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Kings Canyon National Park, East. At right Mt. Spencer; near center Mt. Haeckel. California. 1904. (Panorama with photo nos.2360-2366, 2368-2369).
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Step in valley of Evolution Lakes, Sierra Nevada, seen from sill of hanging valley. At left Mt. Goddard. (Compare with no. 2387). Fresno County, California. 1904.
Kings Canyon National Park, California. Sculpture of the south wall of Bubbs Creek canyon. The cleft has been eroded by an intermittent stream along a narrow zone of shearing in the granite. In the upper left is the path of a stream whose eroding action has not been favored by fractures. 1925.
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Lake at southwest base of Mt. Goddard, Sierra Nevada. At left the slope of Mt. Goddard. Across the lake a medial moraine, beyond which is another lake. Beyond the low saddles at right and in middle of view are glacial troughs descending toward the east and southeast. These have been truncated by the development of the trough containing the lakes. For lakes compare 2401 and 2402; for the head troughs compare 2411 and 2414. Fresno County, California. 1904. (Panorama with photo no. 2399).
Album caption: Detail view of another part of the ice-scoured rock floor of Evolution Basin, near Sapphire Lake. In foreground, a series of crescentic gouges; beyond, two series of curved tension cracks. To the right some perfect gouges. Handwritten notes on album caption: Fresno County, California, 1921; Kings Canyon National Park, California. Index card: Matthes, F. E. 574: Detail view of part of the ice-soured rock floor of Evolution Basin, near Sapphire Lake. In foreground, a series of crescentic gouges; beyond, two series of curved tension cracks. To the right some imperfect gouges. Kings Canyon National Park, Fresno County, California, 1921. Note: The Francois E. Matthes' papers and field notebooks...
Kings Canyon National Park, California. Southeast from Dougherty Basin. Illustrates asymmetry of ridges between glacier troughs. Goat Peak in the center distance. 1904.
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Basin north of Goat Mountain, Sierra Nevada, from Kid Peak. Fresno County, California. (Panorama with photo no. 2467). 1904.
Kings Canyon National Park, California. South from a granite hill near the outlet of Evolution Lake (altitude 10,990 feet). At the left is the flank of the sharp-crested ridge bearing Mount Darwin and Mount Wallace (photos mfe00567 and mfe0568). The conical peak in the center is Mount Spencer. At the right is a glaciated ridge that separates Evolution Basin from the head of Evolution Valley below (photos mfe00565 and mfe00566). 1921. Figure 23, U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 329. Photos mfe00565, mfe00566, mfe00567, and mfe00568 form a panorama.
Kings Canyon National Park, California. South from a granite hill near the outlet of Evolution Lake, altitude 10,990 feet. At the left is the flank of the sharp-crested ridge bearing Mount Darwin and Mount Wallace (photos mfe00567 and mfe0568). The conical peak in the center is Mount Spencer. At the right is a glaciated ridge that separates Evolution Basin from the head of Evolution Valley below (photos mfe00565 and mfe00566). 1921. Figure 23, U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 329. Photos mfe00565, mfe00566, mfe00567, and mfe00568 form a panorama.
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Valley of Evolution Lakes, Sierra Nevada. At right of center Mt. Huxley; at left of center the more distant point is Mt. Spencer. Fresno County, California. 1904.
Kings Canyon National Park, California. Ice-scoured rock floor of Evolution Basin near Sapphire Lake. In the lower right corner are two crescentric gouges. At left center are curved tension cracks in parallel, overlapping series. The ice came from the left. 1921. Figure 30, U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 329.
Album caption: The Topographic engineer's summer home. The Tehipite Dome in California (Tehipite quadrangle). Picture by Sierra Club of California. (Lantern slide March 1, 1913). Handwritten notes on album caption: Kings Canyon National Park, Fresno County Index card: Tehipite Dome, as seen through the trees. Fresno County, California. 1913.
Most of these data were collected in order to create a database of tree locations for use in calibrating remote sensing tools and products, particularly dead tree detection tools and canopy species maps. Data include tree locations, species identification, and status (live, dead, and, if dead, sometimes includes information on foliage and twig retention). They are a collection of different sampling efforts performed over several years, starting in a period of severe drought mortality. One csv table is included that shows data and validation results for an additional dataset that was used to test the NAIP derived dead tree detection model that is associated with this data release. Locations are not included for that...
Kings Canyon National Park, California. Southeast along Glacier Divide, showing marked asymmetry of the crest line resulting from more intense glaciation on the northerly slopes of this ridge. The northerly slopes bear a number of small glaciers, two of which appear in this view. 1921. Figure 22, U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 329.

map background search result map search result map Mt. Spencer (at right) near center Mt. Haeckel. Kings Canyon National Park. California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Mt. Huxley, Sierra Nevada, from the southwest. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Valley of Evolution Lakes, Sierra Nevada. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Up the valley of Evolution Lakes, Sierra Nevada. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1904. Mount Huxley. Terrace of an avalanche drift on the left. Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Frozen lakes at base of Mt. Goddard, Sierra Nevada. Fresno County, California. 1904. K.C. National park. Frozen lakes at base of Mt. Goddard, Sierra Nevada. Fresno County, California. 1904. Southeast from Dougherty Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1904. Kings River at the foot of The Sentinel. Kings Canyon National Park, California. n.d. Southeast along Glacier Divide. Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1921. Ice-scoured rock floor of Evolution Basin near Sapphire Lake. Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1921. Detail view of the ice-scoured rock floor of Evolution Basin, near Sapphire Lake. Kings Canyon National Park, California. 1921. Sculpture of the south wall of Bubbs Creek canyon. Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1925. Topographic engineer's summer home. Kings Canyon National Park, Fresno County, California. 1913. Dead Tree Detection Validation Data from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Detail view of the ice-scoured rock floor of Evolution Basin, near Sapphire Lake. Kings Canyon National Park, California. 1921. Mt. Spencer (at right) near center Mt. Haeckel. Kings Canyon National Park. California. 1904. Kings River at the foot of The Sentinel. Kings Canyon National Park, California. n.d. Dead Tree Detection Validation Data from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Southeast from Dougherty Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Mt. Huxley, Sierra Nevada, from the southwest. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Valley of Evolution Lakes, Sierra Nevada. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Up the valley of Evolution Lakes, Sierra Nevada. Fresno County, California. 1904. Mount Huxley. Terrace of an avalanche drift on the left. Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Frozen lakes at base of Mt. Goddard, Sierra Nevada. Fresno County, California. 1904. K.C. National park. Frozen lakes at base of Mt. Goddard, Sierra Nevada. Fresno County, California. 1904. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1904. Southeast along Glacier Divide. Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1921. Ice-scoured rock floor of Evolution Basin near Sapphire Lake. Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1921. Sculpture of the south wall of Bubbs Creek canyon. Kings Canyon National Park. Fresno County, California. 1925. Topographic engineer's summer home. Kings Canyon National Park, Fresno County, California. 1913.