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The US Geological Survey Chesapeake Bay Watershed Land Cover Data Series, 2011 edition, (CBLCD-e11) consists of Level I Land Cover data for the years 1984, 1992, 2001, 2006 and 2011. It consists of a series of five 8-bit unsigned integer raster data files of 30 meter spatial resolution in Albers Conic Equal Area projection, NAD83 datum. The 1984 – 2006 data layers were created by aggregating most Level II Anderson classes of the USGS CBLCD Land Cover Data Series released in 2010 (Irani and Claggett, 2010).
This dataset contains watershed means of estimated percent impervious surfaces for three time periods: 1992, 2002, and 2012. Estimates are based on coefficients derived from comparing land use of the 2012 NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Land-use Trends (NWALT) product to the 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) imperviousness, then applying those coefficients to previous years (1974-2002) of the NWALT dataset.
Field spikes were prepared at 207 stream and river sites as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) project between December, 2012, and September, 2015. At the field site, a depth-and width-integrated environmental sample was collected, and one subsample of the environmental sample was spiked with a known amount of a spike mixture. Both the spiked subsample ("spike sample") and another subsample ("environmental sample") of the original water sample were analyzed for pesticides at the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL) by direct injection liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and were used to calculate the spike recovery of each analyte....
This map layer consists of federally owned or administered lands of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. For the most part, only areas of 320 acres or more are included; some smaller areas deemed to be important or significant are also included. There may be private inholdings within the boundaries of Federal lands in this map layer. Some established Federal lands which are larger than 320 acres are not included in this map layer, because their boundaries were not available from the owning or administering agency.
Tags: Air Force, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, All tags...
This shapefile contains landscape factors representing human disturbances summarized to local and network catchments of river reaches for the state of South Dakota. This dataset is the result of clipping the feature class 'NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data for the Conterminous United States linked to NHDPLUSV1.gdb' to the state boundary of South Dakota. Landscape factors include land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, and point-source pollution sites. The source datasets that were compiled and attributed to catchments were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) representative of...
This dataset provides timeseries data on water quality and quantity, as collected or computed from outside sources. The format is many tables with one row per time series observation (1 tab-delimited file per site-variable combination, 1 zip file per site). This compilation of data is intended for use in estimating or interpreting metabolism. Sites were included if they met the initial criteria of having at least 100 dissolved oxygen observations and one of the accepted NWIS site types ('ST','ST-CA','ST-DCH','ST-TS', or 'SP'). This dataset is part of a larger data release of metabolism model inputs and outputs for 356 streams and rivers across the United States ( The complete release...
Tags: 007, 012, AK, AL, AR, All tags...
An unsaturated-zone transport model was used to examine the transport and fate of metolachlor applied to an agricultural site in Maryland, USA. The study site was instrumented to collect data on soil-water content, soil-water potential, ground water levels, major ions, pesticides, and nutrients from the unsaturated zone during 2002-2004. The data set was enhanced with site-specific information describing weather, soils, and agricultural practices. The Root Zone Water Quality Model was used to simulate physical, chemical, and biological processes occurring in the unsaturated zone. Model calibration to bromide tracer concentrations indicated flow occurred through the soil matrix. Simulated recharge rates were within...
This shapefile contains landscape factors representing human disturbances summarized to local and network catchments of river reaches for the state of Georgia. This dataset is the result of clipping the feature class 'NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data for the Conterminous United States linked to NHDPLUSV1.gdb' to the state boundary of Georgia. Landscape factors include land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, and point-source pollution sites. The source datasets that were compiled and attributed to catchments were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) representative of conditions...
This shapefile contains landscape factors representing human disturbances summarized to local and network catchments of river reaches for the state of Louisiana. This dataset is the result of clipping the feature class 'NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data for the Conterminous United States linked to NHDPLUSV1.gdb' to the state boundary of Louisiana. Landscape factors include land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, and point-source pollution sites. The source datasets that were compiled and attributed to catchments were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) representative of conditions...
This shapefile contains landscape factors representing human disturbances summarized to local and network catchments of river reaches for the Desert Fish Habitat Partnership. This dataset is the result of clipping the feature class 'NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data for the Conterminous United States linked to NHDPLUSV1.gdb' to the boundary of the Desert Fish Habitat Partnership. Landscape factors include land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, and point-source pollution sites. The source datasets that were compiled and attributed to catchments were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled;...
The data document the results of several microbe bioassays performed by the USGS on Phragmites australis plants, including those performed on mature leaves, seedlings, and dead leaf tissues exploration of the literature to find accounts of microbes associated with Phragmites worldwide. For the bioassays, we prepared 162 pure cultures isolated from Phragmites plants in North America along the east coast, Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Great Lakes area, 125 of which were from a previous study, and 38 represent new collections. The DNA sequences used to identify the 37 new collections are included. Microbes were isolated from plants collected from 2015-2018. We performed assays using both North American plant...
These digital images were taken at select locations over the Potomac River using 3DR Solo unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in October 2019. These images were collected for the purpose of evaluating UAS assessment of river habitat data such as water depth, substrate type, and water clarity. Each UAS was equipped with a Ricoh GRII digital camera for natural color photos, used to produce digital elevation models and ortho images, a MicaSense RedEdge multi-spectral camera that captures five specific bands of the visible spectrum (blue, green, red, rededge, and near-infrared), which can be used to classify vegetation, or FLIR Vue Pro R 640 13mm radiometric thermal camera that provides temperature data embedded in every...
This metadata record documents 11 comma delimited tables representing the amount of reported best management practice (BMP) implementation for the years from 1985 to 2014 at three geographic scales: county or land-river modeling segment, River Input Monitoring (RIM) station drainage areas, and the entire Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBWS). Data originated from the Chesapeake Bay Watershed jurisdictions including Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, New York, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Data were reported to the Chesapeake Bay Program for an annual review of progress toward meeting nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment reduction goals.
This map layer shows Indian lands of the United States. For the most part, only areas of 320 acres or more are included; some smaller areas deemed to be important or significant are also included. Federally-administered lands within a reservation are included for continuity; these may or may not be considered part of the reservation and are simply described with their feature type and the administrating Federal agency. Some established Indian lands which are larger than 320 acres are not included in this map layer because their boundaries were not available from the owning or administering agency.
Tags: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, BIA, All tags...
Layered geospatial PDF 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map. Layers of geospatial data include orthoimagery, roads, grids, geographic names, elevation contours, hydrography, and other selected map features. This map is derived from GIS (geospatial information system) data. It represents a repackaging of GIS data in traditional map form, not creation of new information. The geospatial data in this map are from selected National Map data holdings and other government sources.
Layered geospatial PDF 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map. Layers of geospatial data include orthoimagery, roads, grids, geographic names, elevation contours, hydrography, and other selected map features. This map is derived from GIS (geospatial information system) data. It represents a repackaging of GIS data in traditional map form, not creation of new information. The geospatial data in this map are from selected National Map data holdings and other government sources.

map background search result map search result map National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP) 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data (linked to NHDPLUSV1) for Desert Fish Habitat Partnership South Dakota: NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Disturbances Georgia: NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Disturbances Louisiana: NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Disturbances Chesapeake Bay Watershed 2011 Edition Land Cover Data Release Percent impervious surface for selected Chesapeake Bay watersheds Metabolism estimates for 356 U.S. rivers (2007-2017): 3. Timeseries data 1) Best management practice implementation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed from 1985 to 2014 USGS 1:1,000,000-Scale Federal Lands of the United States 201412 FileGDB USGS 1:1,000,000-Scale Indian Lands of the United States 201412 Shapefile USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Burrsville, MD,DE 2019 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Charlotte Hall, MD 2019 Low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) at select locations over the Potomac River, October 2019 The effects of North American fungi and bacteria on Phragmites australis leaves 2017-2019, with comparisons to the global Phragmites microbiome USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Delta, PA-MD 2013 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Cherry Run, WV-MD-PA 2011 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Patterson Creek, WV-MD 2016 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Ewell, MD-VA 2016 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Burrsville, MD,DE 2019 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Charlotte Hall, MD 2019 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Delta, PA-MD 2013 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Cherry Run, WV-MD-PA 2011 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Patterson Creek, WV-MD 2016 USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Ewell, MD-VA 2016 Low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) at select locations over the Potomac River, October 2019 Louisiana: NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Disturbances Georgia: NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Disturbances 1) Best management practice implementation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed from 1985 to 2014 South Dakota: NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Disturbances Percent impervious surface for selected Chesapeake Bay watersheds Chesapeake Bay Watershed 2011 Edition Land Cover Data Release National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP) 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data (linked to NHDPLUSV1) for Desert Fish Habitat Partnership USGS 1:1,000,000-Scale Indian Lands of the United States 201412 Shapefile Metabolism estimates for 356 U.S. rivers (2007-2017): 3. Timeseries data USGS 1:1,000,000-Scale Federal Lands of the United States 201412 FileGDB The effects of North American fungi and bacteria on Phragmites australis leaves 2017-2019, with comparisons to the global Phragmites microbiome