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Stream discharge and geochemical data were collected at two sites along lower Ashley Creek, Utah, from 1999 to 2003, to assess the success of a site specific salinity and Se remediation project. The remediation project involved the replacement of a leaking sewage lagoon system that was interacting with Mancos Shale and increasing the dissolved salinity and Se load in Ashley Creek. Regression modeling successfully simulated the mean daily dissolved salinity and Se loads (R(2) values ranging from 0.82 to 0.97) at both the upstream (AC1) and downstream (AC2/AC2A) sites during the study period. Prior to lagoon closure, net gain in dissolved-salinity load exceeded 2177 metric tons/month and decreased after remediation...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Colorado River Basin,
Mancos Shale,
Salinity remediation,
Contact between Mancos shale and igneous rock, head of Harts Draw Wash, Abajo Mountains. San Juan County, Utah. 1915. (Photo by M.R. Thorpe).
Categories: Image;
Tags: Mancos shale,
San Juan County, Utah,
Thorpe, M.R. Collection,
photo print
The Candy Lane 1 (CL-1) core was acquired in November 2005 as part of a multidisciplinary effort by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Bureau of Reclamation to investigate the Mancos Shale in the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area, Montrose County, Colorado. The Upper Cretaceous Mancos core was taken from the NE 1/4 sec. 8, T. 50 N., R. 9 W. corresponding to approximately lat 38.61717° N., long 107.90174° W. The CL-1 core contains part of the lower portion of the Mancos Shale Formation; Mancos Formation members in ascending order include the Bridge Creek Limestone (partial), Fairport, Blue Hill, Juana Lopez, Montezuma Valley, and Niobrara (partial). After coring was completed,...
Stream discharge and geochemical data were collected at two sites along lower Ashley Creek, Utah, from 1999 to 2003, to assess the success of a site specific salinity and Se remediation project. The remediation project involved the replacement of a leaking sewage lagoon system that was interacting with Mancos Shale and increasing the dissolved salinity and Se load in Ashley Creek. Regression modeling successfully simulated the mean daily dissolved salinity and Se loads (R(2) values ranging from 0.82 to 0.97) at both the upstream (AC1) and downstream (AC2/AC2A) sites during the study period. Prior to lagoon closure, net gain in dissolved-salinity load exceeded 2177 metric tons/month and decreased after remediation...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Colorado River Basin,
Mancos Shale,
Salinity remediation
This geologic map database compiles, in digital form, geologic data previously published as printed maps showing the altitude of the base of Dakota Sandstone and equivalent rocks on the Colorado Plateau in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Data were compiled from U.S. Geological Survey 1:250,000-scale geologic maps and other topical maps that included structure contours of the base of the Dakota Sandstone. Surface and subsurface data compiled include mapped polygons of the Dakota Sandstone and equivalent units, faults, fold axes, structure contours, and bedding attitudes calculated from the structure contours. All data were compiled as a GeMS digital database. This digital geologic database is a companion...
This digital dataset was created as part of a U.S. Geological Survey hydrologic resource assessment and development of an integrated numerical hydrologic model of the hydrologic system of the Upper Colorado River Basin, an extensive region covering approximately 412,000 square kilometers in five states: Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. As part of this larger study, the USGS developed this digital dataset of geologic data and a three-dimensional hydrogeologic framework model (3D HFM) that define the elevation, thickness, and extent of seven hydrogeologic units in the Upper Colorado River Basin. The hydrogeologic setting of the Colorado Plateau consists of thick Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic aquifers,...
Stream discharge and geochemical data were collected at two sites along lower Ashley Creek, Utah, from 1999 to 2003, to assess the success of a site specific salinity and Se remediation project. The remediation project involved the replacement of a leaking sewage lagoon system that was interacting with Mancos Shale and increasing the dissolved salinity and Se load in Ashley Creek. Regression modeling successfully simulated the mean daily dissolved salinity and Se loads (R(2) values ranging from 0.82 to 0.97) at both the upstream (AC1) and downstream (AC2/AC2A) sites during the study period. Prior to lagoon closure, net gain in dissolved-salinity load exceeded 2177 metric tons/month and decreased after remediation...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Colorado River Basin,
Mancos Shale,
The Science of the total environment,
Mitigating the effects of salinity (total dissolved solids) and selenium on water quality in the lower Gunnison River Basin (LGRB) of western Colorado is a major concern for land managers. In cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Geological Survey completed a study to develop multiple linear regression models to estimate salinity and selenium loads. The objective of the study was to refine existing models by improving the regressions and using additional geospatial and water-quality data. This data release presents the basin characteristics and loads used to calibrate the models. Also provided are salinity and selenium yield rasters determined by empirical Bayesian kriging of loads estimated by the...
Relative yields of water, sediment, and salt (as indexed by electrical conductivity) were determined using simulated rainfall plots on three soil landform units on Mancos shale in the Price River Basin, Utah. Final infiltration rates on residual shale derived soils were between 0.13 and 0.50 cm/hr. No runoff was generated on cracked soils derived from aeolian deposits. Suspended sediment concentrations and elehcal conductivities were 180 and 68 times greater, respectively, for a steep dissected Mancos shale upland than for a low relief shale pediment and recent alluvial surface. Riling accounted for approximately 80 percent of the sediment produced on the steep, dissected shale surface. Channel scow and soil creep...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Journal of the American Water Resources Association,
Mancos shale,
rainfall simulation,
This study emphasized a field investigation of salt release to overland flow from Mancos shale lands of the Price River Basin, Utah. Although a high degree of natural variation existed in the data, which precluded the separation of factors affecting diffuse salt loading that occurs during overland flow, a simplistic nonpoint source loading function developed on empirical concepts was fit to the data. This function was then used to calculate the average annual salt yield to the Price River by overland flow. It was found that even under severe conditions, the salt yields from Mancos shale lands due to overland flow is relatively minor, accounting for less than 1.5 percent of the average annual salt mass transported...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Colorado River Basin,
Journal of the American Water Resources Association,
Mancos shale,
nonpoint source pollution,
Contact between Mancos shale and igneous rock, at head of Harts Draw, Abajo Mountains. San Juan County, Utah. 1915 (Photo by M.R. Thorpe)
Categories: Image;
Tags: Mancos shale,
San Juan County, Utah,
Thorpe M.R. Collection,
photo print
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