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This dataset consists of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) - derived point clouds and highly detailed orthomosaic images of four roadcut exposures covering the upper part of the Harrell Shale, the full Brallier Formation, the full Foreknobs Formation, and the lower part of the Hampshire Formation at Baker, West Virginia. For each roadcut exposure, two datasets are published: an orthomosaic raster image and a point cloud. The orthomosaic raster image is a vertical outcrop orthomosaic constructed from multiple orthophotos to create a geometrically rectified image. This facilitates a detailed visual inspection of the stratigraphic succession outside of a GIS environment, unlike georefrenced orthomosaics derived from aerial...
Structure-from-Motion (SfM) point clouds were created from images collected using a remotely piloted unoccupied aerial system over the bluffs of the eastern shore of Lake Michigan in St. Joseph, a urban residential area. The digital imagery was collected with the internal camera of a DJI Phantom 3 PRO for the July 8, 2019 data and DJI Phantom 4 PRO for the July 13, 2021 data that was operated by the University of Toledo. The images cover an extent between the intersection of Lakeshore Dr. with Lakeshore Road to the north, and South Lakeshore Dr. to the south. The images were collected in .jpg format and include Exif metadata with GPS date, time, and latitude and longitude, and other fields. Point clouds were created...
Structure-from-Motion (SfM) point clouds were created from images collected using a remotely piloted unoccupied aerial system over the bluffs of the eastern shore of Lake Michigan in Miami Park rural residential area. The digital imagery was collected with the internal camera of a DJI Phantom 4 PRO PPK that was operated by the University of Toledo, on July 19, 2021. The images cover an extent between south of Lakestone Dr. to the north, and south of A St. to the south. The images were collected in .jpg format and include Exif metadata with GPS date, time, and latitude and longitude, copyright, keywords, and other fields. Point clouds were created from the collected images using SfM photogrammetry software. The point...
Images were collected using a remotely piloted unoccupied aerial system over the bluffs of the eastern shore of Lake Michigan in Miami Park rural residential area, Allegan County, MI. Images were collected on July 19, 2021, by Richard Becker, University of Toledo, and cover an extent between south of Lakestone Dr. to the north, and south of A St. to the south. Images were collected to monitor active bluff erosion in the area. The images are presented here in zipped files grouped by type of collection, nadir and oblique. The images were collected in JPG format and include Exif metadata with GPS date, time, longitude and latitude, copyright, keywords, and other fields. These files were used in structure-from-motion...
This data release includes whole rock (WR) geochemical data for 58 samples. Whole rock geochemistry data were analyzed at Actlabs in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. Rock samples were collected in 2023 and 2024 by Naomi Becker, Arthur Merschat, Mark Carter, and Kadie Steup. The whole rock geochemistry data characterize the composition of mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Eastern Blue Ridge of Virginia and North Carolina. The data release contains three files, including one metadata file and 2 comma-delimited (CSV) files. The CSV files include the following: EBR_MUM_WR_data.csv and EBR_MUM_WR_data_dictionary.csv.
This release contains geospatial data digitized from the Map Showing Geology, Structure, and Oil and Gas Fields in the Sterling 1x2 Degree Quadrangle, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas (Scott, 1978) and was compiled as part of the National Geologic Synthesis project. The geospatial data depicts the geology of this quadrangle, which is dominated by Quaternary alluvial and aeolian deposits overlying Tertiary and Cretaceous sedimentary rock, including the Ogallala formation, the Fox Hills sandstone, and the Pierre shale. The included database includes spatial data depicting the locations of mapped geologic contacts and faults, polygons denoting the mapped surficial extent of geologic formations, and structural contours...
This release includes aeromagnetic data collected via low-altitude helicopter flown over northeastern Washington State, centered over the town of Republic, Washington. The data were acquired between September 26, 2022 and August 21, 2023 by Precision Geosurveys, Inc. of Langley, British Columbia and processed by EDCON-PRJ, Inc. of Lakewood, Colorado, contracted by the U.S. Geological Survey and funded through the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (EarthMRI). The survey includes gridded data from target altitude of 80-100 meters above ground level, subject to aircraft climb and descent limitations. Primary transverse flight lines were flown in the east-west direction and spaced 200 meters apart. Tie lines were flown...
This Data Release contains geospatially-enabled geological data to accompany the Geologic Map of the Central Beaverhead Mountains, Lemhi County, Idaho, and Beaverhead County, Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3413. This map portrays detailed geology of the central Beaverhead Mountains, printable at 1:50,000 scale. These data were collected between 1997 and 2017, and synthesized to provide significant new stratigraphic and structural data and interpretations. Generalized basin geology compiled from sources on both sides of the range is combined with newly mapped bedrock geology to better integrate geologic development of the map area. These data are shared to meet open data requirements...
This digital map shows the areal extent of surficial deposits and rock stratigraphic units (formations) as compiled by Trimble and Machette from 1973 to 1977 and published in 1979 under the Front Range Urban Corridor Geology Program. Trimble and Machette compiled their geologic map from published geologic maps and unpublished geologic mapping having varied map unit schemes. A convenient feature of the compiled map is its uniform classification of geologic units that mostly matches those of companion maps to the north (USGS I-855-G) and to the south (USGS I-857-F). Published as a color paper map, the Trimble and Machette map was intended for land-use planning in the Front Range Urban Corridor. This map recently (1997-1999)...
Tags: Adams County, Arapahoe County, Arapahoe Formation, Colorado, Colorado Front Range, All tags...
The National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) is a Congressionally mandated national archive of geoscience maps, reports, and stratigraphic information. The Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 and its Reauthorizations calls for the U.S. Geological Survey and the Association of American State Geologists (AASG) to cooperatively build this national archive, according to technical and scientific standards whose development is coordinated by the NGMDB. The NGMDB consists of a comprehensive set of publication citations, stratigraphic nomenclature, downloadable content in raster and vector formats, unpublished source information, and guidance on standards development. The NGMDB contains information on more than 110,000 maps and...
Tags: AASG, Aeromagnetics, Association of American State Geologists, Bedrock geology, CSS, All tags...
This digital data release presents multiple previously published elements of the structural configuration of the Black Hills regional subsurface. The original data within this geodatabase is sourced from multiple U.S. Geological Survey Open File Reports into the hydrology of the Black Hills, stored on the USGS Water Mission Area NSDI Node (Driscoll, 1992; Strobel et al., 1999; Williamson et al., 2000). Data include mapped surface exposures of faults and fold hinges, the location and depth of 1025 formation tops of the Madison Group, Minnelusa Formation, and Minnekahta Formation from water well scout tickets, isopach contours of the Madison Group and Minnelusa Formation, and structure contour maps of the top of the...
Airborne magnetic data are provided here as part of the data release, 'Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Virginia and North Carolina Fall Zone, 2021.' This website includes the processed aeromagnetic data provided in an ascii .csv file and a geoTIFF image showing the total magnetic intensity. The contractor report is available on the parent page.
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, GeoTIFF, Map Service, Raster; Tags: AASG, Amelia County, Association of State Geologists, Bertie County, Brunswick County, All tags...
This data release provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over Charleston, South Carolina and the surrounding region. These data were collected to better understand earthquake hazards in the Charleston seismic zone by imaging structural features in the crystalline basement and to image heavy mineral sands containing titanium, zirconium, and rare earth elements using radiometric data (gamma spectrometry), which is sensitive to thorium in monazite. This survey represents a collaborative effort by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program, Mineral Resources Program, National Cooperative Mapping Program, and Earth Mapping Resource Initiative...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Berkeley County, Charleston, Charleston County, Clarendon County, Colleton County, All tags...
This digital data release contains spatial datasets of bedrock geology, volcanic ash bed locations, test hole locations, bedrock outcrops, and structure contours of the top of bedrock and the base of the Ogallala Group from a previously published map (Souders, 2000). The GeologicMap feature dataset contains separate feature classes for the Ogallala Group map unit (ContactsAndFaults and MapUnitPolys) and the underlying pre-Ogallala bedrock map units (ContactsAndFaults_Bedrock and MapUnitPolys_Bedrock). The VolcanicAshBedPoints feature class contains the locations of volcanic ash beds within the Ogallala Group. The contours depicting the elevation of the top of bedrock (top of Ogallala Group where present and top...
This digital GIS dataset and accompanying nonspatial files synthesize model outputs from a regional-scale volumetric 3-D geologic model that portrays the generalized subsurface geology of the Powder River Basin and Williston Basin regions from a wide variety of input data sources. The study area includes the Hartville Uplift, Laramie Range, Bighorn Mountains, Powder River Basin, and Williston Basin. The model data released here consist of the stratigraphic contact elevation of major Phanerozoic sedimentary units that broadly define the geometry of the subsurface, the elevation of Tertiary intrusive and Precambrian basement rocks, and point data that illustrate an estimation of the three-dimensional geometry of fault...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Bakken Formation, Bearpaw Shale, Belle Fourche Shale, Big Snowy Group, Bighorn Uplift, All tags...
Airborne magnetic gradiometry data are provided here as part of the data release, "Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Charleston, South Carolina and surrounds, 2019." This data release includes the processed aeromagnetic horizontal gradiometry flight line data provided in an ascii .csv file and a geoTIFF image showing the magnetic intensity in nanoTeslas (nT). The contractor report and deliverables package are available on the parent page, These data were collected as part of a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over Charleston, South Carolina and the surrounding region with a goal of better understanding earthquake hazards in the Charleston seismic...
Images were collected using a remotely piloted unoccupied aerial system over the bluffs of the eastern shore of Lake Michigan in St. Joseph rural residential area, Allegan County, MI. The digital imagery was collected with the internal camera of a DJI Phantom 3 PRO for 2019 data and DJI Phantom 4 PRO for 2021 data that was operated by the University of Toledo. on July 13, 2021. They cover an extent between the intersection of Lakeshore Dr. with Lakeshore Road to the north, and South Lakeshore Dr. to the south. Images were collected to monitor active bluff erosion in the area. The images are presented here in zipped files grouped by type of collection, nadir and oblique. The images were collected in .jpg format with...
Airborne magnetic data are provided here as part of the data release "Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, western Arkansas, 2022." This website includes the processed aeromagnetic data provided in an ASCII .csv file and geoTIFF images showing the total magnetic intensity and derivative products, including the first and second vertical derivatives, residual magnetics, and reduced-to-pole magnetics.
This data release provides a generalized lithology look-up table for the lithogeochemical classification of Vermont's bedrock geologic map units. The table is defined from the mapped bedrock geologic units published by Ratcliffe and others (2011) and the generalized lithology of rock group A and rock group B for lithogeochemical classification as defined by Robinson and Kapo (2003). The 2003 classification was created for all six New England states and Vermont's geologic units were based on an older, less detailed, bedrock map of Vermont by Doll and others (1961). The new data table in this data release is designed to be joined with the published attribute table from the 2011 map database, as part of the bedrock...

map background search result map search result map Digital Data for the Geologic Map of the Central Beaverhead Mountains, Lemhi County, Idaho, and Beaverhead County, Montana Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Charleston, South Carolina and surrounds, 2019 Airborne magnetic flight line data, Charleston, South Carolina and surrounds, 2019 Structure-from-Motion photos and derived point clouds from bluffs in Miami Park, MI, July 19, 2021 Structure-from-Motion point clouds from Miami Park surveys, MI, July 19, 2021 Digital photographs of bluffs using a remotely piloted unoccupied aerial system in St. Joseph, MI, July 8, 2019 and July 13, 2021 Structure-from-Motion point clouds from St. Joseph surveys, MI, July 13, 2021 Digital database of the previously published map showing geology, structure, and oil and gas fields in the Sterling 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas Digital database of the previously published Geologic maps and cross sections showing configurations of bedrock surfaces, Broken Bow 1° x 2° quadrangle, east-central Nebraska Airborne magnetic flight line data, Virginia and North Carolina Fall Zone, 2021 Digital subsurface database of previously published well tops, structural features, and contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Formation, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Group, and Deadwood Formation, Black Hills region, South Dakota and Wyoming Digital database of the previously published geologic map of the greater Denver area, Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado Airborne magnetic flight line data, western Arkansas, 2022 Airborne radiometric flight line data, western Arkansas, 2022 Structure-from-Motion derived point clouds and orthomosaic images of reference sections of the Brallier and Foreknobs Formations, Baker, WV Generalized lithology for lithogeochemical classification of the bedrock of Vermont High-resolution airborne magnetic survey of the Republic Graben, Okanogan and Kettle metamorphic core complexes, Kootenay Arc and surrounding regions, Northeastern Washington Science Data Catalog submission - USGS:366411b4-98bc-41f7-876b-778f91aff6b6 Digital database of a 3D Geological Model of the Powder River Basin and Williston Basin Regions, USA Geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Eastern Blue Ridge of Virginia and North Carolina Structure-from-Motion photos and derived point clouds from bluffs in Miami Park, MI, July 19, 2021 Structure-from-Motion point clouds from Miami Park surveys, MI, July 19, 2021 Digital photographs of bluffs using a remotely piloted unoccupied aerial system in St. Joseph, MI, July 8, 2019 and July 13, 2021 Structure-from-Motion point clouds from St. Joseph surveys, MI, July 13, 2021 Structure-from-Motion derived point clouds and orthomosaic images of reference sections of the Brallier and Foreknobs Formations, Baker, WV Digital Data for the Geologic Map of the Central Beaverhead Mountains, Lemhi County, Idaho, and Beaverhead County, Montana Digital database of the previously published geologic map of the greater Denver area, Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado Airborne magnetic flight line data, western Arkansas, 2022 Airborne radiometric flight line data, western Arkansas, 2022 Digital database of the previously published Geologic maps and cross sections showing configurations of bedrock surfaces, Broken Bow 1° x 2° quadrangle, east-central Nebraska Digital database of the previously published map showing geology, structure, and oil and gas fields in the Sterling 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas Digital subsurface database of previously published well tops, structural features, and contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Formation, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Group, and Deadwood Formation, Black Hills region, South Dakota and Wyoming Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Charleston, South Carolina and surrounds, 2019 Airborne magnetic flight line data, Charleston, South Carolina and surrounds, 2019 Airborne magnetic flight line data, Virginia and North Carolina Fall Zone, 2021 High-resolution airborne magnetic survey of the Republic Graben, Okanogan and Kettle metamorphic core complexes, Kootenay Arc and surrounding regions, Northeastern Washington Generalized lithology for lithogeochemical classification of the bedrock of Vermont Geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Eastern Blue Ridge of Virginia and North Carolina Digital database of a 3D Geological Model of the Powder River Basin and Williston Basin Regions, USA Science Data Catalog submission - USGS:366411b4-98bc-41f7-876b-778f91aff6b6