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General Contents - [Greene County geology]: Stratigraphy - Burlington, Cambrian, Cherokee Limestone, Chouteau, Fort Scott?, Graydon Sandstone, Keokuk, Lawrence chert, Phelps Sandstone, Sac Limestone, Saccharoidal Sandstone, Webster Limestone, Vermicular Sandstone, Vermicular Shale: Minerals - bog ore, copper, galena, gypsum, hemimorphite, iron, limonite, pyrite, quartz, sphalerite: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal, conglomerate, dolomite, limestone, ochre, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - shafts, quarries, clay pits; Ball and Beatty Prospect, Robbersons Mines, Holman Quarry, Pance & Belctull? Shaft, Shaft #3, #2 Shaft, Osborn's Shaft, Dr. W.H. Cowden's Shaft, Bullwinkle or Bass Shaft, Kelso clay beds, Billings...
General Contents - Randolph County: Stratigraphy - Amoret limestone, Ardmore limestone, Bandera, Bevier coal, Blackjack Creek limestone, Breezy Hill limestone, Burlington-Keokuk, Coal City limestone, Flint Hills sandstone, Higginsville Limestone, Houx Limestone, Lagonda sandstone/shale, Lake Neosho shale, Laredo coa, Lexington coal, Moberly channel fill, Mulky coal, Myrick Station limestone, Nowata shale, Summit coal, Tebo coal, Warrensburg sandstone, Wheeler coal, Worland limestone: Minerals - gypsum, pyrite, sulfur: Lithologies - clay, coal, drift, limestone, phosphate nodules, sandstone, shale, siltstone: Mines/quarries - limestone quarries, strip mines; Ralph Potter Quarry, Cooksey Quarry, Glasgow Quarry, Greer...
General Contents - Laboratory Catalog of Analyses: Stratigraphy - Archimedes Limestone, Encrinital Limestone, Ferruginous Sandstone: Minerals - bauxite, cerussite, copper, hematite, iron ore, kaolin, lead, manganese, melanterite, zinc: Lithologies - alum shale, chert, clay, coal, diabase, "dike rock", dolomite, granite, jasperite, lignite, limestone, loess, ochre, porphyry (extrusive), sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - limestone quarries, clay mines, coal mines, iron mines, lead/zinc mines; Workhouse Quarry, Glencoe quarries, Skrainka Quarry, Pilot Knob, numerous coal mine, clay company and iron mine names listed: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - chalybeate spring, magnesia spring, list of spring and well...
General Contents - [Notes on Mineral Springs]: Stratigraphy - 1st Magnesian, 1st Sandstone, 2nd Magnesian Limestone, 2nd Sandstone, 3rd Limestone, 3rd Sandstone, 4th Limestone, Burlington, Chattanooga, Cherokee, Chouteau, Elixer Sand, Galbraith Shale, Grand Falls, Keokuk, Lithographic Limestone, Marion Group,Saccaroidal Sandstone, Vermicular Limestone: Minerals - iron, lead, limonite, manganese, pyrite, smithsonite, sphalerite, sulfur: Lithologies - clay, coal, diorite, dolomite, granite, limestone, sandstone: Mines/quarries - granite quarries; Milne & Gordon's red granite quarry, Cherryville Iron, Carson-Tuft Iron Mines: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - springs, mineral springs, artesian well; numerous...
General Contents - [Saline County notes]: Stratigraphy - Carboniferous: Minerals - gypsum, iron, kaolin, lead, limonite, magnesia, pyrite, salt, sulfur: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal, drift, hematite shales, limestone, loess, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - limestone quarry, sandstone quarries, coal shaft, coal drift, coal mines, lead mine; Cooperative Coal & Mining Co.: Paleontology - crinoids, mastodon teeth: Hydrology - some water chemistry notes, springs, alum springs, chalybeate water, spring water analyses; McAllister Spring, Elk Lick Springs, Akesion Spring, Black Sulphur Spring, Kiser's Spring, White Spring, Blue Spring, White Sulphur Spring, Sulphur and Salt Spring: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas...
General Contents - [Saline, Henry, St. Clair and Benton counties]: Stratigraphy - Hydraulic Limestone: Minerals - alum, copper, gypsum, hematite, iron, lead, magnesia, pyrite, salt, sulfur: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal, dolomite, drift, limestone, loess, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - salt works, sandstone quarries, shaft, drift, coal field; Sherman's Quarry: Paleontology - crinoidal limestone: Hydrology - springs, chalybeate springs, artesian wells; Gum Spring, Magnesia Spring, Blue Lick Springs, McAllister Spring, Sweet Spring, White Sulphur Springs, Akesion Springs, Kiser's Spring, Sulphur and Salt Spring, Black Sulphur Spring, Pellians's Spring: Structure - "local flexure" noted: Oil/gas - oil spring;...
General Contents - [Greene and Polk counties, geological notes]: Stratigraphy - Burlington, Cherokee limestone, Chouteau, Fort Scott?, Gunter Limestone, Keokuk, Lawrence chert, Phelps Sandstone, Sac Limestone, Vermicular Sandstone, Vermicular Shale, Webster: Minerals - galena, pyrite, zinc: Lithologies - clay, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - shaft, limestone quarry, lime kiln: Paleontology - crinoids; two names noted, difficult to read: Hydrology - springs; Jack Gibson Spring, Spout Spring, Powell or McKemel? Spring: Structure - McCracken mill fault; Graydon Northview monocline/fold; Graydon Northview fault; other faults noted: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - cave noted: Measured Sections - few, written...
General Contents - Notes Linn, Sullivan, Adair, Chariton and Howard counties: Stratigraphy - Archimedes Limestone, Burlington, Encrinital, Glasgow Limestone, Keokuk, Rhombohedral Limestone: Minerals - barite, bog ore, hematite, iron nodules, pyrite, salt, siderite, sphalerite, sulfur nodules: Lithologies - bituminous shale, clay, coal, conglomerate, drift, limestone, ochre, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - potteries, coal mines, shafts; Thos Main Drift, Bevier Coal Shafts, Downings Coal Bank, Jack Conks Coal Bank, Leamans Coal, Jno Stanley Bank: Paleontology - brachiopods, bryozoans, corals, crinoids, fusulinids, plants, spirifers, sponges, others; fossil species noted too numerous to list, some difficult to read:...
General Contents - [various notes]: Stratigraphy - Burlington, Cherokee, Chouteau, Coal Measures: Minerals - barite, galena, glauconite, gypsum, hematite, kaolin, magnetite, manganese, marcasite, pyrite, quartz vein, sphalerite: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal, conglomerate, diabase, dolomite, granite, limestone, loess, ochre, porphyry (extrusive igneous), sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - clay mine, coal mines, iron mine, limestone quarry; Pitchers Coal Bank, Clinton Pottery Co., Iron Mountain, Wm Nichols quarry, Doe Run, Lamon's Mine, Dresser, barite operators listed, clay mines listed: Paleontology - brachiopods, crinoids, spirifers, others; some noted by species: Hydrology - mineral springs; Saratoga Spring,...
General Contents - Record Book [Springfield, Greene County notes]: Stratigraphy - Burlington, Cherokee, Chouteau, Keokuk, Lithographic Limestone, Vermicular Sandstone, Vermicular Shale: Minerals - lead: Lithologies - chert, clay, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - limestone quarries, shafts; Edward's Quarry, Jenkins' Quarry, Pierson Creek mines (lead/zinc), Quarry #I, Quarry #II, Quarry #3, Quarry #IV, Quarry V: Paleontology - "coiled shells", crinoids, Orthis swallowis, productids (species noted), spirifers (species noted), Syringopora (species noted), Terebratula (species noted): Hydrology - springs, dry wells noted; Sander's Spring, Kershner's Spring, Edward's Spring, Chouteau Spring, Jones' Spring:...
General Contents - Mineral Waters [rest unreadable]: Stratigraphy - Alvin Shale, Chaetetes Conglomerate, Warrensburg Sandstone: Minerals - "alum", pyrite, salt, sulfur, "sulfur of lime": Lithologies - clay, coal, conglomerate, drift, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - [none noted]: Paleontology - Chaetetes: Hydrology - sulphur water, springs, chalybeate springs; Sithia Springs, Washington Springs, Young's medicinal well, Seven Springs, Union Spring, Twin Springs, Bethsaida Springs, Hammonds Salt Well, Sulphur Springs, Pertle Springs, Clinton artesian well, others: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - gas wells noted; oil in sandstone specimen: Karst - cave: Measured Sections - [none noted]: Blank/missing...
General Contents - [Geology of the Greene City, Queen City and Leavenworth, Mecca (Smithville) 15' Quadrangles]: Stratigraphy - Bedford coals, Bethany Falls, Calico Limestone, Bevier, Farley Limestone, Fort Scott Limestone, Henrietta, Hertha, Iola Limestone, Kickapoo Limestone, Lagonda, Lecompton, Ledford Limestone, Leroy Shales, Mulberry, Mulky, Mystic, Oread, Parmer, Pawnee, Plattsburg Limestone, Pleasanton, Shoal Creek Gravel, Spring Creek, Stanton Limestone, Summit Slate, Tebo, Winterset, Worthington Clay; one unreadable: Minerals - gypsum, iron, limonite, limonite pipe, pyrite: Lithologies - clay, coal, conglomerate, drift, limestone, loess, sandstone, shale, till: Mines/quarries - diggings, stopes, drifts,...
General Contents - Cass, Bates, Vernon [counties]: Stratigraphy - Chaetetes Limestone, Fort Scott Coal, Hydraulic Limestone, Lexington Coal,: Minerals - copper, gypsum, hematite, iron ore, pyrite, siderite, sphalerite, sulfur: Lithologies - bituminous shale, clay, coal, conglomerate, limestone, ochre, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - clay kiln?, coal mines, coal banks, coal pits, coal shafts; Coopers Coal, Nickols Coal, Keeton Coal, Wm F Goodman's Coal, Dav. Gilberts Coal, E.S. Ewells Coal, Cox Coal, Dr. Bryan's Coal, Parker Coal, Eggleston Coal, others, some difficult to read: Paleontology - Archimedes, Bellerophon, brachiopods, cephalopods, Chaetetes, corals, cordaites, crinoids, ferns, fusulinids, nautiloids,...
General Contents - [Aneroid readings]: Stratigraphy - Burlington, Chouteau, Keokuk: Minerals - [none noted]: Lithologies - chert, limestone, shale: Mines/quarries - shafts, lead mine; Phelp's Mine: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - springs noted; Gibson's Spring, Sander Spring, Purselly Spring, Pearson Creek, James River: Structure - fault noted: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - [none noted]: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 50-104, 107-108, front fly leaf. Pg 107-108 partly cut out.: Other - Stations with course, distance, barometric readings, altitude, notes; sketch maps, cultural and natural features.: 34 p. Field notebooks contain original notes by geologists performing field...
General Contents - R.I. 70 Cambrian System and Nixa Quadrangle (7 1/2') Christian & Greene Co., Mo. Warren Co. [Mississippian and Pennsylvanian sections and stratigraphic contacts]: Stratigraphy - Anna, Bachelor, Bandera, Blackjack Creek, Burlington, Bushberg, Chattanooga, Chouteau, Coal City, Compton, Davis, Decorah, Derby-Doerun, Devonian limestone, Elsey, Everton, Fort Scott, Grand Falls, Haskell, Higginsville, Houx, Iatan, Jefferson City, Joachim, Keokuk, Kimmswick, Labette, Lexington coal, Mine Creek Shale, Myrick Station limestone, Northview, Pawnee, Pennsylvanian, Pierson, Plattin, Riverston, Roubidoux, St. Peter, Short Creek, Summit, Taum Sauk, Vinland; some units difficult to read: Minerals - [none noted]:...
General Contents - Chemical analyses Chemical Department Quantitative Analyses: Stratigraphy - 1st Magnesian Limestone, Archimedes Limestone, St. Louis Limestone: Minerals - hematite, iron, kaolin, limonite, melanterite, pyrite: Lithologies - clay, coal, dolomite, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - limestone quarries, clay mines; Work House Quarry, Parker & Russell, Stief and Reickert's, Cobb's North Quarry, Cobb's Middle Quarry, Cobb's Southern Quarry, Evans & Howard, Laclede Mine, Christy, Coffin & Co. #46, Jameson's, others?: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - springs, chalybeate spring; Nafton, Blue Lick, Black Sulphur, Big Gum, Sweet, Salt, Akesion, McAllister, Great Salt, Elk Lick, Ford, Pertle,...
General Contents - Pike Co. A: Stratigraphy - Burlington, Chemung Limestone, Chemung Shale, Chouteau Limestone, Coal Measures, Devonian, Encrinital Limestone, Hamilton Group, Hudson River Shale, Lithographic Limestone, Onondaga Group, Silurian, Trenton Limestone, Vermicular Sandstone, Vermicular Shale: Minerals - hematite, iron oxide, lead, pyrite, saltpetre: Lithologies - bituminous shale, chert, clay, coal, conglomerate, drift, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - limestone quarries; Drapers? Quarry: Paleontology - archimedes, blastoids, brachiopods, cephalopods, corals, crinoids, productids, spirifers, sponges, others; numerous noted by species name: Hydrology - Mud Lick Spring, Dunn spring, Mineral...
General Contents - [Randolph Co. notes]: Stratigraphy - Burlington, Keokuk: Minerals - hematite: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal , "conglomerated rock", drift, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - coal shafts; Huntsville Brick Works, Higbee Shaft, Yates Shaft, Tim Collins Shaft, Shaft #46: Paleontology - brachiopods, Calamites, crinoids, conularia, gastropods, orthis, plants, productids, spirifers; some fossils in limestone noted: Hydrology - artesian well, mineral water; Randolph Springs, Gorehaw's Lick: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - numerous, well-described: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 46-113, front fly leaf, back fly leaf. Front fly leaf...
General Contents - Chemical Analyses March, April, May 1890, Chemical Department, Quantitative Analyses: Stratigraphy - [none noted]: Minerals - [none noted]: Lithologies - clay, coal, sandstone: Mines/quarries - [none noted]: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - spring and well water analyses: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - [none noted]: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 2, 16, 30, 42, 52, 55-57, 66-69, 113, front fly leaf, back fly leaf, back cover.: Other - Calibration figures for chemical equipment. Coal and clay analyses.: 58 p. Field notebooks contain original notes by geologists performing field work or in-office analyses at or in connection with...
General Contents - Lincoln Co: Stratigraphy - 1st Magnesian Limestone, 2nd Magnesian Limestone, Archimedes Limestone, Black River Limestone, Burlington, Charette Limestone, Chemung Limestone, Chouteau, Coal Measures, Encrinital Limestone, Hamilton Group, Hudson River Shale, Keokuk, Lithographic Limestone, Niagara Group, Saccharoidal Limestone, Saccharoidal Sandstone, St. Louis Limestone, St. Peter Sandstone, Silurian, Trenton Limestone: Minerals - iron concretions, iron oxide, lead, pyrite: Lithologies - bituminous shale, chert, clay, coal, dolomite, drift, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - coal pits, limestone quarry, pit: Paleontology - brachiopods, bryozoans, cephalopods, corals, crinoids, productids,...