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Description of Work U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is identifying the types and locations of emerging and legacy toxic contaminants in the water and sediments at 59 major tributaries to the Great Lakes (including many Area of Concern sites). This information is needed to help prioritize watersheds for restoration, develop strategies to reduce contaminants, and measure the success of those efforts in meeting restoration goals. The USGS contaminant and virus tributary monitoring network follows the National Monitoring Network for Coastal Waters design. The monitoring effort includes collecting emerging contaminant samples at 17 sites, a subset of the 30 nutrient monitoring sites; and for human viruses and other waterborne...
This dataset includes pesticides and pesticide transformation products in 15 tributaries of the Great Lakes. Pesticides were monitored using polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) to estimate concentrations in water following standard protocols (Alvarez, 2010) in June and July 2016. POCIS extracts were analyzed for 225 chemicals (USGS National Water Quality Laboratory schedule 5437, Sandstrom and others, 2016), for which 129 chemicals also have POCIS uptake rates, allowing calculations of time-weighted mean concentration over the approximately 30 day deployment (Alvarez and others, 2008). Collectively, there were 97 chemicals detected, and time-weighted mean concentrations could be calculated for 95...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), identified the occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in water and bottom sediment collected in 2013 at 57 sites throughout the Great Lakes Basin. The 2013 effort is part of a long-term study that began in 2010. Included in this directory are references to or descriptions of analytical methods used, collection methods, environmental data, and associated quality-assurance data for samples collected in 2013. Samples were collected from April through October 2013 by USGS, USFWS, and/or EPA personnel. Study sites include tributaries to the Great Lakes...
This dataset provides the water-quality results for organic and inorganic concentrations analyzed from samples collected at residential tapwater faucets, sourced from private drinking water wells in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Samples were collected in July and August, 2018 from 20 locations. Samples were analyzed at various U.S. Geological Survey laboratories: the National Water Quality Laboratory in Denver, Colorado for organic compounds; the Redox Chemistry Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado for inorganic constituents; the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory in Lawrence, Kansas for microcystin analyses; and the Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory in Sacramento, California for disinfectant byproduct analyses. Additionally,...
Numerous studies have shown that a variety of manufactured and natural organic compounds such as pharmaceuticals, steroids, surfactants, flame retardants, fragrances, plasticizers and other chemicals often associated with wastewaters have been detected in the vicinity of municipal wastewater discharges and livestock agricultural facilities. To provide new data and insights about the environmental presence of some of these chemicals in untreated sources of drinking water in the United States targeted sites were sampled and analyzed for 100 analytes with sub-parts per billion detection capabilities. The sites included 25 ground- and 49 surface-water sources of drinking water serving populations ranging from one family...
Description of Work In 2014-15 the U.S. Geological Survey and State University of New York at Fredonia characterized the quantity and morphology of floating microplastics in 29 Great Lakes tributaries in 6 states under different hydrologic conditions, wastewater effluent contributions, land uses, and seasons. Tributaries were sampled four times each, during high-flow and low-flow conditions. Samples were collected from the upper 20-30cm of the stream using a 0.33mm mesh neuston net. Microplastic particles were sorted by size, counted, and categorized as fibers/lines, pellets/beads, foams, films, and fragments. References 1. R. C. Thompson et al., Lost at Sea: Where Is All the Plastic? Science. 304, 838 (2004)....
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and St. Cloud State University (SCSU), identified the occurrence of chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in water and bottom sediment collected in 2014 at 65 sites throughout the Great Lakes Basin. The 2014 effort is part of a long-term study that began in 2010. Included in this directory are collection methods, references to or descriptions of analytical methods used, data for samples collected in 2014, and associated quality-assurance data. Samples were collected during the periods of April to May and August to September by USGS, USFWS, and (or) SCSU personnel. Study sites include tributaries to the Great Lakes located...
This dataset includes per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and pharmaceuticals monitored at 62 sampling sites in tributaries of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Chemicals were evaluated in a sediment sample (PFAS only) and water concentrations were estimated using polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS). Sediment samples were collected from the 62 sites in June and July 2018, which were analyzed for 23 PFAS compounds using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Duplicate sediment samples were collected at 23 sites. Overall, 22 of the 23 sediment PFAS compounds analyzed were detected in samples from at least one site. Pharmaceuticals and PFAS samples were collected instream by deploying...
This document provides a summary of surface water-quality, streamflow, and groundwater data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) within the Central Pine Barrens (CPB) Region of Suffolk County, New York. The data were collected in cooperation with the Central Pine Barrens Commission and the Town of Brookhaven under a five-year comprehensive water resources monitoring program. The surface water-quality data within the CPB for the 2018 water year (October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018) includes data from the Carmans River and the Peconic River. The streams were sampled several times throughout the year at seven pre-determined locations. The Carmans River was sampled at five locations: 1) CARMANS RIVER AT...
This data set is a compilation of data from two sampling efforts (2010 and 2014), focused on determining the presence and distribution of organic contaminants throughout the United States portion of the Great Lakes watershed. Water-borne contaminants were monitored in 69 tributaries of the Great Lakes using semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), and polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS). Analyses included 185 chemicals (143 detected) including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), legacy and current-use pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and organophosphate fire retardants, pharmaceuticals, fragrances, industrial chemicals, surfactants, and others.
Tags: Ashtabula River, Au Sable River, Bad River, Black River, Buffalo River, All tags...
The U.S. Geological Survey, National Park Service, St. Cloud State University, and the University of St. Thomas conducted a cooperative study to investigate the occurrence of chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) and potential effects to aquatic biota in select tributaries of the St. Croix River in Minnesota and Wisconsin. In 2011, treated wastewater effluent samples were collected from 22 sites in the St. Croix River Basin to determine total estrogenic activity. In 2012, wastewater effluent was collected at five select locations based on total estrogenicity and analyzed for CECs. In addition, surface water, bottom sediment, resident fish, and resident crayfish were collected upstream and downstream from effluent...
This data release contains 1-4 dioxane, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and trihalomethanes (THMs) concentration data from groundwater samples collected from 78 monitoring wells in Nassau County New York. Samples were collected from May 2019 through December 2022 at wells ranging in depth from twenty-three feet to 875 feet. All wells were sampled with a submersible pump and a subset of five wells were sampled using a dual membrane passive diffusion sampler for method comparison. Water-quality field parameters (water temperature, pH, turbidity, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen) were measured during each site visit and are included....
Description of Work U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) will identify through this project significant sources and impacts of historical and newly emerging toxics to the Great Lakes ecosystem through broad surveillance as well as laboratory and field research of tree swallows and other bird species. USGS scientists will determine the amount of exposure to and the effects of historical and emerging contaminants in Great Lakes food chains. The data will inform regulators and provide guidance on removal of Beneficial Use Impairments at Area of Concern sites around the Great Lakes. Work supported under this project is quantifying exposure to, and effects of, both historical and emerging contaminants on Great Lakes food chains...
Background Discharges from non-point sources, municipal and industrial point sources, and combined sewage overflows over the last century resulted in elevated levels of heavy metals, conventional pollutants, phosphorus, and toxic organic contaminants in water and sediments of the Lower Genesee River and Rochester Embayment. As a result, the zooplankton and phytoplankton or “plankton” communities were designated as one of fourteen Beneficial Use Impairments (BUI); i.e., the resource was either impaired or in need of assessment in the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern (AOC). The Rochester Embayment Remedial Action Committee (RAC) was formed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Aquatic Community Health, Aquatic Community Health, Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Assessment, Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Assessment, BiogeochemicalandHydrologicAssessment, All tags...
A number of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) have been reported to interfere with the thyroid signaling pathway and cause oxidative stress in birds, yet the underlying shifts in gene expression associated with these effects remain poorly understood. In this study, we measured hepatic transcriptional responses of 31 genes in American kestrel hatchlings following in ovo exposure to one of three high-volume alternative BFRs: 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy) ethane (BTPBE), bis(2-ethylhexyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrabromophthalate (TBPH), or 2-ethylhexyl-2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate (EHTBB). Hatchling kestrels exhibited shifts in the expression of genes related to oxidative stress (CYP, GSTA, SOD, GPx), thyroid hormone metabolism...
Legacy and emerging contaminants were measured in streams and rivers in the District of Columbia and the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia of the Chesapeake Bay watershed between 2005 and 2013. Passive sampling devices, SPMDs and POCIS, were used to sample these waterbodies, providing a time-integrated concentration of contaminants that are potentially bioavailable to native fishes. This data set is a compilation of data from eight separate studies, all focused on determining the potential exposure of organic chemicals to fish which may be responsible for instances of fish kills and intersex that were observed in these waterbodies.
Onsite wastewater disposal systems (OWDS) in coastal regions of Long Island, New York, contribute bacteria, nutrients, and organic wastewater-associated compounds (including pharmaceuticals, personal care and domestic use products referred to here as contaminants of emerging concern (CECs)) to downgradient shallow groundwater in nearshore settings. Many of the densely populated areas along the East Coast (i.e. Long Island, New York) are served by OWDS. Approximately 75 percent of Suffolk County, New York, residents rely on simple OWDS such as a series of cesspools (ground pits lined with cement blocks or rings without a sealed bottom) and septic systems. Cesspools provide minimal wastewater treatment, typically...
Several quality-control measures were implemented in the field and at the Environmental Sampling Technologies Laboratory and the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory to evaluate the integrity of the data being generated. Sample replicates and blank samples were collected in the field. Surrogate standards, isotope dilution standards, matrix spikes, reagent blank-water spikes, reagent blank-sand samples, polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) method blank samples, and POCIS method spikes were prepared in the laboratory. Quality-control measures used in 2014 were similar to those used in previous years of the study. Detailed descriptions and how the quality-control data are used can...
Observations of test subjects and hatching data - Body weight, organ/tissue weights Biomarker data (oxidative stress indicators, oxidative DNA damage, thyroid hormones, histological findings) in various tissues Chemical residues in tissues

map background search result map search result map Determine Baseline and Sources of Toxic Contaminant Loadings Birds as Indicators of Contaminant Exposure in the Great Lakes Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Water and Bottom Sediment in Great Lakes Areas of Concern, 2013—Analytical Methods, Collection Methods, Environmental Data, and Quality Assurance Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Water and Bottom Sediment in the Great Lakes Basin, 2014 - Analytical Methods, Collection Methods,Quality-Assurance Analyses, and Data Field and Laboratory Quality Assurance Microplastics in Great Lakes Tributaries Estimating Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Waters from the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern Using Two Plankton Species Chemicals of Emerging Concern and Fish Biological Endpoints Data Collected From Select Tributaries of the St. Croix River, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2011-12 Bacteria, nutrients, and contaminants of emerging concern in shallow groundwater of nearshore environments, Suffolk County, New York, 2013 2018 Hydrologic Data Summary for the Central Pine Barrens Region, Suffolk County, New York (ver. 2.0, February 2024) Target-Chemical Concentration Results of Mixed-Organic/Inorganic Chemical Exposures in Cape Cod, Massachusetts Tapwater, 2018 Physiological and Endocrine Responses of Hatchling American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) following Embryonic Exposure to Technical Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (C10-13) Legacy and emerging contaminants in the Chesapeake Bay watershed as measured using passive samplers - 2005 to 2013 Pesticides and pesticide transformation product data from passive samplers deployed in 15 Great Lakes tributaries, 2016 Biomarker responses in American kestrels exposed in ovo to EHTBB and TBPH Hepatic gene expression transcript counts in liver samples of American kestrels Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and pharmaceutical compound data from passive and sediment samples from 62 Great Lakes tributary sites collected in 2018 Concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane, Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE), and Trihalomethanes (THMs) in Groundwater, Nassau County, New York, 2019-2022 Physiological and Endocrine Responses of Hatchling American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) following Embryonic Exposure to Technical Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (C10-13) Biomarker responses in American kestrels exposed in ovo to EHTBB and TBPH Estimating Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Waters from the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern Using Two Plankton Species Concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane, Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE), and Trihalomethanes (THMs) in Groundwater, Nassau County, New York, 2019-2022 2018 Hydrologic Data Summary for the Central Pine Barrens Region, Suffolk County, New York (ver. 2.0, February 2024) Hepatic gene expression transcript counts in liver samples of American kestrels Target-Chemical Concentration Results of Mixed-Organic/Inorganic Chemical Exposures in Cape Cod, Massachusetts Tapwater, 2018 Chemicals of Emerging Concern and Fish Biological Endpoints Data Collected From Select Tributaries of the St. Croix River, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2011-12 Bacteria, nutrients, and contaminants of emerging concern in shallow groundwater of nearshore environments, Suffolk County, New York, 2013 Legacy and emerging contaminants in the Chesapeake Bay watershed as measured using passive samplers - 2005 to 2013 Microplastics in Great Lakes Tributaries Pesticides and pesticide transformation product data from passive samplers deployed in 15 Great Lakes tributaries, 2016 Birds as Indicators of Contaminant Exposure in the Great Lakes Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and pharmaceutical compound data from passive and sediment samples from 62 Great Lakes tributary sites collected in 2018 Determine Baseline and Sources of Toxic Contaminant Loadings Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Water and Bottom Sediment in Great Lakes Areas of Concern, 2013—Analytical Methods, Collection Methods, Environmental Data, and Quality Assurance Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Water and Bottom Sediment in the Great Lakes Basin, 2014 - Analytical Methods, Collection Methods,Quality-Assurance Analyses, and Data Field and Laboratory Quality Assurance