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This digital publication, GPR 2014-3, contains CGG's analysis and interpretation of data produced from airborne geophysical surveys published by DGGS in 2013 (GPR 2013-1) for the Southern Dishna River, Fox Hills, and Beaver Creek survey areas. These three survey areas are informally referred to as the Five Spot survey in places in this publication. CGG's frequency-domain DIGHEM V system was used for the EM data. GPR 2014-3 includes (1) CGG's project report with interpretation and detailed EM Anomalies, and (2) Multi-channel stacked profiles in pdf format. Interpretation maps and EM anomalies are provided in various formats (e.g., Geotiffs, KMZs, and others) and are listed in detail in GPR2014-003 ReadMe (.txt and...
The Eagle airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey covers parts of the Charley River, Eagle, and Tanacross quadrangles near Eagle, Alaska (fig. 1). Magnetic and radiometric data were collected with a fixed-wing aircraft May 24 to June 27, 2021 by MPX Geophysics LTD. A total of 26,926 line kilometers were collected covering 9,731 square kilometers. The magnetometer was mounted to a rear-facing fixed boom (tail stinger). The radiometric crystals were located in the cabin of the aircraft. The Eagle survey was flown with a line spacing of 400 meters (m) and a mean ground clearance of 330 m. The data, as well as additional metadata, are available from the DGGS website: USGS...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Airborne Geophysical Survey,
Seward Peninsula airborne electromagnetic survey, Kigluiak, Bendeleben, and Darby Mountains, Geophysical Report 2024-2, covers parts of the Teller, Bendeleben, Nome, and Solomon 1:250,000-scale U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangles on the Seward Peninsula north of Nome, Alaska. Time-domain electromagnetic data were collected with the SkyTEM 306HP system, which was towed by a helicopter, from September 8 to October 3, 2023, and from June 5 to July 18, 2024. A total of 4,330-line kilometers (km) were collected covering 4,817 km2. The survey was flown with semi-parallel lines spaced approximately 1 km apart and oriented perpendicular to regional geologic strike. Electromagnetic data were used to create resistivity...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Airborne Geophysical Survey,
Kuskokwim airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey, northern Kuskokwim Mountains, Geophysical Report 2023-1, covers parts of the Tanana, Norton Bay, Nulato, Ruby, Kantishna River, Medfra, and Mt. McKinley quadrangles west of Nenana, Alaska (fig. 1). Magnetic and radiometric data were collected with a fixed-wing aircraft from May 14 to August 31, 2023, by MPX Geophysics LTD. The survey contains a single block. A total of 86,712 line-kilometers were collected. The block covers 29,361 km2. The magnetometer was mounted to a rear-facing fixed boom ("tail stinger"). The radiometric crystals were located in the cabin of the aircraft. The block was flown with a line spacing of 400 m. The mean ground clearance...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Airborne Geophysical Survey,
Fortymile mining district electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey, data compilation
The Fortymile electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data were acquired with a DIGHEM-V Electromagnetic (EM) system and a cesium magnetometer. The EM and magnetic sensors were flown at a height of 30 meters (m). In addition the survey recorded data from radar and laser altimeters, a GPS navigation system, 50/60 Hz monitors and a video camera. Flights were performed with an AS-350-B2 Squirrel helicopter at a mean terrain clearance of 60 m along N-S survey flight lines with a spacing of 400 m. Tie lines were flown perpendicular to the flight lines at intervals of approximately 4,800 m
Airborne geophysical data for the Tanacross area were acquired and processed by Goldak Airborne Surveys under contract with the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS). Project funded by the US Geological Survey, Mineral Resources Program. This high sensitivity aeromagnetic survey was carried out by Goldak Airborne Surveys (Goldak) on behalf of the Alaska Department of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) between June 17th and July 31st, 2015. Aircraft equipment operated included three cesium vapor magnetometers, a GPS/GLONASS real-time and post-corrected differential positioning system, a flight path recovery camera, a digital video titling and...
Livengood mining district electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey, data compilation
The Livengood electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data were acquired with a DIGHEM-V Electromagnetic (EM) system and a cesium magnetometer. The EM and magnetic sensors were flown at a height of 30 meters (m). In addition the survey recorded data from radar and laser altimeters, a GPS navigation system, 50/60 Hz monitors and a video camera. Flights were performed with an AS-350-B2 Squirrel helicopter at a mean terrain clearance of 60 m along N-S survey flight lines with a spacing of 400 m. Tie lines were flown perpendicular to the flight lines at intervals of approximately 4,800 m
This digital publication, GPR 2013-1, contains data produced from airborne geophysical surveys conducted in 2012 for three separate blocks, the Southern Dishna River, Fox Hills, and Beaver Creek survey areas, in the Iditarod, Ophir, and Holy Cross quadrangles in western Alaska. The areas are in the Iditarod, Innoko, and Aniak mining districts. Aeromagnetic and electromagnetic (EM) data were acquired by helicopter for about 1029 sq miles. Fugro Airborne Survey's frequency-domain DIGHEM V system was used for the EM data. GPR 2013-1 includes (1) raw and processed linedata; (2) gridded, Google Earth, and Geotiff formats of the calculated linedata; (3) maps of the data; and (4) vector files of data contours and flight...
Merged grids of residual magnetic intensity, digital terrain model, and apparent resistivity compiled from the Black Mountain, Liscum, Goodpaster, SE extension of Salcha River - Pogo, and Salcha River Pogo geophysical surveys.
Merged grids of residual magnetic intensity, digital terrain model, and apparent resistivity compiled from the Tanacross, Ladue, Western Fortymile, and Fortymile geophysical surveys.
This digital publication, GPR 2011-4, contains Fugro Airborne Surveys' analysis and interpretation of data produced from airborne geophysical surveys published by DGGS in 2011 (GPR 2011-2) of the Iditarod survey area. Fugro Airborne Surveys' frequency-domain DIGHEM V system was used for the EM data. GPR 2011-4 includes (1) Fugro's project report with interpretation and detailed EM Anomalies in tabular format, (2) Multi-channel stacked profiles in pdf format, and (3) interpretation and em anomalies are each provided as Geotiffs and maps. The document gpr2011_004_readme (.txt and .pdf) lists all files included in this publication. Other supporting files include gpr2011-4_browsegraphic.pdf, gpr2011-4_emanomaly_readme.pdf....
This digital publication, GPR 2014-4, contains CGG's analysis and interpretation of data produced from airborne geophysical surveys published by DGGS in 2013 (GPR 2013-1) and 2014 (GPR 2014-5) for the Middle Styx and Farewell survey areas respectively. The two survey blocks Farewell and Middle Styx are referred to as the 'Farewell' survey in the project report as these blocks were flown under one contract. Elsewhere the separate block names, Farewell and Middle Styx, are typically used. CGG's frequency-domain DIGHEM V system was used for the EM data. GPR 2014-4 includes (1) CGG's project report with interpretation and detailed EM Anomalies, and (2) Multi-channel stacked profiles in pdf format. Interpretation maps...
Frequency domain electromagnetic data and magnetic geophysical data were collected below a helicopter using a 30 meter (m) long line and a towed bird for the 1997 Iron Creek survey. The geophysical data were acquired with a DIGHEM-V Electromagnetic (EM) system, a Scintrex cesium magnetometer, and a Herz VLF system installed in on AS350B-2 Squirrel helicopter. In addition, the survey recorded data from a radar altimeter, GPS navigation system, 50/60 Hz monitors and video camera. Many of the files for this release were published on paper and available by mail order beginning in 1998. This updated data release provides a compilation of the previously published paper files (in PDF format) and the originating data files...
Kuskokwim airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Sischu Mountains, Geophysical Report 2024-1, covers parts of the Ruby, Kantishna River, Mt. McKinley, Medfra, and Ophir quadrangles north of McGrath, Alaska. Magnetic and radiometric data were collected with a helicopter between July 14, 2023, and October 15, 2023, by Geotech Ltd. The survey contains a single block covering 8,008 km2. A total of 25,878 line-kilometers were collected. The magnetometer was installed inside the stinger attached to the helicopter nose. The airborne gamma-ray spectrometer was mounted on the interior floor of the helicopter cabin. The block was flown with a line spacing of 400 m. The mean ground clearance is 192 m with a nominal survey...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Airborne Geophysical Survey,
The Porcupine River fixed wing aeromagnetic geophysical survey is located in eastern Alaska, along the Canadian border, in the Sheenjek and Black mining districts. This survey is located about 135 kilometers east of Fort Yukon, Alaska and about 85 kilometers east of Circle, Alaska. Magnetic data were collected with a Geometrics G-822A cesium-vapor split-beam sensor mounted in a tail stinger. Between May 5th and June 28th, 2017, a total of 50,329 line kilometers were collected covering 13,646.9 square kilometers. Data were collected at a line spacing of 300 meters (m) with a mean ground clearance of 235 m. The data, as well as additional metadata, are available from the DGGS website:
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Airborne Geophysical Survey,
The White Mountains airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey covers parts of the Livengood, Circle, and Fairbanks quadrangles 25 kilometers north of Fairbanks, Alaska. Magnetic and radiometric data were collected with a fixed-wing aircraft June 30 to August 22, 2021 by MPX Geophysics LTD. A total of 36,933 line kilometers were collected covering 13,423 square kilometers. The magnetometer was mounted to a rear-facing fixed boom (tail stinger). The radiometric crystals were located in the cabin of the aircraft. The White Mountains survey was flown with a line spacing of 400 meters (m) and a mean ground clearance of 270 m. The data, as well as additional metadata, are available from the DGGS website:
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Aggie Creek,
This digital publication, GPR 2014-1, contains data produced from airborne geophysical surveys conducted in 2013 for the Talkeetna Mountains, Healy, and Mt. Hayes quadrangles in south-central Alaska. The area is in the Valdez Creek and Delta River mining districts. Aeromagnetic and electromagnetic (EM) data were acquired by helicopter for about 1310 sq miles, and additional data donated by Millrock Exploration Corporation, Anchorage, increased coverage by about 12 sq miles. Millrock also provided some infill flight lines for over a similar amount of sq miles. CGG acquired and processed all the airborne geophysical data. The data were all flown with the same systems and contract specifications. CGG's frequency-domain...
The Tonsina electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data were acquired with a DIGHEMv Electromagnetic (EM) system and a CGG D1344 cesium magnetometer with a Scintrex CS3 cesium sensor. The EM and magnetic sensors were flown at a height of 30 meters (m). In addition the survey recorded data from radar and laser altimeters, GPS navigation system, 50/60 Hz monitors and video camera. Flights were performed with an AS-350-B3 Squirrel helicopter at a mean terrain clearance of 60 m along NW-SE (345 degrees) survey flight lines with a spacing of 400 m. Tie lines were flown perpendicular to the flight lines at intervals of approximately 4,800 m. These data were produced under contract between the State of...
The Tok electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data were acquired with a DIGHEMv Electromagnetic (EM) system and a CGG D1344 cesium magnetometer with a Scintrex CS3 cesium sensor. The EM and magnetic sensors were flown at a height of 30 meters (m). In addition the survey recorded data from radar and laser altimeters, a GPS navigation system, 50/60 Hz monitors and a video camera. Flights were performed with an AS-350-B3 Squirrel helicopter at a mean terrain clearance of 60 m along NE-SW (12 degrees) survey flight lines with a spacing of 400 m. Tie lines were flown perpendicular to the flight lines at intervals of approximately 4,800 m. These data were produced under contract between the State of...
The Tanana River and Big Delta airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey covers parts of the Big Delta, Charley River, Circle, Eagle, Fairbanks, Kantishna River, Livengood, Mount Hayes, and Tanacross quadrangles near Fairbanks and Delta Junction, Alaska. Magnetic and radiometric data were collected with a fixed-wing aircraft from May 14 to August 4, 2022, by MPX Geophysics LTD. The survey contains six individual blocks. A total of 97,386 line kilometers were collected. The six blocks total 33,095 km2; they cover 32,944 km2 due to overlap. The magnetometer was mounted to a rear-facing fixed boom (tail stinger). The radiometric crystals were located in the cabin of the aircraft. The Tanana, Chena, Healy,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aeromagnetic,
Aeromagnetic Data,
Aeromagnetic Map,
Aeromagnetic Survey,
Airborne Geophysical Survey,
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