Filters: Tags: Airborne geophysical survey (X)
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This digital publication, GPR 2008-1, contains geophysical data and a digital elevation model that were produced from airborne geophysical surveys conducted in 2007 for part of the western Fortymile mining district, east-central Alaska. Aeromagnetic and electromagnetic data were acquired for 250 sq miles during the helicopter-based survey. Data provided in GPR 2008-1 include processed (1) linedata ASCII database, (2) gridded files of magnetic data, a calculated vertical magnetic gradient (first vertical derivative), apparent resistivity data, and a digital elevation model, (3) vector files of data contours and flight lines, and (4) the Contractor's descriptive project report. Data are described in more detail in...
This digital publication, GPR 2014-3, contains CGG's analysis and interpretation of data produced from airborne geophysical surveys published by DGGS in 2013 (GPR 2013-1) for the Southern Dishna River, Fox Hills, and Beaver Creek survey areas. These three survey areas are informally referred to as the Five Spot survey in places in this publication. CGG's frequency-domain DIGHEM V system was used for the EM data. GPR 2014-3 includes (1) CGG's project report with interpretation and detailed EM Anomalies, and (2) Multi-channel stacked profiles in pdf format. Interpretation maps and EM anomalies are provided in various formats (e.g., Geotiffs, KMZs, and others) and are listed in detail in GPR2014-003 ReadMe (.txt and...
This data release provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic survey over parts of northwestern Minnesota near the town of Mentor. The airborne survey was funded by the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative and was designed to meet complementary needs related to geologic mapping and characterization of mineral resource potential. A total of 40,139-line km of magnetic data were acquired over an irregular-shaped area of 9140 km2. Data were collected from a fixed-wing aircraft flown at mean terrain clearance of 120 meters (m) above topography along N-S flight lines spaced at 250 m intervals. Tie lines were flown in an E-W direction every 2500 m. Data were collected by EDCON-PRJ and NV5 Geospatial,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Becker County,
Clay County,
Clearwater River,
Earth Mapping Resources Initiative,
This data release provides digital flight-line and gridded data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over the region surrounding the Wet Mountains of southern Colorado, including parts of Custer and Fremont Counties. Data for this survey were collected by Sander Geophysics Limited International (SGL) under contract with the USGS. The survey was flown in June and July of 2021 using a helicopter equipped with a magnetometer mounted in a stinger extending from the nose of the aircraft and a gamma-ray spectrometer stowed onboard. The helicopter pilots followed pre-planned flight paths in a grid-like pattern, with east-west lines spaced 150 meters apart and north-south lines spaced 1,000 meters...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: "Mineral Resources"],
Antelope Creek,
Arkansas River,
Association of State Geologists,
Airborne radiometric data are provided here as part of the data release "Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, western Arkansas, 2022." This website includes the processed radiometric data, with and without spectra, provided in ASCII .csv files and geoTIFF images showing the total count (K, U, Th), percent potassium (%K), equivalent uranium (eU), and equivalent thorium (eTh).
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: AASG,
Association of State Geologists,
Dardanelle Lake,
The Eagle airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey covers parts of the Charley River, Eagle, and Tanacross quadrangles near Eagle, Alaska (fig. 1). Magnetic and radiometric data were collected with a fixed-wing aircraft May 24 to June 27, 2021 by MPX Geophysics LTD. A total of 26,926 line kilometers were collected covering 9,731 square kilometers. The magnetometer was mounted to a rear-facing fixed boom (tail stinger). The radiometric crystals were located in the cabin of the aircraft. The Eagle survey was flown with a line spacing of 400 meters (m) and a mean ground clearance of 330 m. The data, as well as additional metadata, are available from the DGGS website: USGS...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Airborne Geophysical Survey,
This body section usually contains what's in the summary plus some additional information if there is any.
This data release provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution airborne radiometric survey over parts of Montana in the vicinity of the Boulder Batholith. The airborne survey was jointly funded by the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative and Kennecott Exploration Company. The survey was designed to meet complementary needs related to geologic mapping and characterization of mineral resource potential. A total of 34,041 line km of magnetic and radiometric data were acquired over an irregular-shaped area of 6178 km2. Data were collected from a helicopter flown at a nominal terrain clearance of 100 meters (m) above topography along E-W flight lines spaced at 200 m intervals. Tie lines were flown in an N-S...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: AASG,
Aeroradiometric survey,
Airborne geophysical survey,
Association of State Geologists,
Boulder Mountains,
This publication provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution horizontal magnetic gradient and radiometric survey over an area of southeast Missouri and western Illinois. The survey represents the first airborne geophysical survey conducted as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI) effort (Day, 2019). Earth MRI is a cooperative effort between the USGS, the Association of American State Geologists, and other Federal, State, and private sector organizations to improve our knowledge of the geologic framework of the United States. Data for this survey were collected by Terraquest, Ltd. under contract with the USGS using a fixed wing aircraft with magnetometers...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Earth Mapping Resources Initiative,
Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center,
This data release provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over the Medicine Bow Mountains in southern Wyoming. The airborne survey was jointly funded by the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative and the Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS). The survey was designed to meet complementary needs related to geologic mapping and characterization of mineral resource potential. A total of 16,400 line km of magnetic and radiometric data were acquired over an irregular-shaped area of 2710 km2. Data were collected from a helicopter flown at a nominal terrain clearance of 80 meters (m) above topography along N-S flight lines spaced at 200 m intervals. The line spacing...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: AASG,
Aeromagnetic survey,
Airborne geophysical survey,
Association of State Geologists,
Bear Mountain,
Seward Peninsula airborne electromagnetic survey, Kigluiak, Bendeleben, and Darby Mountains, Geophysical Report 2024-2, covers parts of the Teller, Bendeleben, Nome, and Solomon 1:250,000-scale U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangles on the Seward Peninsula north of Nome, Alaska. Time-domain electromagnetic data were collected with the SkyTEM 306HP system, which was towed by a helicopter, from September 8 to October 3, 2023, and from June 5 to July 18, 2024. A total of 4,330-line kilometers (km) were collected covering 4,817 km2. The survey was flown with semi-parallel lines spaced approximately 1 km apart and oriented perpendicular to regional geologic strike. Electromagnetic data were used to create resistivity...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Airborne Geophysical Survey,
Kuskokwim airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey, northern Kuskokwim Mountains, Geophysical Report 2023-1, covers parts of the Tanana, Norton Bay, Nulato, Ruby, Kantishna River, Medfra, and Mt. McKinley quadrangles west of Nenana, Alaska (fig. 1). Magnetic and radiometric data were collected with a fixed-wing aircraft from May 14 to August 31, 2023, by MPX Geophysics LTD. The survey contains a single block. A total of 86,712 line-kilometers were collected. The block covers 29,361 km2. The magnetometer was mounted to a rear-facing fixed boom ("tail stinger"). The radiometric crystals were located in the cabin of the aircraft. The block was flown with a line spacing of 400 m. The mean ground clearance...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Airborne Geophysical Survey,
Fortymile mining district electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey, data compilation
The Fortymile electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data were acquired with a DIGHEM-V Electromagnetic (EM) system and a cesium magnetometer. The EM and magnetic sensors were flown at a height of 30 meters (m). In addition the survey recorded data from radar and laser altimeters, a GPS navigation system, 50/60 Hz monitors and a video camera. Flights were performed with an AS-350-B2 Squirrel helicopter at a mean terrain clearance of 60 m along N-S survey flight lines with a spacing of 400 m. Tie lines were flown perpendicular to the flight lines at intervals of approximately 4,800 m
This body section usually contains what's in the summary plus some additional information if there is any.
This release includes aeromagnetic data collected via low-altitude helicopter flown over northeastern Washington State, centered over the town of Republic, Washington. The data were acquired between September 26, 2022 and August 21, 2023 by Precision Geosurveys, Inc. of Langley, British Columbia and processed by EDCON-PRJ, Inc. of Lakewood, Colorado, contracted by the U.S. Geological Survey and funded through the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (EarthMRI). The survey includes gridded data from target altitude of 80-100 meters above ground level, subject to aircraft climb and descent limitations. Primary transverse flight lines were flown in the east-west direction and spaced 200 meters apart. Tie lines were flown...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Earth Mapping Resources Initiative,
Economic Geology,
Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center,
This publication provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution magnetic and radiometric survey over an area of southeast Illinois, western Kentucky, and southern Indiana. The survey includes airborne geophysical data collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI) effort (Day, 2019). Earth MRI is a cooperative effort between the USGS, the Association of American State Geologists, and other Federal, State, and private sector organizations to improve our knowledge of the geologic framework of the United States. Data for this survey were collected by EON Geosciences under contract with the USGS using a fixed wing aircraft with a magnetometer mounted in...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
Tags: AASG,
Association of American State Geologists,
Ballard County,
Caldwell County,
Carlisle County,
Airborne magnetic data are provided here as part of the data release, 'Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Virginia and North Carolina Fall Zone, 2021.' This website includes the processed aeromagnetic data provided in an ascii .csv file and a geoTIFF image showing the total magnetic intensity. The contractor report is available on the parent page.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: AASG,
Amelia County,
Association of State Geologists,
Bertie County,
Brunswick County,
Airborne magnetic data are provided here as part of the data release "Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, central Arkansas and southern Missouri, 2023." This website includes the processed aeromagnetic data provided in an ASCII .csv file; a Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg) image showing the residual magnetic anomaly; and GeoTIFF images showing the total magnetic intensity and derivative products, including the first and second vertical derivatives, residual magnetics, and reduced-to-pole magnetics. Note that the standard magnetic pole-reduction filter used to create the reduced-to-pole magnetic GeoTIFF may not properly account for remanant magnetization of strongly magnetized rocks associated with intrusive...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arkansas,
Arkansas (AR),
Arkansas alkaline province,
Arkoma Basin,
Earth MRI,
This data release provides digital flight-line and gridded data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over the central portion of the Colorado Mineral Belt, central Colorado. The Colorado Mineral Belt is a broad, northeast-southwest trending alignment of historic mining districts that have produced multiple types of commodities, including critical minerals that are vital to the Nation's security and economy. The survey was acquired as part of the USGS Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI) to improve our understanding of the fundamental geologic framework underpinning the Colorado Mineral Belt. This release covers the central portion of the belt (“mid” block), which includes a wide...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: AASG,
Aeromagnetic survey,
Aeroradiometric survey,
Airborne geophysical survey,
Association of State Geologists,
This data release provides digital flight-line and gridded data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over the central portion of the Colorado Mineral Belt, central Colorado. The Colorado Mineral Belt is a broad, northeast-southwest trending alignment of historic mining districts that have produced multiple types of commodities, including critical minerals that are vital to the Nation's security and economy. The survey was acquired as part of the USGS Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI) to improve our understanding of the fundamental geologic framework underpinning the Colorado Mineral Belt. This release covers the central portion of the belt ("mid" block), which includes a wide...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: AASG,
Aeromagnetic survey,
Airborne geophysical survey,
Association of State Geologists,
Chaffee County,
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