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Despite some remarkable recent discoveries, the Mesozoic fossil record of salamanders remains limited, particularly for the Jurassic. Here we describe the first articulated salamander skeleton from the Jurassic of Euramerica, recovered from Upper Jurassic deposits of the Morrison Formation, Dinosaur National Monument, USA. The specimen was studied using both conventional methods and high-resolution computed tomography. It shows a combination of primitive and derived character states that distinguish it from all known Mesozoic salamanders and which permit the erection of a new genus and species, Iridotriton hechti. The derived states (including the presence of spinal nerve foramina in the tail) suggest a position...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Lissamphibia,
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society,
computed tomography,
This dataset is from a restoration field study conducted at seven sites distributed across the southern Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona as part of the RestoreNet dryland restoration field trial network. The data consist of post-experimental restoration treatment (2018-2019) plant density and height measurements along with site precipitation, temperature, and soils data. Plant data were collected through plot monitoring visits distributed throughout the first year following restoration treatments and seeding.
All gillnet data represented here expand upon vessel operations (OP table) data, all of which are collected by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and its partners. The Gillnet Tables contain data collected from the research vessel deploying various gear used for gillnet data collection. The database uses sample_type to indicate the gear deployed. The tables relating to Gillnet are: GN_Annulus.csv, GN_Catch.csv, GN_Effort.csv, GN_Fish.csv, GN_L, GN_LF.csv, GN_OP.csv, GN_Prey.csv, GN_Stomach.csv, LMMB_Fish_Prey.csv, and LMMB_Invert_Prey.csv Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database at the time of release. Some data quality checks are still being...
These data were compiled for a networked field-trial restoration experiment (RestoreNet) that spans the southwestern US, including 21 distributed field sites. The objective of our study was to understand the environmental factors and restoration practices (including seed mixes and soil manipulation) that increase plant establishment and survival to ultimate improve restoration outcomes in dryland environments. These data represent point-in-time plant density and height measurements at our field sites at the time of monitoring. These data were collected at 21 arid and semi-arid sites, located throughout Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and California. These data were collected by USGS Restoration Assessment and Monitoring...
These data were compiled for evaluating plant water use, or river-reach level evapotranspiration (ET) data, in the riparian corridor of the Colorado River delta as specified under Minute 319 of the 1944 Water Treaty. Additionally, these data were compiled for evaluating restoration-level data in Reach 2 and Reach 4, as specified under Minute 323 of the 1944 Water Treaty. Objectives of our study were to measure the peak growing season evapotranspiration (ET) for the average of months in summer-fall (May to October) for the seven reaches, for the full riparian corridor, and for four restoration sites, from 2013 through 2022. The seven reach areas from the Northerly International Boundary (NIB) to the end of the delta...
These data were compiled to provide seed transfer and native plant materials development guidance to managers and practitioners across the Colorado Plateau and in adjacent regions. This data release contains empirical seed transfer zones derived from molecular genetic data for Cleome lutea (syn. Peritoma lutea) and Machaeranthera canescens (syn. Dieteria canescens). These species show distinct population structure (i.e., genetic differentiation) across their ranges; as such, seed transfer zones reflect both patterns of genetic differentiation and information on each species' unique adaptations to climatic gradients. These shapefile data may support successful restoration outcomes if, for example, seed transfer follows...
OBIS-USA brings together marine biological occurrence data – recorded observations of identifiable marine species at a known time and place, collected primarily from U.S. Waters or with U.S. funding. Coordinated by the Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) Program of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), OBIS-USA, strives to meet national data integration and dissemination needs for marine data about organisms and ecosystems. OBIS-USA is part of an international data sharing network (Ocean Biodiversity Information System, OBIS) coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization) International Oceanographic Data and Information...
These data were compiled to assess the recovery of vegetation on reclaimed oil and gas sites. Objective(s) of our study were to assess patterns in reclamation outcomes relative to 1) soil attributes, climate, and time since 39 reclamation and 2) plant and soil reference benchmarks. These data represent observations of vegetation and soil cover from 134 reclaimed oil and gas well pads and 583 AIM reference plots. These data were collected on lands impacted by oil and gas development on the Colorado Plateau as well as Arizona and New Mexico Plateau of New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. Data was collected from July- September of 2020 and May-September of 2021. These data were collected by Assessment Inventory and Monitoring...
Categories: Data;
Tags: AIM reference plots,
Arizona and New Mexico Plateau,
Assessment Inventory and Monitoring (AIM),
This map was developed to examine multi-scale spatial relationships between percentage of sagebrush and other response variables of interest. A map of sagebrush in the western United States was used as a base layer for a moving window analysis to calculate the percentage of the area classified as sagebrush within a 50-km search radius.
Well-established conservation planning principles and techniques framed by geodesign were used to assess the restorability of areas that historically supported coastal wetlands along the U.S. shore of Saginaw Bay. The resulting analysis supported planning efforts to identify, prioritize, and track wetland restoration opportunity and investment in the region. To accomplish this, publicly available data, criteria derived from the regional managers and local stakeholders, and geospatial analysis were used to form an ecological model for spatial prioritization. These data include parameter inputs from external sources current to 2016. For an updated data set, including parameter inputs up to 2023, please see: Hopkins,...
This dataset contains mercury concentrations and locations of wintering red-legged kittiwakes in the western subartic Pacific Ocean. These data support the following publication: Fleishman, AB, RA Orben, N Kokubun, A Will, R Paredes, JT Ackerman, A Takahashi, AS Kitaysky, and SA Shaffer. 2019. Wintering in the Western Subarctic Pacific increases mercury contamination of red-legged kittiwakes. Environmental Science and Technology, in press.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Pacific Ocean,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Wildlife Biology,
These datasets were developed to represent the geographic distribution of Plantago ovata in the Mojave Desert. This data release consists of two raster spatial layers (GeoTIFF) reflecting predicted habitat for the species within the Mojave Desert and the standard error in predictions. The habitat layer (raster dataset) is a continuous probability distribution of suitable habitat where values range from 0 (very low probability of species occurrence) to 1 (very high probability of species occurrence). An additional raster dataset provides the standard error in habitat predictions calculated among alternative habitat models: users should evaluate both the habitat and standard error datasets and exercise prudence when...
Preserving native species diversity is fundamental to ecosystem conservation. Selecting appropriate native species for use in restoration is a critical component of project design and may emphasize species attributes such as life history, functional type, pollinator services, and nutritional value for wildlife. Determining which species are likely to establish and persist in a particular environment is a key consideration. Species distribution models (SDMs) characterize relationships between species occurrences and the physical environment (e.g., climate, soil, topographic relief) and provide a mechanism for assessing which species may successfully propagate at a restoration site. In conjunction with information...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Preserving native species diversity is fundamental to ecosystem conservation. Selecting appropriate native species for use in restoration is a critical component of project design and may emphasize species attributes such as life history, functional type, pollinator services, and nutritional value for wildlife. Determining which species are likely to establish and persist in a particular environment is a key consideration. Species distribution models (SDMs) characterize relationships between species occurrences and the physical environment (e.g., climate, soil, topographic relief) and provide a mechanism for assessing which species may successfully propagate at a restoration site. In conjunction with information...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Preserving native species diversity is fundamental to ecosystem conservation. Selecting appropriate native species for use in restoration is a critical component of project design and may emphasize species attributes such as life history, functional type, pollinator services, and nutritional value for wildlife. Determining which species are likely to establish and persist in a particular environment is a key consideration. Species distribution models (SDMs) characterize relationships between species occurrences and the physical environment (e.g., climate, soil, topographic relief) and provide a mechanism for assessing which species may successfully propagate at a restoration site. In conjunction with information...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Region(s) of distribution of Fourhorn Poacher (Hypsagonus quadricornis) (Valenciennes, 1829) in the Arctic as digitized for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5038. For details on the project and purpose, see the report at Complete metadata for the collection of species datasets is in the metadata document "Dataset_for_Alaska_Marine_Fish_Ecology_Catalog.xml" at Source(s) for this digitized data layer are listed in the metadata Process Steps section. Note that the original source may show an extended area; some datasets were limited to the published map boundary. Distributions of marine fishes are shown in adjacent Arctic...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: (Valenciennes, 1829),
Beaufort Sea,
Region(s) of distribution of Inconnu (Stenodus leucichthys) (Güldenstadt, 1772) in the Arctic as digitized for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5038. For details on the project and purpose, see the report at Complete metadata for the collection of species datasets is in the metadata document "Dataset_for_Alaska_Marine_Fish_Ecology_Catalog.xml" at Source(s) for this digitized data layer are listed in the metadata Process Steps section. Note that the original source may show an extended area; some datasets were limited to the published map boundary. Distributions of marine fishes are shown in adjacent Arctic seas where...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: (Güldenstadt, 1772),
Beaufort Sea,
Region(s) of distribution of Eyeshade Sculpin (Nautichthys pribilovius) (Jordan & Gilbert, 1898) in the Arctic as digitized for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5038. For details on the project and purpose, see the report at Complete metadata for the collection of species datasets is in the metadata document "Dataset_for_Alaska_Marine_Fish_Ecology_Catalog.xml" at Source(s) for this digitized data layer are listed in the metadata Process Steps section. Note that the original source may show an extended area; some datasets were limited to the published map boundary. Distributions of marine fishes are shown in adjacent...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: (Jordan & Gilbert, 1898),
Beaufort Sea,
Region(s) of distribution of Saffron Cod (Eleginus gracilis) (Tilesius, 1810) in the Arctic as digitized for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5038. For details on the project and purpose, see the report at Complete metadata for the collection of species datasets is in the metadata document "Dataset_for_Alaska_Marine_Fish_Ecology_Catalog.xml" at Source(s) for this digitized data layer are listed in the metadata Process Steps section. Note that the original source may show an extended area; some datasets were limited to the published map boundary. Distributions of marine fishes are shown in adjacent Arctic seas where...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: (Tilesius, 1810),
Beaufort Sea,
Region(s) of distribution of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) (Walbaum, 1792) in the Arctic as digitized for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5038. For details on the project and purpose, see the report at Complete metadata for the collection of species datasets is in the metadata document "Dataset_for_Alaska_Marine_Fish_Ecology_Catalog.xml" at Source(s) for this digitized data layer are listed in the metadata Process Steps section. Note that the original source may show an extended area; some datasets were limited to the published map boundary. Distributions of marine fishes are shown in adjacent Arctic seas...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: (Walbaum, 1792),
Beaufort Sea,