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PROBLEM The valley‐fill aquifer in the lower Fall Creek valley (designated as aquifer 4, fig. 1), within the Towns of Dryden and Groton, was mapped by Miller (2000) and identified as one of 17 unconsolidated aquifers in Tompkins County that need to be studied in more detail. The east end of the valley (near the Tompkins and Cortland County border) is on the backside of a large morainal plug, which is part of the Valley Heads Moraine. A large system of springs discharge from the backside of the moraine and forms part of the headwaters to Fall Creek. The valley‐fill aquifer thins and pinches out to the west (figs. 1 and 2)— where the valley is floored by bedrock and becomes a “hanging valley” to Cayuga Lake trough....
Background / Problem – The City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N.Y., is in the process of developing a flood management plan for the streams that flow through the City. Flooding in the City is caused by a variety of distinct and sometimes interconnected reasons. Flooding often is a result of snowmelt and rain during the winter and spring. Slow ice-melt and breakup can lead to ice jams and subsequent flooding. Flash floods are produced by summer thunderstorms. All of these flood types are compounded by two factors: the storm-sewer system in the City and the elevation of Cayuga Lake. The storm sewers drain to the nearby streams at points below the tops of the streambanks. Because the streamward ends of the storm sewers...
This dataset contains raster grids of water surface elevation for 15 modeled water-surface profiles at 5 flood frequencies (50- , 10,- 2- , 1- , and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities, or 2- , 10- , 50- , 100- , and 500-year recurrence intervals) and 3 lake levels (representing average conditions, a 2-year-high condition, and a 100-year-high condition).
The Middle Fork Willamette River basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dams on Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as the 736 hectare Fall Creek Lake. Reservoir erosion during streambed drawdown results in sediment...
The Middle Fork Willamette River basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dams on Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as the 736 hectare Fall Creek Lake. Reservoir erosion during streambed drawdown results in sediment...
The Middle Fork Willamette River basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dams on Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as the 736 hectare Fall Creek Lake. Reservoir erosion during streambed drawdown results in sediment...
Digital flood-inundation maps for a 2.9-square-mile area of Ithaca, New York, were created in 2015–18 by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the City of Ithaca, New York, and the New York State Department of State. The flood-inundation maps depict estimates of the maximum areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected flood frequencies for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek and selected water-surface elevations of Cayuga Lake. Flood profiles for the stream reaches were computed by combining a one-dimensional step-backwater model for the stream channels and a two-dimensional model for the overbank areas. The resulting hydraulic model was calibrated by using water-surface...
The Middle Fork Willamette River basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dams on Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as the 736 hectare Fall Creek Lake. Reservoir erosion during streambed drawdown results in sediment...
The Middle Fork Willamette River basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dams on Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as the 736 hectare Fall Creek Lake. Reservoir erosion during streambed drawdown results in sediment...
The Middle Fork Willamette River basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dams on Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as the 736 hectare Fall Creek Lake. Reservoir erosion during streambed drawdown results in sediment...
Flood profiles for the stream reaches were computed by combining a one-dimensional step-backwater model for the stream channels and a two-dimensional model for the overbank areas. The resulting hydraulic model was calibrated by using water-surface profiles from five observed storm events. The model was then used to compute 15 water-surface profiles for 5 flood frequencies (50- , 10- , 2- , 1- , and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities, or 2- , 10- , 50- , 100- , and 500-year recurrence intervals) and 3 lake levels (representing average conditions, a 2-year-high condition, and a 100-year-high condition). The geographic information system flood-extent polygons, depth grids, and water surface elevation grids...
The Middle Fork Willamette River basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dams on Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as the 736 hectare Fall Creek Lake. Reservoir erosion during streambed drawdown results in sediment...
The Middle Fork Willamette River basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dams on Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as the 736 hectare Fall Creek Lake. Reservoir erosion during streambed drawdown results in sediment...
The Middle Fork Willamette River basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dams on Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as the 736 hectare Fall Creek Lake. Reservoir erosion during streambed drawdown results in sediment...
The Middle Fork Willamette River Basin encompasses 3,548 square kilometers of western Oregon and drains to the mainstem Willamette River. Fall Creek Basin encompasses 653 square kilometers and drains to the Middle Fork Willamette River. In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey evaluated geomorphic responses of downstream river corridors to annual drawdowns to streambed at Fall Creek Lake. This study of geomorphic change is focused on the major alluvial channel segments downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dams including the lowermost 11.5 km of Fall Creek and 27.3 km of the Middle Fork Willamette River, as well as Fall Creek Lake. GIS layers defining the landforms,...
This dataset contains raster grids of inundation depth for 15 modeled water-surface profiles at 5 flood frequencies (50- , 10- , 2- , 1- , and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities, or 2- , 10- , 50- , 100- , and 500-year recurrence intervals) and 3 lake levels (representing average conditions, a 2-year-high condition, and a 100-year-high condition).

map background search result map search result map Water-Surface Profiles and Discharges for Four Stream Reaches, Ithaca,  Tompkins County N.Y. USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Fall Creek, WI 1972 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Fall Creek, WY 1970 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Fall Creek, WY 1991 Geospatial dataset of flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York Water surface elevation (NAVD 88) for flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York Water depth for flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York HEC-RAS Model for flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette Geomorphic Mapping Geodatabase Lake and Tributary chloride data for Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, New York (1897-2014) Structure-from-motion datasets of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 2016 Ground control point locations for Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 2016 Original aerial photographs of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 8, 2016 High-resolution digital elevation model of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 8, 2016 Agisoft output report for structure-from-motion datasets for Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, during annual drawdown to streambed November 9, 2016 Point cloud of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 9, 2016 Original aerial photographs of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 9, 2016 High-resolution digital elevation model of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 10, 2016 High-resolution orthophotograph of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 9, 2016 Geohydrology of the Valley‐fill Aquifer in the Lower Fall Creek Valley, Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York Point cloud of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 9, 2016 Original aerial photographs of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 9, 2016 High-resolution orthophotograph of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 9, 2016 Original aerial photographs of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 8, 2016 Water-Surface Profiles and Discharges for Four Stream Reaches, Ithaca,  Tompkins County N.Y. HEC-RAS Model for flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York Water surface elevation (NAVD 88) for flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York Geospatial dataset of flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York Water depth for flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York High-resolution digital elevation model of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 8, 2016 Structure-from-motion datasets of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 2016 Ground control point locations for Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 2016 Agisoft output report for structure-from-motion datasets for Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, during annual drawdown to streambed November 9, 2016 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Fall Creek, WI 1972 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Fall Creek, WY 1970 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Fall Creek, WY 1991 Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette Geomorphic Mapping Geodatabase Geohydrology of the Valley‐fill Aquifer in the Lower Fall Creek Valley, Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York Lake and Tributary chloride data for Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, New York (1897-2014)