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Description of Work Since 2010, connecting channels have been included in each of the Great Lakes’ Lake Management Plans (LaMPs). Lake Ontario now includes both the Niagara River and the St. Lawrence River. The Niagara River is well characterized by a number of long-term programs, but because of the lack of tributary water-quality data, the St. Lawrence River and its tributaries constitute a data gap in the information needed for the Lake Ontario to fulfill its goals. Critical information needs, including basic water-quality parameters, total suspended solids, nutrients and flow data. These data are needed to aid in the identification of sources of nutrient and sediment loading to the St. Lawrence. The monitoring...
Description of Work Benthos (benthic invertebrate) and plankton (phytoplankton/zooplankton) communities in Wisconsin's four Lake Michigan Areas of Concern (AOCs; Menominee River, Lower Green Bay and Fox River, Sheboygan River, and Milwaukee Estuary) and six non-AOCs will be quantified. The inclusion of non-AOC sites will allow comparison of AOC sites to relatively-unimpacted or less-impacted control sites with natural physical and chemical characteristics that are as close as possible to that of the AOCs. The community data within and between the AOCs and non-AOCs will be analyzed. This project is a cooperative agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the US Geological Survey (USGS)....
Description of Work At two of Wisconsin's Areas of Concern (AOCs) on Lake Michigan, the Sheboygan River AOC and Milwaukee Estuary AOC, the USGS will assess whether sediment toxicity from PCBs, PAHs, selected metals, ammonia, or dissolved oxygen is present at acutely toxic or chronically toxic concentrations using sediment toxicity tests conducted with amphipods and midges. Study planning and literature search have been completed. Sediment was collected in October 2016 from sites in the two AOCs and sites in two non-AOC comparison sites. Assesments will be done at two additional sites: Kewaunee River and Oak Creek. Laboratory toxicity tests and chemical analyses are in progress, including sediment toxicity testing...
Description of Work Jeorse Park Beach is located in East Chicago, Indiana, within the Grand Calumet River Area of Concern (AOC), which has been identified as having all 14 beneficial use designations impaired, including beach closings. Jeorse Park Beach has been identified as one of the most highly contaminated beaches in the nation, with annual beach closings due to bacterial contamination as high as 76% in 2010. Further, beach closings have steadily increased each year since beach monitoring was initiated in 2005 in response to the Beaches Environmental and Coastal Health (BEACH) Act. Beach closings represent an environmental, social, and economic burden, the alleviation of which require various remediation strategies...
Description of Work To date many meetings have been attended and coalitions developed between USGS Water Mission area and NYSDEC and EPA region 2 which have spun off into several other monitoring and BUI delisting projects funded by Region 2 through the USGS/EPA IA. This has been a perfect example of leveraging USGS GLRI funds to develop additional GLRI-related program for the Lake Ontario LaMP partners, especially for tributary nutrient and sediment loading to Lake Ontario and helping collect and assess the data needed to remove BUI impairments at the Rochester Embayment and St. Lawrence/Massena AOCs for benthos and phytoplankton impairments.
Description of Work Participation on the Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan Workgroup and related subcommittees such as toxics, sources and loads, nutrients, and biodiversity. Attend meetings and conferences associated with LE LAMP activities. This includes The Lake Erie Millennium Network, CSMI, Ohio Phosphorus Task Force, and other meetings or workshops addressing nutrient and toxicity issues in Lake Erie. Communicate USGS activities in the Lake Erie Basin that can influence understanding or impact decision making.
Description of Work The study will be implemented in two phases due to logistical constraints and the need to incorporate methods developed (and findings) from a comparable investigation underway in another AOC. The first phase will consist of site selection, methods refinement, work-plan development, subcontract assembly, site reconnaissance, and sediment collection which will be done mainly during FY2013. The second phase will consist of macroinvertebrate identification, sediment toxicity testing, data analysis and interpretation, and report preparation and review mainly during FY2014. In brief, we will generate bed sediment toxicity and benthic community data needed to test two related hypotheses that address...
Description of WorkThe success of GLRI beach restoration projects must be assessed to determine whether goals of recipients are on track and identify any developing unforeseen consequences of restoration efforts. Implementation of multiple BMPs during restoration can make understanding the impacts of individual BMPs difficult. However, proper site selection and well-designed monitoring and assessment plan can overcome such difficulties. The urban beaches chosen for evaluation are at various stages of the restoration process and located in Indiana (Jeorse Park Beach), Illinois (63rd Street Beach), and Wisconsin (North Beach). Data used for evaluation include continuous monitoring and synoptic mapping of nearshore...
Description of Work U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists are focusing on restoring natural water flow and ecological processes between coastal wetlands in the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge (Ohio) and adjacent to Lake Erie to improve fish and wildlife habitat. This pilot project will develop approaches that will restore coastal wetland function and increase ecosystem resilience to be used as a model throughout the Great Lakes basin. USGS will focus on restoring natural hydrologic processes in diked coastal wetlands adjacent to Great Lakes waters to improve wetland functions like phosphorus retention and restoration of habitats for fish and wildlife. Sustainable approaches are being developed in the Maumee River...
Description of Work USGS scientists will develop support to State partners for the removal of Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) such as fish consumption advisories, fish tumor presence, Eutrophication and unwanted algae, drinking water problems, beach health, and concentrations of PCBs in lake trout and walleyes. Areas of Concern (AOC) principles and guidelines were developed as an initial reference point from which appropriate restoration criteria could be developed. Stage 2 Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) were developed for each of these AOCs to address impairments to any one of 14 beneficial uses associated with these areas. Specific remediation actions are completed in order to restore the beneficial use. When...
Description of Work This work will investigate linkages between sediment PCB concentrations and subsequent exposure in riparian organisms living on land next to the river and harbor. This is an extension of prior work at the site that has been used by the Manistique River and Harbor Remediation Team (comprised of managers and scientists from USEPA GLNPO, USEPA ORD, NOAA, USACOE, USGS and the state of Michigan) to guide plans for delisting activities. Riparian spiders are important mediators of contaminant flux from aquatic systems to nearby terrestrial habitats. Aquatic insects accumulate contaminants in their larval form, and transport these contaminants to terrestrial ecosystems in their adult bodies. Spiders...
Description of Work U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provided a one-week training course for ''Geomorphic Analysis of Fluvial Systems'' to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other state and local agencies in Chicago. This provided an introduction to the concepts of how stream channels change over time due to natural and human-caused changes in the watershed. This training assisted managers in understanding the goals and limits of stream restoration specific to Great Lakes streams. Much of the training centered on sediment movement in channels and also was applicable to EPA managers working on clean-sediment TMDLs and nutrient-sediment interactions.
Description of Work U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists are improving the health of the Great Lakes sport and commercial fisheries by documenting sources and the determining the processes that control mercury entering food webs, and helping to evaluate the implications for public health. Our scientists will provide decision-makers with a scientific understanding of mercury-source profiles, the relative importance of the various sources, and the expected environmental responses to Great Lakes wasters and fisheries to altered mercury loading and restoration actions. This information is intended to inform and maximize the benefit of the Great Lakes restoration program. The USGS will develop mercury and methylmercury...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, collected data in 2017 to study the sources and occurrences of continual detections of high Escherichia coli (E. coli) detections at urban beaches along the Lake Michigan shoreline in northwest Indiana and northeastern Illinois. High E. coli detections cause the beaches to be closed for recreational use until additional samples verify that E. coli levels have fallen below the threshold of 235 counts per 100 ml. The project used microbial source tracking (MST) and metagenomics analyses to evaluate the sources of E. coli. This data release provides the phytoplankton, mictobial source tracking, and metagenomics components...
Description of Work This study will generate bed sediment toxicity and benthic community data needed to test two related hypotheses that address the two criteria for delisting the benthos BUI. The first hypothesis is that bed sediments at selected sample locations in the AOC (in three tributaries and in the St. Lawrence River) are no more toxic to the test species than bed sediments collected from control sites located outside (generally upstream from) the AOC. Acute (survival) and chronic (growth) whole bed-sediment toxicity tests will be conducted using the midge (Chironomus dilutus), following standard methods (USEPA 1994; USEPA 2000). The second hypothesis is that the benthic macroinvertebrate communities from...
Description of Work Past water-quality issues in the St. Lawrence River at Massena, NY resulted in a determination that selected beneficial uses may be impaired in a surrounding Area of Concern (AOC) and on the Canadian side of the international boundary (Cornwall, Ontario). The plankton (phytoplankton and zooplankton) Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) was so designated because impairment metrics were unavailable or inconclusive. Recent investigations, however, suggest that plankton communities are relatively healthy and no longer threaten the local ecosystem. Thus, the BUI for plankton may now be outdated in all, or parts of, the St. Lawrence River in the Massena AOC. The primary goal for the Massena (and Cornwall)...

    map background search result map search result map Water Toxicity in the St. Lawrence River at Massena Area of Concern Benthic Communities and Sediment Toxicity in the  St Lawrence River AOC Benthic Communities and Sediment and Water Toxicity in the Rochester Embayment AOC Lakewide Management Plan Capacity Support by U.S. Geological Survey - LAKE ERIE Lakewide Management Plan Capacity Support by U.S. Geological Survey - LAKE ONTARIO Mercury Cycling and Bioaccumulation in the Great Lakes Building local capacity to address nonpoint source problems AOC Decision Support New Strategies for Restoring Coastal Wetland Function, Maumee River Area of Concern Jeorse Park Beach Contamination Benthos & Plankton in Wisconsin's Lake Michigan AOCs Riparian Indicators of Contaminant Exposure and Potential PCB Sources at Manistique River and Harbor AOC Phytoplankton, Microbial Source Tracking, and Metagenomics Data for Evaluation of Restoration Efforts at Urban Beaches on Southern and Western Lake Michigan, 2016-2018 Phytoplankton, Microbial Source Tracking, and Metagenomics Data for Evaluation of Restoration Efforts at Urban Beaches on Southern and Western Lake Michigan, 2016-2018 Water Toxicity in the St. Lawrence River at Massena Area of Concern Benthic Communities and Sediment Toxicity in the  St Lawrence River AOC Benthic Communities and Sediment and Water Toxicity in the Rochester Embayment AOC New Strategies for Restoring Coastal Wetland Function, Maumee River Area of Concern Jeorse Park Beach Contamination Riparian Indicators of Contaminant Exposure and Potential PCB Sources at Manistique River and Harbor AOC Lakewide Management Plan Capacity Support by U.S. Geological Survey - LAKE ONTARIO Lakewide Management Plan Capacity Support by U.S. Geological Survey - LAKE ERIE Benthos & Plankton in Wisconsin's Lake Michigan AOCs Mercury Cycling and Bioaccumulation in the Great Lakes AOC Decision Support Building local capacity to address nonpoint source problems