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Album caption: San Joaquin River survey, California. Station in the San Joaquin River, base of Balloon Dome. Photo in 1912 by J.G. Staack, topographer. Handwritten notes on album caption: Kaiser quad., Madera County Index card: Topographer occupying station in river. Madera County, California. 1912.
Eastward from "Sq__w" Dome, Sierra Nevada. In middle distance Balloon Dome. Beyond Balloon Dome, the valley of the South Fork of San Joaquin River. This side of Balloon Dome, the canyon of Middle Fork of the San Joaquin. Madera County, California. 1904.
Disruptive gouges near South Fork of San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada. These gouges are related to crescentic gouges, but anomalous. They occur in a dike of aplite traversing granite, and occupy nearly the whole width of the aplite. Ice motion from left to right. (The knife blade points toward the lower left-hand corner of view). Madera County, California. 1904.
Up the Middle Fork of the San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada, from divide between the Middle Fork and Granite Creek. Overlaps 2326 (ggk02326). Madera County, California. 1904.
Album caption: San Joaquin River survey, California. Mouth of Jackass Creek, San Joaquin River (power site). Photo in 1912 by J.G. Staack, topographer. Handwritten notes on album caption: Kaiser quad., Madera County Index card: San Joaquin River at Jackass Creek. Madera County, California. 1912.
Album caption and index card: Exfoliation in granite near Shuteye Peak in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Man for scale. Shuteye Peak quadrangle. Madera County, California. n.d. (Same as U.S.G.S. photo no. 73). Published on page 38 in U.S. Geological Survey. Annual report. 1978.
Album caption: San Joaquin River survey, California. One of the many granite domes near the headwaters of San Joaquin River. Photo in 1912 by J.G. Staack, topographer. Handwritten notes on album caption: Mt. Lyell quad No index card Note on photograph: Negative destroyed by authority of administrative geologist
Album caption: San Joaquin River survey, California. Hoffman Meadows, base of Mt. Tom. Photo in 1912 by J.G. Staack, topographer. Handwritten notes on album caption: Kaiser quad., Fresno County Index card: Hoffman Meadow at base of Mt. Tom. Madera County, California. 1912.
Album caption and index card: Devils Post Pile, California, Mount Lyell quadrangle, picture by Sierra Club, date uncertain. Lantern slide made March, 1911. Handwritten notes on album caption: Madera County
Album caption: San Joaquin River survey, California. North Fork, San Joaquin River. U.S.G.S. camp at Sheep Crossing bridge. Photo by J.G. Staack, topographer, in 1912. Handwritten notes on album: Mt. Lyell, Madera County Index card: Geological Survey camp at Sheep Crossing. Madera County, California. 1912.
Portion of rock slope appearing at left in no. 2332 (ggk02332). Joints give footholds for trees. Madera County, California. 1904.
Album caption: "Rainbow Falls, California" picture by Sierra Club (date not known); Mount Lyell quadrangle, Calif. Lantern slide made March, 1911. Index card: Rainbow Falls. Madera County, California. 1911.
Album caption: San Joaquin River survey, California. Gorge below mouth of South Fork, San Joaquin River. Photo in 1912 by J.G. Staack, topographer. Handwritten notes on album caption: Kaiser quad Index card: Canyon of San Joaquin River below South Fork. Madera County, California. 1912.
Up the Middle Fork of San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada, from point above bridge. Shows main terrace. Madera County, California. 1904.
Up the South Fork of San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada, from divide between Middle Fork and Granite Creek. Almost joins 2326 (ggk02326). Madera County, California. 1904.
Album caption: The famous Miller Bridge, over San Joaquin River, California, Mount Lyell quadrangle, (date about 1898) picture by R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Lantern slide made March, 1911. Handwritten notes on album caption: Madera County Index card: Bridge over San Joaquin River. Madera County, California. 1911.
Album caption: San Joanquin River survey, California. Balloon Dome from across South Fork, San Joaquin River. Photo in 1912 by J.G. Staack, topographer. Handwritten notes on album caption: Kaiser quad., Fresno County Index card: Balloon Dome from across the river. Madera County, California. 1912.
Album caption: San Joaquin River survey, California. Gorge below mouth of South Fork, San Joaquin River; Balloon Dome in the distance. Photo in 1912 by J.G. Staack, topographer. Handwritten notes on album caption: Kaiser quad., Madera County Index card: General view of canyon show in 554. Madera County, California. 1912.
Album caption: San Joaquin River survey, California. Mt. Ritter, near the head of San Joaquin River. Photo in 1912 by J.G. Staack, topographer. Handwritten notes on album caption: Mt. Lyell quad., Madera County Index card: Mount Ritter. Madera County, California. 1912.

map background search result map search result map Dodecatheon (shooting star), Beasore Meadows. Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Disruptive gouges near South Fork of San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Eastward from "Sq__w" Dome, Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Up the South Fork of San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Up the Middle Fork of the San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Up the Middle Fork of San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada, from point above bridge. Madera County, California. 1904. Portion of rock slope. Madera County, California. 1904. Rainbow Falls, Mount Lyell quadrangle, California. Famous Miller Bridge over San Joaquin River, California. 1898. Devils Post Pile, Lyell quadrangle, California. Date unknown. Jackass Creek on the San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Gorge situated below the mouth of South Fork, San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. View of gorge below South Fork, San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Topographer at station in the San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Granite domes near headwaters of San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Mount Ritter, Madera County, California. 1912. Balloon Dome, San Joaquin River, Fresno/Madera County, California. 1912. Hoffman Meadow at the base of Mt. Tom, San Joaquin River, Fresno/Madera County, California. 1912. U.S.G.S. camp at Sheep Crossing, San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Exfoliation in granite near Shuteye Peak in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Shuteye Peak quadrangle, Madera County, California. No date. Dodecatheon (shooting star), Beasore Meadows. Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Disruptive gouges near South Fork of San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Eastward from "Sq__w" Dome, Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Up the South Fork of San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Up the Middle Fork of the San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada. Madera County, California. 1904. Up the Middle Fork of San Joaquin River, Sierra Nevada, from point above bridge. Madera County, California. 1904. Portion of rock slope. Madera County, California. 1904. Rainbow Falls, Mount Lyell quadrangle, California. Famous Miller Bridge over San Joaquin River, California. 1898. Devils Post Pile, Lyell quadrangle, California. Date unknown. Jackass Creek on the San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Gorge situated below the mouth of South Fork, San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. View of gorge below South Fork, San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Topographer at station in the San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Granite domes near headwaters of San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Mount Ritter, Madera County, California. 1912. Exfoliation in granite near Shuteye Peak in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Shuteye Peak quadrangle, Madera County, California. No date. U.S.G.S. camp at Sheep Crossing, San Joaquin River, Madera County, California. 1912. Balloon Dome, San Joaquin River, Fresno/Madera County, California. 1912. Hoffman Meadow at the base of Mt. Tom, San Joaquin River, Fresno/Madera County, California. 1912.