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Documents from the James Doyle Sell mining collection.
Documents from the James Doyle Sell mining collection.
The Geologic Map Index of Alaska (Map Index) is an online, interactive web mapping application that provides access to an actively growing geographic index of geology-related maps of Alaska and adjacent areas. This online research tool provides the locations and outlines of most DGGS and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) geologic and geophysical maps of Alaska in a single, interactive web map. It allows searches of the map database by geographic area of interest, keywords, themes, publishing agency, dates, and other criteria. The search results provide links to DGGS's comprehensive, multi-agency publications database, where users may view and download publications for free. No other geographic index of Alaska geologic...
Documents from the Arimetco Inc. mining collection.
Mineral-resources personnel from the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) carried out a geological field survey, including mapping and sampling in the Chistochina mining district in the Mount Hayes A-2 and A-3 quadrangles, Alaska, from June 30 to July 15, 2009. The fieldwork provides basic information critical to building an understanding of Alaska's geology and is part of an integrated program of airborne geophysical surveys followed by geological mapping. During 2009, 57 rock samples were collected for geochemical trace-element analysis, 107 rock samples were collected for whole rock (major- and minor-oxide and petrogenetically important trace elements) analyses, and 2 samples were collected...
Mineral-resources geologists from the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) carried out a helicopter-supported geological and geochemical resource assessment project in the Gulkana, Healy, Mount Hayes, and Talkeetna Mountains quadrangles from July 29 through August 16, 2013. The objectives of this assessment were to improve the publicly-available geological, geophysical, and geochemical data in the area of known occurrences in the Mount Hayes Quadrangle, and to extend this coverage and any gained insight westward into the less-explored extension of the Wrangellia terrane. This program of stream-sediment, pan-concentrate, and rock sampling was conducted as part of the State's Strategic Minerals...
The State of Alaska's Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska's statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data. For the geochemical part of the SCM Assessment, thousands of historical geochemical samples from DGGS, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and U.S. Bureau of Mines archives are being reanalyzed by DGGS using modern, quantitative, geochemical-analytical methods. The objective is to update the statewide geochemical database to more clearly...
Cook Inlet has been recognized as the second-largest petroleum province in Alaska, second only to the North Slope. The south-central Tyonek Quadrangle is an area of significant geologic interest because it is the only location in Cook Inlet where the entire producing stratigraphy of the basin is exposed on the surface. Additionally, this area encompasses the structural boundary between the forearc basin and its sediment source rocks. To better understand the petroleum system and the geologic relationships between the exhumed arc intrusive rocks and adjacent Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Cook Inlet forearc basin, during the summer of 2010 the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys conducted a federally-funded...
From June 12-21, 2017, the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) geologists carried out geologic mapping and geochemical sampling in the northeastern Tanacross D-1, and parts of the C-1, and D-2 quadrangles. The project area lies within the Yukon-Tanana Uplands, and encompasses the boundary between Fortymile and Lake George assemblages. It includes porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold deposits and prospects including: Taurus, Fishhook (also known as SW Pika), and Pika Canyon, and is adjacent to the Fortymile Mining District to the north. Highlights of this geochemical report include sampling and characterization of the Pika Canyon, Fishhook, and Taurus prospects. This dataset contains four samples...
Tags: Analyses, Analyses and Sampling, Analytical Lab Results, Analytical Results, Base Metals, All tags...
Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log; generally includes Formation Tops and Lead, Zinc, and Iron concentrations; Total depth: 243; Borehole Log and Location from Illinois Mineral Development Atlas (IMDA), Section Reference #200 (12-28N-1E), Serial #8; Compiled by the United States Bureau of Mines in conjunction with the Illinois State Geological Survey
Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log; generally includes Formation Tops and Lead, Zinc, and Iron concentrations; Total depth: 157.5; Borehole Log and Location from Illinois Mineral Development Atlas (IMDA), Section Reference #199 (11-28N-1E), Serial #2; Compiled by the United States Bureau of Mines in conjunction with the Illinois State Geological Survey
Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log; generally includes Formation Tops and Lead, Zinc, and Iron concentrations; Total depth: 300; Borehole Log and Location from Illinois Mineral Development Atlas (IMDA), Section Reference #377 (10-27N-1E), Serial #182; Compiled by the United States Bureau of Mines in conjunction with the Illinois State Geological Survey
Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log; generally includes Formation Tops and Lead, Zinc, and Iron concentrations; Total depth: 236; Borehole Log and Location from Illinois Mineral Development Atlas (IMDA), Section Reference #244 (14-28N-1E), Serial #17; Compiled by the United States Bureau of Mines in conjunction with the Illinois State Geological Survey
Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log; generally includes Formation Tops and Lead, Zinc, and Iron concentrations; Total depth: 357; Borehole Log and Location from Illinois Mineral Development Atlas (IMDA), Section Reference #92 (26-29N-2E), Serial #62; Compiled by the United States Bureau of Mines in conjunction with the Illinois State Geological Survey
Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log; generally includes Formation Tops and Lead, Zinc, and Iron concentrations; Total depth: 268; Borehole Log and Location from Illinois Mineral Development Atlas (IMDA), Section Reference #467 (25-27N-2E), Serial #9; Compiled by the United States Bureau of Mines in conjunction with the Illinois State Geological Survey
Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log; generally includes Formation Tops and Lead, Zinc, and Iron concentrations; Total depth: 228; Borehole Log and Location from Illinois Mineral Development Atlas (IMDA), Section Reference #93 (27-29N-2E), Serial #10; Compiled by the United States Bureau of Mines in conjunction with the Illinois State Geological Survey
Documents from the John E. Kinnison mining collection. Description: General.
Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log; generally includes Formation Tops and Lead, Zinc, and Iron concentrations; Total depth: 265; Borehole Log and Location from Illinois Mineral Development Atlas (IMDA), Section Reference #377 (10-27N-1E), Serial #187; Compiled by the United States Bureau of Mines in conjunction with the Illinois State Geological Survey
Documents from the James Doyle Sell mining collection. Description: hanging folder, includes Carlin Type Gold Mineralization, Arthur Radtke�s Talk.
Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log; generally includes Formation Tops and Lead, Zinc, and Iron concentrations; Total depth: 290; Borehole Log and Location from Illinois Mineral Development Atlas (IMDA), Section Reference #416 (13-27N-2E), Serial #8; Compiled by the United States Bureau of Mines in conjunction with the Illinois State Geological Survey

map background search result map search result map Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log IMDA SR-SN: 377-182 API: 120850013300 Jo Daviess County, Illinois Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log IMDA SR-SN: 377-187 API: 120850013900 Jo Daviess County, Illinois Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log IMDA SR-SN: 93-10 API: 120852405600 Jo Daviess County, Illinois Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log IMDA SR-SN: 199-2 API: 120852407800 Jo Daviess County, Illinois Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log IMDA SR-SN: 200-8 API: 120852414500 Jo Daviess County, Illinois Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log IMDA SR-SN: 244-17 API: 120852416000 Jo Daviess County, Illinois Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log IMDA SR-SN: 416-8 API: 120852435300 Jo Daviess County, Illinois Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log IMDA SR-SN: 467-9 API: 120852436900 Jo Daviess County, Illinois Lead-Zinc Mining Borehole Log IMDA SR-SN: 92-62 API: 120852442300 Jo Daviess County, Illinois Geologic Map Index of Alaska Major-oxide, minor-oxide, and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in the Chistochina mining district, Mount Hayes Quadrangle, Alaska, in 2005-2009 Major-oxide, minor-oxide, and trace-element geochemical data from rocks and stream sediments in the Wrangellia mineral assessment area, Gulkana, Healy, Mount Hayes, and Talkeetna Mountains quadrangles, Alaska Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Tonsina area, Valdez Quadrangle, Alaska Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in 2010 in the Tyonek Quadrangle, Alaska Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in the Tanacross C-1, D-1, and D-2 quadrangles, Alaska in 2017 Major-oxide, minor-oxide, and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in the Chistochina mining district, Mount Hayes Quadrangle, Alaska, in 2005-2009 Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in 2010 in the Tyonek Quadrangle, Alaska Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Tonsina area, Valdez Quadrangle, Alaska Major-oxide, minor-oxide, and trace-element geochemical data from rocks and stream sediments in the Wrangellia mineral assessment area, Gulkana, Healy, Mount Hayes, and Talkeetna Mountains quadrangles, Alaska Geologic Map Index of Alaska