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Summary The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) will conduct simulations using existing aquifer data, including geologic logs from vertical profile borings (VPBs) and well installations, water levels, and pump test data available from the water districts for these production wells. Subsequently USGS will incorporate data from a groundwater pump test and additional data from new VPBs and monitoring wells. Using particle tracking maps, USGS will illustrate the spatial configuration of the capture zone and percentage of capture of the shallow and deep plumes in each production well. The model area will be limited to achieve these objectives and make maximum use of available sampling locations in the region. USGS will...
PROBLEM The valley‐fill aquifer in the lower Fall Creek valley (designated as aquifer 4, fig. 1), within the Towns of Dryden and Groton, was mapped by Miller (2000) and identified as one of 17 unconsolidated aquifers in Tompkins County that need to be studied in more detail. The east end of the valley (near the Tompkins and Cortland County border) is on the backside of a large morainal plug, which is part of the Valley Heads Moraine. A large system of springs discharge from the backside of the moraine and forms part of the headwaters to Fall Creek. The valley‐fill aquifer thins and pinches out to the west (figs. 1 and 2)— where the valley is floored by bedrock and becomes a “hanging valley” to Cayuga Lake trough....
Problem The Tully Valley, located in southern Onondaga County has been the source of sediment and brackish water discharge to Onondaga Creek, a tributary to the Seneca and Oswego Rivers and eventually Lake Ontario. Information on the origin of the Tully Valley mudboils, their persistence, and the possible extent of their migration within the Tully Valley is needed to mitigate or remediate (1)the discharge of turbid water and fine-grained sediment from the mudboils, (2) land-surface subsidence caused by the removal of sediment from below the land surface, and (3) degradation of Onondaga Creek by turbidity, fine-sediment deposition, and chloride loading. Objectives To define the glacial stratigraphy and hydraulic-head...
This child item dataset contains a shapefile of locations where USGS benchmarks were installed along the Old Erie Canal. This data release contains spatial datasets of bathymetry, water velocity, water quality, and infrastructure of a 30.8 mile reach of the Old Erie Canal between the Town of DeWitt and its junction with the current Erie Canal of the New York State Canal System in Verona, near Rome, New York during 2018 and 2019.
This child item dataset contains a shapefile of the geographic extent of the Old Erie Canal. This data release contains spatial datasets of bathymetry, water velocity, water quality, and infrastructure of a 30.8 mile reach of the Old Erie Canal between the Town of DeWitt and its junction with the current Erie Canal of the New York State Canal System in Verona, near Rome, New York during 2018 and 2019.
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains estimated daily mean streamflow for Broadstreet Hollow Brook at Highway 28 at Allaben NY (USGS station ID 01362232) and Bushnellsville Creek at State Highway 42 at Shandaken NY (USGS station ID 0136219702) based on methods in Gazoorian (2015) and available discharge data from West Kill near West Kill NY (USGS station ID 01349810). Instantaneous streamflow and estimated instantaneous suspended-sediment loads for Hollow Tree Brook at State Highway 214 at Lanesville NY (USGS station ID 01362345) were derived from streamflow data from Hollow Tree Brook at Lanesville (01362342), methods in Lumia and others (2006) and Rasmussen and others (2009), and available...
This model archive makes available the Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model (Westenbroek and others, 2010) and input data used to estimate the potential amount of annual groundwater recharge to the Long Island aquifer system from 1900 to 2019 as described in U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021-5143. Input data for two SWB simulations are included in the archive. The first simulation uses existing land-use/land-cover datasets to estimate changes in recharge with changing land use from 1900-2019 (referred to as the post-development simulation). The second simulation assumed a forested, undeveloped (pre-development simulation) condition across Long Island for the same period. The same soil coverages...
This child item dataset contains a pH raster interpolated from water quality observation points collected during the 2018 survey of the Old Erie Canal. This data release contains spatial datasets of bathymetry, water velocity, water quality, and infrastructure of a 30.8 mile reach of the Old Erie Canal between the Town of DeWitt and its junction with the current Erie Canal of the New York State Canal System in Verona, near Rome, New York during 2018 and 2019.
This folder contains water-level recovery data for selected hydraulic tests that support USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5087, "Transmissivity Estimated from Brief Pumping Tests of Domestic Wells and Compared with Bedrock Lithofacies and Position on Hillsides in the Appalachian Plateau of New York." These data are part of a data release that contains observed water-level recovery data in 52 wells, matched to theoretical type curves defined by postulated values of aquifer transmissivity and storage, that together constitute the database for USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5087. The water-level recovery data were collected after 13 to 132 seconds of pumping. Five of the wells were also test-pumped...
Introduction High nitrate concentrations are a common concern among many purveyors, including the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA), the largest supplier of water to residents in Suffolk County. Typically, the amount of nitrate in groundwater is related to land use, where the greatest concentrations are observed in agricultural regions. In many areas, the nitrate concentration has increased steadily in recent years, even in areas that are no longer farmed and are now sewered. A statistical analysis for trends of over 20 years in nitrate concentration data from SCWA wells is needed to determine the susceptibility of supply-wells to exceed the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate. This information is essential...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Contaminants, Natural, Contaminants, Natural, Contaminants, natural, Cooperative Water Program, GW Model, All tags...
Study area Hudson River from Hyde Park to Yonkers, N.Y. Period of project Continuous since October 1991 Problem - The location of the salt front (freshwater-saltwater interface) in the lower Hudson River basin can affect wildlife habitats and freshwater withdrawals for municipal use. Knowing the location of the salt front can help managers make informed decisions to protect the environment, maintain drinking water standards, and issue health advisories pertaining to drinking water, if needed. Objectives - Estimate the location of the salt front (defined as 100mg/L chloride) in the lower Hudson River. Specifically, collect water-surface elevation, specific conductance, and water-temperature data at three gages...
This data release contains model simulation results of a particle tracking analysis to delineate areas that provide recharge to surface waters and public-supply wells on Long Island, NY. The analysis partitions the recharge areas based on particle travel times of greater than or less than 10 years to reach the receiving surface water or well. The simulation was performed using a regional-scale numerical model of the Long Island aquifer system (Walter and others, 2020a and 2020b) for average 2005-2015 conditions. The model implements MODFLOW-NWT (Niswonger and others, 2011) to represent steady-state groundwater pumping and aquifer recharge conditions; recharge areas were identified and partitioned using the particle-tracking...
This release contains borehole geophysical electrical log data (elogs), total dissolved solids sample data (TDS), and geostatistical program files used to estimate the salinity distribution in groundwater above and in the vicinity of the Montebello Oil Field, located near Los Angeles, California, USA. Original data are drawn from a variety of publicly available sources and are combined here for use in geostatistical simulation and estimation. The extent of the estimation area is a 3-mile buffer zone surrounding the Montebello Oil Field administrative boundary, and the subsurface aquifer region lying above locally mapped oil-bearing units. The data compilation and analysis were done as part of the California State...
Digital flood-inundation maps for a 2.4-mile reach of the Schoharie Creek in North Blenheim, New York, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the New York Power Authority. The flood-inundation maps, which can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science web site at, depict estimates of the areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected water levels (stages) at the USGS streamgage on the Schoharie Creek near North Blenheim, NY (station number 01350212). Flood profiles were computed for the stream reach by means of a two-dimensional implicit finite volume hydraulic model. The model was calibrated using the active (as of April,...
This child item dataset contains a shapefile of water velocity observations made by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) during the 2018 survey, and includes measurements of water speed and direction along longitudinal transects of the Old Erie Canal. This data release contains spatial datasets of bathymetry, water velocity, water quality, and infrastructure of a 30.8 mile reach of the Old Erie Canal between the Town of DeWitt and its junction with the current Erie Canal of the New York State Canal System in Verona, near Rome, New York during 2018 and 2019.
This child item dataset contains a raster interpolated from bathymetry observation points collected during the 2018 survey.​ This data release contains spatial datasets of bathymetry, water velocity, water quality, and infrastructure of a 30.8 mile reach of the Old Erie Canal between the Town of DeWitt and its junction with the current Erie Canal of the New York State Canal System in Verona, near Rome, New York during 2018 and 2019.
Summary: This study aims to do a thorough analysis of trends in peak streamflows on Long Island. Reliable information about the magnitude and frequency of floods is essential for flood insurance studies, flood-plain management, and the design of transportation and water-conveyance infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, culverts, dams, and levees. Federal, State, regional, and local officials need peak flow information to effectively plan and manage land use and water resources, protect lives and property in flood-prone areas, and determine flood-insurance rates, particularly in densely populated urban areas. Long Island is a regional economic driver which has experienced public health and safety issues due to extreme...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides surface water quality and groundwater elevation data collected by USGS personnel within the Central Pine Barrens (CPB) Region of Suffolk County, New York, from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022. The data were collected in cooperation with the Central Pine Barrens Commission and the Town of Brookhaven as part of a comprehensive water resources monitoring program during 2017 to 2023. Water quality and quality assurance data from seven sites on two rivers (Carmans River- five sites and Peconic River- two sites) in the CPB are included. Carmans River sites were sampled four times throughout the year (fall, winter, spring, and summer) and Peconic River...

map background search result map search result map Hudson River Salt-Front Monitoring Project, New York Hydrogeology of the Tully Valley Mudboil Area, Southern Onondaga County, New York Trends in Nitrate Concentrations in Public Water-Supply Wells, Suffolk County, New York, 1982-2008 Simulation of Zones of Groundwater Contribution to Three Well Fields Southwest Portion of the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant, Bethpage, New York DISPfiles_PumpingTestsDomesticBedrockWellsAppalachianPlateau An Analysis of Trends in the Magnitude of Floods in Urbanized Watersheds on Long Island, New York Records of Selected Wells in the Enfield Creek Valley Longitudinal water velocity observation points collected using ADCP during Old Erie Canal survey Benchmark locations along Old Erie Canal Edge of water boundary of Old Erie Canal Bathymetry raster of Old Erie Canal pH raster of Old Erie Canal Soil-water-balance model archive for Long Island, NY, 1900-2019 Data used to estimate groundwater salinity above the Montebello Oil Field (California, USA) Geospatial datasets and hydraulic model for flood-inundation maps for the Schoharie Creek in North Blenheim, NY Geohydrology of the Valley‐fill Aquifer in the Lower Fall Creek Valley, Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York Water-surface elevation grids for flood-inundation maps for the Schoharie Creek in North Blenheim, NY Estimated Streamflow and Suspended-Sediment Loads for Select Sites in the Esopus Creek Watershed, New York (ver. 2.0, September 2024) Simulated Recharge Areas to Surface Waters and Public-Supply Wells with Travel Times Greater Than and Less Than 10 Years For Average 2005-2015 Conditions, Long Island, NY 2022 Hydrologic Data Summary for the Central Pine Barrens Region, Suffolk County, New York Hydrogeology of the Tully Valley Mudboil Area, Southern Onondaga County, New York Geospatial datasets and hydraulic model for flood-inundation maps for the Schoharie Creek in North Blenheim, NY Water-surface elevation grids for flood-inundation maps for the Schoharie Creek in North Blenheim, NY Simulation of Zones of Groundwater Contribution to Three Well Fields Southwest Portion of the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant, Bethpage, New York Records of Selected Wells in the Enfield Creek Valley Longitudinal water velocity observation points collected using ADCP during Old Erie Canal survey Geohydrology of the Valley‐fill Aquifer in the Lower Fall Creek Valley, Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York Benchmark locations along Old Erie Canal Edge of water boundary of Old Erie Canal Estimated Streamflow and Suspended-Sediment Loads for Select Sites in the Esopus Creek Watershed, New York (ver. 2.0, September 2024) pH raster of Old Erie Canal Bathymetry raster of Old Erie Canal 2022 Hydrologic Data Summary for the Central Pine Barrens Region, Suffolk County, New York Hudson River Salt-Front Monitoring Project, New York Data used to estimate groundwater salinity above the Montebello Oil Field (California, USA) Trends in Nitrate Concentrations in Public Water-Supply Wells, Suffolk County, New York, 1982-2008 An Analysis of Trends in the Magnitude of Floods in Urbanized Watersheds on Long Island, New York Soil-water-balance model archive for Long Island, NY, 1900-2019 Simulated Recharge Areas to Surface Waters and Public-Supply Wells with Travel Times Greater Than and Less Than 10 Years For Average 2005-2015 Conditions, Long Island, NY DISPfiles_PumpingTestsDomesticBedrockWellsAppalachianPlateau