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A previously published MODFLOW-NWT groundwater-flow model for the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma (using 1 steady state stress period followed by 444 monthly stress periods representing 1979-2015; Ellis, 2018a) was used as the basis of several groundwater-use scenarios. The model is a 3-layer model including the Cloud Chief formation (confining unit of the Rush Springs aquifer), alluvial and terrace deposits, and the Rush Springs aquifer. The scenarios were used to assess the effects of increasing groundwater withdrawals from the Rush Springs aquifer on base flows to streams that flow into Fort Cobb Reservoir to address concerns over groundwater use reducing inflows to the lake. The effects of groundwater...
![]() In 2018 The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, published a calibrated numerical groundwater- flow model and associated model documentation report that evaluated the effects of potential groundwater withdrawals on groundwater flow and availability in the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma. The results of groundwater-availability scenarios run on the calibrated numerical groundwater-flow model could be used by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to evaluate the maximum annual yield of groundwater from the Rush Springs aquifer in Oklahoma. A conceptual groundwater-flow model is a simplified description of the major inflow and outflow...
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