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The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, developed a model for used with MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH5 to evaluate groundwater flow and advective transport under pre- and post-remediation conditions in the crystalline-rock aquifer in the vicinity of the Savage Municipal Water-Supply Well Superfund site Milford, New Hampshire. In addition, a previously developed model ( and was used with MOC3D to evaluate the solute-transport of tetrachloroethylene (PCE). In 2010 PCE, a chlorinated volatile organic compound, was detected in groundwater from...
Coal combustion by-products (CCBs, in the form of ash) produced at the coal-fired San Juan Generating Station in San Juan County, New Mexico, have been buried in former surface-mine pits at the San Juan Coal Mine since power-generation operations began in the early 1970s. A groundwater flow model was developed by the USGS to estimate the timing of groundwater recovery after the cessation of mining and to identify potential pathways and advective travel times for groundwater transport of metals that may be leached from stored CCBs to arrive at hydrologic receptors after mining operations cease. The USGS numerical modeling package MODFLOW-NWT with MODPATH particle-tracking software was used. This USGS data release...
A previously developed three-dimensional steady-state groundwater flow model ( is used to assist resource managers and planners in developing informed strategies to address nitrogen loading to coastal water bodies of Long Island, New York. Coastal water bodies of Long Island are important economic and recreational resources for the region. Therefore, the U.S. Geological Survey and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation initiated a program to delineate a comprehensive dataset of CAs (or areas contributing groundwater), travel times, and groundwater discharges to streams, lakes, marine-surface waters, and subsea discharge boundaries. The 25-layer regional groundwater-flow...
Five MODFLOW-NWT inset models were extracted from the Lake Michigan Basin (LMB) regional model ( These inset models were designed to serve as a training ground for metamodels of groundwater age in glacial wells. The study areas of the inset models correspond to HUC8 basins. Two of the basins are tributary to Lake Michigan from the east, two are tributary to the lake from the west, and one is located outside the western boundary of the Lake Michigan topographic basin. The inset models inherit many of the inputs to the parent LMB model, such as its hydrostratigraphy and layering scheme, the hydraulic conductivity assigned bedrock layers, the recharge distribution, and water use...
In the Chenango River Basin, New York, glacial valley-fill unconfined and confined aquifers are an important source of drinking-water supplies. The U.S. Geological Survey developed three-dimensional groundwater-flow models (MODFLOW-NWT code) of three study areas in the basin to improve understanding of groundwater flow and delineate areas contributing recharge to 16 production wells as part of an effort to protect the source of water to these wells. The modeled areas were the Cortland study area in Cortland County (CCSA), Greene study area (GSA), and the Cincinnatus study area (CSA). Production wells in CCSA tap unconfined aquifers, whereas the production wells in GSA and CSA are screened in confined aquifers. The...
Situated in a remote corner of northwestern New Mexico, Chaco Culture National Historical Park (CCNHP) was once the center of a sophisticated social, political and architectural civilization with a 50,000-square mile sphere of influence. The park protects the greatest concentration of Chacoan historical sites in the American Southwest and is arguably the most significant prehistoric site in North America. Following decades of unsuccessful attempts to develop usable near-surface water sources, the National Park Service constructed a 3,100-foot deep well into the Gallup Sandstone aquifer in 1972, providing the park with the first reliable drinking water source since it was established in 1907. The ~100-foot thick...
MODPATH simulations were performed using the MODFLOW groundwater flow model by Wright and others (2023) as the basis, with particles originating from 5 separate areas in or near Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM). Steady-state and transient runs were performed, with transient runs representing 2005-2015 conditions. This data release contains the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report (
A MODFLOW-NWT model was used to simulate the water budget for Haskell Lake and Tower Creek in WI using the Lake, Streamflow Routing, and Unsaturated Zone Flow packages. Particle tracking was performed with the MODFLOW solution (using MODPATH 6). This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report (
A series of three-dimensional, hypothetical, groundwater models (MODFLOW-NWT) were developed to investigate the effects of a variety of factors on the flow of arsenic-containing water into a well. The well is of novel design with a constructed aquifer providing storage. The models simulate a hillslope with till overlying a fractured bedrock aquifer as is common in New England. Backwards particle tracking using MODPATH was used to track the particles from the constructed aquifer to the recharge location. A new program, EndPoint Analyzer, was used to determine the fraction of the flow that passed through the bedrock. The bedrock is assumed to be the source of arsenic contamination so the fraction of the flow passing...
A steady-state groundwater flow model, using MODFLOW-NWT, was developed to better understand groundwater flow in coastal Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island. Aquatic systems in and around Long Island Sound (LIS) provide a variety of ecological and economic benefits such as flood and storm protection, water filtration, recreation, habitat for commercially and recreationally important fish and bird populations, and carbon sequestration. In some areas of LIS and in many embayments along the Connecticut coastline, aquatic ecosystems are degraded due to excess nitrogen from sources such as waste-water treatment plants, septic systems, and fertilizer. A substantial fraction of total nitrogen inputs...
A three-dimensional groundwater-flow model of a 73.2 square mile area in southeastern Albuquerque, New Mexico was designed and coupled to a regional (parent) model of the Middle Rio Grande Basin with the local-grid refinement numerical code MODFLOW-LGR2. This fine-gridded local (child) model was designed to simulate the response of the aquifer to pumping stresses and simulate advective groundwater flow. The child model was calibrated by inverse modeling by nonlinear regression (UCODE_2005) for 1949 to 2013 conditions, the period for which observation data was most complete and reliable. The simulation period spanned from predevelopment to future conditions (1900 to 2050). As part of an effort to protect the source...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model using MODFLOW 6 (version 6.2.2) was developed and calibrated for unconsolidated Coastal Plain aquifers underlying the Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JBMDL) and vicinity, New Jersey, to evaluate groundwater flow pathways of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination associated with use of aqueous film forming foam (AFFF). The model was developed and calibrated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) based on the previously developed hydrogeologic framework ( Steady-state flow in the unconsolidated aquifers was simulated using the MODFLOW 6 which accounts...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model, constructed in MODFLOW-NWT, was developed to evaluate the groundwater flow system of the Kitsap Peninsula, west-central Washington. A transient model was constructed to simulate groundwater flow for January 1985–December 2012 using annual stress periods for 1985–2004 and monthly stress periods for 2005–2012. The model was used to simulate six hydrologic scenarios, including simulations of a steady-state system, no-pumping and return flows, 15-percent increase in current withdrawals in all wells, 80-percent decrease in outdoor water to simulate effects of conservation efforts, 15-percent decrease in recharge from precipitation to simulate a drought, and particle tracking...
Three groundwater flow models, using MODFLOW-2000, SEAWAT, and SHARP model codes, were used to evaluate plans to supply potable and non-potable water to residents and businesses of Cape May County, New Jersey until at least 2050. The ideal plan would meet projected demands and minimize adverse effects on currently used sources of potable, non- potable, and ecological water supplies. The U.S. Geological Survey used two previously developed groundwater flow models, as well as a newly developed groundwater flow model, to evaluate the shallow and deep aquifer systems in Cape May County. The groundwater flow in the shallow and deep aquifer systems of Cape May County were simulated separately. Flow in the shallow aquifers...
An existing three-dimensional model (MODFLOW-2000) by Petkewich and Campbell (2007) was updated to simulate potential changes in groundwater flow and groundwater-level conditions caused by injecting reclaimed water into the Middendorf aquifer in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The model was recalibrated to conditions from 1900 to 2008. Simulations included a Base Case and two injection scenarios. Maximum pumping rates were simulated as 6.65, 8.50, and 10.5 million gallons per day for the Base Case, Scenario 1, and Scenario 2, respectively. The Base Case simulation represents a non-injection estimate of the year 2050 groundwater levels for comparison purposes for the two injection scenarios. For Scenarios 1 and 2,...
This model archive contains model files and a complete repeatable workflow for source water delineation for groundwater supply wells in the Neversink/Rondout Basins of New York. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the NYSDEC and NYSDOH, began an investigation in 2019 with the general objectives of (1) improving understanding of the regional groundwater flow system (2) delineating areas contributing recharge to eight priority production wells, and (3) quantifying the uncertainty of these contributing areas in a probabilistic way that can be used to inform decision-making related to priority well source water protection. To accomplish these objectives, a MODFLOW 6 groundwater model (version 6.2.1) was...
MODFLOW-2005 groundwater flow models and MT3DMS solute transport models were developed to represent conditions in the vicinity of a bioremediation experiment conducted in fractured rocks underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey. The groundwater flow models include transient simulations of water-level changes during six field aquifer tests and steady-state simulations of hydraulic head at the site. The solute transport models include simulations of bromide tracer transport and of injection conditions during the bioremediation experiment. ZONEBUDGET and MODPATH were used for postprocessing analyses of flow modeling output. UCODE_2014 was used to calibrate the flow models and to conduct...
A groundwater flow model simulating average monthly conditions, using MODFLOW6, was developed to better understand groundwater flow and groundwater-transported nitrogen loads in coastal Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island. Elevated nitrogen loads are a pervasive issue in the Long Island Sound, an estuary that receives freshwater and nutrients from both surface-water and groundwater discharge. Surface-water nitrogen loads to the Long Island Sound are relatively well characterized, but less is known about groundwater-transported nitrogen loads. Prior work on the northern shore of Long Island Sound (Connecticut and areas of New York and Rhode Island) suggested that groundwater travel times...
A previously published groundwater flow model ( was revised with refined grid spacing and updated hydrogeolgic framework and hydrologic properties ( and used in this study to predict the effects of Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) groundwater pumpage on horizontal hydraulic-head gradients in the upper-water-bearing zone of the UFA in the downtown Brunswick area, Glynn County, Georgia. The model used MOFLOW-2000 and was calibrated using groundwater-use information for October 2015, which was the basis for the 2015 Base Case simulation. A comparison of the 2015 Base Case simulation with seven groundwater-management scenarios evaluated potential changes...
MODFLOW-2005 groundwater flow models were developed to simulate 47 pumping tests conducted for a hydraulic tomography experiment in fractured rocks underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey. These flow models simulate the change in water level during the pumping tests, which range from about 45 to 60 minutes in duration. MODFLOW-2005 models were also developed to simulate groundwater flow in different directions across the hydraulic conductivity field estimated by the hydraulic tomography, and MODPATH simulations were conducted to identify flow paths in these simulations. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated...

map background search result map search result map Groundwater Model Archive and Workflow for Neversink/Rondout Basin, New York, Source Water Delineation MODFLOW 6 and MODPATH7 used to simulate regional groundwater flow and advective transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst and vicinity, New Jersey, 2018 MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH models in support of groundwater flow model investigation of water resources at Chaco Culture National Historical Park MODFLOW-2005 and MT3DMS models used to design and evaluate a bioremediation experiment at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH models used to simulate hydraulic tomography pumping tests and identify a fracture network, former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey MODFLOW-NWT, MODPATH, and MT3DMS models used to study of hypothetical horizontal water-supply well design for New Hampshire and surrounding regions: U.S. Geological Survey data release MODFLOW-2005, MODPATH, and MOC3D used for groundwater flow simulation, pathlines analysis, and solute transport in the crystalline-rock aquifer in the vicinity of the Savage Municipal Water-Supply Well Superfund Site, Milford, New Hampshire MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH groundwater flow models of steady-state conditions in coastal Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island, as well as a nitrogen transport model of the Niantic River watershed SEAWAT, MODFLOW-2000, and SHARP models used to simulate future water-supply scenarios, Cape May County, New Jersey MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH5 models used to identify potential flow paths from San Juan Mine to hydrologic receptors, San Juan County, New Mexico MODFLOW-LGR2 groundwater-flow model used to delineate transient areas contributing recharge and zones of contribution to selected wells in southeastern Albuquerque, New Mexico MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH6 Used to Delineate Areas Contributing Groundwater and Travel Times to Receiving Waters in Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties, New York MODFLOW-2000 model used in the simulation of reclaimed-water injection and pumping scenarios and particle-tracking analysis near Mount Pleasant, South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey data release MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH used to evaluate groundwater flow and selected groundwater-management scenarios in the Brunswick area, Georgia, 2004-2015 MODFLOW-NWT inset models from the regional Lake Michigan Basin Model in support of groundwater age calculations for glacial aquifers MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH models, data from aquifer tests and temperature profilers, and groundwater flux estimates used to assess groundwater/surface-water interactions in Haskell Lake, Wisconsin MODFLOW-NWT groundwater-flow models used to delineate areas contributing recharge to selected production wells in unconfined and confined glacial valley-fill aquifers in Chenango River Basin, New York MODFLOW6 Groundwater Flow Model, MODPATH Particle-Tracking Simulation, and Groundwater-Transported Nitrogen Load Model of Average Monthly Conditions in Coastal Connecticut and Adjacent Areas of New York and Rhode Island, 1993 - 2022 MODPATH model to simulate particle transport in groundwater near Puget Sound, Pierce County, Washington MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system of the Kitsap Peninsula, West-Central Washington MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH models used to simulate hydraulic tomography pumping tests and identify a fracture network, former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey MODFLOW-2005 and MT3DMS models used to design and evaluate a bioremediation experiment at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH models, data from aquifer tests and temperature profilers, and groundwater flux estimates used to assess groundwater/surface-water interactions in Haskell Lake, Wisconsin MODFLOW-2005, MODPATH, and MOC3D used for groundwater flow simulation, pathlines analysis, and solute transport in the crystalline-rock aquifer in the vicinity of the Savage Municipal Water-Supply Well Superfund Site, Milford, New Hampshire Groundwater Model Archive and Workflow for Neversink/Rondout Basin, New York, Source Water Delineation MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH5 models used to identify potential flow paths from San Juan Mine to hydrologic receptors, San Juan County, New Mexico MODFLOW 6 and MODPATH7 used to simulate regional groundwater flow and advective transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst and vicinity, New Jersey, 2018 MODFLOW-NWT groundwater-flow models used to delineate areas contributing recharge to selected production wells in unconfined and confined glacial valley-fill aquifers in Chenango River Basin, New York MODPATH model to simulate particle transport in groundwater near Puget Sound, Pierce County, Washington MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH models in support of groundwater flow model investigation of water resources at Chaco Culture National Historical Park MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system of the Kitsap Peninsula, West-Central Washington SEAWAT, MODFLOW-2000, and SHARP models used to simulate future water-supply scenarios, Cape May County, New Jersey MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH6 Used to Delineate Areas Contributing Groundwater and Travel Times to Receiving Waters in Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties, New York MODFLOW6 Groundwater Flow Model, MODPATH Particle-Tracking Simulation, and Groundwater-Transported Nitrogen Load Model of Average Monthly Conditions in Coastal Connecticut and Adjacent Areas of New York and Rhode Island, 1993 - 2022 MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH groundwater flow models of steady-state conditions in coastal Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island, as well as a nitrogen transport model of the Niantic River watershed MODFLOW-NWT inset models from the regional Lake Michigan Basin Model in support of groundwater age calculations for glacial aquifers MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH used to evaluate groundwater flow and selected groundwater-management scenarios in the Brunswick area, Georgia, 2004-2015 MODFLOW-NWT, MODPATH, and MT3DMS models used to study of hypothetical horizontal water-supply well design for New Hampshire and surrounding regions: U.S. Geological Survey data release MODFLOW-2000 model used in the simulation of reclaimed-water injection and pumping scenarios and particle-tracking analysis near Mount Pleasant, South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey data release