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Data set includes water Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O for the Upper Mississippi River and tributaries and otolith Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O data from bigheaded carp collected in pools 19-21 of the Upper Mississippi River. Abstract from manuscript: Knowledge of environments used during early life history and movement patterns of Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and Silver Carp (H. molitrix), collectively termed bigheaded carps, in the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) would be valuable for informing control measures to limit further population expansion and impacts of these species. Lock and Dam 19 (LD19) is a high-head dam on the UMR that delineates downriver areas where bigheaded carps are well-established from upriver...
This dataset includes information from ichthyoplankton sampling for silver carp and bighead carp collected from three main reaches in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, including the La Grange, Peoria, Starved Rock, and Marseilles reaches of the Illinois River, Pool 20 of Mississippi River, and the St. Croix River. Data include the number of bigheaded carp eggs and larvae identified using traditional manual sorting techniques, and genetic data derived from quantitative PCR (qPCR) and 4 bigheaded carp markers (SCTM4/5 and BHTM1/2) that were used to identify the amount of DNA in ichthyoplankton tow samples. These data provide information for natural resource agencies and managers who could use this qPCR screening...
Data set includes water Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O for the Mississippi River and tributaries, and otolith Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O data from bigheaded carp (Silver Carp and BIghead Carp) collected in navigation pools 16-19 of the Upper Mississippi River in 2016 to 2018. Bigheaded carp (Bighead Carp and Silver Carp) are invasive species in the US and have spread throughout most of the lower Mississippi River Basin. Population abundance upstream of Lock and Dam 19 (LD19) on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) has likely been limited by the high-head dam at this location, which restricts all upstream fish passage to the lock chamber. To determine early-life environments of adult bigheaded carp captured upstream LD19 at the...
These data pertain to behavior trials conducted on three different species of invasive carp in a laboratory setting between the dates of 29 April 2021 to 14 December 2021. The three species tested were grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella), bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and silver carp (H. molitrix). The amino acids L-alanine, L-arginine, L-aspartic acid, and L‑glutamic acid were selected for this study to analyze how exposure may impact fish behavior, with a specific focus on avoidance and attraction. Each trial involved two individuals of the same species being exposed to one amino acid and a control water. Water inputs were on each end of the long exposure chamber and drained in the center to maintain...
The dataset consists of count data derived from a series of sonar images. The data are fish counts per image from 1) a computerized process to extract fish counts, and 2) three manual assessors. Each image has a total of four associated fish counts.
This data set includes acoustic telemetry positions for silver carp ranging in total length from 251 to 359 mm (mean = 294 mm) and weight 131 – 427 g (mean = 231 g) tagged with 795-LD transmitters in four earthen ponds at the Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, MO, USA. Positions were monitored using a 16-hydrophone array in each pond before and during a series of trials where fish were exposed to one of three acoustic signals for a length of 30 minutes. Trials occurred from June 11 to August 7, 2018. The telemetry positions were filtered to include 30 minutes before silver carp were exposed to one of three acoustic signals, and 30 minutes during signal playback. This was repeated for five trials with...
Data consists of acoustic telemetry positions for silver carp (345:2 plus or minus 17:5 millimeters total length and 377 plus or minus 64:7 grams weight) tagged with 795-LD transmitters (Innovasea Systems Inc., Boston, MA; formerly Hydroacoustic Technology Inc.) in four earthen ponds (dimensions 40 meters X 25 meters; depth 1-2 meters) at the Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, MO, USA. Positions were monitored from September 7 to October 5, 2018 using a 16 hydrophone array in each pond (Model 290 Acoustic Tag Receiver; Innovasea Systems Inc.; formerly Hydroacoustic Technology Inc.). Silver carp positions were examined for expelled transmitters and excluded from the dataset. A 5-meter square floating...

    map background search result map search result map Upper Mississippi River water and bigheaded carp otolith chemistry data Semi-automated and manual enumeration of bigheaded carps from recreational-grade side-scan sonar imagery, Perche Creek, MO, 2018 Otolith microchemistry of adult bigheaded carp for determining early-life environments in the Upper Mississippi River 2016-2018 Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) locations in earthen ponds with overhead structure Data on the behavior of grass carp, silver carp, and bighead carp during laboratory exposures to the amino acids L-alanine, L-arginine, L-aspartic acid, and L-glutamic acid Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Locations in Earthen Ponds Exposed to Three Acoustic Signals, June though August, 2018 Upper Mississippi River water and bigheaded carp otolith chemistry data Otolith microchemistry of adult bigheaded carp for determining early-life environments in the Upper Mississippi River 2016-2018