Filters: Tags: Colluvium (X)
374 results (53ms)
Date Range
Types Contacts
Categories Tag Types Tag Schemes |
Core Research Center, core U772, from well operated by NURE (BENDIX FIELD ENGINEERING)Raw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U772", "API Num": null, "Operator": "NURE (BENDIX FIELD ENGINEERING)", "Well Name": "16 SM", "Field": "SPOR MOUNTAIN", "State": "UT", "County": "JUAB", "Type": "CUTTINGS", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "T", "Latitude": "39.7497", "Longitude": "-113.1622", "coordinates_geohash": "9rpd0ujyc95u", "Source": "CENTER OF SECTION", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": null, "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "370"}],...
Core Research Center, core S161, from well operated by USGSRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "S161", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS", "Well Name": "LGRB-POLY 1", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "DELTA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "38.3626", "Longitude": "-107.5815", "coordinates_geohash": "9wg6pztw36gq", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "COLLUVIUM", "Age": null, "Min Depth": "3", "Max Depth": "15"}, {"Formation": "MANCOS", "Age": "CRETACEOUS", "Min Depth": "15",...
Core Research Center, core U876, from well operated by STAUFFER CHEMICALRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U876", "API Num": null, "Operator": "STAUFFER CHEMICAL", "Well Name": "23 BIG ISLAND", "Field": null, "State": "WY", "County": "SWEETWATER", "Type": "SPLIT", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "41.69246", "Longitude": "-109.672244", "coordinates_geohash": "9x6j0mgh5mze", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "GREEN RIVER", "Age": "TERT", "Min Depth": "640", "Max Depth": "1105"}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Alluvial deposits,
Holocene and Pleistocene,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ08716, from well operated by AMARILLO OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ08716", "API Num": "4902920227", "Operator": "AMARILLO OIL", "Well Name": "1 HUNT", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "PARK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.30121", "Longitude": "-109.11879", "coordinates_geohash": "9xfkhby17bhg", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "0", "Max": "4966", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ20992, from well operated by CER CORPORATIONRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ20992", "API Num": "0504560011", "Operator": "CER CORPORATION", "Well Name": "MWX-2 SUPERIOR", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "GARFIELD", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "39.48318", "Longitude": "-107.880799", "coordinates_geohash": "9x5295ew5njy", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "250", "Max": "8300", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ16657, from well operated by ATLANTIC RICHFIELDRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ16657", "API Num": "0505506037", "Operator": "ATLANTIC RICHFIELD", "Well Name": "13-1 SHEEP MTN", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "HUERFANO", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.638102", "Longitude": "-105.172412", "coordinates_geohash": "9wtnnezcc4tx", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "200", "Max": "4527", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ20097, from well operated by TEXAS EASTERN SKYLINE OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ20097", "API Num": "4301530195", "Operator": "TEXAS EASTERN SKYLINE OIL", "Well Name": "27-33 HATT RANCH", "Field": null, "State": "UT", "County": "EMERY", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "38.8704", "Longitude": "-110.36546", "coordinates_geohash": "9wct0s4k6rsr", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "103", "Max": "6370", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ03837, from well operated by SHALLOW WELL EXPLORATIONRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ03837", "API Num": "4901105431", "Operator": "SHALLOW WELL EXPLORATION", "Well Name": "31-1 FEDERAL", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "CROOK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.27812", "Longitude": "-104.70046", "coordinates_geohash": "9xveckx6wryd", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "115", "Max": "490", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ16378, from well operated by FLORIDA EXPLORATIONRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ16378", "API Num": "4902921074", "Operator": "FLORIDA EXPLORATION", "Well Name": "1-27 HOODOO FEDERAL", "Field": "FERGUSON RANCH", "State": "WY", "County": "PARK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.28278", "Longitude": "-109.09839", "coordinates_geohash": "9xf7vmkvzk82", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "310", "Max": "4518", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ16276, from well operated by AMOCO PRODUCTIONRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ16276", "API Num": "4902320440", "Operator": "AMOCO PRODUCTION", "Well Name": "10 SHUTE CREEK", "Field": "SHUTE CREEK", "State": "WY", "County": "LINCOLN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "41.96199", "Longitude": "-110.14796", "coordinates_geohash": "9x3wtwbwq9bh", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "5000", "Max": "11900", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Holocene and upper? Pleistocene,
Secondary-stream alluvium,
Core Research Center, core B121, from well operated by C & K PETROLEUMRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "B121", "API Num": "4902320252", "Operator": "C & K PETROLEUM", "Well Name": "1 CHRISMAN ET AL", "Field": "WILSON RANCH", "State": "WY", "County": "LINCOLN", "Type": "SLABBED", "Photos": "T", "Thin Sec": "T", "Analysis": "T", "Latitude": "41.71722", "Longitude": "-110.10753", "coordinates_geohash": "9x3tq6qhkt6y", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "FRONTIER", "Age": "CRET", "Min Depth": "11090", "Max Depth": "11103"}, {"Formation":...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ16658, from well operated by GULF OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ16658", "API Num": "4904120524", "Operator": "GULF OIL", "Well Name": "2-35-4C BROKEN CIRCLE", "Field": "GLASSCOCK HOLLOW", "State": "WY", "County": "UINTA", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "41.22941", "Longitude": "-110.92291", "coordinates_geohash": "9x34ecs6sz5d", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "11720", "Max": "13950", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Alluvium,
Holocene and upper? Pleistocene,
Core Research Center, cutting DC03390, from well operated by TEXAS AMERICANRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DC03390", "API Num": "0500107647", "Operator": "TEXAS AMERICAN", "Well Name": "10 JOHN EHLER", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "ADAMS", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "39.970299", "Longitude": "-104.872481", "coordinates_geohash": "9xj7ms65y5f2", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "800", "Max": "5200", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, core S349, from well operated by USGSRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "S349", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS", "Well Name": "LGRB-POLY 21", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "DELTA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "38.3051", "Longitude": "-107.5255", "coordinates_geohash": "9wg9cjnr6k0j", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "COLLUVIUM", "Age": null, "Min Depth": "3", "Max Depth": "14"}, {"Formation": "MANCOS", "Age": null, "Min Depth": "14", "Max...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ08885, from well operated by MOUNTAIN MINERALSRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ08885", "API Num": "4903320064", "Operator": "MOUNTAIN MINERALS", "Well Name": "13-16 FOX", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "SHERIDAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.73879", "Longitude": "-106.99058", "coordinates_geohash": "9xgyt27y6fcm", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "280", "Max": "7350", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Older alluvial fan deposits,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ17367, from well operated by LOUISIANA LAND & EXPLORATIONRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ17367", "API Num": "4904120632", "Operator": "LOUISIANA LAND & EXPLORATION", "Well Name": "1 ALKALI CRK-STATE-HN", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "UINTA", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "41.545", "Longitude": "-110.98869", "coordinates_geohash": "9x3h67h90j66", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "1470", "Max": "15910", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url":...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Holocene and upper? Pleistocene,
Secondary-stream alluvium,
Core Research Center, cutting FC00660, from well operated by CARTER OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "FC00660", "API Num": "4303715503", "Operator": "CARTER OIL", "Well Name": "24 NAVAJO 114", "Field": null, "State": "UT", "County": "SAN JUAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.23128", "Longitude": "-109.21716", "coordinates_geohash": "9wd7f9wrztwu", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4400", "Max": "5470", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting FC01640, from well operated by MCCULLOCHRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "FC01640", "API Num": "4303720232", "Operator": "MCCULLOCH", "Well Name": "1-1 FEDERAL", "Field": null, "State": "UT", "County": "SAN JUAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.42361", "Longitude": "-109.22929", "coordinates_geohash": "9wdkfkv8m4d1", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "670", "Max": "6290", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting FC00868, from well operated by CARTER OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "FC00868", "API Num": "4303715508", "Operator": "CARTER OIL", "Well Name": "6 NAVAJO 115", "Field": null, "State": "UT", "County": "SAN JUAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.21304", "Longitude": "-109.21242", "coordinates_geohash": "9wd7dy3vwjmq", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4990", "Max": "5465", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting FC01370, from well operated by W J GOURLEYRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "FC01370", "API Num": "3000707000", "Operator": "W J GOURLEY", "Well Name": "1 VERMEJO PARK", "Field": "WILDCAT", "State": "NM", "County": "COLFAX", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "36.8067", "Longitude": "-105.1194", "coordinates_geohash": "9wt1ruqqs6nj", "Source": "CENTER OF SECTION", "Min": "230", "Max": "6000", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...