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(NWI) protocols to provide complete NWI coverage for the state of Idaho. Where hard copy maps are unavailable, habitat will be interpreted and digital data will be completed by contractors/cooperators.Main goal is to develop digital data compliant with NWI protocol for wetlands and riparian habitats in Montana and Idaho. Existing hard copy maps will be digitized according to standard NWI protocols to provide complete NWI coverage for the state of Idaho. Where hard copy maps are unavailable, habitat will be interpreted and digital data will be completed by contractors/cooperators.
In May 2014, the GNLCC Steering Committee approved two pilot projects explore approaches to landscape-scale coordination to enhance science-based management across the GNLCC. The two ‘Shared Landscape Outcomes’ pilots were designed to assess and focus on specific pairs of a GNLCC Goal and a priority landscape stressor (as defined in the Strategic Conservation Framework) and focus the approach at the entire GNLCC scale. The two pilot projects focused on (1) the Connectivity goal and Land Use Change stressor (described here) and (2) the Aquatic Integrity goal and Invasives stressor and (see: )Connectivity Pilot:Wildlife species are becoming increasingly isolated in patches of habitat,...
Categories: Data,
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OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
Aquatic Connectivity,
British Columbia,
Bull Trout,
This project will apply the results of an on-going climate change vulnerability assessment to the management of two complex landscapes. The vulnerability assessment project team will work with mangers, land-owners, and conservation practitioners to explore 1) how downscaled climate datasets, modeled vegetation changes, and information on estimated species sensitivities can be used to develop climate change adaptation strategies, and 2) how model results and datasets can be made more useful for informing the management of species and landscapes. To accomplish these two goals, we will prepare datasets and model outputs for two landscapespotentially, the Pioneer Mountains-Craters of the Moon region in Idaho and the...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Climate Change,
Columbia Basin,
Columbia Plateau,
Conservation Plan/Design/Framework,
The Cascadia Partner Forum will complete conservation design for four Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative conservation targets with significance to the transboundary Cascadia landscape to inform sound, data-driven management planning and action. This project aims to complete conservation design at the Cascadia-wide scale for grizzly bear, salmon, aquatic, and terrestrial connectivity to contribute to the Great Northern LCC Science Plan, while providing input and integration to the coarser-scale GNLCC-wide Science Plans established objectives, threats, metrics, and conservation actions for each target. Additionally, the Forum will conduct analyses on a common Great Northern LCC landscape stressor roads...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Aquatic Connectivity,
British Columbia,
Bull Trout,
Canada Lynx,
The Pacific Region National Wildlife Refuge System developed a strategic approach to identify region-wide land/habitat conservation priorities. This approach was piloted in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion and resulted in a high-level landscape-scale conservation design. Working closely with conservation partners in the region, we developed a data management and analysis model that builds from existing data sets and can be shared easily with other partners.FY20122012 Objectives: Document a case study on implementing strategic conservation design for the refuge system, which can serve as a model and be applied to other geographic areas Develop a clear picture of landscape scale priorities in the Columbia Plateau, along...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Applications and Tools,
Aquatic Connectivity,
This project aims to provide large landscape practitioners of the U.S. Northern Rockies with a decision support tool for prioritizing conservation action to mitigate road impacts on wildlife corridors. We will overlay analyses of corridor network centrality with analyses of wildlife-vehicle collision risk to identify where high-importance corridors meet high-impact road segments. Our findings will establish a rigorous, transparent basis for focusing road mitigation efforts where they will yield the greatest benefits to region-wide connectivity, and will be conveyed in the form of web-based map tools, a comprehensive written report, and a workshop for large landscape practitioners.Objectives:The primary objective...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
Applications and Tools,
British Columbia,
Canada Lynx,
Crown of the Continent Ecosystm,
The Heart of the Rockies Initiative (HOTR), on behalf of its High Divide Collaborative partners, seeks support to identify and evaluate future landscape configurations that address the needs of local communities while conserving the High Divides unique landscape resources. In this landscape we emphasize wildlife connectivity between large protected core areas: Yellowstone, the Crown, and central Idaho (See attached map). This project builds on our prior GNLCC-funded project to deliver the latest science in connectivity and climate response and earlier stakeholder identification of lands of high conservation value (HOTR 2010). This project takes the next step by coupling socio-economic data and trends with conservation...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alpine,
Climate Change,
Conservation Design,
Conservation NGOs,
The Washington Connected Landscapes Project will provide a framework to address the interacting impacts of habitat fragmentation and climate change on ecological systems and wildlife species within the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) boundary.Managing for well-connected landscapes is a key strategy to enhance resilience and ensure the long-term viability of plant and animal populations. However, conservation planning efforts have rarely included connectivity for ecological processes such as dispersal, migration, and gene flow. Connectivity conservation is particularly important in the face of climate change, because many species will require highly permeable, well-connected landscapes not...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
Applications and Tools,
British Columbia,
British Columbia,
This project will integrate the shared priorities developed by the Arid Lands Initiative (ALI) in the Columbia Plateau ecoregion into implementation mechanisms of existing and new ALI partners. The project will finalize the ALIs comprehensive strategy by assessing and agreeing on which partners are best positioned to implement which priority actions in which priority areas, integrate these priorities into existing partner work, identify gaps that new partners need to be engaged to address, design 1-2 ALI projects for collaborative implementation, and track and adapt the overall implementation efforts. This project will not only allow the ALI to successfully transition from planning to coordinated action, but will...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Aquatic Connectivity,
Climate Change,
These protocols are intended to identify key questions to be addressed, preferred approaches to addressing these questions, and issues likely to be encountered by scientists studying impacts of wind energy development on sage-grouse. I discuss advantages and disadvantages of possible study designs. A full BACI (Before After Control Impact) design with five years of preconstruction data and at least five years of post-construction data that estimates fundamental demographic parameters and habitat selection over a distance gradient from wind facilities provides the strongest design. Research proposals considered for funding by the GS3C-Sage-Grouse Collaborative will be evaluated based on their abilities to adhere...
Our 2010 statewide connectivity analysis identified broad-scale priority areas for connectivity conservation. More detailed, finer-scale analyses will give land managers the information they need to begin prioritizing and implementing conservation actions. The Columbia Plateau (Appendix A, Fig. 1) was selected for the first ecoregional-scale analysis for two reasons. First, several climate models suggest that the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion in Washington is likely to be a stronghold of shrubsteppe ecosystems under climate change. Second, despite the high level of habitat loss and fragmentation in the ecoregion, our statewide analysis identified previously undocumented patterns and opportunities for multiple-species...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Burrowing Owl,
Climate Change,
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MTFWP) has been involved with developing a crucial areas statewide Decision Support System (DSS) since 2008 in parallel with activities from the Western Governors Association (WGA). In April, 2010, the Crucial Areas Planning System (CAPS) was released. Also in 2010, the WGA provided funding to the 18 western states to begin developing DSSs for crucial areas among and between the 18 western states. MTFWP will be piloting a transboundary DSS for fish, wildlife, and habitats along the Idaho-Montana Divide, beginning in July 2010. MTFWP will also participating in a dual role of advisory and collaboration with the Washington, Oregon and Idaho Columbia Plateau pilot project.This...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
Alpine Lakes,
Applications and Tools,
British Columbia,
This project will focus on analysis of 10 years of GPS telemetry data for 60 grizzly bears across the threatened and fragmented trans-border grizzly bear subpopulations in the Cabinet, Yaak, Purcell, and Selkirk Mountain (Proctor et al. 2012) with a goal to identify areas of high quality core habitat and understand the ecological characteristics that underpin habitat use. We will use Resource Selection Function habitat-use models for partitioned by sex and in each of 3 seasons to capture the variation of bear habitat use. We will also work to integrate our results to inform wildlife and land managers on where to concentrate their management efforts by season to promote population health and resilience in both the...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: British Columbia,
Data Management and Integration,
Federal resource managers,
The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) is sponsoring the Sage Steppe Partner Forum to help facilitate collaboration among conservation practitioners and partnerships that share landscape conservation challenges in an eco-geographic context. Draft Partner Forum guidance suggests that field-level managers, scientists, and conservation constituents will, through a loosely structured process, identify priority conservation information and scientific needs that fall within the scope of the Great Northern LCC Strategic Conservation Framework.The sagebrush-steppe biome covers some 480,000 square miles in 14 western states and provinces expanding the SSPF challenge to areas outside the GNLCC geography....
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: British Columbia,
Burrowing Owl,
Climate Change,
The Heart of the Rockies Initiative (HOTR), on behalf of its 24 land conservation non-governmental partners, and its federal and state agency partners, seeks a second year of science support to incorporate emerging data on landscape integrity and connectivity, crucial habitats, and climate change response into downscaled data layers that can help the partners identify and validate their immediate and longer term conservation targets.FY2013Objectives:The primary goal of the HOTR science support project is to deliver the latest science in climate adaptation and habitat connectivity conservation to conservation practitioners and their partners in the Central Rocky Mountain region. HOTR conservation partners want assurance...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
British Columbia,
Climate Change,
Conservation Plan/Design/Framework,
The Conservation Efforts Database is a joint effort by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services and U.S. Geological Survey to collect data on federally listed candidate, threatened, and endangered species. The goal of the Conservation Efforts Database is to efficiently and effectively collect and analyze ongoing conservation efforts for unlisted, candidate, and listed species alike. Understanding the distribution and type of conservation actions happening across the landscape will allow visualization and quantification of the extent to which threats are being addressed. Currently (2015), this database contains only information on the Greater sage-grouse. However, it could also be useful beyond Greater sage-grouse conservation...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Applications and Tools,
Climate Change,
Columbia Basin,
Data Acquisition and Development,
Data Management and Integration,
LC MAP, the Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal, allows GNLCC partners to discover, use, develop, manage, and distribute datasets that address LCC priority issues. In FY11, this effort will extend LCMAP to allow users to generate dynamic interactive map viewers, modeled output, and web services for use in ArcExplorer and other client tools. In addition, the project will build the LCMAP Phenology Service, adding ESRI image services to the application suite and allowing GIS analysts and modelers access to a full suite of phenology data for use in ArcMap and other client tools.The set of data development and presentation tools planned will allow GIS analysts in the GNLCC community to work with multiple...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Academics & scientific researchers,
Applications and Tools,
British Columbia,
Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.)-dominated shrublands are one of the most widespread ecosystems in western North America but also among the most imperiled due to interactions among land use, fire, and exotic plants. Global climate change models predict an accelerated loss of sagebrush due to synergistic feedbacks among disturbance patterns and vegetation response; only 20% would remain under the most extreme scenario of >6 C increase by the end of this century (Fig. 1). Much of the current sagebrush distribution within the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) would be lost. The conservation status of Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), the most visible of >350 plant and wildlife species...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: CO-3,
Climate Change,
Columbia Basin,
This proposal is to deliver the pilot component of a wetland tracking project initiated by the CIJV in 2010. The wetland trend project will deliver an assessment of wetland trends and develop an approach for tracking wetland trends into the future; this will have relevance to conservation planning throughout transboundary ecological planning units, including Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) 9 and 10, and the Cold Deserts and Western Cordillera Ecoregions (Figure 2). The project is currently in a scoping stage, wherein high-level approaches are being developed for wetland tracking in 2-3 regional priority areas of the CIJV. Delivery of the pilot projects will support wider implementation of the tracking project as...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
BCR 10,
BCR 9,
British Columbia,
Funding supports a multiyear initiative entitled Crown of the Continent Landscapes Analysis/Ecological Indicators Project. The work is designed to focus on issues on transboundary data integration and synthesis, habitatconnectivity analysis for grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) and other key wildlife species, and outreach programs aimed at disseminating knowledge, information products, and geospatial tools arising out of this work to the extensive network of Crown Managers Partnership (CMP) and GNLCC collaborators.FY2010Objectives:The monitoring strategy will focus on the development and acquisition of geospatial datasets from remote sensing and other GIS sources designed to track changes in habitats and human footprint...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
British Columbia,
British Columbia,
Bull Trout,