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A three-dimensional, groundwater-flow model developed by Halford and Jackson ( was used to simulate effects of future (2020—2120) groundwater pumping on water levels and natural discharges in the Alkali Flat–Furnace Creek Ranch (AFFCR), Ash Meadows, Pahute Mesa–Oasis Valley (PMOV), and Pahrump to Death Valley South (PDVS) groundwater basins, southern Nevada and California. Four pumping scenarios were simulated, including a base case and scenarios A, B, and C. Scenarios were simulated from 1913 to 2120, with historical pumping occurring from 1913 to 2010, historical 2010 pumping rates projected from 2010 to 2020, and scenario pumping beginning in 2020. The base case projected 2010 pumping...
A three-dimensional, groundwater model (MODFLOW-2005) was developed to determine effects of future (2019–2100) groundwater development on water levels and natural discharges in the Alkali Flat–Furnace Creek Ranch (AFFCR), Ash Meadows, Pahute Mesa–Oasis Valley (PMOV), and Pahrump to Death Valley South (PDVS) groundwater basins, southern Nevada and California. Two pumping scenarios were developed. Scenario 1 assumed pumping continues at the current (2018) rate through 2100. Scenario 2 assumed all pumping stops in 2018 so that recovery can be observed from 2019–2100. Input and output files for the predictive simulations are in the model and output directories, respectively. The predictive model was calibrated with...
This data release documents a modified version of the Death Valley version 3 steady-state (DV3-SS) model described in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1863 ( The DV3-SS model was modified by conversion into a superposition model with initial heads of 0 ft (0 m). Simulated water-level changes are relative to modern, predevelopment (pre-1950) conditions, where modern levels have a reference datum of 0 ft (0 m). The modified DV3-SS model is a three-dimensional, groundwater model (MODFLOW-2005) that was used to estimate paleo-recharge in the Ash Meadows groundwater basin, southwest Nevada, using the Devils Hole (cave 2) water-table record that spans the last 350,000 years. Two...

    map background search result map search result map MODFLOW-2005 model and supplementary data used to characterize groundwater flow and effects of pumping in the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, Nevada and California, with special reference to Devils Hole SIR2015-5175, Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley and surrounding groundwater basins, Nevada and California, version 1.1 SIR 2015-5175, Water-level altitude contours of Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley and surrounding groundwater basins, Nevada and California, version 1.1 MODFLOW-2005 Models used to Simulate Effects of Pumping in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California—Selected Management Scenarios Projected to 2120 MODFLOW-2005 model used to estimate paleo-recharge volumes and project future water-level changes in Ash Meadows groundwater basin, southwest Nevada, based on Devils Hole paleo-water-table record MODFLOW-2005 model and supplementary data used to characterize groundwater flow and effects of pumping in the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, Nevada and California, with special reference to Devils Hole MODFLOW-2005 Models used to Simulate Effects of Pumping in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California—Selected Management Scenarios Projected to 2120 MODFLOW-2005 model used to estimate paleo-recharge volumes and project future water-level changes in Ash Meadows groundwater basin, southwest Nevada, based on Devils Hole paleo-water-table record SIR 2015-5175, Water-level altitude contours of Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley and surrounding groundwater basins, Nevada and California, version 1.1 SIR2015-5175, Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley and surrounding groundwater basins, Nevada and California, version 1.1