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These data were compiled for an outreach article published in the Boatman's Quarterly Review, which is a magazine published by Grand Canyon River Guides Association. The objectives of our study was to describe the outcomes of the 2018-2020 Bug Flows experiment to a general audience. These data represent 10 years (2012-2021) of invertebrate data and 100 years (1921-2021) of flow data. These data were collected from the Colorado River in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park. These data were collected by recreational river runners through a community science effort where we provided river runners with light trapping equipment to sample emergent aquatic insects each night of their expeditions....
Lake Powell retains most of the phosphorus that it receives, leading to downstream phosphorus limitation. These data were compiled to examine controls on phosphorus cycling below Lake Powell in the Colorado River and from storm inputs from the Paria River. Objectives of our study were to determine how several forms of phosphorus, both organic and inorganic, were cycled under varying dissolved oxygen concentrations and pH, reflecting the range of values observed in the river over the years. These data represent nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and carbon concentrations, water quality parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature), sediment composition, total protein, and extracellular enzyme activity (alkaline phosphatase)....
Categories: Data; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Colorado River, Ecology, Geochemistry, All tags...
These data were compiled to provide a resource for other researchers interested in water-surface elevations and flow velocity across a wide range of discharge in the study reach for the project. Objective(s) of our study were to construct a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for the 15.8 mile tailwater reach of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry, Arizona. These data represent the results of the two-dimensional modeling effort with each data table (50) including the results of each run of the model. Additionally, other data represent a comparison of modeled water surface elevations to measured water surface elevations for historic Bureau of Reclamation cross sections in the study...
These data were collected as part of a methodologial comparison for collecting riparian vegetation data. Two common methods for collecting vegetation data were used: line-point intercept and 1m2 ocular quadrats (visual cover estimates). At each site and transect, both methods were used to collect cover and composition data by four different observers. The same transects and quadrats were utilized for both methods and all observers. Field data collected included percent cover for total living foliar cover, each plant species encountered, litter, dead plant material that is still standing, and ground cover features (biological soil crust, rock, sand, and fine soil particles). Line-point intercept data were collected...
High-resolution geophysical mapping of Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona was conducted between October 8 and November 15, 2017, as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation to provide high-quality data needed to reassess the area-capacity tables for the Lake Powell reservoir. Seismic data collected during this survey can help to define the rates of deposition within the San Juan and Colorado Rivers, which are the main inflows to Lake Powell. These new data are intended to improve water budget management decisions that affect the natural and recreational resources of the reservoir. Multibeam echosounder bathymetry and...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Antelope Canyon, BOR, Bullfrog, Bullfrog Bay, Bureau of Reclamation, All tags...
This dataset represents 505 campsites along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon with associated debris flow probabilities calculated for approximately a 100-year period (Griffiths and others, 2004) and geomorphic attributes mapped by the U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) (Hadley and others, 2018). The campsite polygons were developed as part of a master campsite database that was a collaborative effort to maintain between the National Park Service in Grand Canyon National Park and the GCMRC. Debris flow probabilities have been added as an attribute from ungauged tributary watersheds published in 2004 (Griffiths and others, 2004). Area...
These data were compiled as part of a long-term (1964 - 2022) water quality monitoring program at Lake Powell. Objectives of our study were to release a consistent record of long-term water quality data. The 58-year limnology dataset captures some water quality parameters (temperature, salinity, major ions, total suspended solids) from reservoir filling to present day. It also contains a 38-year record of secchi depth, and a ~30-year record of nutrients, phytoplankton, and zooplankton assemblages. The data were collected from various sites within the Lake Powell reservoir and the Glen Canyon dam. Regular monthly sampling occurred at three sites near the dam and reservoir-wide sampling was generally conducted quarterly,...
Categories: Data; Tags: Arizona, Aztec Creek, Bridge Creek, Cathedral Canyon, Clear Creek, All tags...
This data release comprises nearly three decades of measurements of sandbar topography for monitoring sites along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The data were collected to monitor the effects of the operations of Glen Canyon Dam on sandbars, which are also recreational campsites. The data were collected by the US Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center in cooperation with Northern Arizona University. Funding for data collection, processing, and reporting has been provided by the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program administered by the US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation.
These data are the primary data used to model rainbow trout growth in Glen Canyon. Fish growth data were collected from nighttime boat electrofishing field campaigns conducted five to six times per year in April, July, September, and January, from April 2012 through November 2021 for a total of 9798 observations of mark-recapture-based growth. Sampling was conducted in a five km reach in the lower portion of the Glen Canyon tailwater (3.7-8.9 km upstream of Lees Ferry, AZ). Two nights of sampling occurred on each trip, with the central 2-3 km of the reach sampled on both nights. After capture, fish were kept in aerated 40-L buckets and transported to a central processing location. Groups of 10-15 fish were anesthetized...
These data were compiled for assessing how geomorphic changes measured as topographic differences from repeat surveys represent measured and modelled estimates of aeolian sediment transport and dune mobility. Objective(s) of our study were to investigate whether topographic changes can serve as a proxy for aeolian transport and sediment mobility in dunefield environments. This was accomplished by relating topographic changes to modeled and observed estimates of sediment transport and dune mobility over months to decades within a partially vegetated dunefield starved of upwind sediment supplies. We specifically tested if topographic changes measured as net and total volume changes and topographic surface roughness...
Tags: Arizona, Colorado River, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Grand Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park, All tags...
These data were compiled for assessing how geomorphic changes measured as topographic differences from repeat surveys represent measured and modelled estimates of aeolian sediment transport and dune mobility. Objective(s) of our study were to investigate whether topographic changes can serve as a proxy for aeolian transport and sediment mobility in dunefield environments. This was accomplished by relating topographic changes to modeled and observed estimates of sediment transport and dune mobility over months to decades within a partially vegetated dunefield starved of upwind sediment supplies. We specifically tested if topographic changes measured as net and total volume changes and topographic surface roughness...
Categories: Data; Tags: Arizona, Colorado River, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Grand Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park, All tags...
Hanging garden plant communities form at seeps on cliffs. A given community may include common riparian species, disjunct populations, and species endemic to hanging gardens. What structures hanging harden communities, and how they respond to disturbance are poorly understood. In 1989, fireworks ignited a hanging garden in Knowles Cañon, destroying aboveground vegetation. Permanent plots were established in July 1993 to monitor changes in vegetation and soil biota. Revegetation of the garden has been limited to grasses, forbs, and ferns where water was present at the soil surface, and shrubs and trees sprouting from surviving rootstocks. Water drips from the overhanging cliff in the central area, where plant cover...
This section of the data release includes core images in the format of photos (JPG) that have been compressed into a zipped file ( It is Part 4 (of four) in this data release and contains images of the cleaned archival half from split cores as they appeared immediately after splitting (late March and early April 2019). Each photo includes a ruler (in centimeters) and X-Rite ColorChecker Classic color correction card that may be used for corrections. Drillhole information, such as location and total recovery, are outlined in “Part 1 – Drillhole information from the 2018 coring project in Lake Powell, Utah” (2018LakePowellCoring_DrillholeInfo.csv) of this data release. Each drillhole...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Animas River, Antelope Canyon, Bears Ears National Monument, Bullfrog, Bullfrog Bay, All tags...
Comma-separated values (.csv) file containing data related to mercury concentrations in dragonfly samples from U.S. National Parks, Protected Places, and other federal lands collected as part of the Dragonfly Mercury Project (DMP). This data release supersedes Eagles-Smith, C.A., Nelson, S.J., Flanagan-Pritz, C.M., Willacker Jr., J.J., and Klemmer, A.J., 2018, Total mercury concentrations in dragonfly larvae from U.S. national parks (ver. 9.0, November 2023): U.S. Geological Survey data release, Please contact for access.
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Tags: Acadia National Park, Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge, Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site, Amistad National Recreation Area, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, All tags...
Development of a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the pre-Glen Canyon Dam topography in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah and Arizona was initiated to assist the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in its Lake Powell coring program in the fall of 2018 ( Topographic surveys of Glen Canyon were commissioned by the Bureau of Reclamation during the planning stages for Lake Powell as part of the Colorado River Storage Project (S. 500, 1956). The Colorado River arm was surveyed by Alster and Associates, Inc. in 1958 and 1959 at a contour interval of 10-feet from the river surface at the future dam site through where the 3,750-foot contour...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Animas River, Antelope Canyon, Bullfrog, Bullfrog Bay, Capitol Reef National Park, All tags...
Comma-separated values (.csv) files containing data related to a National-scale assessment of mercury bioaccumulation in the US National Parks using dragonfly larvae as biosentinels through a citizen science framework.
Categories: Data; Tags: Acadia National Park, Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, Aquatic Biology, All tags...
Mercury is a globally distributed pollutant that threatens human and ecosystem health. Even protected areas, such as national parks, are subjected to mercury contamination because it is delivered via atmospheric deposition, often after long-range transport. In aquatic ecosystems, certain environmental conditions can promote microbial processes that convert inorganic mercury to an organic form (methylmercury). Methylmercury biomagnifies through food webs and is a potent neurotoxicant and endocrine disruptor. This dataset contains data on the length, mass, and muscle total mercury concentration of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) collected from the Colorado River in Glen Canyon National...
This section of the data release includes drillhole information in the format of a comma-separated value (CSV) file (2018LakePowellCoring_DrillholeInfo.csv). It is Part 1 (of four) in this data release and represents the broadest hierarchical information on the dataset including the drillhole name, location, water depth, sediments top and bottom, drillhole depth, and recovery for each coring location. Each drillhole comprises multiple cores which are outlined in “Part 2 – Core and core section information from the 2018 coring project in Lake Powell, Utah” (2018LakePowellCoring_CoreSectionInfo.csv) of this data release. Core logs and spectrophotometry data are available in “Part 3 – Multi-Sensor Core Logger and spectrophotometry...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Animas River, Antelope Canyon, Bears Ears National Monument, Bullfrog, Bullfrog Bay, All tags...
These data were collected by the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) to support riparian vegetation monitoring along the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and the full pool level of Lake Mead. The objectives of the GCMRC riparian vegetation monitoring program are to annually measure and summarize the status (composition and cover) of native and non-native vascular plant species within the riparian zone of the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead, assess change in the vegetation composition and cover in the riparian zone, as related to geomorphic setting and dam operations, particularly flow regime, and collect data in a manner that can be used by multiple stakeholders and is...
Tags: Arizona, Botany, Colorado River, Ecology, Geography, All tags...
These data were compiled for assessing how geomorphic changes measured as topographic differences from repeat surveys represent measured and modelled estimates of aeolian sediment transport and dune mobility. Objective(s) of our study were to investigate whether topographic changes can serve as a proxy for aeolian transport and sediment mobility in dunefield environments. This was accomplished by relating topographic changes to modeled and observed estimates of sediment transport and dune mobility over months to decades within a partially vegetated dunefield starved of upwind sediment supplies. We specifically tested if topographic changes measured as net and total volume changes and topographic surface roughness...
Tags: Arizona, Botany, Colorado River, Ecology, Geography, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Total mercury concentrations in fish muscle from the Colorado River and Bright Angel Creek, AZ, USA (2015) Multibeam backscatter data collected within Lake Powell, UT-AZ during USGS Field Activity 2017-049-FA, using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 12N, WGS 84, 2 meter resolution) Long-term sandbar monitoring data along the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons, Arizona Riparian vegetation data used for comparing sampling methods along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona Digital Elevation Model of Glen Canyon Prior to the Flooding of Lake Powell from Historic Topographic Surveys, Utah and Arizona Mercury Bioaccumulation in US National Parks Using Dragonfly Larvae as Biosentinels, 2009-2018 Part 1 – Drillhole information from the 2018 coring project in Lake Powell, Utah Part 4 – Photographs of sediment cores collected in 2018 from Lake Powell, Utah Riparian vegetation data downstream of Glen Canyon Dam in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park, AZ from 2014 to 2019 Limnology data from Lake Powell, desert southwest USA (ver. 2.1, September 2024) Invertebrate data (2012-2021) from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and flow data (1921-2021) from the Lees Ferry gage (09380000) on the Colorado River near Page, AZ Rainbow trout growth data and growth covariate data from Glen Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona, 2012-2021 Phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, pH, and dissolved oxygen data from incubations of Colorado River water and sediment and associated ambient river water measurements Compilation of topographic data, aerial imagery, and land cover classification, collected between 1984 to 2021 for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ Classified land cover and vegetation canopy cover data for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ Aerial imagery analysis and topographic change detection (digital surface models), field observations and topographic change (terrestrial lidar surveys), and 4-minute wind speed record data for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ Hydrodynamic model of the Colorado River, Glen Canyon Dam to Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona: tables of model results and accuracy assessment Geomorphic attributes of campsites adjacent to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, AZ Total mercury concentrations in dragonfly larvae from U.S. national parks (ver. 10.0, January 2025) Compilation of topographic data, aerial imagery, and land cover classification, collected between 1984 to 2021 for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ Classified land cover and vegetation canopy cover data for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ Aerial imagery analysis and topographic change detection (digital surface models), field observations and topographic change (terrestrial lidar surveys), and 4-minute wind speed record data for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ Rainbow trout growth data and growth covariate data from Glen Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona, 2012-2021 Hydrodynamic model of the Colorado River, Glen Canyon Dam to Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona: tables of model results and accuracy assessment Riparian vegetation data used for comparing sampling methods along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona Multibeam backscatter data collected within Lake Powell, UT-AZ during USGS Field Activity 2017-049-FA, using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 12N, WGS 84, 2 meter resolution) Riparian vegetation data downstream of Glen Canyon Dam in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park, AZ from 2014 to 2019 Limnology data from Lake Powell, desert southwest USA (ver. 2.1, September 2024) Geomorphic attributes of campsites adjacent to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, AZ Digital Elevation Model of Glen Canyon Prior to the Flooding of Lake Powell from Historic Topographic Surveys, Utah and Arizona Part 1 – Drillhole information from the 2018 coring project in Lake Powell, Utah Part 4 – Photographs of sediment cores collected in 2018 from Lake Powell, Utah Long-term sandbar monitoring data along the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons, Arizona Invertebrate data (2012-2021) from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and flow data (1921-2021) from the Lees Ferry gage (09380000) on the Colorado River near Page, AZ Phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, pH, and dissolved oxygen data from incubations of Colorado River water and sediment and associated ambient river water measurements Mercury Bioaccumulation in US National Parks Using Dragonfly Larvae as Biosentinels, 2009-2018 Total mercury concentrations in dragonfly larvae from U.S. national parks (ver. 10.0, January 2025)