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Yellow-red sandstone above gypsiferous shales, Morrison(?) formation 3 miles southeast of Cannonville. Garfield County, Utah. 1924.
Aerial view of Occidental's Logan Wash mine site. Upper and lower benches in left center. Gas processing facilities on ridge above. Garfield County, Colorado. August 27, 1981.
Green River formation on west side of Parachute Creek, cliff is largely rich oil shale. Garfield County, Colorado. 1916. Plate 7-B in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 691. 1919.
Algal pebbles formed chiefly of Chlorellopsis coloniata Reis in a matrix of ostracode limestone, natural size. Garfield County, Colorado. August 18, 1925. Plate 46-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 154. 1929.
Tipple of Gilson Asphaltum Company's mine Carbonera. Garfield County, Colorado. 1927.
Photomicrograph showing detail of the varves in the rich oil shale specimen in Bradley photo 321; the organic laminae indicated by marks are themselves finely laminated. The mineral laminae contain considerable organic matter, but they are readily distinguished by their coarser grain and greater thickness. Enlarged 320 diameters. Garfield County, Colorado. 1927. Plate14-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 158. 1930.
Union's oil shale site with main mine bench in right foreground. Colony's plant site is visible in upper right background where initial dirt work is underway.
Photomicrograph of a part of the organic marlstone shown in Bradley photo 325, illustrating the regular spacing of the dark laminae; the thin section was cut abnormally thick so as to bring out the fore feebly colored organic layers. Enlarged 18 diameters. Garfield County, Colorado. 1927. Plate 12-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 158. 1930.
Photomicrograph of a group of minute apophylite crystals isolated from oil shale, showing nearly perfect prismatic crystals and also irregular forms. From a thin rich layer of oil shale in the "Mahogany ledge" at the U.S. Bureau of Mines experimental min in sec. 23, T. 6 S., R. 96 W. The grains are immersed in an oil which has a refractive index of 1.58; enlarged 500 diameters. Garfield County, Colorado. 1927. Plate 3-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 158. 1930.
Specimen of moderately rich oil shale showing fine laminations and the characteristic loop bedding. The zone a little below the center is most typical and represents the edges of polygons formed by sun cracks. From east fork of Parachute Creek T.5 S., R. 95 W. Garfield County, Colorado. 1924. Plate 17-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 168. 1931.
Book Cliffs west of Rifle, oil shale forms upper cliff, about 3, 000 feet of rock exposed. Garfield County, Colorado. 1914. Plate 12-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 641. 1917.
Varves in organic marlstone from a bed about 1800 feet above the base of the Green River formation on Clear Creek in sec. 9, T. 5 S., R. 98 W. The darker bands of rock contain the most organic matter. Magnified 4 times. Garfield County, Colorado. 1927. Plate 11 in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 158. 1930.
Upper surface of a tabellate reef with spongy surface; each molariform head is more or less columnar in section, though many of them are very irregular and complexly intergrown; 75% of natural size. Specimen is from about 530 feet above the base of the Green River formation on the divide between Douglas and East Salt Creeks. Garfield County, Colorado. August 18, 1925. Plate 43-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 154. 1929.
South part of Seminoe Mountains. Bradley Peak and southwest end of Seminoe Mountains viewed from south. At extreme left of view is a hill of iron-bearing formation. Carbon County, Wyoming. July 1, 1926.
Green River formation on west side of Parachute Creek, cliff is largely rich oil shale. Garfield County, Colorado. 1916. Plate 7-B in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 691. 1919.
Oblique aerial view of Union's oil shale operation, the main mine bench is in the background. The foreground is probably the site of its ventilation tunnel. Garfield County, Colorado. August 27, 1981.
Album Caption: Oil shale from the Green River formation. Locality O. Asphalt tunnel on Conn Creek, north of Du Beque. collected by E.G. Woodruff. Specimen a, Box No.II, Slide No.1. Place on the slide, 6/39. Magnification, x 625. Subject, (a) two ovate unequally divided two-celled spores, (b) oval spore, (c) pollen cell. Garfield County, Colorado. December 17, 1914. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 168, Plate 20, figure 1. 1931.
This dataset contains lidar digital elevation models (DEMs). The lidar data were collected before (2016) and after (2021) the Grizzly Creek Fire, which occurred in 2020. The 2016 lidar was collected during a series of flights between 10 June and 7 October 2016. The 2021 lidar flight was conducted in full on 24 August 2021. The files are named with the following convention: Vendor_Year_Resolution_merged_Watershed. The vendor is either Merrick (2016 data) or Sanborn (2021), the year is either 2016 or 2021, the resolution is 1 meter in both cases, and the watershed is labeled as HUC1, HUC2, HUC3_N_side, or HUC3_S_side. Additionally, the files from the individual vendors are stored in two separate compressed folders:...
Tipple at Dutton and Halsey's Mine looking toward the mine. Shows means for separating two grades of coal. Rifle. Garfield County, Colorado. 1908.

map background search result map search result map Two ovate unequally divided two-celled spores, microfossil of the oil shale of the Green River formation. Garfield County, Colorado. 1914. Yellow-red sandstone above gypsiferous shales. Garfield County, Utah. 1924. Green River formation on west side of Parachute Creek, cliff is largely rich oil shale. Garfield County, Colorado. 1916. Green River formation on west side of Parachute Creek, cliff is largely rich oil shale. Garfield County, Colorado. 1916. Airborne Lidar Data (2016 and 2021) Capturing Debris Flow Erosion and Deposition after the Grizzly Creek Fire in Glenwood Canyon, Colorado Airborne Lidar Data (2016 and 2021) Capturing Debris Flow Erosion and Deposition after the Grizzly Creek Fire in Glenwood Canyon, Colorado Two ovate unequally divided two-celled spores, microfossil of the oil shale of the Green River formation. Garfield County, Colorado. 1914. Green River formation on west side of Parachute Creek, cliff is largely rich oil shale. Garfield County, Colorado. 1916. Green River formation on west side of Parachute Creek, cliff is largely rich oil shale. Garfield County, Colorado. 1916. Yellow-red sandstone above gypsiferous shales. Garfield County, Utah. 1924.