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This map summarizes information presented in the other chapters of the report, including background information on the Bureau of Land Management and Rapid Ecoregional Assessments (REAs), and the REA components that are addressed by the Wyoming Basin REA. In addition, we provide two-page summaries for each Change Agent (development, invasive species, fire, and climate change) and Conservation Element (species and communities) assessed by the Wyoming Basin REA. The REA?s provide an assessment of 1) baseline conditions for long-term monitoring of broad-scale conditions and trends; 2) landscape-level intactness of ecological communities, habitats for priority species, and the ecoregion overall; and 3) a predictive capacity...
General habitat model for golden eagles using MaxEnt software, Phillips and others, 2006. Values of vegetation and abiotic variables at 218 mapped golden eagle locations, with nest locations provided by Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System, Montana Natural Heritage Program, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, Utah Natural Heritage Program, and the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, since 1990 were derived from data from SAGEMAP, Hanser and others, 2011, Homer and others, 2012, USGS, and WorldClim. Variables with the greatest weight included slope, topographic ruggedness, herbaceous cover, elevation, and annual mean temperature. The map of potential golden eagle habitat was...
This map depicts the Rivers and Streams Conservation Asset for Florida with road barriers from the Southeast Aquatic Barriers Tool. The number of miles that could be gained through conservation action to remove obstructions are summarized by HUC12 watershed units. River/Stream Connectivity is an ecological indicator for the Landscape Conservation Project for Florida. The project entails a large-scale assessment of and planning for the health of important natural resources, known as Conservation Assets (CAs), in Florida. Conservation planning at the landscape scale provides a framework for safeguarding functional ecosystems, and their interconnected processes necessary to achieve true preservation of healthy resources....
This dataset is one of a suite of products from the Nature’s Network project ( Nature’s Network is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conservation in the Northeast, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural areas they inhabit. This dataset represents the relative potential to improve local aquatic connectivity by upgrading road-stream crossings. The model incorporates survey data from the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC). To view the current NAACC database go to The Road Stream Crossing Upgrade Effects dataset and other datasets that augment or complement aquatic connectivity are...
China is striving for coordinated regional economic development and to solve the energy shortage in eastern China through a western China development plan with one focus being energy development and west to east energy transfer. This paper describes Western China Sustainable Energy Development Model (WSED) to evaluate various energy development scenarios for western China. The model includes a Western China MARKAL model, a Computable General Equilibrium Model for Western China (WCGE), and an Energy Service Demand Projection Model (ESDP). The ESDP provides energy service demand projections for the Western China MARKAL model, while the WCGE provides macroeconomic inputs for the ESDP and analyzes the impact of different...
Barriers were characterized as the minimum distance from forested regions, highways and perennial rivers. Forested regions were extracted from GAP/EVT landcover data by isolating pixels that were classed as ‘forest’. Only forested regions having canopy cover of >80% were selected by using the Landfire canopy cover dataset. TIGER road data was used to identify highways. The USGS National Hydrography Dataset was used to extract perennial stream features. Proximity analyses were applied to all development datasets and scored. Habitat located greater than 1,500 meters away from barriers were considered good, habitat within 400-1,500 meters of barriers were considered fair, and habitat within 400 meters were considered...
To map the baseline distribution of northern leatherside chub we compiled occurrence information from Wyoming Game and Fish Department (streams, rivers, and lakes and reservoirs) and Wesner and Belk (2012) and summarized these occurrences to 6th-level watershed. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate. The...
Alterations to stream hydrology, which include changes in stream geomorphology, are primary impacts of anthropogenic disruption. In North Carolina, hydrological alterations lead to environmental impacts through degraded ecosystems and water quality. In collaboration with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services (DMS), the USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center datasets are proxy measurements of the extent of altered hydrology in riverine systems across the State of North Carolina. The datasets consist of an inventory and characterization of small scale (mostly agricultural) ponds and artificial drainages, which are both significant hydrologic modifications in the...
Developed a general habitat model for pygmy rabbits using MaxEnt software, Phillips and others, 2006. Values of vegetation and abiotic variables at 3,066 mapped pygmy rabbit locations, provided by Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, since 1990 were derived from data from SAGEMAP, Hanser and others, 2011, Homer and others, 2012, USGS, and WorldClim. Variables with the greatest weight included the average temperature of the coldest quarter, sagebrush cover, annual mean temperature, and the percent of sand in the soil. The map of potential pygmy rabbit habitat was based on MaxEnt parameter values that included 95 percent of the locations; omission rate of 5 percent. For additional details see the Wyoming Basin Rapid...
This CSV file contains 21 dam metrics representing stream fragmentation and flow alteration for nearly 2.3 million stream reaches in the conterminous USA. Dam metrics fall into four main categories: segment-based, count and density, distance-based, and cumulative reservoir storage (described below). These data were developed using spatially verified large dam locations (n=49,468) primarily from the National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset (NABD) that were spatially linked to the National Hydrography Dataset Plus version 1 (NHDPlusV1). These dam metrics have been summarized using the unique identifier field native to the NHDPlusV1 (COMID) which can be used to join this table to spatial layers and data tables of the...
Categories: Data; Types: Citation; Tags: 2015 National Assessment, 2015 National Assessment, 2015 National Assessment, Alabama, Arizona, All tags...
General habitat model for Brewer's sparrow using repeat visit survey data collected in Wyoming as part of the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions program, White and others, 2013, between 2009 and 2012. A suite of occupancy modles with different environmental covariates were evaluated using program MARK, White and Burnham, 1999, and the top model for each species was used to model the breeding distribution. The map of suitable habitat was based on parameter values that included 90 percent of the locations; omission rate of 10 percent. This omission rate minimized commission errors based on a comparison with independent datasets from Idaho Fish and Game, Montana Natural Heritage Program, Utah Natural...
Ponds are impoundments that have been used for flood control, water supply, irrigation, and recreation. They constitute modifications to the stream network that fragment the aquatic habitat by limiting river network connectivity necessary for fish passage. A dataset was developed to quantify small ponds as proxy measures of barriers to flow in stream networks across the State of North Carolina. The USGS used a combination of the 2016 National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) and the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Plus High Resolution to identify 105,560 small ponds that are less than 10 acres in size. The features are more refined than larger scale assessments such as those in the NHDPlus High Resolution and provide...
The Oregon Fish Passage Barrier Data Standard (OFPBDS) dataset contains barriers to fish passage in Oregon watercourses. Barriers include the following types of natural or artificial structures: bridges, cascades, culverts, dams, debris jams, fords, natural falls, tide gates, and weirs. The OFPBDS dataset does not include structures which are not associated with in-stream features (such as dikes, levees or berms). Barriers are structures which do, or potentially may, impede fish movement and migration. Barriers can be known to cause complete or partial blockage to fish passage, or they can be completely passable, or they may have an unknown passage status. The third publication of the OFPBDS dataset (Version 3)...
General habitat model for ferruginous hawks using MaxEnt software, Phillips and others, 2006. Values of vegetation and abiotic variables at 598 mapped ferruginous hawk locations, with nests and observations of individual birds provided by Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System, Montana Natural Heritage Program, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, Utah Natural Heritage Program, and the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, since 1990 were derived from data from SAGEMAP, Hanser and others, 2011, Homer and others, 2012, USGS, and WorldClim. Variables with the greatest weight included topographic ruggedness, elevation, the average temperature of the warmest quarter, and slope. The map...
StreamNet's Potential Fish Passage Barrier dataset captures both natural and man-made in stream features that have the potential to block fish passage (culverts, dams, debris jams, cascades, falls, etc.). Where information exists, fish passage ability is captured. This dataset is maintained and updated on an annual or semi-annual basis. The JUNE, 2012 publication dataset includes almost 60,000 features across the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, western Montana and California. Where possible, all barrier locations are georeferenced to StreamNet's regionally standardized routed hydrography layer (MSHv3) enabling comparison and analysis of barrier locations within the context of StreamNet's larger data holdings...
To map the linear and polygon baseline distribution of sauger we used occurrence information from Wyoming Game and Fish Department (streams and rivers). State game and fish biologists estimated abundance as rare, common, abundant, or unknown. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate. The User is encouraged...
Distribution of baseline cutthroat trout in the Wyoming Basin Rapid Ecoregional Assessment project area. Native populations represent locations where only native subspecies are present. Introduced populations represent locations where cutthroat trout did not occur historically or where non-native subspecies are present. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications...
Conclusions: At small spatial scales, where extirpation risks are high, landscape fragmentation will likely have long-term negative consequences on the genetic variation of individual assemblages of coastal cutthroat trout. Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: This study aimed to determine if coastal cutthroat trout were genetically structured within streams and to assess the effects of habitat fragmentation on coastal cutthroat trout genetic variation. Habitat fragmented by roads and other human disturbances acted as dispersal barriers, which strongly influenced coastal cutthroat trout genetic structure, diversity, and differentiation. At range-wide spatial scales, fragmentation potentially contributes to coastal cutthroat...
Multiple factors likely influence natal dispersal behavior of juvenile mammals, which is typically male-biased. Because of their small body size and specific habitat requirements, pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) are expected to exhibit limited dispersal. We predicted that dispersal would be male-biased, that juveniles born later in the year would disperse farther, and that juveniles would be more likely to disperse away from areas of higher habitat saturation. We used radiotelemetry to study dispersal of 61 juvenile pygmy rabbits (31 males and 30 females) from shortly after emergence from natal burrows (April?July) to the beginning of the next breeding season (mid-March) during 2004?2006. Juveniles dispersed...

map background search result map search result map StreamNet - Potential Fish Passage Barriers Oregon Fish Passage Barriers Influences of barriers to movement on within-watershed genetic variation of coastal cutthroat trout Dam Metrics Representing Stream Fragmentation and Flow Alteration for the Conterminous United States Linked to the NHDPLUSV1 Road Stream Crossing Upgrade Effects, Northeast U.S. BLM REA NGB 2011 Distance to Barriers Assessment for Bighorn Sheep Habitat BLM REA NGB 2011 Coldwater Fish Barriers BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch03 Overview Synthesis Part 3 BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch18 Cutthroat BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch21 Sauger BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch25 Ferruginous Hawk BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch24 Golden Eagle BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch27 Pygmy Rabbit BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch20 Leatherside Chub BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch26 Sagebrush Songbirds Rivers and Streams - Connectivity Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration in North Carolina Catchments: Small Ponds and Artificial Drainage North Carolina Small Ponds Under 10 Acres, 2022 Influences of barriers to movement on within-watershed genetic variation of coastal cutthroat trout Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration in North Carolina Catchments: Small Ponds and Artificial Drainage North Carolina Small Ponds Under 10 Acres, 2022 Oregon Fish Passage Barriers Rivers and Streams - Connectivity BLM REA NGB 2011 Distance to Barriers Assessment for Bighorn Sheep Habitat BLM REA NGB 2011 Coldwater Fish Barriers BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch26 Sagebrush Songbirds BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch27 Pygmy Rabbit BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch18 Cutthroat BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch03 Overview Synthesis Part 3 BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch21 Sauger BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch25 Ferruginous Hawk BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch24 Golden Eagle BLM REA WYB 2011 Ch20 Leatherside Chub StreamNet - Potential Fish Passage Barriers Road Stream Crossing Upgrade Effects, Northeast U.S. Dam Metrics Representing Stream Fragmentation and Flow Alteration for the Conterminous United States Linked to the NHDPLUSV1