Filters: Tags: Mills, Mines, Quarries (X)
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Cove Creek Sulphur Mine, 20 miles north of Beaver, Beaver County, Utah. 1906. See Woolley, Photo No. wrr00369. (now-then21).
Categories: Image;
Tags: Beaver County, Utah,
Cove Creek Sulphur Mine,
Lee W.T. Collection,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Old sulphur mill at Sulphur Springs hills built 1902. From 1902-1904, 200,000 pounds of sulphur were produced here. Same locality as image 426. Jemez quadrangle. Sandoval County, New Mexico. April 16, 1918.
Bedrock surface exposed by removal of auriferous gravels, old hydraulic mine near Placerville. The surface has the form of a stream valley ("channel" of the miners), and this valley trends differently from the modern drainage. El Dorado County, California. 1905.
Categories: Image;
Tags: El Dorado County, California,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Old Hydraulic Mines,
photo print
Album caption: Turner emerald mine; 4¾ miles S. 30° W. of Shelby. View N. 75³ W. from tunnel over open cut where emerald vein has been removed. Mr. Fraser points to seam in hypersthenite where emerald vein pinched out. Sept. 27, 1912. 5x7. Cleveland Co., North Carolina. Index card: Emerald vein in open cut of emerald mine. Note: This image was scanned from the glass plate negative.
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Cleveland County, North Carolina,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Sterrett, D.B. Collection,
Turner Mine,
Panorama with images 067, 068 and 069. Location just above Monte Carlo Mine on Campbell Mountain. Looking at long hill 10,650 and some cliffs in foreground. About northwest. Creede Special quadrangle. Mineral County, Colorado. June 18, 1912.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Larsen, E.S. Collection,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Mineral County, Colorado,
Monte Carlo mine,
Album caption: Same as No. 840 (srw00840) from east end of quarry. August 13, 1917. Index card: View from the east of the Finch quarry of Northwest Magnesite Company, 7 miles west of Chewelah. View includes miners and ore cars. Stevens County, Washington. August 13, 1917.
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Finch Quarry,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Stevens County, Washington,
Stone, R.W. Collection,
Martaban brown iron ore pit of the Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Company. Folded Conasauga limestone beds on northeast side of old tramway cut leading out of the brown iron ore mine pit. Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. December 8, 1929.
Sequoia National Park, California. Across the glaciated floor of Whitney Canyon, showing combined effects of quarrying and grinding.
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Sequoia National Park,
Three Rivers, California,
photo print
Goldfield; from Mira Mountain, the sharp peak is Columbia Mountain. The principal mines lie beyond the basalt capped hill in the right foreground. Esmeralda County, Nevada. 1905. Plate 6-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 66. 1909.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Esmeralda County, Nevada,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Ransome, F.L. Collection,
photo print
Panorama with image 445. Sexton's quarry, showing piles of waste rock suitable for crushing. Joliet, Will County, Illinois.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Burchard, E.F. Collection,
Joliet, Illinois,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
photo print
Coal mine working face detail. Shows structure of coal. Coalmont district, Jackson County, Colorado. August 11, 1940.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Coalmont Strip Pit,
Jackson County, Colorado,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
photo print
Stratum of limestone preserved unaltered in midst of dolomitized limestone 200 feet above the base of the Bird Spring formation in sec. 4, T. 25 S., R. 58 E., the workings of the Hoosier mine lie in the foreground. Clark County, Nevada. Circa 1921. Plate 19-A, labels and a graphic, in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 162. 1931.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Clark County, Nevada,
Hewett, D.F. Collection,
Hoosier mine,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Stalactite of pisanite, Old Jordan Mine. Salt Lake County, Utah. 1900, black and white published in color as plate 20 in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 38. 1905.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Boutwell, J.M. Collection,
Jordan Mine,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Salt Lake County, Utah,
Three miles in air line southwest of Gallant near head of Greasy Cove. Etowah County, Alabama. 1928.
Panorama with image 1436. Three miles in air line southwest of Gallant near head of Greasy Cove, Alabama. Strip-pit mine of Eugene Weil in Red Mountain soft iron ore. Bed, seven feet thick. O. Doughty in view. Looking northwest. Etowah County, Alabama. October 27, 1928.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Burchard, E.F. Collection,
Etowah County, Alabama,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
photo print
Album caption and index card: Photomicrograph of gold-tungsten ore from Keklonga mine, Magnolia district. Sylvanite (s) in vuggy quartz (q3) which contains a little pyrite (py). Quartz (q3) and ferberite (fe) cut in early quartz. Boulder County, Colorado. Notes: Published as figure LXXIV-B in U.S.Geological Survey. Professional Paper 223. 1950.
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Boulder County, Colorado,
Keklonga mine,
Lovering, T.S. Collection,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Bed of gravel about 6 to 12 inches thick overlying ledge of limonite and underlying light colored sand in old cut of Docray brown iron ore mine of Woodward Iron Company near west property line adjacent to Blue Pond pit of Central Iron & Coal Company Friedman mine. Gravel consists largely of rounded quartz pebbles but contains some subangular chert pebbles. Charles Morgan in view. SW1/4, Sec. 9, T. 21 S., R. 6 W. Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. December 3, 1929.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Burchard, E.F. Collection,
Docray brown iron ore mine,
Friedman mine,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Album caption: Ebner Mine and Power House rom West. 8/17/1903. Handwritten notes on album caption: Alaska.
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alaska,
Brooks, A.H. Collection,
Ebner Mine,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Album caption: Valparaiso mill, Domomi. Southeastern Alaska. 1915. Handwritten notes on album caption: Prince of Wales Island. Craig quad.
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Chapin, T.S. Collection,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Prince of Wales Island, Southeastern Alaska,
Valparaiso mill,
Album caption: Mamie Mine, Hadley, Prince of Wales Island. Southeastern Alaska. 1915. Handwritten notes on album caption: Craig quad.
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Chapin, T.S. Collection,
Mamie Mine,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
Prince of Wales Island, Southeastern Alaska,
Album caption: New Era mill and mine, Snow Gulch. Seward Pen., Alaska. no date. Handwritten information on album caption: Bendeleben quad., Nome dist., Seward Pen. reg.