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This composite shaded relief image dataset depicts generalized bathymetry and topography of the Caribbean region.
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Tags: AG, AI, AN, AW, Anguilla, All tags...
The Caribbean region is part of World Energy Assessment region 6 (Central and South America). A fundamental task in the assessment is to map the locations and type of production for existing oil and gas fields. The Petroconsultants database is the only available database that has coverage for the Caribbean region. Oil and gas field symbols represent field center-points and are published with permission from Petroconsultants International Data Corporation, 2002 database.
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: AG, AI, AN, AW, Anguilla, All tags...
Large rocks brought down by the January 12, 2010 (Magnitude 7) earthquake. The earthquake caused many landslides and rockfalls. (Photograph by Randy Jibson, U.S. Geological Survey)
Gridded seismic hazard curve data, gridded ground motion data, and mapped gridded ground motion values are available for the 2010 Haiti Seismic Hazard Model. Probabilistic seismic hazard data and maps are available for peak ground acceleration (PGA) and 0.2, and 1.0 second spectral acceleration at probability levels of 2 percent in 50 years and 10 percent in 50 years, assuming firm rock soil conditions at 760 m/s. Development of the 2010 Haiti Seismic Hazard Model is documented at and This dataset is considered a legacy dataset. The original dataset was uploaded to the USGS website at the time of publication of the seismic hazard model (2010)...
This inventory was originally created by Harp and others (2016) describing the landslides triggered by the M 7.0 Haiti earthquake that occurred on 12 January 2010 at 21:53:10 UTC. Care should be taken when comparing with other inventories because different authors use different mapping techniques. This inventory also could be associated with other earthquakes such as aftershocks or triggered events. Please check the author methods summary and the original data source for more information on these details and to confirm the viability of this inventory for your specific use. With the exception of the data from USGS sources, the inventory data and associated metadata were not acquired by the U.S. Geological Survey...
Large rocks brought down on the coast by the January 12, 2010 (Magnitude 7) earthquake. The earthquake caused many landslides and rockfalls. (Photograph by Randy Jibson, U.S. Geological Survey)
Large rock brought down by the January 12, 2010 (Magnitude 7) earthquake. The earthquake caused many landslides and rockfalls. (Photograph by Randy Jibson, U.S. Geological Survey)
Aerial view of large rocks brought down by the January 12, 2010 (Magnitude 7) earthquake. The earthquake caused many landslides and rockfalls. (Photograph by Randy Jibson, U.S. Geological Survey)
This dataset includes a modified subset of polygon features that describe U.S. Geological Survey's defined geologic provinces of the World. Each province has a set of geologic characteristics that distinguish it from surrounding provinces. These characteristics may include dominant lithologies, the age of the strata, and/or structural type. Each province is assigned a unique numeric code and may fall within two or more countries or assessment regions.
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: AG, AI, AN, AW, Anguilla, All tags...
Aerial view of large rocks brought down by the January 12, 2010 (Magnitude 7) earthquake. The earthquake caused many landslides and rockfalls. (Photograph by Randy Jibson, U.S. Geological Survey)
This data release complements the following publication: Goldberg, D. E., P. Koch, D. Melgar, S. Riquelme, and W. L. Yeck (2022). Beyond the Teleseism: Introducing Regional Seismic and Geodetic Data into Routine USGS Finite-Fault Modeling, Seismol. Res. Lett. XX, 1–16, doi: 10.1785/0220220047. Rapid finite-fault models are published by the US Geological Survey (USGS) National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) routinely following large (M7+) earthquakes. Finite-fault models estimate the spatiotemporal evolution of heterogeneous slip across a fault. The type of data used as input to a finite-fault inversion affects the overall resolution of the model and the slip pattern itself. In the associated manuscript, we...
Aerial view of large rocks brought down by the January 12, 2010 (Magnitude 7) earthquake. The earthquake caused many landslides and rockfalls. (Photograph by Randy Jibson, U.S. Geological Survey)
Aerial view of large rocks brought down by the January 12, 2010 (Magnitude 7) earthquake. The earthquake caused many landslides and rockfalls. (Photograph by Randy Jibson, U.S. Geological Survey)
This dataset describes faults and structural features of the Caribbean region (Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States, Venezuela, and the Virgin Islands (named countries may not be completely shown on map)).
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: AG, AI, AN, AW, Age, All tags...
We present a preliminary point inventory of the landslides associated with the M7.2 Nippes, Haiti, earthquake that occurred on August 14, 2021. The mapping was part of rapid response efforts to identify hazards for situational awareness and emergency response by humanitarian aid organizations. This inventory accompanies an Open-File Report detailing the hazards presented by the landslides triggered by the earthquake (Martinez et al., 2021). To map the landslides, we used mid- to high-resolution satellite imagery including Sentinel-2 (10-m resolution), WorldView (0.3-0.5-m resolution), Planet (2.7-4.0-m resolution), as well as a high-resolution (1.5 m) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) that was derived from lidar collected...
This data release presents the Yale stocks and flows database (YSTAFDB). Its data describe the use of 102 materials from the early 1800s to circa 2013 through anthropogenic cycles, their recycling and criticality properties, and on spatial scales ranging from suburbs to global. This data collection was previously scattered across multiple non-uniformly formatted files such as journal papers, reports, and unpublished spreadsheets. These data have been synthesized into YSTAFDB, which is presented as individual comma-separated text files and also in MySQL and PostgreSQL database formats. Consolidation of these data into a single database can increase their accessibility and reusability, which is relevant to diverse...
To focus nest-search efforts on Hispaniola and estimate the extent of the available nesting habitat, we analyzed the environmental characteristics of Black-capped Petrel (Pterodroma hasitata) nesting habitat and modeled suitable habitat on Hispaniola using openly available environmental datasets. Details on the methodology may be found in the associated publication (Satgé et al. 2020, Habitat modelling locates nesting areas of the Endangered Black-capped Petrel Pterodroma hasitata on Hispaniola and identifies habitat loss. Bird Conservation International). Here we share Supplementary Material referenced in the publication (Zip file): 1) Georeferenced (projected) raster file of habitat suitability for nesting Black-capped...
This dataset includes polygons that describe the geologic age of surface outcrops of bedrock of the Caribbean region (Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States, Venezuela, and the Virgin Islands (named countries may not be completely shown on map)).
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: AG, AI, AN, AW, Age, All tags...
This inventory was originally created by Gorum and others (2013) describing the landslides triggered by the M 7.0 Haiti earthquake that occurred on 12 January 2010 at 21:53:10 UTC. Care should be taken when comparing with other inventories because different authors use different mapping techniques. This inventory also could be associated with other earthquakes such as aftershocks or triggered events. Please check the author methods summary and the original data source for more information on these details and to confirm the viability of this inventory for your specific use. With the exception of the data from USGS sources, the inventory data and associated metadata were not acquired by the U.S. Geological Survey...
This dataset presents information about facilities relating to the mineral industries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Facilities include mines, mineral processing plants (including refineries and smelters), oil and gas field locations, and petroleum refineries. Relevant data fields include the mineral commodity, specific forms of the mineral commodity produced, location information, facility name, operator, ownership of the facility, annual production capacity, operational status, as well as geographic coordinates and locational accuracy. These data are derived from data presented by country by the Global Minerals Analysis section of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Minerals Information Center (NMIC)...

    map background search result map search result map Mineral facilities of Latin America and the Caribbean Harp and others (2016) Gorum and others (2013) Landslide, Haiti coastal area. 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area, 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area, 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area. 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area, 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area. 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area. 2010. Data Release for the 2010 Haiti Seismic Hazard Model Nesting habitat suitability for the Black-capped Petrel Pterodroma hasitata on Hispaniola, Supplementary Material Oil and Gas Fields of the Caribbean Region, 2004 (fld6bg) Faults of the Caribbean Region (flt6bg) Surface Geology of the Caribbean Region (geo6bg) Geologic Provinces of the Caribbean Region, 2004 (prv6bg) Shaded Relief Image of the Caribbean Region (shadedrelief.jpg) Rapid Response Landslide Inventory for the 14 August 2021 M7.2 Nippes, Haiti, Earthquake Regional and Teleseismic Observations for Finite-Fault Product Gorum and others (2013) Harp and others (2016) Landslide, Haiti coastal area. 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area, 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area, 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area. 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area, 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area. 2010. Landslide, Haiti coastal area. 2010. Rapid Response Landslide Inventory for the 14 August 2021 M7.2 Nippes, Haiti, Earthquake Nesting habitat suitability for the Black-capped Petrel Pterodroma hasitata on Hispaniola, Supplementary Material Data Release for the 2010 Haiti Seismic Hazard Model Oil and Gas Fields of the Caribbean Region, 2004 (fld6bg) Faults of the Caribbean Region (flt6bg) Surface Geology of the Caribbean Region (geo6bg) Shaded Relief Image of the Caribbean Region (shadedrelief.jpg) Geologic Provinces of the Caribbean Region, 2004 (prv6bg) Regional and Teleseismic Observations for Finite-Fault Product Mineral facilities of Latin America and the Caribbean