tully Valley mudboils, their persistence, and the possible extent of their migration within the Tully Valley is needed to mitigate or remediate (1)the discharge of turbid water and fine-grained sediment from the mudboils, (2) land-surface subsidence caused by the removal of sediment from below the land surface, and (3) degradation of Onondaga Creek by turbidity, fine-sediment deposition, and chloride loading. Objectives To define the glacial stratigraphy and hydraulic-head...
Problem The Village of Dryden, rural homeowners, farms, and businesses in the Virgil Creek Valley tap several confined sand and gravel aquifers in the Virgil Creek valley in the town of Dryden . The valley contains a large moraine with complex stratigraphy consisting of continuous and discontinuous layers of till, lake deposits, and glaciofluvial sand and gravel. Sand and gravel units form the aquifers in the valley-fill deposits. There are at least three extensive confined aquifer units at various depths. However, little is known about (1) the location of recharge and discharge areas, (2) direction of groundwater flow, (3) extent of hydraulic connection between aquifer units, and (4) extent of surface- and ground-water...
Summary:The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) New York Water Science Center (NYWSC) operates a monitoring network of streamgages in New York where water-resources information, collected in near-real time, can be used for computing long-term low-flow statistics. This study aims to determine low-flow, mean annual and mean monthly flow statistics and for all continuous streamgages in New York State, and to complete a thorough statistical analysis of potential trends in these data. Regional regression equations will be developed to estimate the computed statistics for ungaged locations in New York from the relation of computed statistics at gaged locations to various physical and climate characteristics of that region....
Introduction Recent trends analysis examining the effectiveness of tidal wetland regulations and the regulatory program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) revealed that the regulations and regulatory program were highly effective in stemming the historic "fill and build" activities. However, the trends also revealed that tidal wetlands—specifically, low marshes—were disappearing. To help determine the cause(s) of this loss, the NYSDEC, in collaboration with Stony Brook University's School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), established a monitoring program in 2008 that has been conducted on and in the tidal wetlands of East Creek,...
Background Climate change during the past century has resulted in changes to precipitation amounts, form (rain vs. snow), as well as frequency and intensity in the northeastern US (Huntington et al., 2009). Additional changes in precipitation are forecast for the 21st Century as the global and regional climate is expected to warm substantially (Hayhoe et al., 2007). These ongoing and projected future changes in precipitation along with other related changes to evapotranspiration rates and land use patterns will result in changes in streamflow patterns as well (Hayhoe et al., 2007). Although precipitation amounts have generally increased in the Northeast during the past 20-30 years (Huntington et al., 2009),...
Problem - The purpose of this project is to create a watershed GIS (Geographic Information System) to support the comprehensive cleanup and restoration of Onondaga Lake that is underway. A GIS is a computer system capable of capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information; that is, data identified according to location. Given the broad scope of the Onondaga Lake Partnership's (OLP) mission, a GIS is a powerful tool that can organize, store, and share information pertinent to the management of the natural resources of the Onondaga Lake watershed. The OLP GIS will be used for land use planning, resource management, scientific monitoring, and data presentation. The project has...
Background In recent years, more and more people have become concerned about Long Island's supply of freshwater. Currently, there is no comprehensive, island-wide resource that summarizes recent U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research related to the Island's aquifer system. A webpage will be developed by the USGS that will compile published data from the hydrologic-surveillance program, in place since the mid-1970’s, and various USGS sources, and supplement this information with more recent seasonal and annual hydrologic technical assistance will be provided to the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) to help them produce an easy to understand annual report that will provide a snapshot of the state of Long Island's...
Background Streams and rivers are an important environmental resource and provide water for many human needs. Streamflow is a measure of the volume of water carried by rivers and streams. Changes in streamflow can directly influence the supply of water available for human consumption, irrigation, generating electricity, and other needs. In addition, many plants and animals depend on streamflow for habitat and survival. Streamflow naturally varies over the course of a year. For example, rivers and streams in many parts of the country have their highest (peak) flow when snow melts in the spring. The amount of streamflow is important because high flows can cause erosion and damaging floods, while very low flows...
Significant changes in nitrogen loads to Jamaica Bay have likely occurred with progressive improvements to Water Pollution Control Plants (WCWPs) that discharge into the Bay. Data available from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and others will be used to determine loads from WPCPs, combined sewer overflows, and the atmosphere. Selected wells within the USGS water quality database, including those near the landfills that are immediately adjacent to Jamaica Bay, will be used to determine concentrations of nutrients in shallow ground water that enter the bay from ground water seepage. To facilitate evaluation of ground water loads, an existing USGS Finite element model that simulates sub...
Background: A sequence of gently dipping carbonate bedrock - the Bertie Formation, Akron Dolostone, and Onondaga Limestone crop out along a 2- to5-mile wide band in western and central New York. These bedrock units trend east-west for 250 miles across the State and form extensive carbonate-bedrock aquifers which transmit and yield water from solution-enlarged fractures, bedding planes, and other openings (Olcott, 1995). Bedding planes or sub-horizontal fractures typically are the most enlarged and important water conduits. Karstic features such as sinkholes, swallets, solution channels, and caverns can locally transmit large amounts of surface water into the ground where the groundwater can move quickly and over...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Aquifer Mapping, Aquifer Mapping, Aquifer Mapping, Basin & Hydrogeologic Characterization, Basin & Hydrogeologic Characterization, All tags...
Introduction High nitrate concentrations are a common concern among many purveyors, including the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA), the largest supplier of water to residents in Suffolk County. Typically, the amount of nitrate in groundwater is related to land use, where the greatest concentrations are observed in agricultural regions. In many areas, the nitrate concentration has increased steadily in recent years, even in areas that are no longer farmed and are now sewered. A statistical analysis for trends of over 20 years in nitrate concentration data from SCWA wells is needed to determine the susceptibility of supply-wells to exceed the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate. This information is essential...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Contaminants, Natural, Contaminants, Natural, Contaminants, natural, Cooperative Water Program, GW Model, All tags...
Background: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) plan to obtain data on chemical contaminants in fish from multiple Areas of Concern (AOCs) in New York State and use this information to evaluate fish consumption advisories, which are a critical component of most removal criteria for “Restriction on Fish and Wildlife Consumption” beneficial use impairments (BUI). The first project in the Buffalo River AOC will help determine if current fish consumption advisories are appropriate, if they can be modified, and if they support or do not support BUI removal as recommended in the June 2014 “Buffalo River AOC: A Monitoring Plan for the Delisting of...
Problem - The major hydrogeologic units of Long Island, New York, have been delineated as part of the islandwide mapping effort of Smolensky, Buxton, and Shernoff that was published in 1989 as U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Atlas (HA) 709. Concern about local details in the hydrogeologic framework that may not be represented in HA-709 has led the USGS, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to assess the hydrogeology of the Long Island area so ground-water-flow modeling planned by EPA can more fully reflect local hydrogeologic conditions. Objectives - The primary objective of this project is to construct geographic information system (GIS) datasets of the altitudes of the...
Water-management alternatives being considered for New York City involve aquifer storage and recovery, or ASR. An ASR system may store surplus water in an aquifer, then later recover this water in times of short supply. The success of an ASR system depends on the quantity and quality of water that can be withdrawn during recovery phases, which are influenced by hydrogeologic, microbiological, and geochemical factors. Mixing surface waters with ambient ground waters within a deep confined aquifer may cause freshwater/saltwater interface movement, clay swelling, mineral dissolution, new patterns of bacterial growth, and other hydrogeologic consequences. In 2005, data were collected at Tottenville, Staten Island,...
Background and Problem Tully Valley is part of the Onondaga Trough, which extends from the Valley Heads Moraine in the south to Onondaga Lake in the north near Syracuse, New York (fig. 1). The Onondaga Trough is filled with a complex sequence of glacial and post-glacial sediments that overlie Devonian carbonate rock and shale and Silurian shale and salt (fig.2). Mudboils, volcano-like cones of fine sand and silt, have been documented in the Tully Valley since the late 1890s, and have been continuously discharging turbid water into Onondaga Creek since the 1950s (Kappel and others, 1996). Continuous mudboil activity appears to be correlated with salt solution-mining activities in brine fields at the southern...

map background search result map search result map Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Chemistry to Evaluate Water-Management Alternatives in Kings and Queens Counties, New York Onondaga Lake Watershed Geographic Information System Nassau Hydrogeologic Maps Hydrogeology of the Tully Valley Mudboil Area, Southern Onondaga County, New York Assessment of Nutrient Loading to Jamaica Bay, Gateway National Recreation Area, New York Soil and Low-Ionic-Strength Water Quality Laboratory Monitoring Tidal Water Elevation and Water Quality to Assess Tidal Wetland Loss in Four Embayments of Long Island Sound, New York Trends in Nitrate Concentrations in Public Water-Supply Wells, Suffolk County, New York, 1982-2008 Detailed Aquifer Mapping in Wayne County, New York, The Fairport-Lyons Channel Aquifer Flood-Inundation Maps for the Schoharie Creek at Prattsville, New York State of the Aquifer, Long Island, New York Development of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to Predict Streamflow Statistics using USGS Streamstats and Precipitation from Downscaled Global Climate Change Models Simulation of Zones of Groundwater Contribution to Three Well Fields Southwest Portion of the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant, Bethpage, New York Detailed Aquifer Mapping in the Susquehanna River Valley  in South-Central Broome County –Towns of Conklin and Kirkwood Hydrogeology of the Virgil Creek Valley in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York Hydrologic Climate Change Indicators Hydrogeologic Recharge Settings of the Carbonate-Bedrock Aquifers in Livingston and Monroe Counties, Western New York New York Statewide Fish Collection: Contaminants in fish from the Buffalo River AOC Determination of Sources of Water to the Tully Valley Mudboils Hydrogeology of the Tully Valley Mudboil Area, Southern Onondaga County, New York Flood-Inundation Maps for the Schoharie Creek at Prattsville, New York New York Statewide Fish Collection: Contaminants in fish from the Buffalo River AOC Simulation of Zones of Groundwater Contribution to Three Well Fields Southwest Portion of the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant, Bethpage, New York Hydrogeology of the Virgil Creek Valley in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York Determination of Sources of Water to the Tully Valley Mudboils Detailed Aquifer Mapping in the Susquehanna River Valley  in South-Central Broome County –Towns of Conklin and Kirkwood Assessment of Nutrient Loading to Jamaica Bay, Gateway National Recreation Area, New York Onondaga Lake Watershed Geographic Information System Hydrogeologic Recharge Settings of the Carbonate-Bedrock Aquifers in Livingston and Monroe Counties, Western New York Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Chemistry to Evaluate Water-Management Alternatives in Kings and Queens Counties, New York Trends in Nitrate Concentrations in Public Water-Supply Wells, Suffolk County, New York, 1982-2008 State of the Aquifer, Long Island, New York Development of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to Predict Streamflow Statistics using USGS Streamstats and Precipitation from Downscaled Global Climate Change Models Soil and Low-Ionic-Strength Water Quality Laboratory Hydrologic Climate Change Indicators