Filters: Tags: Lance Formation (X)
931 results (21ms)
Date Range
Types Contacts Categories Tag Types Tag Schemes |
Core Research Center, core T039, from well operated by RIDGELAND OPERATINGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "T039", "API Num": "4901123175", "Operator": "RIDGELAND OPERATING", "Well Name": "MOORCROFT SCHURICHT 11-12", "Field": "MOORCROFT WEST", "State": "WY", "County": "CROOK", "Type": "THICK SLAB", "Photos": "T", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.417878", "Longitude": "-104.977072", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvkenn0bute", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "MINNELUSA A", "Age": null, "Min Depth": "6066", "Max Depth": "6097"}],...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Late Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, core B542, from well operated by AMERADA HESS CORPRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "B542", "API Num": "2500305103", "Operator": "AMERADA HESS CORP", "Well Name": "1 CROW TRIBAL", "Field": "OWL CREEK AREA EAST", "State": "MT", "County": "BIG HORN", "Type": "SLABBED", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "45.291663", "Longitude": "-107.313932", "coordinates_geohash": "c859wj07h1ut", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "TENSLEEP", "Age": "PENN", "Min Depth": "6395", "Max Depth": "6449"}],...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Campanian - Maastrichtian,
Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Core Research Center, cutting BZ00010, from well operated by JUNIPER PETROLEUM/DAMSON OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "BZ00010", "API Num": "2506521631", "Operator": "JUNIPER PETROLEUM/DAMSON OIL", "Well Name": "41X-3 VAN ARSDALE HALL", "Field": "MASON LAKE", "State": "MT", "County": "MUSSELSHELL", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "46.4879136", "Longitude": "-108.696246", "coordinates_geohash": "c868qwcg9zhw", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "3360", "Max": "4869", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth":...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Campanian - Maastrichtian,
Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ05042, from well operated by AMBASSADOR OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ05042", "API Num": "4902705962", "Operator": "AMBASSADOR OIL", "Well Name": "1 FEDERAL \"I\" WYOMING", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "NIOBRARA", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "43.36248", "Longitude": "-104.39698", "coordinates_geohash": "9xty8muky01s", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "150", "Max": "6045", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ05127, from well operated by SAM GARYRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ05127", "API Num": "4901105282", "Operator": "SAM GARY", "Well Name": "8-1 MCKINNIE", "Field": "ROBINSON RANCH SOUTH", "State": "WY", "County": "CROOK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.23722", "Longitude": "-104.93875", "coordinates_geohash": "9xv7sj1umzs8", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4130", "Max": "7270", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Late Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ05188, from well operated by MOBIL OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ05188", "API Num": "4900305263", "Operator": "MOBIL OIL", "Well Name": "T84-13-G-UNIT", "Field": "MANDERSON", "State": "WY", "County": "BIG HORN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.30685", "Longitude": "-107.97027", "coordinates_geohash": "9xghp1f6n77r", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "0", "Max": "5840", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Late Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ05812, from well operated by VAUGHN PETROLEUMRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ05812", "API Num": "4904509191", "Operator": "VAUGHN PETROLEUM", "Well Name": "1 MATERI", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "WESTON", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.07863", "Longitude": "-104.74652", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvdb2mbthjt", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "310", "Max": "6660", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Late Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ06362, from well operated by TRUE OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ06362", "API Num": "4904520086", "Operator": "TRUE OIL", "Well Name": "44-7 CRANSTON", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "WESTON", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.06381", "Longitude": "-104.82193", "coordinates_geohash": "9xv6wtwfrcxc", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "150", "Max": "7265", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Late Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ06502, from well operated by FOREST OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ06502", "API Num": "4902720023", "Operator": "FOREST OIL", "Well Name": "1-7 EMPIRE STATE OIL", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "NIOBRARA", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "43.45642", "Longitude": "-104.5911", "coordinates_geohash": "9xtx5yzpfxz6", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "107", "Max": "6970", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ06821, from well operated by AMOCO PRODUCTION CO.Raw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ06821", "API Num": "4901122093", "Operator": "AMOCO PRODUCTION CO.", "Well Name": "1 EMILY ROBINSON", "Field": "ROBINSON RANCH SOUTH", "State": "WY", "County": "CROOK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.24141", "Longitude": "-104.91379", "coordinates_geohash": "9xv7stuhgs84", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4200", "Max": "6350", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url":...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Late Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ06934, from well operated by PETRO-LEWIS CORPRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ06934", "API Num": "4901120139", "Operator": "PETRO-LEWIS CORP", "Well Name": "1-25 KOTTRABA", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "CROOK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.55109", "Longitude": "-104.97579", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvm7nqbyv1e", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4650", "Max": "5372", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Upper Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ07052, from well operated by BAGDAD OIL LARIO OIL & GASRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ07052", "API Num": "4901120147", "Operator": "BAGDAD OIL LARIO OIL & GAS", "Well Name": "1 BRIGGS", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "CROOK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.30318", "Longitude": "-104.92899", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvkh31h9r64", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "170", "Max": "6220", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Late Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ07136, from well operated by NORTHERN ORDINANCERaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ07136", "API Num": null, "Operator": "NORTHERN ORDINANCE", "Well Name": "3 KRAFT", "Field": null, "State": "WY", "County": "WESTON", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "43.95948", "Longitude": "-104.68463", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvd1fdfx340", "Source": "CENTER OF QUARTER SECTION", "Min": "3500", "Max": "5106", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ07226, from well operated by MACOVLEY-DOROUGHRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ07226", "API Num": "4901905027", "Operator": "MACOVLEY-DOROUGH", "Well Name": "1 GOVERNMENT", "Field": "MEADOW CREEK", "State": "WY", "County": "JOHNSON", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "43.50159", "Longitude": "-106.21591", "coordinates_geohash": "9xsrqzpzjujh", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "350", "Max": "7281", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ07468, from well operated by SINCLAIR OIL & GASRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ07468", "API Num": "4901905324", "Operator": "SINCLAIR OIL & GAS", "Well Name": "1 UNIT", "Field": "MEADOW CREEK", "State": "WY", "County": "JOHNSON", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "43.54821", "Longitude": "-106.26556", "coordinates_geohash": "9xsrtzey8yxr", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4340", "Max": "6780", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CC00114, from well operated by AMERADA PETRRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CC00114", "API Num": "4902506055", "Operator": "AMERADA PETR", "Well Name": "5 UNIT", "Field": "SAGE SPRING CREEK", "State": "WY", "County": "NATRONA", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "43.11082", "Longitude": "-106.12284", "coordinates_geohash": "9xst305dwx74", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "3950", "Max": "7575", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation; Meeteetse Formation,
Upper Cretaceous
Core Research Center, cutting CD00010, from well operated by AMERADARaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CD00010", "API Num": "4901106161", "Operator": "AMERADA", "Well Name": "1 ANNA STARR", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "CROOK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.97929", "Longitude": "-105.05203", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvrckprq72u", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "0", "Max": "4463", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CC00110, from well operated by RESERVE DRILLING CORaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CC00110", "API Num": "4904508755", "Operator": "RESERVE DRILLING CO", "Well Name": "1-C JESSIE", "Field": "FIDDLER CREEK", "State": "WY", "County": "WESTON", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.00591", "Longitude": "-104.64252", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvd6g19h81w", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "3475", "Max": "4567", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Late Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ03901, from well operated by RIO OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ03901", "API Num": "4901106088", "Operator": "RIO OIL", "Well Name": "1 MCKEAN", "Field": "CORRAL CREEK", "State": "WY", "County": "CROOK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.71607", "Longitude": "-104.98603", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvq6ur9bpw5", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "200", "Max": "6160", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Lance Formation,
Lance Formation,
Upper Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, cutting CZ03917, from well operated by TRIGOOD OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ03917", "API Num": "4901106075", "Operator": "TRIGOOD OIL", "Well Name": "1-B WOOD-MCKEAN", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "CROOK", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.69836", "Longitude": "-105.00582", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvq6914g41x", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "1538", "Max": "6500", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...