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Index card: Oblique aerial view showing Mount St. Helens and South Fork Toutle River mudflow after the May 25, 1980 ash eruption. Note the large gully in the upper center of the view. Skamania and Cowlitz Counties, Washington. 1980.
Index card: View taken after the eruption of May 25, 1980, showing the remaining gully system on the left side of the North Fork Toutle valley with thickness of avalanche material ranging from 100 feet in the foreground to 150 feet in the upper portion of the view. This shot is taken approximately one mile downstream from Elk Rock, and at a subsequent location of a USGS gaging station. Cowlitz County, Washington. 1980.
Index card: USGS/WRD Coldwater Lake Exit Early Warning Flood Gage. Cowlitz County, Washington. 1983.
Index card: Photography setup on Sugarbowl, photographing plume. Skamania County, Washington. August 19, 1983.
Index card: Mount St. Helens viewed from Coldwater Ridge, taken in early May. Bulge at upper left side of peak between Dogs Head and Goat Rocks. Note dense fir forest. Skamania County, Washington. May 17, 1980. (Photo by Harry Glicken, USGS/CVO; same as MSH-BE_VOLC-00003ct).
Index card: Aerial view of a quiet Mount St. Helens just barely peaking up above the fog. Skamania County, Washington. September 23, 1983.
Index card: Map of Cascades Volcanoes indicating eruptions 7000 to 1000 years before present, as well as eruptions during the last 200 years. Washington, Oregon and California. 1980. (Same as MSH-G-32A/B-80ct).
Index card: Red laser beam on Harry's Ridge as viewed from crater. Skamania County, Washington. June 23, 1982.
Index card: Oblique aerial view of upper end of Swift Reservoir, after the reservoir had been drawn down several weeks later. Note that the mudflow was pushed several hundred feet downstream from the view on photo 19ct (cvoa0019_ct). Skamania County, Washington. 1980.
Index card: View of Mount St. Helens from south of Chehalis. Lewis and Skamania Counties, Washington. April 12, 1980.
Index card: Aerial view of explosion pit on pumice plain. Skamania County, Washington. September 30, 1980.
Index card: On Coldwater Ridge, ash is about 18 inches thick. Geologist in trench for scale. Skamania County, Washington. 1980.
Index card: Three other Cascade volcanoes are visible from Mount St. Helens - Mt. Adams to the east. Any one of these Cascade peaks has the potential for becoming another active volcano. Yakima County, Washington. September 23, 1983.
Index card: This gaging station located one mile below the junction of the North and South Forks Toutle River was completely wiped out by the May 18, 1980 mudflow. A five-inch concrete reinforced gage well was sheared off at the ground, leaving the re-rod bent in the downstream direction and completely stripped of concrete. A staff gage found inside of the well had an upper elevation of 17 feet. The elevation at the top of the mudflow was 53 feet. Cowlitz County, Washington. 1980.
Index card: Oblique aerial view looking into crater at dome that developed after the June 12, 1980 eruption. Note water in lake(s?) around its base. Skamania County, Washington. June 19, 1980. (Photo by Austin Post, USGS/Glaciology).
Index card: View of eroded avalanche and blast material in North Fork Toutle River valley, five miles downstream from mountain. Material is 450 feet deep at this point. Cowlitz County, Washington. 1980.
Index card: Graph showing the travel time of the mudflow event on the South Fork Toutle River and North Fork Toutle River. Note in the mid-range of both forks velocities were comparable. No velocities were collected to the upper reaches of the North Fork Toutle River. Note also the dots which show the travel time for flood event occurring August 27, 1980. Concentration of sediment from the May 18, 1980 mudflows range to 850,000 milligrams per liter, and the concentrations for the August 27, 1980 event ranged to 400,000 milligrams per liter. Travel times through the river reach, however, were not that much different. Cowlitz County, Washington. 1980.
Index card (115ct-118ct): Different oblique aerial views of more trees downed. Note how blast followed the contours of the mountainside. Skamania and/or Cowlitz County, Washington. 1980.
Index card (115ct-118ct): Different oblique aerial views of more trees downed. Note how blast followed the contours of the mountainside. Skamania and/or Cowlitz County, Washington. 1980.