Filters: Tags: Habitat Modeling (X)
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Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
The balance between economic needs and natural resource conservation will become more tenuous in the future as a result of a myriad of environmental stressors. We propose a methodology that can help guide forest management practices whenever adequate species locational data and quality forest or land use data exist. More specifically, the results of this study can be used to evaluate alternative land and silviculture management scenarios in terms of creating or maintaining high-quality forest habitat for a specific species. We used data collected on radiotelemetered black bears from 1988 to 2015 to develop a regional habitat model throughout Louisiana and Arkansas using Mahalanobis distance (D2) statistic. We created...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arkansas,
Consevation design,
LCC Network Science Catalog,
Mahalanobis distance,
ESRI file geodatabase containing LiDAR derived watershed boundaries for Rainwater Basin Wetalnds.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Data,
Federal resource managers,
Great Plains,
Within grassland communities of the GPLCC one such key indicator species is the Lesser Prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidinctus). Lesser Prairie-chicken range extends across the southern portion of the GPLCC area throughout Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Kansas. Lesser Prairie-chickens are a good target species because they are widely distributed across the southern GPLCC, are a species of conservation concern, have large home ranges, and are likely sensitive to anthropogenic disturbances. Similarly, the Greater Prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido), is a species of conservation concern, with large home range, distributed across the northern portion of the GPLCC including portions of Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: BIRDS,
Climate Change,
Federal resource managers,
Final Report,
We used the United States National Grid to develop a sampling grid for monitoring programs in the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative, delineated by Bird Conservation Regions 18 and 19. Landscape Conservation Cooperatives are science based partnerships with the goal to inform and guide conservation at regional landscape levels. Developing a standardized sampling grid for a LCC is a new endeavor and is designed to reduce program costs, avoid repetition in sampling, and increase efficiency in monitoring programs. This is possible because the grid’s nationwide coverage, uniform starting point, and scalability allow researchers to expand their monitoring programs from a small, local level to a regional or...
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: BIRDS,
Federal resource managers,
Final Report,
Stream fragmentation alters the structure of aquatic communities on a global scale, generally through loss of native species. Among riverscapes in the Great Plains of North America, stream fragmentation and hydrologic alteration (flow regulation and dewatering) are implicated in the decline of native fish diversity. This study documents the spatio–temporal distribution of fish reproductive guilds in the fragmented Arkansas and Ninnescah rivers of south-central Kansas using retrospective analyses involving 63 years of fish community data. Pelagic-spawning fishes declined throughout the study area during 1950–2013, including Arkansas River shiner (Notropis girardi) last reported in 1983, plains minnow (Hybognathus...
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Federal resource managers,
Sediment accumulation in playa wetlands, such as those in the Rainwater Basin in south-central Nebraska, reduces the hydrologic functionality and alters the vegetative composition of the wetlands reducing their ability to provide forage and resting habitat for migratory birds. Most Rainwater Basin wetlands have intense agricultural production occuring within their watersheds that accelerate sediment accumulation within the wetland. This sediment accumulation reduced the abilty of the wetland to hold water which, in turn, allows invasive and upland plants to proliferate with the wetland footprint. Planting upland grassland buffers around wetlands reduces the sediment load entering the wetland reducing the need...
Despite widespread and long-standing efforts to model wildlife-habitat associations using remotely sensed and other spatially explicit data, there are relatively few evaluations of the performance of variables included in predictive models relative to actual features on the landscape. As part of the National Gap Analysis Program, we specifically examined physical site features at randomly selected sample locations in the Southwestern U.S. to assess degree of concordance with predicted features used in modeling vertebrate habitat distribution. Our analysis considered hypotheses about relative accuracy with respect to 30 vertebrate species selected to represent the spectrum of habitat generalist to specialist and...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Ecological Modelling,
accuracy assessment,
gap analysis,
habitat modeling,
wildlife-habitat associations
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Summary of project, results, and recommendations for the project completed by Dean Hendrickson and Ben Labay. Summary written by the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GP LCC) and approved by the principle investigator.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Federal resource managers,
The geographic distribution of stream reaches with potential to support high quality habitat for salmonids has bearing on the actual status of habitats and populations over broad spatial extents. As part of the Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study (CLAMS), we examined how salmon-habitat potential was distributed relative to current and future (+100 years) landscape characteristics in the Coastal Province of Oregon, USA. The intrinsic potential to provide high-quality rearing habitat was modeled for juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and juvenile steelhead (O. mykiss) based on stream flow, valley constraint, and stream gradient. See Supplemental Information for additional detail. BLM (Bureau of...