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This part of the data release is a spreadsheet including radiocarbon sample information and calibrated ages of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California. It is one of five files in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s (MBARI’s) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts in 2014 (USGS cruise ID 2014-615-FA). One spreadsheet (NorthernFlankMontereyCanyonCores_Info.xlsx) contains core name, location, and length. One spreadsheet...
This data release contains approximately 190 line-kilometers of processed, high-resolution multichannel seismic-reflection (MCS) profiles that were collected aboard the R/V Snavely in 2015 on U.S. Geological Survey cruise 2015-617-FA in Monterey Bay, offshore central California. The majority of MCS profiles collected are oriented north-south across the Monterey Canyon head to address marine geohazards and submarine canyon evolution. The MCS profiles were acquired using a 700-Joule minisparker source and a 24-channel digital streamer.
This part of the data release includes graphical representation (figures) of data of sediment cores collected in 2014 in Monterey Canyon. It is one of five files included in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s (MBARI’s) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts in 2014 (cruise ID 2014-615-FA). One spreadsheet (NorthernFlankMontereyCanyonCores_Info.xlsx) contains core name, location, and length. One spreadsheet (NorthernFlankMontereyCanyonCores_MSCLdata.xlsx) contains Multi-Sensor...
This part of the data release includes continuous core photographs in bmp format of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California. It is one of five files in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s (MBARI’s) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts in 2014 (USGS cruise ID 2014-615-FA). One spreadsheet (NorthernFlankMontereyCanyonCores_Info.xlsx) contains core name, location, and length. One spreadsheet (NorthernFlankMontereyCanyonCores_MSCLdata.xlsx)...
Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were acquired between 5 October 2015 and 21 March 2017 within the Monterey Canyon off of Monterey, CA, USA. In order to better understand the triggering, progression and evolution of turbidity currents in Monterey Submarine Canyon, an experiment was designed to directly measure velocity, suspended sediment and physical water properties (temperature, salinity and density) along the canyon axis during an 18-month period. Three moorings in the upper canyon (MS1, MS2, MS3) containing oceanographic instruments and Anderson- type sediment traps were deployed during three consecutive six-month periods (A: October 2015 - April 2016; B: April - October...
This part of the data release is a spreadsheet including the name, location, and length of sediment cores collected in 2014 in Monterey Canyon. It is one of five files in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s (MBARI’s) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts in 2014 (USGS cruise ID 2014-615-FA). One spreadsheet (NorthernFlankMontereyCanyonCores_Info.xlsx) contains core name, location, and length. One spreadsheet (NorthernFlankMontereyCanyonCores_MSCLdata.xlsx) contains Multi-Sensor...
This part of the data release includes Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) P-wave velocity and gamma-ray density whole-core logs of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California. It is one of five files in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s (MBARI’s) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts in 2014 (USGS cruise ID 2014-615-FA). One spreadsheet (NorthernFlankMontereyCanyonCores_Info.xlsx) contains core name, location, and length....