Filters: Tags: Counties (X)
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The mine permit boundary coverage was created for locational purposes and to aid counties in tax district assessment.
Taxing Entities consist of a group of people who organize to tax themselves for specific purposes. These may include, but are not limited to: improvement and service districts for repairing or replacing a local road; water and sewer to provide infrastructure to a rural area for water and sewer facilities; conservation districts to help protect natural resources; and fire to provide fire protection services to rural areas, etc.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Tax Entities,
United States,
Tax district mapping is an important function of the Property Tax Division - Technical Services Group. The identification of tax districts aids in the mill levy process and helps counties redistribute tax funds more effectively.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Crook County,
Tax Districts,
Tax Entities,
United States,
Tax district mapping is an important function of the Property Tax Division - Technical Services Group. The identification of tax districts aids in the mill levy process and helps counties redistribute tax funds more effectively.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Campbell County,
Tax Districts,
Tax Entities,
United States,
This map shows Census boundaries and other features on a simple, mostly white basemap. The map displays the 2009 TIGER data. This map is designed to complement colorful basemaps and thematic layers, such as Census demographics. It is intended for census experts and the general public alike. This map shows Census boundaries and other features on a simple, mostly white basemap. The map displays the 2009 TIGER data. This map is designed to complement colorful basemaps and thematic layers, such as Census demographics. It is intended for census experts and the general public alike. The map includes water features, railway, roads, and administrative boundaries (city and town limits, metropolitan statistical...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Census,
Population Density,
Projected population change from 2050 to 2050.
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: counties,
population change,
population projections,
population scenarios
Note: A new version of these statistics based on PAD-US 2.0 will be made available in 2020 here. This summary of the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is created to provide land managers and decision makers with a general summary of management for conservation, natural resource management and recreation. Area statistics include total acreage, acres by managing agency and percent protection. These summaries are available for the nation and by state. The PAD-US 1.4 Combined feature class (with Marine Protected Areas removed) was modified to remove overlaps, avoiding overestimation in protected area statistic summaries. A Python scripted process prioritized overlapping designations (for example,...
Tax district mapping is an important function of the Property Tax Division ? Technical Services Group. The identification of tax districts aids in the mill levy process and helps counties to redistribute tax monies more effectively.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Tax Districts,
United States,
Taxing Entities consist of a group of people who organize to tax themselves for specific purposes. These may include, but are not limited to: improvement and service districts for repairing or replacing a local road; water and sewer to provide infrastructure to a rural area for water and sewer facilities; conservation districts to help protect natural resources; and fire to provide fire protection services to rural areas, etc.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Tax Entities,
United States,
Taxing Entities consist of a group of people who organize to tax themselves for specific purposes. These may include, but are not limited to: improvement and service districts for repairing or replacing a local road; water and sewer to provide infrastructure to a rural area for water and sewer facilities; conservation districts to help protect natural resources; and fire to provide fire protection services to rural areas, etc.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Tax Entities,
United States,
Miscellaneous Districts: DDA,Resort,Senior Citizens,Special Museum Districts for Wyoming at 1:24,000
Taxing Entities consist of a group of people who organize to tax themselves for specific purposes. These may include, but are not limited to : improvement and service districts for repairing or replacing a local road; water and sewer to provide infrastructure to a rural area for water and sewer facilities; conservation districts to help protect natural resources; and fire to provide fire protection services to rural areas, etc.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Tax Entities,
United States,
Tax district mapping is an important function of the Property Tax Division ? Technical Services Group. The identification of tax districts aids in the mill levy process and helps counties to redistribute tax monies more effectively.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Tax Districts,
United States,
Wyoming railroads and rail yards were created at 1:24000 as an accurate representation for taxation purposes. This is critical for the GIS analysis needs of the Ad Valorem mapping section. This was not meant to be nor was it based on legal descriptions.
This basedata service provides a cached service for users of Wyoming geospatial data using ESRI GIS. The service provides basedata for: Roads, Waterbodies, Rivers/Streams, Cities and County Boundaries. USE CONSTRAINTS: Users should follow use constraints found for each data layer available in the mapping service. Visit the Wyoming GeoLibrary for original metadata. WYGISC DOES NOT GUARANTEE 24/7 SUPPORT OF ITS UNFUNDED, FREE MAPPING SERVICES. WyGISC reserves the right to remove access to these services at any time.
This is a coverage of the Colorado Plateau coal assessment study area. The study area outline was drawn on the county lines that most closely outline the coal-bearing rocks in the Colorado Plateau Region. The county outlines originate from a national coverage for which lines were extracted from U.S. Census 1990 TIGER/line files using an AML program written by Nebert, D., and Negri, M., USGS-Water Resources Division (WRD), running on two Data General 6220 servers.
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Arizona,
Census Bureau,
Colorado Plateau,
Colorado Plateau coal assessment,
Tax district mapping is an important function of the Property Tax Division - Technical Services Group. The identification of tax districts aids in the mill levy process and helps counties redistribute tax funds more effectively.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Tax Districts,
Tax Entities,
Uinta County,
United States,
Tax district mapping is an important function of the Property Tax Division - Technical Services Group. The identification of tax districts aids in the mill levy process and helps counties redistribute tax funds more effectively.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Tax Districts,
Tax Entities,
United States,
Washakie County,
Tax district mapping is an important function of the Property Tax Division - Technical Services Group. The identification of tax districts aids in the mill levy process and helps counties redistribute tax funds more effectively.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Goshen County,
Tax Districts,
Tax Entities,
United States,
Tax district mapping is an important function of the Property Tax Division - Technical Services Group. The identification of tax districts aids in the mill levy process and helps counties redistribute tax funds more effectively.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Lincoln County,
Tax Districts,
Tax Entities,
United States,
Tax district mapping is an important function of the Property Tax Division ? Technical Services Group. The identification of tax districts aids in the mill levy process and helps counties to redistribute tax monies more effectively.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable;
Tags: Counties,
Tax Districts,
United States,
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