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Here we provide data used to report on changes in tidal marsh elevation in relation to our network of 20 fixed benchmarks located across a geographically broad network of coastal elevation monitoring stations with standard monitoring protocols. This dataset includes Surface Elevation Table (SET) measurements taken from 10 sites along the US Atlantic coast, ranging from Virginia to Maine. Each site includes 2 SETs where repeat measurements of wetland surface elevation were made from 2005-2019.
This dataset was created to support the Washington D.C. StreamStats project funded by the Washington D.C. Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE). The dataset contains digital elevation model (DEM), flow direction and catchment layers that were conditioned using Washingtons D.C.’s stormwater network layer. The data are hosted online as a component of the USGS StreamStats web application (, where users can interact with a map of Washington D.C.’s stormwater pipe system and National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) “best resolution” blue lines to delineate drainage basins that account for pipe flow. This project utilized 1-meter (high resolution) terrain products, which improves upon existing...
This data release contains GIS layers and associated metadata in support of a hydrologic assessment of the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey. Water-table elevation contours and a depth-to-water grid are included. Water levels measured at groundwater and surface-water sites located in and near the refuge as part of a water-level synoptic study conducted primarily during May 2015 were used in the development of both layers, along with other spatial data. Included is one shapefile with associated metadata: ebf_wtelev_spring2015: continuous water-table elevation contours. Also included is one grid file with associated metadata: ebf_dtw_spring2015: depth-to-water grid. This data release supports...
The eastern black rail (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis; hereafter rail) is a small, cryptic marshbird that was recently listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. We organized a rapid prototyping workshop to initiate development of an adaptive management for rails on the Atlantic Coast. The in-person workshop spanned 2.5 days and was held in Titusville, Florida in January 2020. Workshop participants, comprised of species experts and land managers of rail habitats, chose to focus the framework on testing habitat management techniques to maximize rail occupancy, in which uncertainties could be reduced through a combination of field management experiments and coordinated monitoring. We used the...
This data was created to support the Washington D.C. StreamStats project funded by the Washington D.C. Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE). The data release contains high-resolution (1-meter) land cover data layers for Washington D.C. and its tributaries that represent canopy cover, canopy cover with building and road coverage removed (“pervious canopy”), impervious cover, slope (in units of percent rise), and 30-year normal annual precipitation (1991-2020). The data are hosted online as a component of the USGS StreamStats web application (, where users can interact with a map of Washington D.C.’s stormwater pipe system and delineate drainage basins that account for pipe flow....
Dataset of sediment geochemistry, water column parameters, and macrofaunal functional traits associated with sediment communities collected in Norfolk Canyon axis, hard substrates, and adjacent slope habitats in 2012 and 2013.
Bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) are seismic features that are imaged in marine sediments using high-energy, impulsive seismic sources such as air guns or generator-injector guns. BSRs often cut across sediment stratigraphy and are interpreted as marking the deepest depth at which gas hydrate can exist. Gas hydrate is a naturally occurring and widely distributed frozen form of water and gas (usually methane) stable at low temperatures (up to about 25 degrees Celsius [°C]) and intermediate pressures (those that usually correspond to greater than 500 meters water depth). BSRs have been mapped in all the world’s oceans, in inland seas (such as the Black Sea), and in Lake Baikal in Russia. This data release consists...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alaska, Amazonia, Antarctica, Arctic, Argentina, All tags...
Here we provide data used to report on changes in tidal marsh elevation at the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), located in Dorchester, Maryland, USA. This dataset includes Surface Elevation Table (SET) measurements taken from 40 SET platforms distributed across the refuge. At each platform location annual measurements of wetland surface elevation were made from 20010-2013.
This dataset consists of shapefiles that are digitized contours of the structure of Cenozoic and late Cretaceous strata along the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal plains from Texas to New Jersey, not including Maryland and Delaware. Well depths and seismic profiles indicating depth to or elevation of subsurface geologic contacts present in some datasets have also been digitized. Metadata files (.xml) describing each dataset are present within the file subdirectories. Original ArcGIS rasters and overlays from which the contours were digitized are available in the file subdirectories. Digitized datasets are: Arthur, J.K., and Taylor, R.E., 1990, Definition of the Geohydrological Framework and Preliminary...
The American eel (Anguilla rostrata) is an imperiled fish hypothesized to use conspecific cues, in part, to coordinate long distance migration during their multi-stage life history. Here, tissues from multiple American eel life stages were collected and analyzed for the presence and concentration of bile acids. Specifically, samples were collected in the Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory during June 2016 from yellow eel liver, intestine, and gall bladder. Whole body bile acids were also evaluated in glass and elver stage American eel. All eels were held at Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, prior to sampling. Bile acid analysis was conducted using liquid chromatography coupled...
These datasets provide geographic sampling information for Bathymodiolin mussels collected from three cold seep sites off the mid-Atlantic U.S. coast, northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Also included are GenBank accession numbers for mitochondrial gene sequences (COI and ND4) and sequence alignments (File1_mussels) used in phylogenetic analyses for molecular identification of the mussel species. Additionally, GenBank accession numbers for the BioProject containing 16S metabarcoding sequence data used to identify gill symbionts in mussels are provided, along with supporting details for the analyses performed on the 16S metabarcoding data (File2_Symbionts).
This U.S. Geological Survey data release provides data on spatial variations in climatological wave parameters (significant wave height, peak wave period, and wave power) for coastal areas along the United States East Coast and Gulf of Mexico. Significant wave height is the average wave height, from crest to trough, of the highest one-third of the waves in a specific time period. Peak wave period is the wave period associated with the most energetic waves in the wave spectrum in a specific time period. Wave power is the energy per unit length generated by the movement of ocean waves. Climatological wave conditions provide the average forcing that can lead to changes in the coastal environment. For the generation...

    map background search result map search result map Water-table elevation contours and depth-to-water grid for the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey, and vicinity, spring 2015 Molecular characterization of deep-sea bathymodiolin mussels and gill symbionts from the U.S. mid-Atlantic margin Digitized datasets of the structure of Cenozoic and late Cretaceous strata along the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains from Texas to New Jersey Bile acid concentrations in tissues of American eel that were held at Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, as derived from liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry Sediment grain size, geochemistry, and polychaete functional traits of Norfolk Canyon (western Atlantic) axis, hard substrate, and adjacent slope habitats, 2012-2013 Climatological wave height, wave period and wave power along coastal areas of the East Coast of the United States and Gulf of Mexico Elicited qualitative value of information scores for eastern black rail uncertainties on the Atlantic Coast from a 2020 adaptive management workshop Blacklegged tick nymph densities, tickborne pathogen prevalence, and white-tailed deer densities in eight national parks in the eastern United States from 2014-2022 Global compilation of published gas hydrate-related bottom simulating reflections Surface Elevation Tablet Measurements from 10 USGS Sites Along the US Atlantic Coast (2005-2020) Digital elevation model and derivative datasets to support the integration of stormwater drainage into the Washington, D.C. Stormwater StreamStats application Basin characteristics data for the Washington, D.C. StreamStats application Surface Elevation Table (SET) data from the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (2010-2013) Sediment grain size, geochemistry, and polychaete functional traits of Norfolk Canyon (western Atlantic) axis, hard substrate, and adjacent slope habitats, 2012-2013 Surface Elevation Table (SET) data from the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (2010-2013) Bile acid concentrations in tissues of American eel that were held at Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, as derived from liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry Digital elevation model and derivative datasets to support the integration of stormwater drainage into the Washington, D.C. Stormwater StreamStats application Basin characteristics data for the Washington, D.C. StreamStats application Water-table elevation contours and depth-to-water grid for the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey, and vicinity, spring 2015 Molecular characterization of deep-sea bathymodiolin mussels and gill symbionts from the U.S. mid-Atlantic margin Blacklegged tick nymph densities, tickborne pathogen prevalence, and white-tailed deer densities in eight national parks in the eastern United States from 2014-2022 Surface Elevation Tablet Measurements from 10 USGS Sites Along the US Atlantic Coast (2005-2020) Elicited qualitative value of information scores for eastern black rail uncertainties on the Atlantic Coast from a 2020 adaptive management workshop Digitized datasets of the structure of Cenozoic and late Cretaceous strata along the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains from Texas to New Jersey Climatological wave height, wave period and wave power along coastal areas of the East Coast of the United States and Gulf of Mexico Global compilation of published gas hydrate-related bottom simulating reflections