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The engineering-geologic map is derived electronically, using Geographic Information System (GIS) software, from the surficial-geologic map of the second segment of the proposed natural gas pipeline corridor through the upper Tanana valley, a 12-mi-wide (19.3-km-wide) area that straddles the Alaska Highway through the upper Tanana River valley from the Robertson River eastward to near Tetlin Junction in the Tanacross Quadrangle (Reger and Hubbard, PIR 2009-6A). Surficial-geologic units were initially identified by interpretation of false-color ~1:65,000-scale infrared aerial photographs taken in July 1978, August 1980, and August 1981 and locally verified by field checking in 2007 and 2008. The map shows the distribution...
This surficial-geologic map shows the distribution of unconsolidated deposits and undifferentiated bedrock in the Faith Creek area in the Circle A-4, A-5, B-4, and B-5 quadrangles. This map was prepared principally by the interpretation of 1:63,360-scale, false-color, infrared aerial photographs taken in 1979 and 1981 and is locally verified by ground observations during field work in 2007.
The Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has conducted 1:63,360-scale geologic mapping of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle.The area is part of the 100-year old Fortymile mining district and is located in eastern Alaska near the Alaska-Yukon border. This map illustrates the distribution of a variety of unconsolidated deposits and undifferentiated bedrock in the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district. It was prepared by the interpretation of 1:63,360-scale, false-color, infrared aerial photographs taken from July 1978 through August 1981 and is locally verified by ground observations during field visits.The results should be considered reconnaissance in nature. The dominant unconsolidated deposit...
This map illustrates potential near-surface sources of geologic materials that may be useful for construction and other purposes. Field observations indicate that each geologic unit (for example, flood-plain alluvium) has a definite composition or range of composition. Therefore, the presence of material type is interpreted from the distribution of geologic units (Newberry and others, 1996 - PDF96-16). Assignment of Unified Soil Classes (Wagner, 1957) is based on visual observation and interpretation of the likely distribution of the materials; no grain-size analyses were performed. Descriptions of unconsolidated deposits are modified from Pewe and Bel (1975a-d) and Pewe and Bell (1976). This map is generalized...
This map is a compilation of previously unpublished and published data, as well as from updated field mapping. This publication offers a 1:125,000-scale map sheet accompanied by a booklet containing a summary of the geology, a colored terrane map, map unit descriptions, a summary table listing selected mineral deposits and energy resources, references, and a correlation of map units. The text (in the report) describes the geology and resource potential of a highly mineralized region centered in the Farewell silver-lead-zinc district southeast of McGrath. Potentially important coal resources flanking the Alaska Range are also described in the map area.
This report provides detailed (1:63,360-scale) mapping of portions of U.S. Geological Survey Circle B-2 (1955), B-3 (1955), B-4 (1952), C-2 (1955), C-3 (1955), and C-4 (1952) quadrangles. The area is part of the Circle mining district and adjacent to the Fairbanks mining district. This report includes detailed geologic, structural, stratigraphic, and geochronologic data. Based on the resulting geologic maps, field investigations, and laboratory materials analyses, the project has also generated derivative maps of geologic construction materials and geologic hazards.
Tags: Aereal, Aerial Photography, Aeromagnetic Survey, Age Dates, Alaska, State of, All tags...
The Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), in partnership with the U.S. National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, mapped approximately 450 mi2 of the Talkeetna Mountains region of central Alaska at 1:50,000 scale over the course of six weeks in 2014. This area contains significant exposures of Late Triassic mafic volcanics and gabbro sills that have been the focus of region-wide exploration for the Strategic and Critical platinum-group elements (PGEs). The area also exposes numerous inactive and possibly active faults which project through the area of proposed hydropower development. The resulting geologic map offers an improved understanding of the geology, structural history, and mineral...
Tags: 40Ar/39Ar, Aerial Geology, Aerial Photography, Alluvial, Alluvial Deposits, All tags...
This preliminary geologic map of the Fairbanks mining district was mapped at 1:63,360 scale. The report describes the geologic setting, structural geology, earthquake potential, economic geology and the description of bedrock units.
This map shows the distribution of unconsolidated deposits and undifferentiated bedrock exposed at the surface in the Sagavanirktok A-3, A-4, B-3, B-4, and portions of the Sagavanirktok A-5 and B-5 quadrangles. Units were mapped by interpretation of stereo pairs of approximately 1:65,000-scale false-color infrared aerial photographs taken in June and August 1978, as well as 2.5 m and 10 m resolution SPOT imagery collected in 2009 and 2010. Fieldwork was completed in 2008.
This bedrock geologic map was produced by using airborne magnetic and electromagnetic surveys, data and notes from several months of fieldwork, geochemical data, and laboratory investigations. These maps are the result of new field investigations in the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle by DGGS in 1999, 2000, and 2001. Field investigations are part of a three-year mapping program to provide geologic ground truth for airborne geophysical surveys flown by DGGS in the Fortymile mining district during 1998.
This geologic map was produced by merging a bedrock geologic map and a surficial geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle. Surficial geologic units were determined by a combination of air photo interpretation and site-specific field investigations. Bedrock geologic units were determined by using a combination of airborne magnetic and electromagnetic surveys, several months of fieldwork, geochemical data, and laboratory investigations. These maps are the result of new field investigations by DGGS in 1999 and 2001.
This report presents the findings of a geologic and geotechnical evaluation of a landslide at the Yukon River bridge (the E.L. Patton Bridge). The Yukon River bridge landslide occurred in fall 2012 between approximately 375 and 575 feet west of the bridge. Although there was no damage to the bridge foundation, the landslide's close proximity to the bridge and concerns over additional failures prompted multiple evaluations, including landslide documentation, drainage assessments, and geotechnical studies. This report was prepared to convey the general characteristics of the rock mass, characteristics of rock discontinuities, and the geomorphic expression of the 2012 landslide in the vicinity of the bridge. We determined...
The Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has conducted 1:63,360-scale geologic mapping of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle. The area is part of the 100-year old Fortymile mining district and is located in eastern Alaska near the Alaska-Yukon border. This map illustrates potential near-surface sources of various geologic materials that may be useful for construction. Field observations indicate that each geologic unit (for example, stream alluvium) has a definite composition or range of composition. Therefore, the probable presence of materials is interpreted from the distribution of geologic units on the geologic map of this quadrangle. This map is generalized and is not intended to show exact locations...
During 2006 and 2007 the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys conducted reconnaissance surficial-geologic mapping in segment 1 of the Alaska Highway corridor, which straddles the Alaska Highway through the Tanana River valley from Delta Junction to the eastern boundary of the Mt. Hayes Quadrangle. Surficial-geologic deposits were initially mapped by interpreting ~1:63,360-scale, false-color infrared aerial photographs taken in August 1980 and field verified in 2006-2007.
Tags: Age Dates, Alaska Highway Corridor, Alluvial Deposits, Alluvial Fan, Alluvium, All tags...
The engineering-geologic map, on two sheets, is derived electronically from the surficial-geologic map of the initial segment of the proposed natural gas pipeline corridor through the upper Tanana valley (Reger and others, PIR 2008-3a) using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Surficial-geologic units were initially identified by interpretation of false-color ~1:63,000-scale infrared aerial photographs taken in July 1978, August 1980, and August 1981 and locally verified by field checking in 2006 and 2007. The map shows the distribution of surficial-geologic and bedrock units grouped genetically with common properties that are typically significant for engineering applications.
This map illustrates the potential near-surface sources of various geologic materials that may be useful for construction. Field observations indicate that each geologic unit has a definite composition or range of composition wherever that unit is found. Therefore, the presence of materials is interpreted from the distribution of geologic units on the geologic map of this quadrangle. This map is generalized and is not intended to show exact locations of specific materials. The map also addresses some of the principle geologic hazards that may be associated with the deposits based upon their general physical properties and conditions that are characteristic of their depositional environment.

    map background search result map search result map Preliminary Geologic Map of the Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska Preliminary Derivative Geologic Materials Map of the Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska Geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district Bedrock geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district, Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district Engineering-geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district, Alaska Geologic map of the Dalton Highway (Atigun Gorge to Slope Mountain) area, southern Arctic Foothills, Alaska Surficial-geologic map, Alaska Highway corridor, Delta Junction to Dot Lake, Alaska Engineering-geologic map, Alaska Highway corridor, Delta Junction to Dot Lake, Alaska Engineering-geologic map of the Alaska Highway Corridor, Robertson River to Tetlin Junction, Alaska Yukon River bridge landslide: Preliminary geologic and geotechnical evaluation Geologic map of the Talkeetna Mountains C-4 Quadrangle and adjoining areas, central Alaska Surficial geology of the Dalton Highway (Itkillik-Sagavanirktok rivers) area, southern Arctic foothills, Alaska Geologic map of the Circle mining district, Alaska Geologic Map of the Eastern Half of the McGrath Quadrangle, Alaska Derivative Map of the Geologic Materials and Hazards in the Eastern Half McGrath Quadrangle, Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the northern Fairbanks mining district, Circle Quadrangle, Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the Livengood area, central Alaska Surficial-geologic map of parts of the Sagavanirktok and Toolik river drainages, northern Brooks Range foothills, Alaska Yukon River bridge landslide: Preliminary geologic and geotechnical evaluation Surficial-geologic map of the Livengood area, central Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the northern Fairbanks mining district, Circle Quadrangle, Alaska Engineering-geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district, Alaska Geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district Bedrock geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district, Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district Geologic map of the Talkeetna Mountains C-4 Quadrangle and adjoining areas, central Alaska Geologic map of the Circle mining district, Alaska Geologic map of the Dalton Highway (Atigun Gorge to Slope Mountain) area, southern Arctic Foothills, Alaska Surficial geology of the Dalton Highway (Itkillik-Sagavanirktok rivers) area, southern Arctic foothills, Alaska Preliminary Geologic Map of the Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska Preliminary Derivative Geologic Materials Map of the Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska Surficial-geologic map of parts of the Sagavanirktok and Toolik river drainages, northern Brooks Range foothills, Alaska Engineering-geologic map of the Alaska Highway Corridor, Robertson River to Tetlin Junction, Alaska Surficial-geologic map, Alaska Highway corridor, Delta Junction to Dot Lake, Alaska Engineering-geologic map, Alaska Highway corridor, Delta Junction to Dot Lake, Alaska Derivative Map of the Geologic Materials and Hazards in the Eastern Half McGrath Quadrangle, Alaska Geologic Map of the Eastern Half of the McGrath Quadrangle, Alaska