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Data represent reports of capture of black carp by commercial fishers and biologists with information regarding size characteristics of collected individuals, dimensions of capture gears, and spatial and temporal distributions of captures.
Floodplain inundation is believed to be the dominant physical driver of an array of ecosystem patterns and processes in the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). Here, we present the results of a geospatial surface-water connectivity model in support of ecological investigations fully described in the USGS Open File Report entitled “Indicators of Ecosystem Structure and Function for the Upper Mississippi River System” (De Jager et al., in review). Briefly, we identified likely instances of floodplain submergence by comparing a daily time series of gage-derived water surface elevations to topo-bathymetric data modified to account for slopes and hydrologic routing. The resulting raster attribute table contains columns...
Floodplain inundation is believed to be the dominant physical driver of an array of ecosystem patterns and processes in the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). Here, we present the results of a geospatial surface-water connectivity model in support of ecological investigations fully described in the USGS Open File Report entitled “Indicators of Ecosystem Structure and Function for the Upper Mississippi River System” (De Jager et al., in review). Briefly, we identified likely instances of floodplain submergence by comparing a daily time series of gage-derived water surface elevations to topo-bathymetric data modified to account for slopes and hydrologic routing. The resulting raster attribute table contains columns...
ADCP data were collected on November 4, 2015 at the confluence of the Illinois River and Fox River near Ottawa, IL using a Teledyne Rio Grande 1200 kHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler with integrated Trimble Ag162 GPS. ADCP data was collected in reciprocal pairs along cross-sections. The data are provided in: (1) a zipped folder containing classic ascii output files exported from WinRiverII software, and a README text file indicating which files are reciprocal pairs (2) a zipped folder containing KML files for each transect.
ADCP data were collected on two separate occasions (May 14-15, 2013 and May 28, 2013) in the Marseilles Pool on the Illinois River using a Teledyne Rio Grande 1200 kHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler with integrated Trimble GPS. ADCP data was collected in reciprocal pairs along cross-sections and along roughly streamwise oriented lines between cross-sections. The data are provided in: (1) a zipped folder containing classic ascii output files exported from WinRiverII software, and a README text file indicating which files are reciprocal pairs, and which files are streamwise oriented lines (2) a zipped folder containing KML files for each transect.
The U.S. Geological Survey's Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has created high-resolution land cover/use data sets for the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). Aerial images of Pools 1-13 Upper Mississippi River System and Pools, Alton-Marseilles, Illinois River were collected in color infrared (CIR) in August of 2010 at 8”/pixel and 16”/pixel respectively using a mapping-grade Applanix DSS 439 digital aerial camera. In August 2011, CIR aerial images of Pools 14-Open River South, Upper Mississippi River and Pools Dresden-Lockport, Illinois River were collected at 16”/pixel with the same camera. The CIR aerial images were interpreted and automated using a 31-class LTRM vegetation classification....
The U.S. Geological Survey's Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) collects aerial photography of the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) floodplain on a regular basis. These data are used to support the Center's long-term goals of understanding the UMRS and developing useful products for the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP). In 2000, 1:16,000-scale true color aerial photos were collected on the Mississippi River from Cairo, IL to Minneapolis, MN and the on Illinois River from its confluence with the Mississippi near Grafton, IL to Lake Michigan/Chicago, IL. The photos were collected using a 60% stereo overlap between photos in the same flight line and a 30% overlap between flight lines....
The U.S. Geological Survey's Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) collects aerial photography of the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) floodplain on a regular basis. These data are used to support the Center's long-term goals of understanding the UMRS and developing useful products for the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP). In 2000, 1:16,000-scale true color aerial photos were collected on the Mississippi River from Cairo, IL to Minneapolis, MN and the on Illinois River from its confluence with the Mississippi near Grafton, IL to Lake Michigan/Chicago, IL. The photos were collected using a 60% stereo overlap between photos in the same flight line and a 30% overlap between flight lines....
This dataset consists of digital scans of color infrared aerial photography from the Upper Mississippi River System collected in 1994.
The U.S. Geological Survey's Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has created high-resolution land cover/use data sets for the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) from 1:15,000-scale color infrared aerial photos. These data have been used to create a variety of products, one of which is a data set used to classify aquatic areas. The 1989 and 1991 aquatic areas data sets were created by first generalizing the available land cover/use data into a land/water data set, then reinterpreting the aerial photography within the areas classified as water to determine the type of aquatic area. The geographic extent of the UMRS is the Mississippi River floodplain from Cairo, IL to Minneapolis, MN and the Illinois...
Separate data for floodplain elevation and bathymetry were collected on the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) Program. While many information needs can be met by using these data separately, in many cases seamless elevation data across the river and its floodplain are needed. This seamless elevation surface was generated by merging lidar (i.e., floodplain elevation) and bathymetry data. Merging the data required special processing in the areas of transition between the two sources of data.
Separate data for floodplain elevation and bathymetry were collected on the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) Program. While many information needs can be met by using these data separately, in many cases seamless elevation data across the river and its floodplain are needed. This seamless elevation surface was generated by merging lidar (i.e., floodplain elevation) and bathymetry data. Merging the data required special processing in the areas of transition between the two sources of data.
This dataset consists of digital scans of color infrared aerial photography from the Upper Mississippi River System collected in 2000.
This dataset consists of digital scans of color infrared aerial photography from the Upper Mississippi River System collected in 2000.
This dataset consists of digital scans of color infrared aerial photography from the Upper Mississippi River System collected in 1989.
This dataset consists of digital scans of color infrared aerial photography from the Upper Mississippi River System collected in 1989.
This dataset consists of digital scans of color infrared aerial photography from the Upper Mississippi River System collected in 2000.
This mosaic was created using high-resolution aerial imagery collected on August 20, 2020 with a Phase One iXU-RS 1000 4-band aerial camera system (RGB and achromatic). The raw image files from the two cameras are combined to create 4-band imagery. The mission was flown at approximately 1,200 meters above ground level resulting in a ground sample distance of 0.15 meters/pixel (6 inches/pixel). The area of interest is the Emiquon Preserve and Spunky Bottoms Preserve in Illinois and the mosaic is for the purpose of habitat monitoring. 4-band imagery allows for displaying the image as either True Color (RGB) or Color Infrared (CIR). To display the mosaic as RGB the Red channel is Band 1, the Green channel is Band 2...
The table provides all fish collected using two different electrofishing methods at Illinois River sites in 2012 and 2013. Length and weights were taken on most species and gender was taken from Silver Carp. Fishes were categorized whether they were netters (caught by nets) or jumpers (jumped in the boat while sampling) and only netters were used in analyses. Large numbers of shad were collected in 2013 and an additional spreadsheet includes abundance data in an aggregated form for those sites. The data is not sensitive/classified and there are no legal restrictions on who may obtain or use the data.
A US Geological Survey Next Generation Water Observing Systems (NGWOS) Research and Development 'testbed' site was established near the Mason-Tazewell Drainage Ditch (also known as Quiver Creek) in Mason County, IL for the purpose of better understanding the effects of groundwater and surface water interactions on the fate and transport of excess nutrients, specifically nitrate. A Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (FO-DTS) survey was conducted within the stream reach adjacent to the well cluster to pinpoint areas of discrete groundwater discharge to the river. DTS data were used to identify locations where longer-term deployments of vertical temperature profilers (VTP) were conducted to indirectly estimate...

map background search result map search result map 2000 Aerial Photo Mosaics - Upper Mississippi River System -- Dresden 2000 Aerial Photo Mosaics - Upper Mississippi River System -- Pool 05 Velocity Mapping in the Marseilles Pool of the Illinois River with ADCP Velocity Mapping at the confluence of the Illinois River and Fox River near Ottawa, IL UMRR Dresden Reach Topobathy UMRR La Grange Topobathy UMRR HNA-II 1989 Aquatic Areas - Upper Mississippi River System - Illinois River Lockport Pool UMRR HNA-II 2010/11 Aquatic Areas - Upper Mississippi River System - Illinois River Starved Rock Pool UMRS Floodplain Inundation Attributes - Pool 9 UMRS Floodplain Inundation Attributes - Pool 26 Black Carp in North America: a description of range, habitats, time of year, and methods of reported captures, May 2015-September 2018 2020 Emiquon and Spunky Bottoms Preserves, 4-Band Mosaics Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing, Seepage Meter, and other Ancillary Data Collected in Support of Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction Research in the Mason-Tazewell Drainage Ditch, Mason County, IL Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing, Seepage Meter, and other Ancillary Data Collected in Support of Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction Research in the Mason-Tazewell Drainage Ditch, Mason County, IL Velocity Mapping at the confluence of the Illinois River and Fox River near Ottawa, IL UMRR HNA-II 2010/11 Aquatic Areas - Upper Mississippi River System - Illinois River Starved Rock Pool UMRR Dresden Reach Topobathy 2000 Aerial Photo Mosaics - Upper Mississippi River System -- Dresden 2000 Aerial Photo Mosaics - Upper Mississippi River System -- Pool 05 Velocity Mapping in the Marseilles Pool of the Illinois River with ADCP UMRS Floodplain Inundation Attributes - Pool 9 UMRR HNA-II 1989 Aquatic Areas - Upper Mississippi River System - Illinois River Lockport Pool 2020 Emiquon and Spunky Bottoms Preserves, 4-Band Mosaics UMRS Floodplain Inundation Attributes - Pool 26 UMRR La Grange Topobathy Black Carp in North America: a description of range, habitats, time of year, and methods of reported captures, May 2015-September 2018