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Note: A new version of these statistics based on PAD-US 2.0 will be made available in 2020 here. This summary of the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is created to provide land managers and decision makers with a general summary of management for conservation, natural resource management and recreation. Area statistics include total acreage, acres by managing agency and percent protection. These summaries are available for the nation and by state. The PAD-US 1.4 Combined feature class (with Marine Protected Areas removed) was modified to remove overlaps, avoiding overestimation in protected area statistic summaries. A Python scripted process prioritized overlapping designations (for example,...
Types: Citation;
Tags: Acreage,
Agricultural Research Service,
Alabama (AL),
Alaska (AK), All tags...
American Samoa (AS),
Arizona (AZ),
Arkansas (AR),
Army Corps of Engineers,
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Bureau of Land Management,
Bureau of Reclamation,
Cadastre Theme,
California (CA),
Colorado (CO),
Connecticut (CT),
Delaware (DE),
Department of Defense,
Department of Energy,
Federal Lands,
Federated States of Micronesia (FM),
Florida (FL),
Forest Service,
GAP Status,
GAP Status Code,
Gap Analysis,
Georgia (GA),
Governmental Units,
Guam (GU),
Hawaii (HI),
IUCN Category,
Idaho (ID),
Illinois (IL),
Indiana (IN),
Iowa (IA),
Kansas (KS),
Kentucky (KY),
Land Area,
Land Manager,
Land Managers,
Land Ownership,
Land Stewardship,
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives,
Local Government Lands,
Louisiana (LA),
Maine (ME),
Management Area,
Mariana Islands (MP),
Marshall Islands (MH),
Maryland (MD),
Massachusetts (MA),
Michigan (MI),
Minnesota (MN),
Mississippi (MS),
Missouri (MO),
Montana (MT),
NGDA Portfolio Themes,
National Geospatial Data Asset,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
National Park Service,
Natural Resources Conservation Service,
Nebraska (NE),
Nevada (NV),
New Hampshire (NH),
New Jersey (NJ),
New Mexico (NM),
New York (NY),
North Carolina (NC),
North Dakota (ND),
Ohio (OH),
Oklahoma (OK),
Oregon (OR),
Outdoor Recreation,
Palau (PW),
Pennsylvania (PA),
Percent Protected,
Private Lands,
Protected Area,
Protection Status,
Public Access,
Public Health,
Public Lands,
Public Open Space,
Puerto Rico (PR),
Rhode Island (RI),
South Carolina (SC),
South Dakota (SD),
State Lands,
Tennessee (TN),
Tennessee Valley Authority,
Texas (TX),
Total management,
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
U.S. Minor Outlying Islands (UM),
United States,
United States,
United States Virgin Islands (VI),
Utah (UT),
Vermont (VT),
Virginia (VA),
Washington (WA),
West Virginia (WV),
Wisconsin (WI),
Wyoming (WY),
states, Fewer tags