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Eocene conglomerate resting unconformably on upturned edges of Marine Jurassic, Weber Canyon one mile above Croydon. The mountain on the right is composed of Triassic red beds. Utah. 1903.
Categories: Image; Tags: Eocene, Utah, photo print
This database portrays the surface and shallow subsurface geology of the greater Charleston, S.C. region east of 80°30′ west and south of 33°15′ north. The region covers the entirety of Charleston County and portions of Berkeley, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown Counties. Units locally exposed at the surface range in age from middle Eocene to Holocene, but most of the area is covered by Quaternary interglacial deposits. These are, from oldest to youngest, the Okefenokee, Waccamaw(?), Penholoway, Ladson, Ten Mile Hill, and Wando Formations and the Silver Bluff beds. Two cross sections (not included in the database), one running southeast from Harleyville to the coastline on James Island and the other running...
Tags: Adam Run fault, Ashepoo River, Ashley Formation, Ashley River, Ashley River fault, All tags...
The Apparent Wilcox Group thickness maps are contoured from location and top information derived from the Petroleum Information (PI) Wells database. The Wilcox apparent thickness map was constructed by searching for Wilcox and Midway Group tops. Apparent thickness is computed by subtracting Midway top from the Wilcox top. Geographic control is superimposed on the maps from USGS state line, county, elevation and other data files. The veracity of the PI Wells database is being checked by comparison to published cross sections and geologic maps. Interpretation of the depth to Wilcox and apparent thickness maps along with published measured sections and cross sections indicates that portions of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 47 = Western Gulf, 48 = East Texas Basin, 49 = Louisiana-Mississippi Salt Basins, 50 = Florida Peninsula, AL, All tags...
This dataset captures in digital form the results of previously published U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Mission Area studies related to water resource assessment of Cenozoic strata and unconsolidated deposits within the Mississippi Embayment and the Gulf Coastal Plain of the south-central United States. The data are from reports published from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s by the Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) studies and in 2008 by the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer Study (MERAS). These studies, and the data presented here, describe the geologic and hydrogeologic units of the Mississippi embayment, Texas coastal uplands, and the coastal lowlands aquifer systems, south-central...
Tags: 3D, Alabama, Arkansas, Cane River Formation, Carrizo Sand, All tags...
A new genus is described based on fossilized winged fruits from former lake deposits of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Oregon, and British Columbia, ranging in age from latest Paleocene to early Middle Eocene. Lagokarpos lacustris McMurran et Manchester gen. et sp. nov. fruits have an elliptical to globose seed body and a conspicuous pair of apical wings with pinnate venation. These windâ€ï¿½dispersed fruits are compared with and distinguished from similar extant winged fruits such as Dipterocarpus Gaertn f. (Dipterocarpaceae), Gyrocarpus Jacq. (Hernandiaceae), and Alberta E. Meyer (Rubiaceae). No modern fruit was found to exhibit the combination of characters seen in Lagokarpos, and we conclude that it represents an extinct...
This dataset accompanies publication '40Ar/39Ar geochronology and petrogenesis of the Table Mountain Shoshonites, Golden, CO', to be published in Rocky Mountain Geology, which analyzed lava flows on North and South Table Mountain in Golden, CO, for argon geochronology and geochemistry.
Note: this data release has been deprecated. Please see new data release here: This dataset captures in digital form the results of previously published U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Mission Area studies related to water resource assessment of Cenozoic strata and unconsolidated deposits within the Mississippi Embayment and the Gulf Coastal Plain of the south-central United States. The data are from reports published from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s by the Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) studies and in 2008 by the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer Study (MERAS). These studies, and the data presented here, describe the geologic and hydrogeologic...
Tags: 3D, Alabama, Arkansas, Cane River Formation, Carrizo Sand, All tags...
A new genus is described based on fossilized winged fruits from former lake deposits of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Oregon, and British Columbia, ranging in age from latest Paleocene to early Middle Eocene. Lagokarpos lacustris McMurran et Manchester gen. et sp. nov. fruits have an elliptical to globose seed body and a conspicuous pair of apical wings with pinnate venation. These wind?dispersed fruits are compared with and distinguished from similar extant winged fruits such as Dipterocarpus Gaertn f. (Dipterocarpaceae), Gyrocarpus Jacq. (Hernandiaceae), and Alberta E. Meyer (Rubiaceae). No modern fruit was found to exhibit the combination of characters seen in Lagokarpos, and we conclude that it represents an extinct...
Note: this data release has been deprecated. Please see new data release here: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) undertook a 5-year study beginning in 2016 to assess groundwater availability for the aquifers proximal to the Gulf of Mexico from the Texas-Mexico border to the western part of the panhandle of Florida; these aquifers are collectively referred to as the coastal lowlands aquifer system. This study is one of several regional groundwater availability studies being done as part of the USGS Water Availability and Use Science Program. Groundwater from the coastal lowlands aquifer system is used mainly for public, irrigation, and industrial supply. Land-surface subsidence...
New paleomagnetic and stable isotopic results from the northeastern margin of the greater Green River Basin (South Pass, Wyoming) provide a refined geochronological context for the Wasatchian/Bridgerian Land Mammal Age boundary and suggest the existence of large amplitude Milankovich-scale carbon and oxygen isotopic oscillations in this area during the early Eocene. Analysis of 55 paleomagnetic sites through a 310 m section of Wasatch, Green River, and Bridger Formations indicates several reversals that can be correlated to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale using radiometric age constraints. This correlation places the Wasatchian/Bridgerian boundary in Chron C23r at about 52 Ma, approximately two million years...
This study is the first to employ spectral analysis to examine meter-scale sedimentary cyclicity in the Wilkins Peak Member of the lower Eocene Green River Formation of Wyoming. Generally regarded as the classic example for orbital forcing of lacustrine sediments at eccentricity and precession time scales, this long-standing interpretation was recently contested, with a much shorter duration (≤ 10 ky) inferred for the dominant cyclicity. Earlier work lacked adequate age control or spectral analysis or both. Our analysis is based upon an evaluation in the frequency domain of oil-yield values from four boreholes, accuracy estimation for suggested orbital interpretations, and comparison to independent geochronology....
West Spanish Peak, from the northwest. Flat-lying Eocene rocks outcrop on the middle slopes of the mountain. One large dike and several smaller ones are seen in the foreground. Las Animas County, Colorado. 1896. Figure 4 in U.S. Geological Survey Folio 71. 1901.
An extinct genus of the Polemoniaceae is described from one complete fossil plant preserved in shale of the Eocene Green River Formation, Utah. Combined vegetative and reproductive characters including the taproot, basal and cauline pinnatifid leaves, primary peduncular leaves, secondary peduncular bracts, pedicel bracts, fruits in groups of three, and persistent calyx, support placement of this plant close to the extant genus Gilia. Gilisenium hueberi gen. et sp. nov. represents a rare record of an herbaceous plant, and the oldest megafossil for the family Polemoniaceae. Published in Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, volume 104, issue 1, on pages 39 - 49, in 1998.
Numerous 40Ar/39Ar experiments on sanidine and biotite from 22 ash beds and 3 volcaniclastic sand beds from the Greater Green River, Piceance Creek, and Uinta Basins of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah constrain ~8 m.y. of the Eocene Epoch. Multiple analyses were conducted per sample using laser fusion and incremental heating techniques to differentiate inheritance, 40Ar loss, and 39Ar recoil. When considered in conjunction with existing radioisotopic ages and lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and magnetostratigraphy, these new age determinations facilitate temporal correlation of linked Eocene lake basins in the Laramide Rocky Mountain region at a significantly increased level of precision. To compare our results...
This Data Release accompanies the publication, "Paleogene sedimentary basin development in southern Nevada, USA" by Lundstern and others (2024) in the journal Lithosphere. Included here are U-Pb detrital zircon and Ar/Ar feldspar geochronologic data for middle Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks collected by Jens-Erik Lundstern and Theresa M. Schwartz in several parts of southern Nevada, U.S. The target strata are the lowest Cenozoic sedimentary rocks deposited above the base-Cenozoic unconformity. U-Pb detrital zircon data were obtained at the University of Arizona LaserChron Center in Tucson, Arizona in February 2021, October 2021, and January 2023. 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data were collected at the U.S....
(Compare with Jackson image 029.)
Categories: Image; Tags: Eocene, Utah, photo print
Eocene conglomerate cliffs, near Echo. Utah. 1903.
Categories: Image; Tags: Eocene, Utah, photo print
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) undertook a 5-year study beginning in 2016 to assess groundwater availability for the aquifers proximal to the Gulf of Mexico from the Texas-Mexico border to the western part of the panhandle of Florida; these aquifers are collectively referred to as the coastal lowlands aquifer system. This study is one of several regional groundwater availability studies being done as part of the USGS Water Availability and Use Science Program. Groundwater from the coastal lowlands aquifer system is used mainly for public, irrigation, and industrial supply. Land-surface subsidence related to groundwater pumping is an issue of ongoing concern within this study area. During the first two years of...
We include planktic and benthic foraminifer census data tables from the Paleocene-Eocene sections of South Dover Bridge and Mattawoman Creek-Billingsley Road coreholes.
This data release contains a digital compilation of geologic data from the Scottsbluff 1° x 2° quadrangle of western Nebraska and northeastern Colorado, a region predominantly characterized by Quaternary and Tertiary sedimentary and extrusive igneous rocks. This geodatabase, digitized from published resources, includes the position of volcanic ash-bed localities, structural data of inclined beds, orientation of geologic contacts and structural contours of specified stratigraphic horizons, and geographic extent of mapped geologic outcrops. This geologic compilation includes a geodatabase with applicable spatial feature classes accompanied by non-spatial tables with information that describes the data sources, glossary...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Arikaree Group, Ash Hollow Formation, Broadwater Formation, Brule Formation, Chadron Formation, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Synoptic reconstruction of a major ancient lake system: Eocene Green River Formation, western United States Argon and geochemical data for: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and petrogenesis of the Table Mountain Shoshonites, Golden, CO Wilcox Group Apparent Thickness, Gulf Coast (wlcxthkg) Hydrogeologic Data for the Development of the Hydrogeologic Framework of the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer System Regional Groundwater Availability Study Area in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida Hydrogeologic Data for the Development of the Hydrogeologic Framework of the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer System Regional Groundwater Availability Study Area in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida Database for the Surficial Geologic Map of the Charleston Region, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown Counties, South Carolina Digital database of the previously published geologic map of the Scottsbluff 1° x 2° quadrangle, Nebraska and Colorado U-Pb detrital zircon data and Ar feldspar data from middle Cenozoic sandstones and volcanic tuffs from southern Nevada, USA Digital data from previous USGS hydrogeologic studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States Surface and subsurface geologic data from previous USGS studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States Database for the Surficial Geologic Map of the Charleston Region, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown Counties, South Carolina U-Pb detrital zircon data and Ar feldspar data from middle Cenozoic sandstones and volcanic tuffs from southern Nevada, USA Digital database of the previously published geologic map of the Scottsbluff 1° x 2° quadrangle, Nebraska and Colorado Synoptic reconstruction of a major ancient lake system: Eocene Green River Formation, western United States Hydrogeologic Data for the Development of the Hydrogeologic Framework of the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer System Regional Groundwater Availability Study Area in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida Hydrogeologic Data for the Development of the Hydrogeologic Framework of the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer System Regional Groundwater Availability Study Area in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida Digital data from previous USGS hydrogeologic studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States Surface and subsurface geologic data from previous USGS studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States Wilcox Group Apparent Thickness, Gulf Coast (wlcxthkg)