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Introduction Detailed mapping of the glacial aquifer within the buried Fairport-Lyons bedrock channel in southern Wayne County, N.Y. is the latest study in the cooperative Detailed Aquifer Mapping Program between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The aim of the program is to map the extent of glacial aquifers in New York State at a scale of 1:24,000. This information is used by NYSDEC Division of Water and others for delineation of groundwater contributing areas, assessing potential threats to aquifers from both point and non-point sources of pollution, responding to contamination from spills or leaks from underground storage facilities,...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Aquifer Mapping,
Aquifer Mapping,
Aquifer Mapping,
Cooperative Water Program,
Fairport-Lyons Channel Aquifer,
Problem The Tully Valley, located in southern Onondaga County has been the source of sediment and brackish water discharge to Onondaga Creek, a tributary to the Seneca and Oswego Rivers and eventually Lake Ontario. Information on the origin of the Tully Valley mudboils, their persistence, and the possible extent of their migration within the Tully Valley is needed to mitigate or remediate (1)the discharge of turbid water and fine-grained sediment from the mudboils, (2) land-surface subsidence caused by the removal of sediment from below the land surface, and (3) degradation of Onondaga Creek by turbidity, fine-sediment deposition, and chloride loading. Objectives To define the glacial stratigraphy and hydraulic-head...
Categories: Data,
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Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Cooperative Research Units,
Cooperative Water Program,
GW or SW,
GW or SW,
GW or SW,
Problem The Village of Dryden, rural homeowners, farms, and businesses in the Virgil Creek Valley tap several confined sand and gravel aquifers in the Virgil Creek valley in the town of Dryden . The valley contains a large moraine with complex stratigraphy consisting of continuous and discontinuous layers of till, lake deposits, and glaciofluvial sand and gravel. Sand and gravel units form the aquifers in the valley-fill deposits. There are at least three extensive confined aquifer units at various depths. However, little is known about (1) the location of recharge and discharge areas, (2) direction of groundwater flow, (3) extent of hydraulic connection between aquifer units, and (4) extent of surface- and ground-water...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Completed,
GW Model,
Background In recent years, more and more people have become concerned about Long Island's supply of freshwater. Currently, there is no comprehensive, island-wide resource that summarizes recent U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research related to the Island's aquifer system. A webpage will be developed by the USGS that will compile published data from the hydrologic-surveillance program, in place since the mid-1970’s, and various USGS sources, and supplement this information with more recent seasonal and annual hydrologic technical assistance will be provided to the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) to help them produce an easy to understand annual report that will provide a snapshot of the state of Long Island's...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Cooperative Water Program,
GW or SW,
GW or SW,
GW or SW,
Geospatial Applications,
Background Streams and rivers are an important environmental resource and provide water for many human needs. Streamflow is a measure of the volume of water carried by rivers and streams. Changes in streamflow can directly influence the supply of water available for human consumption, irrigation, generating electricity, and other needs. In addition, many plants and animals depend on streamflow for habitat and survival. Streamflow naturally varies over the course of a year. For example, rivers and streams in many parts of the country have their highest (peak) flow when snow melts in the spring. The amount of streamflow is important because high flows can cause erosion and damaging floods, while very low flows...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Climate Change,
Climate Change,
Climate Impacts,
Climate Impacts,
Climate impacts,
Significant changes in nitrogen loads to Jamaica Bay have likely occurred with progressive improvements to Water Pollution Control Plants (WCWPs) that discharge into the Bay. Data available from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and others will be used to determine loads from WPCPs, combined sewer overflows, and the atmosphere. Selected wells within the USGS water quality database, including those near the landfills that are immediately adjacent to Jamaica Bay, will be used to determine concentrations of nutrients in shallow ground water that enter the bay from ground water seepage. To facilitate evaluation of ground water loads, an existing USGS Finite element model that simulates sub...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Coastal Science,
Coastal Science,
Cooperative Water Program,
GW or SW,
This dataset includes spreadsheets with statistical data (mean and median absolute error) used in deciding which interpolation method best fit the corresponding dataset. All statistical data were paired with a visual inspection of the interpolation prior to determining the final raster product. All spreadsheets were generated using an automated python script (Jahn, 2020).
This dataset includes well logs used in the creation of the Cortland hydrogeologic framework. Well logs were used from multiple sources (DEC, DOT, NWIS) and were a crucial component in generating hydrogeologic layer elevations and thicknesses. Well logs are available in their original form on GeoLog Locator (!/) and provided here in the digitized form (shapefiles and feature classes), which were used in the generation of the hydrogeologic framework.
Digital hydrogeologic datasets were developed for the Rondout-Neversink study area in upstate New York in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. These datasets define the hydrogeologic framework of the valley-fill aquifer and surrounding till-covered uplands within the study area. Datasets include: bedrock elevation raster, lacustrine silt and clay top and bottom elevation rasters, lidar minimum elevation raster, lacustrine extent polygon, valley-fill extent polygon, and surficial geology polygons. Elevation layers were interpolated at 125-foot discretization to match the model grid cell size.
This dataset includes well logs used in the creation of the Olean hydrogeologic framework. Well logs were used from multiple sources (DEC, DOT, NWIS, ESOGIS, and recently digitized archived material) and were a crucial component in generating hydrogeologic layer elevations and thicknesses. Well logs are available in their original form on GeoLog Locator (!/) and provided here in the digitized form (shapefiles and feature classes), which were used in the generation of the hydrogeologic framework.
This dataset includes "smoothing points" used in the creation of the Jamestown hydrogeologic framework. Smoothing points were manually added and were used to enhance interpolated layers using geologic assumptions and include: valley edge points, centerline bedrock points, and upland bedrock SSURGO points.
The town of Greene is located in Chenango County, New York. Previous USGS reports here include Open-File Report 2003-242 (Hetcher and others, 2003), and Scientific Investigations Map 2914 (Hetcher-Aguila and Miller, 2005). The five child pages below break the data up into georeferenced and digitized previous report data, interpreted geologic information, well logs, supplemental point data, and interpolation statistics.
This dataset includes spreadsheets with statistical data (mean and median absolute error) used in deciding which interpolation method best fit the corresponding dataset. All statistical data were paired with a visual inspection of the interpolation prior to determining the final raster product. All spreadsheets were generated using an automated python script (Jahn, 2020).
This dataset includes georeferenced TIFF files from two separate reports for the Jamestown study area that have been digitized into feature classes within ArcGIS. Not all digitized and georeferenced data was necessarily used in the final interpolations, however they may have contributed to understanding the local hydrogeology.
This dataset includes spreadsheets with statistical data (mean and median absolute error) used in deciding which interpolation method best fit the corresponding dataset. All statistical data were paired with a visual inspection of the interpolation prior to determining the final raster product. All spreadsheets were generated using an automated python script (Jahn, 2020).
This folder contains water-level recovery data for selected hydraulic tests that support USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5087, "Transmissivity Estimated from Brief Pumping Tests of Domestic Wells and Compared with Bedrock Lithofacies and Position on Hillsides in the Appalachian Plateau of New York." These data are part of a data release that contains observed water-level recovery data in 52 wells, matched to theoretical type curves defined by postulated values of aquifer transmissivity and storage, that together constitute the database for USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5087. The water-level recovery data were collected after 13 to 132 seconds of pumping. Five of the wells were also test-pumped...
Introduction High nitrate concentrations are a common concern among many purveyors, including the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA), the largest supplier of water to residents in Suffolk County. Typically, the amount of nitrate in groundwater is related to land use, where the greatest concentrations are observed in agricultural regions. In many areas, the nitrate concentration has increased steadily in recent years, even in areas that are no longer farmed and are now sewered. A statistical analysis for trends of over 20 years in nitrate concentration data from SCWA wells is needed to determine the susceptibility of supply-wells to exceed the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate. This information is essential...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Contaminants, Natural,
Contaminants, Natural,
Contaminants, natural,
Cooperative Water Program,
GW Model,
Problem - The major hydrogeologic units of Long Island, New York, have been delineated as part of the islandwide mapping effort of Smolensky, Buxton, and Shernoff that was published in 1989 as U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Atlas (HA) 709. Concern about local details in the hydrogeologic framework that may not be represented in HA-709 has led the USGS, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to assess the hydrogeology of the Long Island area so ground-water-flow modeling planned by EPA can more fully reflect local hydrogeologic conditions. Objectives - The primary objective of this project is to construct geographic information system (GIS) datasets of the altitudes of the...
Background The North Atlantic Coastal Plain (NACP) covers a land area of approximately 34,000 mi 2 along the eastern seaboard of the United States from Long Island, N.Y., southward to the northern portion of North Carolina. This area is underlain by a thick wedge of sedimentary deposits that form a complex groundwater system in which the sands and gravels function as confined aquifers, and the silts and clays function as confining units. These confined aquifers of the NACP constitute a major source of water for public and domestic supply for the nearly 27 million people living in the region, as well as being important source of water for industrial and agricultural purposes. Increases in population and changes...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Cooperative Water Program,
Focused Assessments,
Focused Assessments,
Focused Assessments,
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains estimated daily mean streamflow for Broadstreet Hollow Brook at Highway 28 at Allaben NY (USGS station ID 01362232) and Bushnellsville Creek at State Highway 42 at Shandaken NY (USGS station ID 0136219702) based on methods in Gazoorian (2015) and available discharge data from West Kill near West Kill NY (USGS station ID 01349810). Instantaneous streamflow and estimated instantaneous suspended-sediment loads for Hollow Tree Brook at State Highway 214 at Lanesville NY (USGS station ID 01362345) were derived from streamflow data from Hollow Tree Brook at Lanesville (01362342), methods in Lumia and others (2006) and Rasmussen and others (2009), and available...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
Tags: Catskill Mountains,
Esopus Creek,
GW or SW,
Groundwater and Streamflow Information,