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Description of Work This spring (2014) we will measure Asian carp eDNA over time at a Missouri River site downstream of multiple spawning areas before and during spawning. We will measure the amount of Asian carp eDNA in water samples. The amount of eDNA will be related to the numbers of eggs and larvae counted in matched samples (water samples taken at the same time and place). The time since the eDNA was released by the carp will be estimated and these results will be related to the average age of AC eggs and larvae in matched samples. We will also test for substances which interfere with the eDNA measurement techniques and can lead to false negatives. We will also be validating markers developed by USGS and...
Description of Work In separate studies, bighead carp and silver carp were raised in waters of varying hardness. Survival, correct development, and hatching success were monitored. Additionally, a search of the Asian literature (including Chinese-language literature) on water hardness in areas where Asian carp are native was performed. Relevance & Impact If soft water limits Asian carp hatching success, then this would mean that large areas of the Great Lakes and east and west coast drainages would not be at risk of Asian carp establishment. Key Findings Both bighead carp and silver carp developed normally and the eggs hatched normally in all water hardnesses tested, including very soft water. The Yangtze River,...
Description of Work Initial tests of a variety of chemical stimuli identified a strong response to the algal food attractant. Field testing of chemical stimulants based on algae will seek to identify potent mixtures based on persistence and duration of attraction. These studies will include consideration of component chemicals such as amino acids produced by algae that enhance the attractiveness of the stimulus, based on carp smell and taste senses. Means of providing a sustained release of the stimulant will be explored through tests of various media. Tests will be conducted to confirm the possibility that carp can be conditioned to feeding stations that can be used to facilitate their capture. Relevance & Impact...
In 2015-2016, the Ohio Division of Wildlife’s undercover law enforcement purchased 1,200 grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish heads and eyeballs were sent overnight to U.S. Geological Survey Wetland and Aquatic Research Center for ploidy analysis. Field and laboratory standard operating procedures were established and followed. Fish lengths, fish weights, and eyeball weights were obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s feral carp ploidy program for grass carp and black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) and the Ohio grass carp. Internal 2µm or 4µm bead standards were used in establishing nuclear sizes from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), known diploid (n=20) and triploid (n=20) carp blood, as well...
Observations and subtle shifts of vegetation communities in western Lake Erie have USGS researchers concerned about the potential for Grass Carp to alter these vegetation communities. Broad-scale surveys of vegetation using remote sensing and GIS mapping, coupled with on-the-ground samples in key locations will permit assessment of the effect Grass Carp may have already had on aquatic vegetation communities and establish baseline conditions for assessing future effects. Existing aerial imagery was used with object-based image analysis to detect and map aquatic vegetation in the western basin of Lake Erie.
This dataset includes quantifications of bigheaded carp DNA found in water samples collected from the Wabash River along transects at 3 sites over time. The samples were collected at 18 equidistant points in a transect across the river at each site. Samples were collected in 2013 on May 29, 30, 31, June 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 22. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was performed to determine the DNA concentrations in two replicates using the bigheaded carp assay defined in Merkes and others 2014.
Description of Work The USGS will communicate these results through coordinating site visits to demonstrate how technologies are applied. USGS will coordinate the communication approach across multiple projects to most efficiently demonstrate technologies and get the information to the stakeholders and managers. A demonstration of Asian carp control technologies occurred in August 2013 near Morris, Illinois at a backwater pond of the Illinois River. State and federal partners were invited to visit an application of the Integrated Pest Management approach to Asian carp control. Water guns, algal feeding attractant, acoustic fish tracking, and commercial fishing were implemented in a coordinated manner to reduce...
Data set includes water Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O for the Upper Mississippi River and tributaries and otolith Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O data from bigheaded carp collected in pools 19-21 of the Upper Mississippi River. Abstract from manuscript: Knowledge of environments used during early life history and movement patterns of Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and Silver Carp (H. molitrix), collectively termed bigheaded carps, in the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) would be valuable for informing control measures to limit further population expansion and impacts of these species. Lock and Dam 19 (LD19) is a high-head dam on the UMR that delineates downriver areas where bigheaded carps are well-established from upriver...
This dataset contains Sr:Ca of water and fin ray samples of native fish to evaluate upstream fish passage through a navigation lock in the Des Plaines River (Brandon Roads Lock and Dam). Fin ray samples from several native fish taxa (catostomids, ictalurids, centrarchids, and lepisosteids) were collected in two river reaches downstream of Brandon Roads Lock and Dam, and in a river reach upstream of Brandon Roads Lock and Dam. Fin ray Sr:Ca derived from microchemistry analyses of fin ray materials from a laser ablation transect is included as both edge values and entire transect (including edge). Edge values of Sr:Ca were used to characterize chemical signatures of residency for each of the rivers and make comparisons...
The data collection for the concrete-walled channel downstream from the Brandon Road Lock and Dam near Joliet, Illinois occurred in May 2014 Five pounds per square inch (lb/in2) was used as a threshold water pressure value for this study as this value incorporates fish behavior and structural integrity considerations. The Brandon Road study evaluated the performance of two different water gun configurations within the concrete-walled channel downstream from the lock with depths ranging from 12-15 feet. Data from a single 80 cubic inch (in³) water gun produced a roughly cylindrical 5 lb/in2 pressure field 20 feet in radius, oriented vertically, with the radius decreasing to less than 15 feet at the surface. A combination...
Description of Work Bighead, silver and grass carp larvae were raised in the laboratory. Larvae were observed during the hatching process. Recently hatched larvae were placed in 10 feet tall clear vertical containers where the carp were exposed to light for a similar amount of time during the day as they would experience in a river during the spawning period. Depth selection, swimming behavior, and swimming speed were observed in both day and night periods. Relevance & Impact Understanding the stage at which Asian carps begin swimming is critical to development of models that predict whether a river is adequate for reproduction by Asian carps. Knowledge of where and how Asian carp larvae arrive in nursery areas...
The data includes dates, places, and times of sampling events for eggs and larvae of invasive Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in tributaries to Lake Erie between 2015 and 2020. Reference data on locations and dates sampled, gears used, and effort are included. Developmental stages for a subset of undamaged, fertilized eggs are provided. Tables include common fields to allow for integration into a relational database to aid data extraction and associating data among tables.
Description of Work USGS employees worked with Chinese scientists to acquire and translate existing Chinese science on development. Then, bighead and silver carps were spawned and the eggs and larvae reared in the laboratory, with close control on temperature and very close observation of the different developmental stages. Multiple spawning events of each species were necessary to understand variability in developmental rate. Preserved voucher specimens and microscope photography were taken of all developmental stages. Relevance & Impact These data were first used to model the spawning locations of Asian carps in the Missouri River. They were later used in the development of the more advanced FluEgg model, which...
Description of Work This work began by assembling fish toxicant data into a common database and examining the database for trends in toxicant data. The trends found in the toxicant database were linked to physiochemical properties of the individual toxicants. Combining the toxicant trends with the physiochemical properties may allow for the prediction of toxicity and the identification of chemicals with selectivity for the Asian carp. Identifying a selective toxicant may provide control of Asian carps while minimizing effects on other non-target aquatic species. When Asian carp specific toxicants are identified from the initial screen within the database these toxicants are then further screened in toxicity assays...
The bathymetric data set was collected in Rock Run on Dec. 10, 2015 by USGS ILWSC staff Clayton Bosch and Louis Pappas. The bathymetric data were collected with an RD Instruments 1200 kHz ADCP (S/N 8617) and Trimble Ag 162 GPS mounted on the M/V La Moine. A temporary reference point (TRP) was established on the north side of the footbridge over the connecting channel to the Des Plaines River. The mean water surface elevation (504.97 feet, WGS 84) during the survey was established from a temporary reference point whose elevation was later established by GPS survey. The measured depths were then converted to a lake bed elevation. The location and depth data were compiled into a bathymetry dataset (Rock Run Bathymetry...
Black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus and grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella are morphologically similar species imported from eastern Asia to North America as biological control organisms. Preferred identification methods are coloration and pharyngeal tooth form. Grass carp possess serrated teeth and black carp molariform teeth. Examination of pharyngeal teeth causes extensive damage to a specimen, and is labor and time intensive. Coloration can vary within a species and fades with preservation. We present a suite of external characteristics consisting of a truss network canonical variate analysis of distance measurements among landmarks on the lateral view of the head of each fish, the ratio of head length to mouth...
To evaluate how bigheaded carps use a restored backwater habitat, their passages into and out of and residency within a backwater was monitored using acoustic telemetry. This dataset describes the results of this study and was used to compare activity of bigheaded carps between species, at a diel scale, among seasons, and how activity related of environmental conditions. Calculation of passages and residency are available in the thesis of Douglas Schultz (Southern Illinois University, 2006).
We measured ontogenetic changes in routine and maximum swimming speeds of bighead, grass, and silver carp larvae. Daily measurements of routine swimming speed were taken for two weeks post-hatch using a still camera and the LARVEL program, a custom image-analysis software. Larval swimming speed was calculated using larval locations in subsequent image frames and time between images. Using an endurance chamber, we determined the maximum swimming speed of larvae (post gas bladder inflation) for four to eight weeks post-hatch.
Data set includes water Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O for the Mississippi River and tributaries, and otolith Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O data from bigheaded carp (Silver Carp and BIghead Carp) collected in navigation pools 16-19 of the Upper Mississippi River in 2016 to 2018. Bigheaded carp (Bighead Carp and Silver Carp) are invasive species in the US and have spread throughout most of the lower Mississippi River Basin. Population abundance upstream of Lock and Dam 19 (LD19) on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) has likely been limited by the high-head dam at this location, which restricts all upstream fish passage to the lock chamber. To determine early-life environments of adult bigheaded carp captured upstream LD19 at the...
The study at Lemont replicated and expanded upon seismic data collected at that location in 2011 as well as evaluated the pressure field created in the water by the water gun. The replicate data were collected with the water gun placements and input pressure identical to the 2011 study, but added static underwater pressure monitoring. Two 80-in³ water guns were suspended below a platform at depths of 4 and 14 feet. Pressure values were lower when only the gun suspended at 4 feet was fired as compared to firing the single gun at 14 feet and both guns simultaneously, with the latter two producing similar pressures. Data were collected to assess the pressure field produced by two 80-in³ water guns suspended at a depth...

map background search result map search result map Brandon Road Lock and Dam Hydrophone Data Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Lemont, Illinois Acceleration Data Bathymetric survey of Rock Run Rookery Lake, Will County, Illinois Ontogenetic changes in swimming speed of silver carp, bighead carp, and grass carp larvae-Data Lake Erie, Western Basin Aquatic Vegetation data Restoration versus invasive species: bigheaded carps’ use of a rehabilitated backwater: Data Establishing a standard ploidy assessment method using grass carp from Ohio, 2015-2016 Black carp and grass carp morphometric measurements Upper Mississippi River water and bigheaded carp otolith chemistry data Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) egg capture data from tributaries to western Lake Erie, 2015-2020 Wabash River, Indiana bigheaded carps environmental DNA: Data Otolith microchemistry of adult bigheaded carp for determining early-life environments in the Upper Mississippi River 2016-2018 Fin ray microchemistry of native fishes to evaluate upstream fish passage at Brandon Roads Lock and Dam in Illinois: 2017-2018 Bathymetric survey of Rock Run Rookery Lake, Will County, Illinois Brandon Road Lock and Dam Hydrophone Data Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Lemont, Illinois Acceleration Data Upper Mississippi River water and bigheaded carp otolith chemistry data Restoration versus invasive species: bigheaded carps’ use of a rehabilitated backwater: Data Lake Erie, Western Basin Aquatic Vegetation data Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) egg capture data from tributaries to western Lake Erie, 2015-2020 Otolith microchemistry of adult bigheaded carp for determining early-life environments in the Upper Mississippi River 2016-2018 Fin ray microchemistry of native fishes to evaluate upstream fish passage at Brandon Roads Lock and Dam in Illinois: 2017-2018 Wabash River, Indiana bigheaded carps environmental DNA: Data Establishing a standard ploidy assessment method using grass carp from Ohio, 2015-2016 Black carp and grass carp morphometric measurements