Filters: Tags: Habitat suitability model (X)
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This set of maps shows relative habitat quality for snakes that prefer the rocky outside margin of the bottomland area. Component layers (type and count of cover types, distance to bottomland boundary and distance to permanent water) are included, as are associated layers of channel boundaries, reaches, and bottomland kilometers.
This collection of maps shows relative habitat quality for a suite of species that use riparian overstory habitats. Component layers include: tree patch size, presence and complexity of riparian understory, and abundance of tamarisk. Associated layers such as river channels at high flow and bottomland reaches are included for reference.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Canyonlands National Park,
Colorado River,
Grand County, Utah,
Riparian Overstory,
San Juan County, Utah,
This set of maps shows relative habitat quality for riparian understory species, both with and without a penalty applied for abundant tamarisk. Component layers are included, as are complementary layers of channel boundaries, reaches, and bottomland kilometers.
Yellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis; YSC), an invasive biennial legume, bloomed throughout the Northern Great Plains (NGP) following greater-than-average precipitation during 2018-2019. YSC can increase nitrogen (N) levels and potentially cause broad changes in the composition of native plant species communities. There is little knowledge of the drivers behind its spatiotemporal variability, including conditions causing significant widespread blooms across western South Dakota (SD). We aimed to develop a generalized prediction model to map the relative abundance of YSC in suitable habitats across rangelands of western SD for the recent sweet clover year 2019. The following research questions were asked: 1....
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