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This data release contains elemental concentration data from the reanalysis of 13,930 archived stream-sediment sample and associated stream sediment reference material and 968 archived rock samples and associated rock reference material. All archived material was from samples that were collected in Alaska. Samples were retrieved from the USGS Mineral Program's sample archive in Denver, CO. Sample processing consisted of splitting the appropriate aliquot for the requested analyses. Sample splitting was performed in the USGS Mineral Program's sample prep facilities. 13,800 samples were analyzed using a multi-element analytical method involving decomposition of the sample by sodium peroxide and elemental analysis by...
Categories: Data; Tags: Alaska, Alaska Range, Aleutian Islands, Aleutian Range, Alexander Archipelago, All tags...
This is a child item of the USGS Data Release: This data package contains geospatial layers used for selecting bird survey locations in Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve. 1)"ANIA_original_sample_sitesAlb83" represents the nine 10-km X 10-km sample plots selected for the Aniakchak bird surveys. 2)"ANIA_sample_location_waypointsAlb83" is a summary of the 136 locations at which Aniakchak bird surveys were conducted. 3)"ANIA_sampled_plotsAlb83" represents the nine 10-km X 10-km sample plots inventoried during the Aniakchak bird surveys. 4)"ANIA_savage_site_checksAlb83" represents unique sites within Aniakchak that were identified for site visits based on expert opinion.
This data package includes two child items with data from montane-nesting bird surveys in the Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska. Child Item One: "Data and Photographs from the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in the Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska". The data include (1) characteristics of bird survey sites, (2) vegetation classification at survey sites, (3) detections of all birds at survey sites, (4) behaviors of all birds at survey sites, (5) bird taxonomy and indication of conservation status, and (6) habitat information pertaining to survey site photographs. Child Item Two: "Geospatial Sampling Information for the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in the Aniakchak National...
This is a child item of the USGS Data Release: This data package contains six tables: 1) characteristics of bird survey sites, 2) vegetation classification at survey sites, 3) detections of all birds at survey sites, 4) behaviors of all birds at survey sites, 5) bird taxonomy and indication of conservation status, and 6) habitat information pertaining to survey site photographs. The objectives of the survey were to 1) use targeted field investigations to document as many bird species as possible that occur within Aniakchak during the breeding season, and 2) describe the distribution, habitat associations, and relative numbers of bird species occurring within Aniakchak during the...
Mount Chiginagak is a hydrothermally active volcano on the Alaska Peninsula, approximately 170 km south-southwest of King Salmon, Alaska. This small stratovolcano, approximately 8 km in diameter, has erupted through Tertiary to Permian sedimentary and igneous rocks. The eruptive products of Chiginagak volcano record a history of chiefly andesite lava flows and associated block-and-ash flows. The oldest lavas exposed are Pleistocene in age and are found everywhere around the edifice except in the northeast sector, where Holocene lava flows dominate the landscape. Holocene activity has covered the northeast flank with rubbly-topped andesite lava flows that extend as far as 4.6 km from their source vent at the summit...
The Alaska Geochemical Database Version 4.0 (AGDB4) contains geochemical data compilations in which each geologic material sample has one best value determination for each analyzed species, greatly improving efficiency of use. The relational database includes historical geochemical data archived in the USGS National Geochemical Database (NGDB), the Atomic Energy Commission National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance databases, and the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) Geochemistry database. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Mines and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management are included as well. The data tables describe historical and new quantitative...
Tags: AGDB, AMRAP, Alaska Geochemical Database, Alaska Mineral Resource Assessment Program, Alaska Range, All tags...
Mount Chiginagak is a hydrothermally active volcano on the Alaska Peninsula, approximately 170 km south-southwest of King Salmon, Alaska. This small stratovolcano, approximately 8 km in diameter, has erupted through Tertiary to Permian sedimentary and igneous rocks. The eruptive products of Chiginagak volcano record a history of chiefly andesite lava flows and associated block-and-ash flows. The oldest lavas exposed are Pleistocene in age and are found everywhere around the edifice except in the northeast sector, where Holocene lava flows dominate the landscape. Holocene activity has covered the northeast flank with rubbly-topped andesite lava flows that extend as far as 4.6 km from their source vent at the summit...
The Alaska Geochemical Database Version 3.0 (AGDB3) contains new geochemical data compilations in which each geologic material sample has one best value determination for each analyzed species, greatly improving speed and efficiency of use. Like the Alaska Geochemical Database Version 2.0 before it, the AGDB3 was created and designed to compile and integrate geochemical data from Alaska to facilitate geologic mapping, petrologic studies, mineral resource assessments, definition of geochemical baseline values and statistics, element concentrations and associations, environmental impact assessments, and studies in public health associated with geology. This relational database, created from databases and published...
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: AGDB, AMRAP, Alaska Geochemical Database, Alaska Mineral Resource Assessment Program, Alaska Range, All tags...

    map background search result map search result map Geologic map of Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska Geologic map of Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska Alaska Geochemical Database Version 3.0 (AGDB3) including best value data compilations for rock, sediment, soil, mineral, and concentrate sample media Alaska Geochemical Database Version 4.0 (AGDB4) including best value data compilations for rock, sediment, soil, mineral, and concentrate sample media Data from the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in the Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska Selected Whole-Rock and Sediment Geochemistry Reanalysis Data Additions to the Alaska Geochemical DataBase (AGDB) from Archived Samples, Alaska Child Item 1: Data and Photographs from the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in the Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska Child Item 2: Geospatial Sampling Information from the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska Geologic map of Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska Geologic map of Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska Data from the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in the Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska Child Item 1: Data and Photographs from the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in the Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska Child Item 2: Geospatial Sampling Information from the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska Selected Whole-Rock and Sediment Geochemistry Reanalysis Data Additions to the Alaska Geochemical DataBase (AGDB) from Archived Samples, Alaska Alaska Geochemical Database Version 4.0 (AGDB4) including best value data compilations for rock, sediment, soil, mineral, and concentrate sample media Alaska Geochemical Database Version 3.0 (AGDB3) including best value data compilations for rock, sediment, soil, mineral, and concentrate sample media