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Album caption and index card: Playa lake in Fezzan. Aerial view of the saline lake at Nashnusha, about 60 kilometers northwest of Umm Al Abyad, in the Ubari Sand Sea. This lake dries up in the summer. In the background are the high sand dunes in step from several tens of meters high. To the right of center are the deposits of sodium carbonate in the bottom of the lake. The striped pattern results from troughs dug in the lake to concentrate the sodium carbonate. Libya. ca. 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 16-B. 1970.
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Goudarzi, G.H. Collection,
photo print
Aerial view of the village of Maatan near a small trona lake about 55 kilometers northwest of Umm Al Abyad. The lake dries up late in the summer, and sodium carbonate is deposited at the bottom of the lake. Note the saline residues already accumulating in April around the edges of the lake in the foreground. The sand dunes in the background are more than 100 meters high. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 13. 1970.
Wind-carved Ghost Mountains of the Tibesti Mountains. Photograph taken at about latitude 22 degrees, 30 minutes north, and 17 degrees east, near the Chad border. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 9. 1970.
Album caption and index card: Sand-dune encroachment near village of Agelat. Wasteland resulting from destruction of natural vegetation and lack of cultivation. The sand is taking over in this oasis south of Agelat. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 5-A. (1970).
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Goudarzi, G.H. Collection,
photo print
A typical aerial view of the sand dunes in Fezzan. Photograph taken between Brach and Ubari in the middle of the Ubari Sand Sea, which covers an area of about 80,000 square kilometers. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 33. 1970.
Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries and Related Infrastructure of Africa
This geodatabase reflects the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) ongoing commitment to its mission of understanding the nature and distribution of global mineral commodity supply chains by updating and publishing the georeferenced locations of mineral commodity production and processing facilities, mineral exploration and development sites, and mineral commodity exporting ports in Africa. The geodatabase and geospatial data layers serve to create a new geographic information product in the form of a geospatial portable document format (PDF) map. The geodatabase contains data layers from USGS, foreign governmental, and open-source sources as follows: (1) mineral production and processing facilities, (2) mineral exploration...
Aerial view of longitudinal dunes in the Ubari Sand Sea. The dunes are several kilometers long, and some are more than 100 meters high. The photograph shows the parallel longitudinal dunes in the foreground. The slightly shadowed areas between the dunes are thought to be blowouts; dark spots are vegetation. Photograph taken about 30 kilometers southwest of Brach looking northeast. Dune trends are north 40 degrees to 45 degrees east. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 12. 1970.
Aerial view of the Waw an Namus volcanic crater in east-central Fezzan. Note the central cone and crater and the surrounding lakes. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 7. 1970.
Aerial view of high dunes in the Ubari Sand Sea. The dunes in the right foreground are more than 200 meters (about 700 feet) high. The village of Gabre Oun and the saline lake seen at the base of the dunes are about 45 kilometers west-northwest of Umm Al Abyad. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 10. 1970.
Sand encroachment on high ridges in southwest Libya. The sand has completely covered the ridge at the left and is gradually covering the entire ridge. Rock outcrops are partly exposed in the center and almost completely bare on the right side. Photograph taken along the sand areas northwest of the Tanezzuft valley about 30 kilometers west of Serdeles. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 11. 1970.
This data release presents the Yale stocks and flows database (YSTAFDB). Its data describe the use of 102 materials from the early 1800s to circa 2013 through anthropogenic cycles, their recycling and criticality properties, and on spatial scales ranging from suburbs to global. This data collection was previously scattered across multiple non-uniformly formatted files such as journal papers, reports, and unpublished spreadsheets. These data have been synthesized into YSTAFDB, which is presented as individual comma-separated text files and also in MySQL and PostgreSQL database formats. Consolidation of these data into a single database can increase their accessibility and reusability, which is relevant to diverse...
(Aerial view.) Typical scene in the Ubari Sand Sea, which covers an area of about 80,000 square kilometers. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 6. 1970.
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