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Daily HOBO Pro V.2 soil temperature measurements at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (2015-2017). Data collected in Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in Southern VA and Northern NC from 9 plot sites representing three general forest types: Atlantic White Cedar, Pocosin Pine, and Maple and Gum.
The Great Dismal Swamp (GDS) project is an application of USGS LandCarbon, at the US Fish and Wildlife Service's (FWS) Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), and is designed to produce local-scale carbon estimates (including fluxes, ecosystem balance, and long-term sequestration rate) to include in an ecosystem service assessment in support of Department of Interior (DOI) land management activities. The project will improve the understanding of the effects of past drainage, logging, farming, and management on carbon sequestration and fire risk in peatlands. Broad Science Questions: How are ecosystem services (including carbon sequestration, wildlife viewing, water quality, and others) impacted by management...
We identified nine study site locations, representing three mature vegetation communities [Atlantic White Cedar (desired community), tall pine pocosin (desired community), and red maple/black gum mixed (undesired community)] with typical water depth within each vegetation type. All measurements were replicated three times (3 vegetation types x 3 replicates = 9 sites total). We installed four flux chambers at each site to collect GHG fluxes from all nine sites. We measured CO2 and CH4 using a Los Gatos Research Ultra Portable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer and two-part 760 cm2 flux chambers (chamber base remained in situ; chamber top was placed on the bottom only when sampling). We checked the gas fluxes on a monthly time-table...
Forest surveys were conducted in nine 20 m x 25 m study plots, split into 3 representatives each for three forest types in Great Dismal Swamp, VA and NC, USA, December 2015 - February 2018. Trees, saplings, and shrubs were identified to species and measured for estimates of standing stocks. Standing stock data include: tree diameter at breast height (dbh), height, and condition; sapling dbh; shrub diameter at root collar, and height. In each plot, roughly 10 co-dominant trees were equipped with dendrometer bands and measured annually for growth estimates.
Charcoal counts and radiocarbon dates from four sediment cores collected in Great Dismal Swamp in 2017 and 2018 were incorporated into a synthesis of charcoal records from northern hemisphere peatlands (Sims et al., in review). Macroscopic charcoal was counted in three size classes: 125-250 micrometers, and 250-500 micrometers, and >500 micrometers. Uncalibrated radiocarbon dates were obtained and provided for use in development of age models for analyses by Sims et al., in review).
The Great Dismal Swamp (the swamp) is a forested peatland in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina. Since early colonial times, timber harvesting and drainage through a network of ditches constructed to facilitate the harvesting have altered these ecosystems. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has managed the swamp as the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge since 1974 to restore its forest communities to those present in early colonial times. Part of the approach to forest restoration has been to "restore the hydrology." The report by Speiran and Wurster (2020) describes the hydrology and water quality across the swamp. Part of the data used to describe the hydrology and water quality of...
Mapping of the current distributions of forest-cover types across the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (the swamp) is critical to understanding the success of ongoing hydrologic and other management techniques used to restore the forest communities of the swamp to those present across the swamp in early colonial times. Aerial photographs, orthophotographs, and vector digital data were used to map forest-cover types of the swamp. The forest-cover types were interpreted and mapped using composition, height, and canopy-closure classes derived from this imagery and field verification. The imagery was obtained using a near-infrared sensor (NIR) carried in an airplane flown across the swamp during the mid-to-late...
We identified nine study site locations, representing three mature vegetation communities [Atlantic White Cedar (desired community), tall pine pocosin (desired community), and red maple/black gum mixed (undesired community)] with typical water depth within each vegetation type. All measurements were replicated three times (3 vegetation types x 3 replicates = 9 sites total). We installed four flux chambers at each site to collect GHG fluxes from all nine sites. We measured CO2 and CH4 using a Los Gatos Research Ultra Portable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer and two-part 760 cm2 flux chambers (chamber base remained in situ; chamber top was placed on the bottom only when sampling). We checked the gas fluxes on a monthly time-table...

    map background search result map search result map Great Dismal Swamp Project Soil flux (CO2, CH4), soil temperature, and soil moisture measurements at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (2015 - 2017) Forest community biomass and growth in Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia and North Carolina, USA Soil flux (CO2, CH4), soil temperature, and soil moisture measurements at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (2015 - 2017) Hydrologic, water-quality, fire, forest-cover, and other data, the Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia and North Carolina Forest land cover of the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in 2015, derived from aerial photography and forest habitat interpretation Daily HOBO Pro V.2 soil temperature measurements at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (2015-2017) Charcoal data from four sites in Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge - August 2022 Daily HOBO Pro V.2 soil temperature measurements at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (2015-2017) Forest community biomass and growth in Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia and North Carolina, USA Charcoal data from four sites in Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge - August 2022 Great Dismal Swamp Project Soil flux (CO2, CH4), soil temperature, and soil moisture measurements at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (2015 - 2017) Soil flux (CO2, CH4), soil temperature, and soil moisture measurements at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (2015 - 2017) Hydrologic, water-quality, fire, forest-cover, and other data, the Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia and North Carolina Forest land cover of the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in 2015, derived from aerial photography and forest habitat interpretation