Filters: Tags: NHDPlusV1 (X)
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A subset of files from within processing region 6 of the NHDPlus Version 1. Although reorganized, the files within the attachments are unaltered from the NHDPlus Version 1 (see acquisition date listed within this metadata). This item links to python code used to generate the item.
A subset of files from within processing region 4 of the NHDPlus Version 1. Although reorganized, the files within the attachments are unaltered from the NHDPlus Version 1 (see acquisition date listed within this metadata). This item links to python code used to generate the item.
Fishes of the Upper Colorado River Basin have one of the highest levels of endemism in the United States. The range and abundance of these fish has declined over the last century and continues to decline as a result of legacy impacts from past management practices, current water management, interactions with non-natives, and other impacts. Seven of these fish are considered imperiled by the American Fisheries Society and four are listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. We applied a complementarity-based approach to develop priority ranks (0 – 1; low to high) for catchments in the Upper Colorado River Basin. We used methods and a framework that we had previously developed for the Lower Colorado...
This ArcGIS Map Package contains information on brook trout occupancy in the southern portion of the brook trout range (PA and south). Fish sample data from a number of state and federal agencies/organizations were used to define patches for brook trout as groups of occupied contiguous catchment polygons from the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) catchment GIS layer. After defining patches, NHDPlusV1 catchments were assigned occupancy codes. Then state and federal agencies reviewed patches and codes to verify data accuracy. A similar effort is currently being conducted by the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture to develop occupancy data for the remainder of the brook trout range including states...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS Map Package,
ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Biological Data,
Direct habitat alteration,
FHP Product,
A subset of files from within processing region 17 of the NHDPlus Version 1. Although reorganized, the files within the attachments are unaltered from the NHDPlus Version 1 (see acquisition date listed within this metadata). This item links to python code used to generate the item.
This CSV file contains cumulative fish habitat condition index (HCI) scores generated for river reaches of the conterminous United States as well as indices generated specifically for four spatial units including local and network catchments and 90 m local and network buffers of river reaches. Note that the cumulative HCI score is determined from limiting index scores generated for the four spatial units listed above. Detailed methods for calculating cumulative fish habitat condition index scores as well as the indices for each spatial extent can be found on the following website: The variables used to create indices in catchments vs. buffers differ due to differences in resolution...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: 2015 National Assessment,
2015 National Assessment,
Anthropogenic factors,
Aquatic habitats,
A subset of files from within processing region 12 of the NHDPlus Version 1. Although reorganized, the files within the attachments are unaltered from the NHDPlus Version 1 (see acquisition date listed within this metadata). This item links to python code used to generate the item.
A subset of files from within processing region 16 of the NHDPlus Version 1. Although reorganized, the files within the attachments are unaltered from the NHDPlus Version 1 (see acquisition date listed within this metadata). This item links to python code used to generate the item.
Abstract (from The growing quality and availability of spatial map layers (e.g., climate, geology, and land use) allow stream studies, which historically have occurred over small areas like a single watershed or stream reach, to increasingly explore questions from a landscape perspective. This large-scale perspective for fluvial studies depends on the ability to characterize influences on streams resulting from throughout entire upstream networks or catchments. While acquiring upstream information for a single reach is relatively straight-forward, this process becomes demanding when attempting to obtain summaries for all streams throughout a stream network and across...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Aggregation,
Digitized stream network,
Habitat Characterization,
Landscape information,
This CSV file contains 21 dam metrics representing stream fragmentation and flow alteration for nearly 2.3 million stream reaches in the conterminous USA. Dam metrics fall into four main categories: segment-based, count and density, distance-based, and cumulative reservoir storage (described below). These data were developed using spatially verified large dam locations (n=49,468) primarily from the National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset (NABD) that were spatially linked to the National Hydrography Dataset Plus version 1 (NHDPlusV1). These dam metrics have been summarized using the unique identifier field native to the NHDPlusV1 (COMID) which can be used to join this table to spatial layers and data tables of the...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: 2015 National Assessment,
2015 National Assessment,
2015 National Assessment,
This CSV file contains landscape factors representing anthropogenic disturbances to stream habitats summarized within local and network stream catchments as well as 90 m local and network buffer of stream reaches throughout the conterminous U.S. The source datasets compiled and attributed to spatial units were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fluvial fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) broadly representative of conditions in the past 10 years, and (4) of sufficient spatial resolution that they could be used to make valid comparisons among local catchment units. Variables summarized at the catchment scale include measures of anthropogenic...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Alabama,
Anthropogenic factors,
A subset of files from within processing region 18 of the NHDPlus Version 1. Although reorganized, the files within the attachments are unaltered from the NHDPlus Version 1 (see acquisition date listed within this metadata). This item links to python code used to generate the item.
This geodatabase contains 90 meter buffers of streams within the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1). These buffers were developed by converting NHDPlusV1 flowlines to a 30m grid, then running a euclidean allocation function in ArcPy to generate buffer zones. For flowlines representing artificial paths within NHD area river polygons, buffers extend from the outside edges ("banks") of the polygon outward. The source code for buffer development can be found at
Types: Citation;
Tags: 2015 National Assessment,
2015 National Assessment,
This geodatabase contains information on brook trout occupancy in the southern portion of the brook trout range (PA and south). Fish sample data from a number of state and federal agencies/organizations were used to define patches for brook trout as groups of occupied contiguous catchment polygons from the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) catchment GIS layer. After defining patches, NHDPlusV1 catchments were assigned occupancy codes. Then state and federal agencies reviewed patches and codes to verify data accuracy. A similar effort is currently being conducted by the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture to develop occupancy data for the remainder of the brook trout range including states of...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Biological Data,
FHP Product,
Habitat Characterization,
Conservation rank data for each drainage catchments in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Some smaller catchments were not ranked. Catchments are the drainage area (local watersheds) for each individual stream segment within the 1:100,000 scale National Hydrography Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) dataset. The NHDplus catchments have been ranked (valued) based on the representation of native fish species given the threats to their persistence (i.e., non-native fish species, land use, and habitat fragmentation). The ranking process placed importance on areas with several native species as well as areas important to individual species with restricted distributions and so is not simply a species “hot spot” assessment. Catchments...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: DFHP,
FHP Product,
Habitat Characterization,
NFHP Cooperator,
This geodatabase contains a comparable set of community fish samples from 12 sources, spanning the conterminous United States. The data were compiled through efforts of Michigan State University for the 2010 National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP) and with support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Aquatic GAP Program. All fish sample locations were verified and linked to flowlines of the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) using the COMID identifier. Fish records were provided by the following organizations and agencies: USGS, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Iowa Department of Natural...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: 2010 National Assessment,
2010 National Assessment,
Abundance (organisms),
A subset of files from within processing region 1 of the NHDPlus Version 1. Although reorganized, the files within the attachments are unaltered from the NHDPlus Version 1 (see acquisition date listed within this metadata). This item links to python code used to generate the item.
A subset of files from within processing region 13 of the NHDPlus Version 1. Although reorganized, the files within the attachments are unaltered from the NHDPlus Version 1 (see acquisition date listed within this metadata). This item links to python code used to generate the item.
A subset of files from within processing region 9 of the NHDPlus Version 1. Although reorganized, the files within the attachments are unaltered from the NHDPlus Version 1 (see acquisition date listed within this metadata). This item links to python code used to generate the item.
Conservation priority ranks and threat metrics for each drainage catchment in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Catchments are the drainage area (local watersheds) for each individual stream segment within the 1:100,000 scale National Hydrography Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) dataset. Catchments are assigned conservation priority ranks (C_ConsVal) between 0 - 1 with 1 being the highest priority.
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Habitat Characterization,
NFHP Cooperator,
Regional Assessment,
Spatial Data,