Filters: Tags: Anadromous species (X)
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The Passage Assessment Database (PAD) geospatial file contains locations of known and potential barriers to salmonid migration in California streams with additional information about each record. The PAD is an ongoing map-based inventory of known and potential barriers to anadromous fish in California, compiled and maintained through a cooperative interagency agreement. The PAD compiles currently available fish passage information from many different sources, allows past and future barrier assessments to be standardized and stored in one place, and enables the analysis of cumulative effects of passage barriers in the context of overall watershed health. The database is set up to capture basic information about each...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Anadromous migrations,
Anadromous species,
Barriers (structures),
Biotic barriers,
This dataset consists of two tables with the results from two manipulative thermal experiments with juvenile coho salmon (May 2021) and juvenile Chinook salmon (May 2020) and include 1) gene transcription results and heat shock protein 70 abundance in coho salmon and Chinook salmon and 2) water temperatures to which fish were exposed during the experiment.
These data include species occurrence records of fish in oceans within 1000 kilometers of the United States shoreline. This dataset is a subset of the OBIS-USA dataset as of December 2, 2014 and includes records of the taxonomic groups of Actinopterygii, Chondrichthyes, Myxini, Osteichthyes, and Petromyzontida. After initial taxonomic queries, the remaining data were further queried to retain only samples within 1000 kilometers of the U.S. shoreline. Spatial queries were then used to remove samples overlaying land masses. Data are provided in a geodatabase format, as well as a comma seperated values format. OBIS-USA provides aggregated, interoperable biogeographic data collected primarily from U.S. waters and oceanic...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Abundance (organisms),
Anadromous species,
Aquatic animals,
Aquatic environments,
Aquatic habitats,